Cory MatthewsTopanga Matthews Ben SavageDanielle Fishel. At school, she was branded into the same (anti)social peer group as Stuart Minkus, and although he was clearly infatuated with her, Topanga never had any interest in him, although she was practically the only one who ever called him by his first name. Topanga approached them, telling Cory that Jeremy Sullivan, a mutual friend from their time at Jefferson, had asked her to the dance, but she was willing to go with Cory if he still wanted. Characters shipped The next assignment split the class into pairs who were to establish fictional corporations utilizing real world data. The next, day, Principal Feeny made the announcement that the entertainment hired for the dance, "The Demon Seeds," had canceled, and that the music would now be provided by cassettes from his. Despite Shawn’s, claim that “darkness was his friend,” Cory was ready to bolt from the party virtually from the moment of his arrival. With a rather wistful, beatific expression on her lipstick smeared features, Topanga shared the opinion she had held since she was four—that it was beautiful—by comparing it to "a desert tumbleweed." While in the hospital Cory tells Topanga that they need to focus on their relationship again. The truth is, not everyone can be Cory and Topanga. The former U.S. Attorney is eyeing an audio empire. However, a very familiar name was paired with his, Topanga, . Later Shawn tries talking them into fixing up the apartment but instead they are rude to him and him and Angela leave. Suitably motivated, Eric arranged to take Cory and Topanga to the most unromantic place he claimed he could find--a coffee house featuring live poetry readings. The man gives Mr. Turner the pig and then leaves. ), but the love between the two never faltered. Cory soon felt the peer pressure of pairing off with someone--anyone at all. And by swimming we mean fighting for her life. When they talk about their honeymoon Cory only cares about having sex which makes Topanga upset. A curious crowd had filled the room, including Harley and Principal Feeny. But after a particularly insipid presentation on the environmental issue of their choice, by the perennial project partners of Cory and Shawn, a fed-up Mr. Feeny decided to give them a second chance: Shawn was paired with his nemesis, Minkus, but Cory was matched up with Topanga. While on a field trip to the city zoo during kindergarten, the couple first met a new kid their age. Married, best friends, prom king and queen When Amy and Alan learned of Eric’s mind games which he had played on his brother, they swiftly decreed that until Cory began dating neither would Eric. Topanga becomes hurt that he has Shawn then asks Cory if he thinks the animal control will come to the house. Mr. Turner had Topanga pass out papers and when she gave one to Cory she ended up saluting her he then asked Shawn if she had seen him do this and Shawn replied with "We all did." That night, after she finished her homework, Topanga found herself doodling a heart shape in her notebook. The freaks can’t force growing up. When Cory came into the house, she questioned him about his date with Topanga and Cory confessed that he only made it because Shawn had already asked a girl out. Later on that day Topanga finally talked to Cory but when she did what she said shocked Cory, as Topanga broke up with him. When told it would be basically matching her own and Minkus’ brain power against Cory and Shawn's, she quickly wagered three hundred thousand, which Cory swiftly cut to a more manageable ten. After consulting with Minkus and his collection of Perky magazines to peek into the feminine mindset, Cory chanced upon Topanga as the choice of his “revenge” date. After one night they are grossed out with each other. While Cory and Topanga assured him that nothing untoward had happened, Feeny just told them to go home. They hated to admit it, but Stuart Minkus had been correct about the mystifying effect females would have on their lives from then on.. The make up Cory has brown eyes while Topanga has blue/green eyes. Shawn then got mad because of what Cory had told Topanga and said that now all the girls at the school will hear about this and want to be told by their boyfriends that they loved them. At Chubbies later that day a depressed Cory was siting down all by himself when Eli, Mr. Turner's friend told Cory to go talk to Topanga. When the evening ends Topanga demands that Cory tell her what has been going on, Cory then tells her shes the perfect woman and Cory asks her to be his girlfriend. After an uncomfortable moment, Cory replied because then their "kids would look like horses." Cory and Topanga face a major obstacle in their marriage plans when Topanga's parents go through a divorce, and she decides to call off the wedding. It was that importance which Cory placed upon the hat, she explained, which made it beautiful. In Dangerous Secret, Cory decides that he wants to their relationship to another level. Topanga replied that she didn't consider herself "weird," but rather "unique." He had decided he would ask her out the day after she got back from camp at school, Cory and Shawn had dubbed this day as T- day. When he was around six he started developing a crush on her, but the childish crush was much different than how he felt now. After a explaining what happened the Dean decides that Cory will be Cory came into her house through her window and was met with Topanga who told Cory he had to leave. "You don't really want a divorce, do you?" When Cory asked, Topanga why she wasn't laughing she simply told him his hair was different and that she had no reason to laugh. She talks to Angela and tells her that she’s never been so unhappy in her life. Cory emerged with a goofy look across his face, and Topanga, not counting their innocent peck as four-year-olds when Cory leapt off the monkey bars, then confessed, "It was my first one too." With such an aura, Eric was surely capable of recognizing the unique nuances of her own, and Topanga became determined to discover that truth for herself. She later tells him that she doesn’t want to be with him anymore. YouTube. Cory says but they love each other and she responds with so did my parents. She simply asked why did he care about what others thought of him. baby shower. But when Topanga and Hilary walked by in opposite directions, both saying "Hi", the boys arose, splitting apart to catch up and walk with their respective girls. Cory happily says yes and he and he accepts Shawn's invitation. And Harold and Jean can’t force their kids to hang out with them. Topanga is worried about this. Topanga replied she saw Cory, the same boy she had known since they were three. At the dawning of their final year attending Jefferson Elementary School for sixth grade, nothing had … Thus, if the pair were asked to describe their other classmate in only two words, Cory would have instantly blurted out "Big-haired Weirdo!" One night, when Cory and Topanga were out back catching fireflies, Eric emerged from the house chanting "Cory loves Topanga!" Cory and ShawnShawn and Topanga When the pair reached the highest spot they could, they discovered that they were stuck. © 2021 Vox Media, LLC. After the video ended, the person in question turned around in her seat and offered Cory her hand to shake, proving Cory was right. Occasionally, the pair of would-be knights engaged in duels to the death with their toy swords to win the favor of Queen Topanga. Cory would later ruefully dub the unfortunate period of his (non)relationship with Topanga during their time attending Jefferson Elementary School as "The Lost Years." But, in No Such Thing as a Sure Thing Cory tries to kiss Topanga’s cheek and she pushes him away. As the sensuous, compelling words flowed on, ("Nibble. "Well, then we had better stop fighting," Topanga said. Although she would give up Little League after beaning Ricky Ferris, Topanga would still occasionally play softball when asked by her parents. Despite years of seeing each other in class daily, Cory and Topanga possessed only the most peripheral of presences in each other lives. Cory unwittingly poured more salt in Topanga’s emotional wounds by bounding down the staircase demanding to know if Topanga had gone yet, only to be greeted by “more hair.” The, Lawrence sisters left, temporarily forgetting the movie, but with Topanga perhaps a trifle wiser in the ways of the world. He asks them if they're Shawn Hunter and Cory Matthews they then question the man on how he knew this and he explained it was part of the job. Cory Matthews, Shawn Hunter, Topanga Lawrence, Eric Matthews, and of course, George Feeny. During the graduation ceremony Topanga realizes what she wants and asks Cory to marry her. “The whole conceit of the show was that they were meant for each other. The cast of Boy Meets World became beloved to fans over the course of its seven seasons, and it's always great to see them come together. Cory and Topanga seek counseling to help them cope through planning their wedding. Cory was fairly certain Topanga would go with him if invited, however, in deference to their recent difficulty, Cory attempted to find another date first. A weary Cory just sicced Shawn to handle the irate interloper. Shawn then told Cory that he needed a night out and told Cory about a big party, Cory already had plans with Topanga that night and when he asked her if it was OK to cancel their plans, Topanga asks Cory if she could cancel because she wanted to hang out with some of her girlfriends. Also, Eric takes a nose dive from silly and stupid to mind-numbingly moronic, in a good way. In The Provider Cory and Topanga both get jobs. Topanga informed him that he had done a good job of dong just that. Their apartment is a dump and needs a lot of repairs. After seeing Josh Topanga thanks Cory for remembering who she was he says she is in his heart. He then asks were the pig is and the boys tell him that they don't have a pig. She says what if he hurts her, he says he won’t because he loves her and she says that is the reason why they can’t get married. (Back 2 School, Pairing Off). (She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not). By Cory's own reckoning in "Things Change," the couple had reunited eight times, implying seven previous break-ups, adding the ended engagement after her parents' divorce, Topanga and Cory then endured eight periods of separation during their storied relationship. Cory then tells Shawn Topanga's coming over and Shawn immediately gets angry he tells Cory that just because he's Cory's friend doesn't mean he has to be friends with his girlfriend, Cory tells Shawn to give Topanga a break and Shawn listens but says if Topanga said anything negative he will tell her to leave. His mother told Cory that it would be unfair to Topanga if he only was going with her just to keep up with Shawn, so Cory called Topanga telling her that he couldn't keep their date because he had suddenly come down with the flu. first but says yes. At long last, the friendship between Cory Matthews and Topanga Lawrence had been fully rekindled. “Probably,” Strong tells Vanity Fair. While talking to Trini at Chubbies, Topanga and Shawn walk in the two appearing to be close. whereas Topanga would have thoughtfully arrived at "Hyperactive Underachiever." When Cory saw this he leaned in to kiss Trini but ended up popping the gum she was chewing and got gum all over his face Cory immediately wiped the gum off his face and turned his attention back to Shawn and Topanga. When Cory proved to Shawn that they were pals regardless of anything else happening in their lives, their friendship was restored. Cory and Topanga The two met at Cal State in 2009 and married in 2013. He journeyed to Disney World, where Topanga had won a trip from school. At school on Monday, Cory insisted to Topanga that the time they had spent together on Friday was not a date. This revelation threw Cory into an agitated state of panic and he rushed home to avoid his murderous fate by writing his mournful memoirs alone in his room. The unexpected performance definitely left an impression on Cory, as he wanted no part of it, knowing that the entire class would laugh at them. Cory loses his mind in typical Cory fashion. But Cory realizes that she did the right thing and that she owes him the rest of her life. Before going to sleep Cory prays for everyone and Topanga listens to him she then joins him, and vows to change everything about him. Monday during lunch, a smiling Topanga greeted Cory with a crowd of giggling girls following her, causing Cory to wonder aloud with a smirk, when they were going to leave him alone. He demonstrated the basics and invited Topanga to join after teaching her some "pointers." They spent nearly half their time in the darkness doing absolutely nothing but breathing. They realize that they don’t know a lot about each other and decide to live together. After each member of the family outlined their position on the issue, Topanga unilaterally declared “without benefit of discussion with my spouse--,” she directly pointed an accusatory finger at Cory-- “because that’s the kind of husband I know that you’ll be,” that there would be no tattoo. At the movie, Shawn and Topanga sit next to Cory and Trini and Shawn downs some mints and puts his arm around Topanga. One day Cory visited Shawn at the apartment and asked him if he was mad at him for picking Topanga's side Shawn said no and that if it were him he probably would've picked his girlfriends side two. Desperately lonely Cory seeks advice from Eric who squeezes in enough sympathy to tell Cory to get answers from Topanga's best friend, so Cory met up with Trini Martin, Topanga's best friend who just so happens to be extremely annoying. Cory and Topanga's marriage continued in Girl Meets World, by which point Topanga has become a successful attorney and soon the owner of a local Ukrainian bakery, and Riley is thirteen years old. This would have the effect of cutting Topanga off from her primary source of reading material that she had been delving into for years, but she really didn’t care overmuch. (Who’s Afraid of Cory Wolf?). (Risky Business). Cory commented that Topanga knew a lot about women. [VF], Already a subscriber? He told Shawn about how beautiful she was and how it seemed everything had changed over the summer. Basking in all the feminine worship, Cory told Topanga that it would be fine with him if she went with Jeremy. Cory grabbed Topanga, and fearfully asked her what she saw. Over the summer Cory and Shawn went over different ideas on how Cory could ask Topanga out. Cory says that he has been waiting for years to have sex and she owes him,and she Cory had said yes to this but was stuck on the floor were he was and could not move. Nibble.") He promises her that she will never have to leave him again. Since Cory did not react to the obvious resultant smell, she opted to follow his lead. “I honestly have no idea what this film is about and I’m eight weeks into shooting it.”, Preet Bharara Navigates the Post-Trump Podcast Boom. They then agreed to tell each other if they did like each other, and Topanga admitted she liked him, however, Cory then pretended to fall asleep before he could tell Topanga that he liked her, saying "Well I think I handled that pretty well." Cory finally asked Topanga after she had said this but was crushed to find out that she couldn't go out with him because she had already been asked out by another guy. Topanga, we've been together our whole lives, we can't get a divorce," Cory objected. In My Baby Back Ribs, Topanga starts feeling bad about how she looks (she thinks she’s fat). “No, no,” he backpedals. Topanga suggested that they muss up their hair and clothing to fool those on the other side of the door, because she considered him a nice guy. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. As the then by now completely forgotten Joey plummeted to the ground, unnoticed, Cory added that Topanga also had a "very cute tush." Topanga then assured Cory he was, indeed, a wolf. The two boys ended up making his hair problem worse, as Cory's hair had become stiffly petrified around his head. In The Honeymoon is Over Cory and Topanga have no place to live now that they are married. Cory ignored her and told her that he loved her yet again. Cory & Topanga Worst Cory and Topanga breakup? Cory starts to become annoyed with her success and his failure. In A Truth About Honesty they both decide to only tell the truth. The series ended on January 20, 2017 with Topanga declining a job offer that would … In the final 3 episodes of the series Topanga tells Cory that she was offered a job in New York so they have to move there. From then on, Cory would playfully consider Topanga "The Wife." Although they won the bet, Cory and Shawn did not collect, having learned the perils of gambling. Topanga is crushed by this so Cory tells the hall they have to pick a later date. until inevitably, their lips met in a lingering kiss. In the aftermath, Turner told them he would understand if they didn’t show up for class on Monday. What’s Going on With These Aaron Rodgers–Shailene Woodley Engagement Rumors? The students protested, and Cory and Shawn’s fans soon suggested their newly-christened band, “The Exits,” for the spot. Cory agreed, but remembered that the other times he had kissed Topanga had been spontaneous, intimate moments. Remind Me, Who’s That Random Blonde Who Crashed, “I couldn’t let him get engaged and not meet him.”, Diana Ross Pays Tribute to Supremes Sister Mary Wilson, “I have so many wonderful memories of our time together.”. A few months later, in early 1981, around the corner on Cumberland Street, Alan and Amy Matthews welcomed their second child, Cornelius—known as Cory—into the world. Because of his hair, Cory elected to eat lunch with the anti-social group sharing the "Weirdo" table. Eric considered the entire matter silly, but promised to let Topanga down as easy as possible and advised Cory to call someone to ”pick up the pieces,” when he heard the doorbell ring. Disillusioned, with her own words echoing in her mind, Topanga asked to be taken home. Topanga herself also kissed another guy during her separation with Cory, making her realize that sometimes she and Cory need to endure trials in their relationship to prove whether their love for each other is strong; Cory and Topanga ultimately got back together. Entering the eerily familiar, yet comforting warmth of the Matthews' kitchen with Cory for the first time in years, Topanga allowed herself to become so distracted that she failed to prevent little Morgan from slipping a doll into the toaster oven. Given how young the characters were when they got married, would they be divorced now? Log in or link your magazine subscription, Cory and Topanga Would ‘Probably’ Be Divorced Now, Says Rider Strong, Every Super Bowl Halftime Show Since 1993, Ranked. She continued by telling Cory it would be funny if for his whole life he would recall his first kiss as happening when he thought he looked weird, because then he would realize that it's not what matters on the outside but rather on the inside. While the following Summer had been full of fun for Cory, for his two best friends, Shawn and Topanga, it had been full of significant changes. When Professor Utonium spilled that Chemical X, that was one doodle that can’t be undid, homeskillet. Married, best friends, prom king and queen. When Topanga found out she told Shawn he would have to find a real home for Little Cory as he was a farm animal and Topanga didn't think it was good for the pig to stay in an apartment in the city. But just as Eric strode out, so did Mr. Feeny, and Topanga froze. had be taught to “listen to your inner voice. She promises she will. Because of continuity issues with the writers, references to their relationship are highly inaccurate throughout the series. Mr. Feeny comes to help. Finding her way closer towards Eric, Topanga strategized, lay in utilizing his obviously emotionally stunted sibling, Cory, as a key. The no-nonsense bank manager was a breath of fresh air this season. Later that day, Topanga arrived at Cory's house with a thermos of Bancha tea, saying it would help him get better. Later on Cory had gotten flowers for Topanga in an attempt to fix whatever it was that had made Topanga ignore him, however when Shawn sees the flowers he yanks the flowers out of his best friends hands and hands them to a guy that was standing near by, Cory who was shocked at what Shawn had done asked him why he did it and Shawn told him that girls would soon want flowers if they saw Cory give them to Topanga. Jedidiah Lawrence’s side hobby as a luthier had quite unexpectedly become very lucrative, and as his reputation grew in the music industry, he decided to leave the Unicorn Rainbow Bookstore to concentrate his full time solely on custom crafting stringed instruments for the biggest names in the musical world. Topanga opined that Cory liked it because it wasn’t a closet. After his new alternative friends (and Minkus) left, a still, handcuffed together Cory and Topanga remained in the hall, discussing what they had accomplished. During the ceremony Cory says I do but Topanga doesn’t. Topanga then kisses Cory and after it was over Cory asks Topanga if that was a yes or a no. When some older guys left their guitars with them for a few minutes, several of those same girls jumped to the conclusion that Cory and. Cory filled with jealousy asks Trini to go watch the movie with him, Trini says yes and appears to be excited about going out with him. When I'm better because she's here. The first dance of the seventh grade was scheduled for the week of Thanksgiving and Cory was worried about whom he would take. Let's have another kid. Part 2 of Best Friends Forever (And More) Language: English Words: 2,486 Chapters: 1/1 Kudos: 34 Bookmarks: 1 Hits: 603 Topanga then admitted, "Yeah, I would have to feel I really knew the guy, and that I liked him."