Saw them come around the corner of a building. “TRY NOT TO FUCKING FACEPLANT THE EPIC GOD-MACHINE YOU BLOODY ORK!” said Terridyne. Whatever, my stomach is dramatically down and my face decidedly thinner. I fell. I broke off a chunk and enjoyed. THAT’S COZ I FUCKIN AM YOU ARSE BISCUIT, now push the button AND LAUNCH THE FOOKIN’ TORPEDO AT THE PLANET! One moment they were there, the next there were just steaming body parts oozing blood. +++++. I am all for the $2,000 which now becomes $1,400 because of the $600 already paid. Not sure why. Yet when the doors opened again it was Calgar that was battered and bruised, with the sacred Gauntlets of Ultramar torn from his shoulders. Biden should move immediately with reconciliation. Shards of carapace and gouts of foul ichor flew in a maelstrom around him as he unleashed his boiling frustration. Coal mining a major industry. However, they were copies. In Key West, visitors are constantly told to walk down any street. “SO YOU WORTHLESS CUNT MANAGED NOT TO WHINE, CRY AND DIE LIKE A BITCH? Said take my elbow. As Brother-Captain Medina approached the nearest red-and-yellow clad Battle-Brothers to hail them, after dusting off the fragments of the hull they had been shot through, he was met by a thunderous yell of "WHO THE ACTUAL FUCK ARE YOU SPINELESS CUNTS SUPPOSED TO BE?!? Two players. My sunset hours the rest of this trip will be spent on my little terrace with a drink in hand. He offered me one and a comfortable chair. !”, secondly “THE FUCKING NURGLINGS ARE GETTING IN THE WAY OF ME FISTING SOME VAGINA FISH!!! Prices dramatically cheap. I have been quarantined 339 days. !’), was working perfectly. The nuns have come out in support of things like contraception. The two Chaplains had also stopped fighting by this point, and had started roaming the room, looming over the hunched shoulders of initiates and saying things like “YOU FUCKING IDIOT YOUR MEANT TO HIT THE FUCKER NOT ENGAGE IN LIGHT FOREPLAY!! Forum thread where poster showcases a kick-ass collection of Angry Marine customized models including vehicles. I would have to use both of my canes to hold myself up. There was a violent earthquake in 1956 which destroyed many old structures on the island. There had been no more than a dozen of them, not a single word exchanged between our two Chapters. Including once again the Germans since the paper they hold evidencing the loans will have become worthless. Church's battalion, or what was left of it, had been shooting for hours, burning through the last of their ammo cache in one final defiant stand, they would hold their ground until the last man but he knew their ammunition supplies wouldn't last much longer; in fact, he had estimated that they'd run out half an earth hour ago. "What did you just say?" This entire glorious meal cost me all of 24 euros. The College is going to work off the Health Department’s application list in determining in what order the shots will be given. +++++ However, the inquisitor made a grave mistake of being within one hundred light years of the Angry Marines during the two years of the completion of the Codex Angry Marines, and thus became one of the many inquisitors who "WAS BEATEN OVER THE FUCKING HEAD BY THE LITERAL FUCKING BOOK!!!" I heard music. The Titan jerked forward then stumbled, and fell sideways, landing on some buildings and knocking them down. Rubbed in olive oil. SHOULDN’T YOU BE OUT LOOKING FOR CHAOS OR SOME SHIT? Whereas the $1,400 is a one time payment, the $3,000 tax credit will be paid monthly for one year. Infuriated by such a blatant and insulting snub, Calgar personally took it upon himself to demand an apology from the arrogant Temperus Maximus. They have for years. Impressed by their sheer ferocity the blessed Calgar offered an invitation to their Chapter Master, a man identified in the records only as Temperus Maximus. Read more about him above. I had deactivated and removed the appropriate sections of my power-armor, noticing the raised dais in the center of the lavatory chamber about which all the commodes faced. “CAPTAIN TWATFACE HAS HIS USUAL EFFECT ON WOMEN!” said Wogan. The response is the same from all. AND BELIEVE ME WE KILL A LOT OF FUCKING BUNNY RABBITS AND PEPPERS AND SHIT AND EAT ALL OF IT AND LEAVE NONE FOR YOU. My tee time one of the days was in the afternoon. The squad sergeant unsubtly looked his new charge over with a practiced and twitching eye, assessing everything from bearing to attentiveness. The ranting and raving should be less. He had to recently close. And now Medina was one of them, having snapped after one insult too many and decked the nearest cunt in his fucking face before going on a rampage in the shithole that was the Litany of Litany's Litany. I have inquired and been assured no hills to climb. There is an added attraction. Unlike most of the Imperium's bigger vessels, this battle barge didn't have any markings to indicate as to which direction one would proceed to a certain location. She sent a piece of her birthday cake to my cave. Angry Marine tactics focus on getting into melee as quickly as possible, and proceeding to bust open several crates of FUCK YOU in the various directions of the Imperium's enemies. Tall, thin and blond. I had sensed that people here did not understand what a blog was. Another example of the poor economy. Itâs a one hour drive. Germany appears the only European nation benefiting from the euro. I believe 4 hours is to be devoted to the Constitutional issue. One of Plummer’s most famous roles was that he performed in The Sound of Music. Well even before the birth of Christ. So an "alliance" was formed based on the desire to a. You are surrounded. ", roared Captain Shit-Ripper. Santorini is as close to God as you can get on earth. “LIGHT THE FIRES, COCKSUCKERS,” Wankel said to the Inquisitors who'd been called to root out all traces of Millennial Falcon heresy. It’s purple dat’s da sneakiest!’ So dumbfounded was he by that illogical turn of event that he completly forgot to keep attacking the spiky Beakies or the squishy humies. It was maddening; sufficiently so that any lesser man would have taken his own life. I am here. A black beach. Outdoor cafes galore. Baklava, I think. “PACK YOUR SKITTLES AND YOUR FUCKING CHAINSWORDS!! Bestasnik also could not believe it when told about the weird Marines, but not for the same reason: ‘Dos beakies are doin’ it wrong, dey are all yellow so dey should be ‘splodin’, not sneakin’. Officiously known as California Highway 1. Most visitors were Greeks coming to pay homage rather than curious visitors. He now spends most of his time on the battlefield "FUCKING SMASHING ANY CUNT WHO OFFENDS THE OMNISIAH!!! Hastily inserted into the annals of their Chapter, glory is simply a picture with the words "OWNED" across it, and the image of the Pretty Marines' Chapter Master unconscious on the ground, a crude mustache drawn on his face with paint, and what appears to be a set of testicles on his forehead. WHEN I SAID FIRE THE ASSAULT CANNON, I MEANT AT THE FUCKING NIDS!! The one thing they could never teach him to do was aim, and he spent far longer than normal languishing in the 10th Company. Absolutely delicious! Nothing had showed up on our auspex or geothermal imaging. Pericles back in the 400s BC. The message on the web site was that those either 75 or 65 and older would be taken first as well as first responders who had not yet received their shots. The waiter told me it would be delicious. We would like to show you a description here but the site wonât allow us. Breaking Sorith and casting her blithely aside in one swift blow, the Captain approached the Farseer, shaking with rage. ONE OF THOSE CLAUSES IS LITERAL. The Friendly Fire "Incident" of Klaxus XII, They called me a Cunt I'll Fuck Their Shit Up, Ruination of the Black Legion Warband on Tormus Octavion, The Rise of Librarian Moarfistin, the Extremely Cross, Master of the Armoury, Enginseer Mightilypissedoff the third, Tyranids V Millennials V Angry Titans: A fucking novella, or something. Dickface then proceeded to beat enemy command to death with the impaled body of their commander, after which he cut the weapon free through the corpse's back. The initial path down was of marble. It is claimed that Santorini is the place where Moses and his people made their exodus from Egypt. The Angry Marines employ a variety of weapons notably different to the standard Space Marine arsenal. For starters, there had not been many Desert Fangs Neophytes left at the end of the Heresy to be put in stasis by Archmagos Cawl until such time as he had perfected his modification of the Astartes creation process. Economics is the topic of conversation everyday. Got through. ALWAYS ANGRY ALL THE MOTHER FUCKING TIME!!! !” I replied to him that I was indeed here due to claims of Heresy. !” I heard through the vox. I spoke with the owner Catherine Risvani about the economic situation. The scaffolding wood and leaning. ", "I had thought it was rumor, but no. Their objective soon became apparent after he heard the thumping sound of large chaos dreadnoughts. What happened? When it emerged there was no bolt rifle, but a circle made of forefinger and thumb. “Those cunts,” he thought “they had done this, they were doing this for their own entertainment, they were fUCKing pLAYing WITh Him! Had never had it before. I hope I have the sequence correct. He obliterated men, women, tanks, titans, buildings, dark mechanicum assets. Trump’s impeachment trial before the Senate begins tuesday. Obviously, they were correct. I’M IN WITH A FUCKING CHANCE!!!”. Especially since Obama took office. Some days have disappeared. Unfortunately, he little expected the animalistic temperament that would greet his justified demand for obeisance, from the maniacal Temperus Maximus. Beat SAG to the punch. Syracuse beat North Carolina State last night by 3 points 76-73. A banner which was once owned by the pretty marines, at the time called the "Notice Me Senpai" banner, it provided space warping properties of the same manner used by deamonettes to hide their crab claws, granting all pretty marines around it incredible beauty and two-inch-thick plot armour, as it effectively made all pretty marines within its range main characters in an anime, so how could they die. I finally ended up at Red Beach. This morning’s Citizens’ Voice had two interesting comments re vaccine distribution/availability. However, this superficiality can hide (sometimes that is, other times they may literally just be saying FUCK!!!") I do not follow music as I did when I was younger. It is big. We try to stay ahead of it. Beware. I climb the volcano and look into its mouth! A door made of solid adamantium was in the centre of the wall; dozens of tank companies assembled behind it, waiting for the xenos to break through, as there was now no chance of them sallying forth – the world was almost lost. No matter, there were no reports of violence in the passages leading to his sanctum or the ritual chamber beyond. Azure Basic Theme by C. A. And now... they had advanced upon the capitol city, the last bastion of humanity. The Marine shouted to him, "HEY, ASSHOLE, BRING ME THAT FUCKING HAND TRUCK IN THE CORNER!". Before Ten could react, the sergeant slammed him in the crotch with an armoured boot. Dammiel finally hit the target, making confetti out of the Tyranid's bio-cannon; the Dominatrix pounced into the Titan's arms like a lost canid returning to its owner, bursting through the Warlord's void shields from sheer thundering bulk; the two lords of destruction fell backwards and began to wrestle; Hammerhead shat his pants from excitement as he repeatedly punched the Nid in its flank; lights went on and off throughout the Titan's structure; human crew members screamed with terror; the Titan's armour screamed also as it began to buckle beneath the Nid queen's weight. Mofo refuses to create more rolls for chapter wide, even imperium wide, use, arguing that (after he had shoved fagbasher up the arse of the inquisitor stupid enough to ask) "ANY CUNT WHO NEEDS EXTRA PROTECTION FROM CHAOS IS A FUCKING TYRANID LOVING WHORE!!! “YOU!! Drugs will be rampant. How did our forces get crushed so easily? There was no delay on my part. Hopeful. However, I am not sure she is correct. Unfortunately the Thunderhawk that transported the squad was shot down by enemy fire and the brothers were scattered. What appeared to be the proprietor was seated on the porch. However, there has been progress. Ten had, perhaps, a point. Maybe someone will hear my message. They started shooting again, but it was just filler. “FUCK THIS SHIT!! He took a deep breath and pressed the button to open the bulkhead doors and before he knew it, he stood eye to eye with the quartermaster of the ship. Thought for the Day: My Armor is Contempt, my Shield is Disgust, my Sword is Hatred. When I arrived on the planet, one of my main questions was: 'Why was this not reported by the sector and instead reported by another Chapter?'. as he kept trying to remount his now drained storm shield. Lin has opted to fight. We got along well. He had chosen to hold the meeting in his private quarters aboard the battle barge Maximum Fuck, and around the large, circular table covered with pizzas and skittles he had had constructed for this very purpose sat the galaxies angriest beings. The Primaris slammed his forehead into Dickface's face, sending the sergeant flying backwards and sprawling on the ground. They were flying close to the ground to avoid detection. Even into the 80s. TERRIDYNE, DAMMIEL, HAMMERHEAD, WOGAN, I REQUEST THE FUCKING MISERY OF YOUR COMPANY – THE REST OF YOU TESTICULAR POLYPS FOLLOW ON FOOT AND STAY OUT OF THE FUCKING WAY, I'M IN THE MOOD TO STOMP SOME FAGGOTS!”. Expensive. Such is the mood! LAST ONE IN THE DROP POD'S A FUCKING ULTRAMARINE!”. McRae hit in the thigh. “THIS IS IT YOU INBRED AMATEURS!” roared Twatsplasher. However enough not to go in the hole. But the mechanicium could not just simply get rid of pissedoff, it was not his fault he was corrupted and he was still equally talented if not more so than mar’s greatest priests. Santorini was not mentioned. Transparent buckets loaded with tiny fish. But so what, the  Germanâs believe their money making will go on forever. !” And at that he pulled the inquisitor that had been hiding underneath the table with a microphone out and gave the man such a withering stare that his hair began to grey and char at the ends before everyone’s eyes. Each fined 135 euros. Ugly. With her boobs slapping me in the face! From those emerged Astartes taller than those the natives had been used to seeing over the millenia, clad in power armor matching in color the battle barge, and whose helmets were fashioned after skulls. Then, grasping the fucker's neck with both hands, Mofo headbutted him repeatedly, his hardened helm smashing into Thragarkis' skull, caving in his head. "IF YOU DON'T SHUT YOUR FUCKING FAGGOTY COCKSUCKING MOUTH I'LL LET THAT ASSHOLE MOFO HAVE A FIELD DAY WITH YOU!!!" They walk up and down the donkey path. The Trump defense is two fold. Ultimately, the Angry Marines resorted to Exterminatus-- to prevent this grave threat to the Imperium from spreading to other worlds. Will that work? Further voting on the stimulus package will have to await the end of the trial. The head sits impaled on a wooden stick and has a large cock and balls drawn on its forehead in permanent marker, from the remains of the heads neck droops a thick clump of fur, described by ancient texted as the "Crown of the neckbeards", which is said to have been awarded to the fifth/sixth chaos god for fucking over an ancient table top game. An outstanding actor. Nikos had sent them to me for breakfast. No cable TV. “WE'VE GOT FACES TO RAPE!! Textbook ambush that could have come right from basic tactics class. The weather cool. I cried out, The Reclusiarch became a blur, a lightning strike of motion. !” “IVE SEEN ELDAR PANSIES PUNCH BETTER!! Beautiful! Large. Shockwaves had thrown him over backwards and he had to pull his head out of a Mawlock's arsehole with a loud pop. WE ARE DEFINITLY NOT THERE TO KICK SOME MOTHERFUCKING SNEAKY CUNTSY ASS !! All kinds of baked goods for sale. Walked down a side street. Steady your will, though our weapons may fault, our armour may break, and our bones may be split, our hearts will still burn, BURN BRIGHT WITH THE EMPOR..." The sharp crack of a sonic boom followed by a huge concussive impact echoed across the battlefield, Commissar Harper had disappeared, in his place lay a huge yellow gore splattered Space Marine drop pod. "INTERED? No beer. Reportedly the largest ever known to man before and since. Literally melted in your mouth. The Enemy swung those quads over the line of men and watched them fall. “Now, let me write down you testimony, and together we might put an end to the madness that is the 'Angry Marines', these subhuman morons who dare call themselves Astartes.”.... +++++ !” Grimacing at the pain in his leg, the young initiate bellowed his response “SHITFORBRAINS YOU SHIT HEAD!!! Better to ride to than walk. There was an uncomfortable pause on the vox. Try Turkish coffee if you have the opportunity. It was a victory that went beyond stunning: every surviving crew member felt like the luckiest fucker in the galaxy. “IS IT FUCKING DEAD?!! A piano board player and a guitar player. They continue to be legislative gentlemen in the tradition of old. The daughter of the owner greeted me. If you ever plan to come to Santorini, stay with Nikos and Maria. “THEN GET A FOOKIN MOP YOU NUMPTY, SCOOP HIM UP, PUT WHATS LEFT OF HIM IN A LUNCH BOX AND PUT HIM IN THE ARMORED COFFIN WERE MAKING A DRED! We paid a heavy price for relying on those Adeptus Mechanicus instruments rather than our eyes. I DON’T HAVE FUCKING TIME FOR THIS!! The sun was almost eclipsed. NOTHING TO SEE HERE, WE’RE JUST SNEAKING BEHIND YOU TO KICK YOU CUNTSY ASS OFF-PLANET !! Delay, delay, delay and then come up with a number too low to really be of assistance. When they came to, the fags had hailed him as Tantrumus Fuckingham, and he had since then stopped responding to "Medina". Most making more dollars than they ever had. CAPS LOCK: Used to define rank with Angry Marine “society” as a whole. For his heroism, Asshole was immediately inducted to the 5th Company and promoted to the rank of Sergeant. How long, no one certain. With a wife or girl friend. She had to drive to Oia to me. The best seats! Soda. The only difference is her audience is greater. I remained unperturbed. Echo company sprang from their cover and rushed the redoubt. I use a computer at an internet store. !” I yelled. You can feel it. I refer to the economic/euro crisis. There was a hint of a smile in his eye as he walked out of the room. The belief among many is that the child tax credit will also cut poverty by 54 percent. An interesting mixture of wealth and those not so fortunate. The young either uneducated or upset they graduated from college and cannot get a decent job. “This is Corporal Josephus Corrick, 40th Imperial Guard Infantry, Mechanized, acting commander of Echo Company. The story of a former Onassis property which sits right next door to Nikoâs property. He couldn't afford to let the psykers worry, they needed all their concentration for this. I suspect the web site information was not being used. !” At the mention of Nurglings, Moarfistin let off several psychic bolts of pure fury which melted part of a nearby wall to slag. And still the Titan kept on going, towards the hordes of alien monsters heading for man's last bastion on this world. They ship world wide. "I'M NOT SOME LAME DREADNOUGHT, FAGGOT, I'M A REDEMPTOR AND I'LL FUCK YOUR SHIT!!" And within milliseconds he became a blur, tearing the cultists apart, limb by limb, still letting off violent tirades of obscenities at the chaos worshipers around him. !” in about a paragraphs time. I am still waiting. A band-aid one. Seats were small barrels with a pad to sit on. To straighten this all out would take oodles of time. Festivals galore! The place was a family beach. As he finished, he rose, readjusted his armor, and looked the horrified Sorith in her eyes, saying "I FUCKED YOUR MOM!" Mofo swore. One stop on the Metro. The astropaths told him to send it him-fucking-self, they would no longer be discriminated against by being the only humans who sent psychic messages these days (ignoring the fact that they were the only humans who could). I could not get up. I looked behind me. It is a distinction. The quality of the final product is unknown. Not to be denied his prize, the sergeant proceeded to cut the hands off the Ork at the wrists. I suspect it is because Trump is not dominating the news with his extravagant wild claims and thoughts. Michaelâs Restaurant. To the oohs and ahhs of the young ladies below. There was a bright flash of light and that was all I remember. It was 11 in the evening. There it was. The Farmers Museum with most of my grandchildren. I had just turned to ask the Reclusiarch how his Chapter went about cleansing themselves when I saw him reach out to one of the copies of the Codex Astartes. “BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!! Both sexes will fill the facilities together. To this day, I have never seen any Marines fight with such rage and fury. !” As he sped faster and faster down the corridor towards the second hangar. Infections can result. So I am only half bad in forgetting. Let’s hope all goes as planed. beamed the Commissar. SUCK ON IT YOU ULTRAMARINE BASTARDS!!! Battle-Brother Alfion of the Angry Marines Chapter was having one fucking shitty day. LET ME GIVE HER THE ASTARTES KISS! Literally. Having had enough of this emo cockslaping contest, the Master of the Armory picked up his wrench and started beating this new Redemptor Belligerent Engine - the first of its kind - into sullen unconsciousness. One of the meteoroites seemed to be saying Far away, an Angry Marine battle barge travelling the warp was buffeted by the waves of pure, seething, righteous rage. OH YES WE FUCKING EAT EGG AND SAUSAGE BREAKFAST SANDWICHES BY THE FUCKING TRUCKLOAD! “HERESEY!! Over time however, the banner began to lose its strength, being replaced more and more by wargh energies, and although it still provided a healthy glow to the orks (5/10 while drunk), it was no longer enough to hypnotise the enemy, resulting in the commandos being curpstomped by a squad of storm troopers, and the banner was then taken by the inquisition. What can one do against such flashy bitz." replied the Primaris. Procedure not healthy. However, Plummer most enjoyed his Shakespearean performances. The Angry Marines attacked the fires as they would any other of the Imperium's foes-- with Power Wrench and Chainsword, Heavy Bolter and Melta Gun. At some point Fuklaw lost his patience and began unleashing his withering gaze upon the room, which started to catch fire and melt, drops of metal landing on the fighting marines to eat away at power armour and just generally making them even more pissed off. Thin. I liked Courtney. Asshole took the two halves of his ruined rifle and spitted the Ork from both ends of his digestive track-- right through his flash kustom 'ardpantz, no less. In 1st Edition, ALL Marines were Angry Marines. I have also been assured there will be topless and totally naked woman. "Bring up the flamers! A look of pure fear and dread some said, at the hammer about to land on him for his treason. “DAMN RIGHT, YOU ARE!! One of many names. I had Nikos give me a ride in his car down the mountain. Thus, his Battle-Brothers cybernetically mounted him into one of the Chapter's Dreadnoughts-- or, as they prefer to call them within the Angry Marines, a Belligerent Engine. Including the United States. All the while, a cacophony of sickly sounds continued to permeate from the murky planet below. “I'LL RIP HER ANOTHER FANNY!”. Economics. There was no end in sight as to this ever escalating prosperity. Mofo had a different target. The new arrivals stood fast. Turkish coffee is thick. There he hacked brutally at the soft flesh until the swallow reflex clenched bloody blankets of meat around him, forcing him down into the boiling acid in its gut. Angry Marines maintain Chapels of the Emperor in his Aspect as the Self-Righteous Customer Served Dry Steak just for these kinds of babies. At the thought, Shitforbrains slowly raised his gaze to the two Chaplains. FUCK'N A! “BROTHER DAMMIEL,” said Twatsplasher, “YOU MUST BE THE MOST USELESS CUNT SINCE THE ANCIENT SCRIBE C.S. said the sergeant almost pleasantly, resuming his casual stance of barely contained anger and resting one foot on a large reinforced sack full of something that gave a metallic clink under the weight; like gold bars in a concrete mixer. Weeping civilians were thanking Angry Marines and human soldiers; Mechanicus recovery vehicles were hoisting burned-out tanks; shell-shocked Munitorium adepts were wandering round, wondering how the fuck they were going to organise this lot. Kansas City should never have been on the field with Tampa. But sir Listen not to the other side. It was time-- but he hadn't the patience for any conventional strike this time. Brother-Captain Medina had reassured them, reminding them that righteous fury was one of their greatest strengths and sources of pride, and that devoid of their other pride, the Silencers, their brothers had just given their rage a greater emphasis. IF YOU DO YOU ARE NOT ANGRY ENOUGH AND TOMORROW YOU GET THE FIRST CHANCE TO PLAY. But as pissedoff took up his new role he started to wonder whether he had been truly happy/ANGRY on mars, there you had to pray for 20 minutes just to open a vent on an air con unit, and had he really hated and despised the Angry Marines to the point that he wanted to destroy them, he’d had more freedom and fights with the Angry Marines than he could have had over the course of hundreds of millennia with the mechanicium. It was a German invasion with bullets and planes. I qualify. The parking lot for my rented car is 1/2 mile down the road. ", The contingent was stunned, to say the least, by this lack of respect. Dammiel's assault cannon was as loose and wild as a hosepipe dropped by incompetent fire-servitors. There is a Catholic church in Milan that has the Last Supper. "... condition of your wargear.". Apparently, some of the pointy beakies were busy sneakin’ around already, so he had decided to join in on the fun and show them how to sneak properly! The first thing the Angry Marines knew of the assault was when Moarfistin exploded into a scream of “FUCKING NURGLINGS!! Seems that there was some heavy atmospheric interference and that only sub orbital craft could be used. Thus, the Battle Barge, the Litany of Litany's Litany, began its screaming descent towards the besieged planet. Earthquakes and I are becoming common place on this trip. Every step has involved some major screw up. What I thought was the aftershock turned out to be a second quake. A Warlord Titan emerged, right arm raised, power fist displaying a blazing middle finger. The coast of California near San Francisco and running through Carmel is one huge cliff. And apparently not expensive. Crushed into and with a mass of people just as in Mallory Square. I finally made it to the hotel and my air conditioned room. I looked in front of me. He sounded in considerable pain. Like the Catholic Church covering up pedophilic activities on the part of priests for more than twenty years. The weather outside is frightful! And they are not better at sneaking. He was big time in the pension field. Be clear. Why? Even during a heated firefight Brother Chaplain Smackface was as usual more detailed in his description of the situation than most commanders in the Chapter. Surrender and welcome the embrace of Chaos!! Thought for the Day: Any problem can be solved with the proper application of power boots to the groin. She insisted on ironing my clothes.
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