Depending on the core molds used in the manufacture of the units, face shells and webs may be tapered with a flare at one end, or may have a straight taper from top to bottom. W = Nominal unit width, in. But in many cases, it is left exposed. Reinforcement is placed into horizontal and vertical cavities as needed, with grout placed around it. Also see A-block , breeze block , cinder block , concrete block , concrete brick , etc. The graphic below shows the difference between nominal and actual sizes. The walls of Twenhofel are double-wythe masonry, consisting of CMU backup and an exterior clay brick finish with 1½ inches of insulation in between for an R-15 rating. Typically Concrete Product Producers manufacture their CMU’s out of locally available aggregates. With the variety of shapes and sizes available, they can be used as part of an attractive exterior design, as well as to add interest to interior walls. Walls that contain one vertical layer of units are called single wythe and two layers are double wythe. It can contain recycled materials. Concrete Masonry Screen Walls, TEK 3-16A, National Concrete Masonry Association, 2016. The Brick Industry Association also publishes technical notes for clay masonry (brick). The typical concrete masonry unit is a rectangular block manufactured of Portland cement and an aggregate, most often sand or filtered gravel. MacGillivray Masonry and General Contractors constructed a concrete masonry house in Springfield, Ohio, which is located approximately 40 miles west of Columbus. We carry ready mix concretes, standard concrete mixes, cement mixes and other masonry mixes. This Masonry Unit Database (MUD) is provided to the AEC community by the International Building Information Modeling for Masonry Initiative (BIM-M). Masonry has its own code requirements. The nominal dimension of a CMU is the actual dimensionplus the width of the mortar joint. The American Concrete Institute. (9.5 mm) less than nominal dimensions, so that a 4 or 8 in. Bevelled-end units, forming a 45° angle with the face of the unit, are used to form walls intersecting at 135° angles. The backbone of this school is concrete masonry. Horizontal bond beam reinforcement is easily accommodated in these units. And because these projects tend to be tall, thin, and closely situated to property lines, the inherent strength, fire resistance, and noise abatement of CMUs provide an economical solution. Units in adjacent courses overlap to form a running bond pattern at the corner. The tough exterior of exposed units provides a durable finish in demanding environments. There are many helpful tools for designing and building with masonry. The various shapes and sizes of concrete masonry units described above are often available in a choice of surface finishes. Lighter weight units are made with lightweight aggregate to help provide added thermal resistance. Infill sites are neglected public spaces and clusters of vacant or nearly-empty buildings and land in either urban or suburban communities. Standard Specification for Loadbearing Concrete Masonry Units, ASTM C90 (ref. Insulating inserts can also be incorporated into standard concrete masonry units to increase energy efficiency. Concrete blocks can be made in various colour, finish, shapes and size. BIM-M represents the masonry industry in the United States and portions of Canada. If you have questions about specific products or services we provide, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Joint reinforcement may be used along mortar joints to help control cracking in the wall. This construction, along with many other energy-efficient features, results in 31 percent less energy usage than an average Kentucky school. Nominal dimensions refer to the module size for planning bond patterns and modular layout with respect to door and window openings. 80 lb. Units are held together by mortar. Typically, the face shells and webs are tapered on concrete masonry units. Concrete block masonry walls use recycled materials that don’t contain any harsh chemicals that will negatively affect your health or the health of the environment. (102 3 or 203 mm) module is maintained with /8 in. They place mortar between units to tie them together. The building itself has monitors and transparent panels as a way to place a focus on building operations and teach about sustainability and energy efficient design and operation. Date: January 2015 Please use this Bulletin as a guide when specifying concrete masonry units (CMUs). 2/ft2 (mm2/m2) Finishes are often simplified when using masonry. (406 mm), available in nominal thicknesses of 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, and 16 in. Architectural Concrete Masonry Units, TEK 2-3B, National Concrete Masonry Association, 2017. Concrete masonry blocks are generally made of cement, aggregate and water. In addition, masonry walls can be insulated in a wide variety of ways. Use the All CMU Products Search to find a specific product, or choose one of the featured product types below. They address materials, labor, design, and construction. Open-ended units allow the units to be threaded around reinforcing bars. It is either solid or hollow and formed from a mixture of cement, aggregate and water. The National Concrete Masonry Association has online technical publication known as TEK sheets and details for concrete masonry. In the United States, concrete masonry units (which are also referred to as concrete block, cement block and foundation block) is a large, rectangular brick used in construction. Synonym : concrete block In addition, the interior face shell of the unit can be made thicker than a typical face shell for increased thermal storage, and hence further increase energy efficiency. 2, 3) governs materials and assemblies used for structural fire resistance and fire-rated separation of adjacent spaces. Standard Specification for Loadbearing Concrete Masonry Units, ASTM C90-16, ASTM International, 2016. Bull-nosed units are available with either a single or double bull nose, to soften corners. Founded in 1904 and headquartered in Farmington Hills, Michigan, USA, the American Concrete Institute is a leading authority and resource worldwide for the development, dissemination, and adoption of its consensus-based standards, technical resources, educational programs, and proven expertise for individuals and organizations involved in concrete … You can even use our concrete calculator to find the perfect concrete mix ratio and ensure there's no waste. For a given unit configuration, the fire resistance of a concrete masonry wall increases as the concrete density decreases. © 2019 Portland Cement Association. Screen units are available in many sizes and patterns (ref. (102, 152, 203, 254, 305, 356, and 406 mm). These aggregates when mixed with cement and water produce the specific block physical properties inherent to the locally available aggregates. And architects often prefer the aesthetic appeal of masonry to many other finishes. Door and window openings are positioned to minimize cutting of units. Standard Test Methods for Sampling and Testing Concrete Masonry Units and Related Units, ASTM C140/C140M-16, ASTM International, 2016. Anchors, plates, and other items that are common with other construction are used in masonry, too. (mm) Concrete Masonry Units 17 Section Properties: Net Area NCMA TEK 14-1B Section Properties of Concrete Masonry Walls Based on face shell bedding and minimum dimensions Grout Spacing Nominal Wythe Thickness (in. Although the development is expected to include a broad range of Factories through the country manufactured concrete masonry units, adding to local economies and meeting sustainable criteria for availability. Overall unit dimensions (width, height, and length) are permitted to vary 1 by ± / in. On constricted sites or between buildings, this is helpful. concrete masonry unit (cmu) block sampling and testing Sampling and testing of CMU block is not always required, however, when it is there is often confusion as to how much material should be sampled and how long the testing will take. Pilaster and column units are used to easily accommodate a wall-column or wall- pilaster interface, allowing space for vertical reinforcement in the hollow center. During the past 100 years, manufacture of concrete masonry units (CMU) transitioned from a hand cast process to a highly automated one. The nominal dimension works within the 4" grid that other construction materials follow. Glazed Masonry Glazed units are pre-faced architectural concrete masonry blocks that have a thermoset glazing compound permanently molded to one or more faces. Acoustical units (Figure 5) dampens sound, thus improving the noise reduction attributes of an interior space. Masonry construction is energy efficient, providing thermal mass to help moderate temperature in buildings. This eliminates the need to lift units over the top of the reinforcing bar, or to thread the reinforcement through the masonry cores after the wall is constructed. TEK 2-3A Architectural Concrete Masonry Units. The benefit of keeping the insulation inside the wall is that the masonry faces are quite durable. As with brick, CMUs have actual dimensions and nominal dimensions. A number of other groups such as The Masonry Society publish guides and other documents used for the design and construction of masonry. 4 3.625 6 5.625 8 7.625 10 9.625 12 11.625 Net Area (in2/ft) No grout 48 in o.c. In addition, because of its modular nature, different concrete masonry units can be … The use of “Underwriters Laboratories” Fire Rated Concrete Masonry Units is a necessity in all fire rated assemblies. © 2020 NATIONAL CONCRETE MASONRY ASSOCIATION. Concrete masonry is widely specified for fire walls and fire barriers because concrete masonry is noncombustible, provides durable fire resistance, and is economical to construct. When wythes are separated by a continuous vertical space, the assembly is known as a cavity wall. They are available in solid and hollow forms. It’s hard to determine which attribute of CMU is its best. These aspects often contribute toward credits in green rating systems. Figure 3 shows units developed for specific wall applications. Just add the materials in a concrete mixer, grab your concrete or bricklaying tools and get ready to work. Where 8 required, units may be manufactured to closer tolerances than those stipulated by ASTM C90. The thickness acts as great insulation, reducing energy use and reducing the needs to harvest lumber. Concrete masonry units are commonly known as cement blocks. They find application in interior use, because of its higher fire rating and better sound absorbing properties. The ability to use the facility as a teaching tool encourages conservation among occupants, teachers, administrators, and students alike. The net cross-sectional area of a solid unit is at least 75% of the gross cross-sectional area. Concrete Mix can be used Quikrete 80 lb. In addition to these standard sizes, other unit heights, lengths, and thicknesses may be available from local concrete masonry producers. Bond beam units are either manufactured with reduced webs or with “knock-out” webs, which are removed prior to unit placement in the wall. (mm) The database is intended to provide designers and BIM users standardized data for their models. (203 mm) long units, which are typically used adjacent to openings or at the ends or corner of a wall. A variety of concrete masonry units are designed to increase energy efficiency. All rights reserved. Concrete masonry unit shapes have been developed for a wide variety of applications. All types of low-rise buildings are made with these materials, from residential to educational to commercial and industrial. Like most walls with thermal mass, these masonry sections perform better than their apparent R-value. They are manufactured throughout the country, adding to local economies and meeting sustainable criteria for availability. (102 mm) width for veneer applications. It is made from local materials and usually shipped short distances to a project. They have one table for clay masonry and one for concrete masonry and each give the compressive strength of the assembly based on the strength of the unit and the type of mortar. It may be more labor intensive than some other concrete construction, but materials are literally available off the shelf and this is advantageous because there is less chance for time delays waiting for special orders. Concrete masonry units are a versatile, environmentally friendly building product that can be used for a wide variety of applications. Units are stiff enough to hold their shape as they enter the curing chamber. CONCRETE UNIT MASONRY 04 22 00 - 1 . Walls, within and between them, are tied together with reinforcement. Other accessories may be needed to promote proper drainage, attach finishes, and otherwise complete the wall. Concrete masonry units are manufactured from very dry, stiff concrete mixtures. Certain concrete masonry sizes and shapes are considered standard, while others are popular only in certain regions. (9.5 mm) mortar joints. To obtain product samples of any of our CMUs contact a Calstone representative at 1 (408) 984-8800. This allows the unit to be easily split on the jobsite, producing two 8 in. There is a geothermal HVAC system, increased glazing to improve daylighting and minimize artificial lighting, collection of solar power via a photovoltaic system, and reduced water usage. In 2004, these ideas were not necessarily revolutionary, but neither had they been the focus of school administrators prior to that time. CMU are modular. Concrete masonry is one of the most versatile building products available because of the wide variety of appearances that can be achieved using concrete masonry units. (203 x 203 x 406 mm) concrete masonry unit. It is most common to build single- or double-wythe walls. The use of “Underwriters Laboratories” Fire Rated Concrete This can be done with plain or architectural units. It has a small carbon footprint in balance with lifestyle common in the area, but functions as a high-performance building. This mix designed for pouring concrete 2 in. Lintel units are similar to bond beam units except the bottom of the unit is solid to confine grout to the lintel. It may vary from one project to another. Concrete masonry units are manufactured from very dry, stiff concrete mixtures. Concrete masonry units (CMU) are an ideal building material for infill projects because there is often no adjacent space available for large equipment or staging areas. Single molds compacted by hand gave way to ganged molds that travel on assembly lines in high-tech manufacturing facilities. Bond beams in concrete masonry walls can be accommodated either by saw-cutting a portion of the webs out of a standard unit, or by using bond beam units. Concrete Masonry Units (CMU) can be used as a veneer cladding system. Concrete masonry is one of the most versatile building products available because of the wide variety of appearances that can be achieved using concrete masonry units. Concrete masonry Hollow Blocks are manufactured with 2150 Kg/m3 concrete density for normal weight blocks and 1100 Kg/m3 concrete density for light-weight concrete blocks. The most common size is a nominal 8-by-8-by-16- inches. (mm). Generally, one reason concrete masonry has been so popular in schools is its durability. Disclaimer: Although care has been taken to ensure the enclosed information is as accurate and complete as possible, NCMA does not assume responsibility for errors or omissions resulting from the use of this TEK. Some finishes are made specifically for durability in moist exposures, like locker rooms, pools, or kitchen or laundry facilities. One recent infill project is an eco-friendly residence in southern California. Typical applications include exterior fences, interior partitions, and openings within interior concrete masonry walls. Concrete masonry units (CMU) are an ideal building material for infill projects because there is often no adjacent space available for large equipment or staging areas. Some of the surfaces are molded into the units during the manufacturing process, while others are applied separately. It can be sealed or painted. The “no-slump” or “low-slump” material is placed into molds, vibrated and compacted, and demolded quickly. Concrete masonry units are manufactured in different sizes, shapes, colors, and textures to achieve a number of finishes and functions. The unit geometry affects the effective or “equivalent” unit thickness. Afterwards, they are palletized and readied for shipping. The glazing compound becomes an integral part of the masonry unit as it is cured and heat-treated in gas-fired tunnel kilns. 1) is the most frequently referenced standard for concrete masonry units. Figure 1 illustrates nominal and specified dimensions for a nominal 8 x 8 x 16 in. They are durable and long lasting, can provide an attractive finish, can be reinforced as needed to meet demanding structural applications, can contain recycled materials, do not require painting or other treatment, contain no volatile organic compounds (VOCs) or other potentially harmful offgassing materials, and provide thermal mass to maintain uniform temperatures. Concrete Masonry Unit - Color Guide Note: Due to the variables in the printing process and actual production of product, colors may vary slightly. This helps walls to carry loads and resist other forces acting on them. Specified 3 dimensions of concrete masonry units are typically /8 in. In addition to the unit sizes above, concrete brick complying with ASTM C1634, Standard Specification for Concrete Facing Brick (ref. From a construction perspective, a nice feature of masonry is that it can be built without much space for staging the construction. 06. Located near Cincinnati, Twenhofel Middle School was one of Kentucky’s first schools to incorporate sustainable building principles and energy conservation measures. ), with actual wall thickness below (in.) Concrete masonry systems (CMS) are familiar to most people because they have been used for such a long time. Spectra Glaze concrete masonry block is an innovative, cost-saving, high performance pre-finished concrete block that has been used to construct all types of structures worldwide. Concrete Mix Quikrete 80 lb. Web areas can be reduced by reducing the web height or thickness, reducing the number of webs, or both. It can be plastered for aesthetics and improved moisture resistance. Architectural masonry is the evolvement of standard gray concrete masonry blocks into aesthetically pleasing concrete masonry units (CMUs). Standard Specification for Concrete Facing Brick, ASTM C1634-15, ASTM International, 2015. In addition, because of its modular nature, different concrete masonry units can be combined within the same wall to achieve variations in texture, pattern, and color. Units are stiff enough to hold their shape as they enter the curing chamber. For years, designers have been specifying an f’m equal to 1500 psi with Type Continue Reading ASTM C90 also defines the difference between hollow and solid concrete masonry units. 5). Masonry requires little machinery for placement: a mason and a trowel are the two main things necessary. Chapter 7 of the International Building Code (IBC) (refs. The fire resistance of concrete masonry walls depends on the geometry of the concrete masonry units, and the density of the concrete block. concrete masonry unit A block or brick cast of portland cement and suitable aggregate, with or without admixtures, and intended for laying up with other units as in normal stone masonry construction. Notes are interspersed throughout to offer explanations or guidance, and indications on whether to keep certain items.] That’s good for the environment and is a direct savings to the school’s bottom line. Lintel units are available in various depths to carry appropriate lintel loads over door and window openings. These building blocks are made from concrete. Hard surfaces stand up to wear and tear that is so common in schools and other high usage areas. These units, examples of which are shown in Figure 4, may have reduced web areas to reduce heat flow through the webs. Typically, concrete masonry units have nominal face dimensions of 8 in. Certainly, the fact that these are non-combustible is very important. Hollow blocks are the most commonly used masonry unit. The use of “Underwriters Laboratories” Fire Rated Concrete Masonry Units is a necessity in all fire rated assemblies. The nominal dimensions of concrete masonry block vary as follows: Length: 400 or 500 or 600mm; Width: 200 or 100mm The house is the first in a 36-unit development, which is planned to be completely made-up of concrete masonry homes. Afterwards, they are palletized and readied for shipping. More than five years of research and development have gone into this new, unique CMU unit which demonstrates increased energy efficiency, safety and productivity in both the manufacturing process and installation by masons. Spectra Glaze offers a wide variety of colors, and is resistant to soiling, chemicals, marking, impact, abrasion and much more. concrete masonry unit (複数形 concrete masonry units) ( construction ) A rectangular concrete block of a standard size used in construction . Beyond the energy efficient envelope, this school is designed with a whole array of features that focus on performance. Local manufacturers can provide detailed information on specific products, or the feasibility of producing custom units. Some common unit configurations are shown in Figure 2. A Code and Specification jointly published by The Masonry Society, American Concrete Institute, and the Structural Engineering Institute of the American Society of Civil Engineers are written as legal documents so that they may be adopted by reference in general building codes. The finished appearance of a concrete masonry wall can be varied with the size of units, shape of units, color of units and mortar, bond pattern, and surface finish of the units. Typical CMU mortar joints are 3/8". For more information on architectural surface finishes, see TEK 2-3A Architectural Concrete Masonry Units (ref. The excellent results achieved with Twenhofel have only increased the district’s efforts to do more of the same. Concrete Masonry Units Angelus Block offers an enormous selection of cmu for every application: from leading-edge architectural masonry to utilitarian structural solutions. 40 in o.c. Veneer units are typically 4” wide x 8” high x 16” long (nominal dimensions).
Concrete masonry unit