Brenda D. Forman. She was sworn into office in January 2017 and was the first African American and the first elected female clerk in the history of the Broward County Clerk of Court's Office, according to the city's website. “Sharing Hitler's words, especially when you do not clearly frame why you are doing so, can be so dangerous.”, Forman released an apology on Thursday, saying she takes “full responsibility for resharing this un acceptable post.”, “In retrospect, there were better ways I could have expressed my thoughts on how important it is for our society to work together to ensure that no one is deprived of their rights,” Forman wrote. Howard and I have been friends for 35+ years. # of forclosures: unknown from a thirty year pension base–13%. It’s a shame such a well respected man and politician has to endure this oportunist who played him like we all knew she would. The printers were donated by the Guardianship Association for use by the guardianship lawyers for their benefit. The fact that Brenda won is good for Howard. 9 hours ago. Of course, if that is if it what really happened? Folks ought to be really careful to keep their ugliest thoughts to themselves. well it’s not even good enough quality to mention. Click here to read the survey answers. Now she has to be taught a lesson. The Broward Social Network. The reality is that he hadn’t been running that office for years, he was there in a ceremonial capacity at best. Brenda Forman won the election and took office with a salary of $178,865. Haters gonna hate hate hate She “employed” or married him and put him on the streets to bring him that cheese. People don’t pay enough attention to local issues or candidates and will fall for a misleading message every time. Andrew Jacobs, rabbi at Ramat Shalom Synagogue in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., wrote in a post that he reached out to Forman after seeing the image shared without context. The only reason she won is because her campaign was based on her husband name. You couldn’t begin to hold a candle to her. “I sincerely apologize to the Jewish community,” she wrote in a statement posted to Facebook, adding that she deeply regrets “the pain that it has caused to members of your community. That leaves incumbent Brenda Forman running against two former judges: Paul Backman, who spent a year following his retirement from the bench planning his … You and your faux job are going to come to an end. Iris Siples the loser and she deserve it for trying to control everybody all the time. “Its delay, delay, delay…I’m alleging that Brenda Forman is purposely trying to delay the process,” says lawyer James Stark, who represents Howard Forman. Brenda Forman outsmarted them all. Let’s be clear that whoever is using initials (RMLewis) on this blog need to stop being a coward, stop throwing the rock and hiding your hand and say who you are. Calculating…=Brenda Foreman, or whoever she is. Brenda Forman should be absolutely ashamed of herself. I saw them together many times and there is no question they loved one another. It was so obvious that you had an agenda from the get go. Stern and the others never called Brenda out as unqualified when she ran. Wrongful demotions, Misclassifications, and Retaliation. That the team of Dan Lewis and Mitch Ceaser couldn’t beat Brenda Forman shows how awful their campaign really was. Do I have to switch over to her crazy ass church and drink the kool-aid there? I can tell by your format, grammar and the lack of knowledge for the English language………. Did your God tell you to do that too????? There must be two of us with the same initials.And Im not sorry for what I said. FLSA. @49, things were being said…..behind his back. Brenda is an unqualified, unrefined woman who has a nasty temper when she doesn’t get her way. The Brenda Forman who I know LOVES and cares for her husband and it’s the haters out there who has a problem with her and their marriage. She even used his sign design with the green letters. 26% Elizabeth McHugh, This should have been a runaway victory for Elizabeth McHugh, who was by far the best qualified and the most competent candidate. That the team of Dan Lewis and Mitch Ceaser couldn’t beat Brenda Forman shows how awful their campaign really was. Amend. Everyone who was around Howard and Brenda over the course of several years observed that he seemed happier then he had been in years. Two open investigations are ongoing. He’s a stud and she’s hot. COMING TO STERN FROM BRENDA FORMAN’S CLERKS OFFICE…, Brenda Forman: Brenda Forman was elected to the Broward County Clerk of Courts Office in November 2016. So to all the commenters who are defending poor Iris, or suggesting some sense of vindication, didn’t you notice or care that Howard was happy? It will all be done quiet we think. "I was honored to provide back packs with school supplies to some of the students at Davie Elementary School during these challenging economic times. We all new this was coming, surprised it took her 5 months. Episode 56: High Crimes and Misdemeanors | William Belknap and Brenda Forman January 20th, 2021 | Season 2 | 59 mins 33 secs # of marriages: unknown She will have a harder time getting her hooks into his money because she has a $160k income. It is not going to play well in court. Attorneys for Clerk Brenda Forman filed a notice this week that is a first step in asking the Supreme Court to decide the issue, according to documents posted Friday on the court’s website. On who’s dime? A Florida county court official apologized for sharing a Facebook post that falsely attributed a quote to Adolf Hitler. It’s not over and Howard will come out on top. The pool for old Jewish guys is drying up quickly. 30% Mitch Ceasar This will expose more the incestuous political structure of the Democ”rat’s” running the courthouse trough. Time to give the seat back to a REAL professional clerk. Florida Reps. Alcee HastingsAlcee (Judge) Lamar HastingsInauguration parties lose the glitz and glamour in 2021 Questions and answers about the Electoral College challenges COVID-19 is wild card as Pelosi faces tricky Speaker vote Sunday MORE (D), Debbie Wasserman SchultzDeborah (Debbie) Wasserman SchultzLIVE COVERAGE: House debates removing Greene from committees House to vote Thursday to drop Greene from all committees GOP lawmaker pushes measure to remove Omar from Foreign Affairs panel MORE (D), Ted DeutchTheodore (Ted) Eliot DeutchLIVE COVERAGE: House debates removing Greene from committees Top House Republican suggests Ethics panel should review Greene committee assignments Lawmakers offer competing priorities for infrastructure plans MORE (D) and Frederica WilsonFrederica Patricia WilsonAn attack on America that's divided Congress — and a nation Capitol Police report warned that Congress could be targeted three days before riot Democrats point fingers on whether Capitol rioters had inside help MORE (D) said Wednesday that it is “repulsive that she would amplify the supposed ‘wisdom’ from the world’s most heinous mass murderer, anti-Semite, and white supremacist.”. 2. This is a story as old as time and one that will be remembered on Sistrunk Blvd.for years to come. She could never approach being the woman Susan was. One from Brenda D. Forman. Her color has nothing to do with it. In her campaign, Brenda Forman did not have the backing of the political establishment and capitalized on her husband’s name to win office. Falling under the Teamsters Union, the Graphic Communications International Union (GCIU) governs union print shops in Florida. Be going down. If the pension pays $125,000 she is entitled to half of that 13% which is about $ 9300 . Who are you all kidding? Oh my futuristic friend how naive are you or do you have a a genetic interest in the Madam’s legacy? I knew Susan well and thought the world of her. These are things citied could be immediately remedied short of the remedy sought.”, But like so many breakups of married couples, this nasty spat is the classic “he said, she said.”. Look what she did with his phenomenal life, career, money and reputation. Type Amend Amount; Seq# 1. Relationship Status: another divorce FOLLOW THE MONEY OR LACK THEREOF (ANYMORE?) Nobody fed him, took him on vacations, etc…and speaking of Sipple who vacationed 3/4 of the year and hired all her relatuves making over $100k. Hail to the Queen and may she reign always as usual. Brenda Forman is my mother and I will no longer put up with this. Sooooooo, now she “Brenda” is attempting to have Howard declared unfit and she be his guardian. I can’t wait to “get with her”. BROWARD COUNTY, Fla. – Broward Clerk of Courts Brenda Forman posted a quote attributed to Adolf Hitler earlier this week on her social media account. Probably campaigned harder for Brenda than he did for himself. An enduring perception about Broward County is that too many voters are basically clueless. Don’t feel sorry for Foreman, he cuddled up with Madam Clerk for the price she demanded and he gladly paid Fancy, “To Thine own self be true”…Meanwhile, Queen Iris Siple showed grace and elegance. When was her Glamour Shots website photo from, 20 years ago? Let me educate you….its FORMAN!! The truth is Iris thought after all her years of sleeping with Howard she’d be in line to run for clerk, but she waiting too long and Brenda came along. The Hill 1625 K Street, NW Suite 900 Washington DC 20006 | 202-628-8500 tel | 202-628-8503 fax. Defending her involvement and commitment to the community, wife of incumbent Howard C. Forman, Brenda D. Forman, is running for the 2016 seat. And, acorns do not far from those trees!! Brenda Forman is nothing more than a low-life, opportunist, gold-digger who used Howard to get elected and then turned on him. Iris was rarely at work and when she did bother to schlep herself in for part of a day she was nasty and disrespectful to everyone there. Clerk office glad shes gone Iris was nasty mean except with her favorites and the daughter she hired. New Passport Office opens in the Broward County Central Courthouse. Nobody can blame her Iris had no business in that. The post quickly started gaining criticism, and Forman deleted it on Tuesday night without acknowledging it, according to the outlet. Someone should see if the rumors are true that Ms. Leslie may have donated 3 fancy printers to the 3 probate Judges and one Judge may have used one of the printers before someone realized it may have been inappropriate to accept the printers from an attorney who often practices in the probate division. The contents of this site are ©2021 Capitol Hill Publishing Corp., a subsidiary of News Communications, Inc. Inauguration parties lose the glitz and glamour in 2021, Questions and answers about the Electoral College challenges, COVID-19 is wild card as Pelosi faces tricky Speaker vote Sunday, LIVE COVERAGE: House debates removing Greene from committees, House to vote Thursday to drop Greene from all committees, GOP lawmaker pushes measure to remove Omar from Foreign Affairs panel, Top House Republican suggests Ethics panel should review Greene committee assignments, Lawmakers offer competing priorities for infrastructure plans, An attack on America that's divided Congress — and a nation, Capitol Police report warned that Congress could be targeted three days before riot, Democrats point fingers on whether Capitol rioters had inside help, Journalist Zaid Jilani: Expansions of voting rights have made Georgia competitive again, Former Ocasio-Cortez spokesperson: Manchin, Sinema should be primaried if 'they're going to stand in the way of progress', Starbucks, Chase and a small pizzeria form a unique business triangle in Washington, DC. She only brought it up right after she won election with HIS HELP. The document lists his assets as containing a 50 percent interest in a home valued at 200k, a checking  account of $6,900, a second checking account of $6,400 and a saving account of $5,100. According to numerous sources sympathetic to Howard Forman, Brenda Forman was allegedly drugging her husband with medication. People should not automatically assume that Brenda Forman is wrong.Maybe she is right and Howard suddenly got dementia.No mention it during the campaign, where he was out every night meeting voters. It was never my intention to hurt or offend anyone.”. Candidate to Themselves. Possible outcomes: charges of elder abuse, ethics violations, fraud… Meant: Rotted acorns do not fall far from those rotted trees!! And you’re right, Brenda will be “ok” if she’s into orange and metal bracelets!!!! Forman, 62, and the Florida Commission on Ethics reached a proposed agreement in which she will pay a $5,000 fine for apparently blurring her financial assets and debts … She will never be Susan Foreman, the angel. Employees better hush. “I do hope Ms. Forman heard our concerns and realizes how dangerous it is to share this hate without any explanation - how it empowers this hate,” he wrote. "I was honored to provide back packs with school supplies to some of the students at Davie Elementary School during these challenging economic times. You can’t be that naive, can you? Sleep well. An attorney reached by opined that the petition Brenda Forman filed “deficient…An emergency (in this case under the law) is death and manifest injury. Brenda Forman appears to be dragging out the case, according to several courthouse sources. Now both have no use for Iris.They will divorce Brenda will stay Clerk and Howard will retire. People who worked side by side with her are no longer allowed to call her Brenda, but must call her Madame Clerk or Mrs. Forman. I am told that it has been a problem! Defending her involvement and commitment to the community, wife of incumbent Howard C. Forman, Brenda D. Forman, is running for the 2016 seat. Reason for running: ‘God told her too’ A Florida county court official apologized for sharing a Facebook post that falsely attributed a quote to Adolf Hitler. Check. I was told months ago that she had him sign over his house to her. Video Link: Brenda hosted by Attorney That Rides, So now that they are splitting up I have my chance to go after that smoking hot woman? Re: Campaign Treasurer's Report M3 Brenda D Forman Campaign Candidate for Broward County 'Clerk of Court 4101 W Silverado Circle Davie, FL 33024 To Whom It May Concern: ( \ \ llll:i MAY I 2 /~ fJ: i1. Contributor. It was a purely a political opportunity and convenience. Easy to cast blame when it fits a convenient narrative, it’ll be a whole lot tougher to prove. 1- sorry about the Forman’s personal issues. Sounds like Judy was willing to turn a blind eye if things were rolling her way from the Clerk’s office and now they may not. Brenda Forman was elected by the voters. could not obtain the court papers. Entity. I heard the same story as @11. She lost in the Democratic primary on June 2, 2020. Employees as per meeting today can’t talk about it or lose their jobs ??? I call BS. She knows the Kanye West song , “Gold Digger” it’s her anthem. Let’s be clear about a couple of facts that are not even in dispute: Sources say that Forman has already filed for divorce. Look out dear Brenda, my wife, Madame Karma is going to have the final say. Violets are blue be someone else. He’s Jewish, and her constant “Jesus told me to run” would have alienated the Howard we all knew and loved if he was still the same man. I hope they throw the “unethical” book at you and remove you from office. To someone who knows 1st hand… are an idiot!! Well now that he’s with that beast of a woman he’s all pimped out in canary yellow suits. She knows the Kanye West song , “Gold Digger” it’s her anthem. Howard is simply not now who Howard was. And to all you fools who supported this “user” because you thought it would benefit you in some way just know you too are no better and what goes around will surely come around!!! Like I heard a friend of his say a few years ago “I can’t believe he’s dating a black woman”. Click here to read the survey answers. Knock off all the Trump insults. She must not have taken such great care of him or he wouldn’t be leaving her. 2 I am appealing the fine that has been assessed upon Brenda D Forman Campaign Treasurer's report M3. You won’t be watching murder trials unless Forman’s Clerks Office delivers the property files to the courtroom first. 1. Brenda Forman, 60, filed her campaign papers in November. @Someone Who Knows 1st hand Mandatory to answer the phone as “Brenda Firman Clerk of the Court office”! He was hired in mid-February to save the flagging Luna campaign when the candidate cleaned house after five months of paltry fundraising. “As a woman of color and an elected official, I have worked hard to use my platform to advocate for a variety of community causes. Forman … Is it true the Brenda organized a retirement party for Howard and the price of admission and/or donated $ towards the gift was cash only? Most of my efforts have met with success.”. A third Democrat is also seeking the position. Current Status: awaiting cuffs You’re the racist for bringing it up. So go ahead and surround yourself with all the pastors you want, and join every church in Broward County, but just remember that God sees all!! We know what we know what we know!!!! Seq# Date Contributor Entity Occupation Cont. Subtract his equal interest in her pension and maybe it is worth $7500 a year. Stern and the other hags now say Brenda is some evil exploiter of Howard. This is patently not true of most voters. Actually Howard set the pace for her election… And madam Foreman shame on you!!!!!!! Since you had the balls to post using someone else initials or name say who you are. easy six figures a month. Also, a four year marriage gets no alimony. Not surprised though…I have been around Mrs. Foreman (Brenda) and she was his only caregiver and peraon who sincerelh cared…even when family abandoned him. EVEN IF THERE’S A FIRE!!! We all just laughing here. Also the Florida Ethics Commission. “There appears to be an imminent danger that the physical or mental health or safety of the alleged incapacitated person will be seriously impaired or that the property of that person is in danger of being wasted, misappropriated or lost unless immediate action is taken because: the incapacitated  person has not been taking proper medication, has not been attending doctors appointments and is showing poor judgement in managing assets,” according to court documents. one heck of a pension he has now. BROWARD COUNTY, Fla. – Broward Clerk of Courts Brenda Forman came out on top Tuesday after facing off against Paul Backman and Mark Speiser in Tuesday’s primary election. Are you gonna be one of the cousins that benefits from a woman with NO experience winning an election using someone’s last name that she acquired only for her benefit? Tick, tick, tick … that’s the countdown clock marking the seconds until coward State Attorney Mike Satz quickly recuses himself from his office handling the criminal investigation/potential prosecution against Brenda Forman. He has always been a fine man and when Susan Forman was alive, they were a formidable Broward power couple. No doubt she pissed off some of Howard’s hags and cronies. There may be more to this than we know. All destroyed by her hand while heavily medicating a 72 yr old man to take it all. Howard Forman, who is now retired, is a longtime office holder in Broward and his late wife Susan (Schwartzman) Forman was a beloved political figure, too. College Education: none Actually now that I think about it she’s the pimp. You may have used a name you never deserved and fooled enough people to win an election but now everyone will see you for who you really are. He’s an idiot that got duped by a opportunistic con artist who saw dollar signs, I mean they fell in love with each other for obvious reasons. She … Either way I’m gonna get to be with the Madam. It seems you might be the one suffering from a declining mental state with your rambling on. Campaign signs for Fort Lauderdale Vice Mayor Bruce Roberts' mayoral campaign appear to be stamped with a bogus union label. "~Brenda D. Forman, Candidate for Broward County Clerk of Court. Of course employees at the clerks office shouldn’t be talking to the media about something they’re not prepared to speak about, whether it’s Brenda and Howard’s personal life or any matter the office is involved in. "~Brenda D. Forman, Candidate for Broward County Clerk of Court. She looks nothing like that now. I HEAR FORMAN IS REPRESENTED BY JUDY STERN CRONY JIMMY STARK. Isn’t that what “Marriage certificate” provides for Pleione [Brenda] from Atlas [Howard] she was also awarded the “Pillars” of the courthouse through chicanery. She also muzzled the Clerk of Courts employees, forbidding them to talk to the media.