Whenever your puppy interacts well with your cat or cats, be sure to fuss and give your dog (and cat) a treat each every time. So without further interruption here are your alternative dog breeds that are like Border Collies. You may notice your border collie following your cat around the house, as if trying to guide them. They love their owners unconditionally and have an almost child-like nature. Due to Border Collies breeding to be on good terms with sheep, they have little prey drive to worry about. His tail may be wagging, but they look nothing short of terrified. However, due to their herding instincts and nature may attempt to herd them like they would livestock. It’s just in their instincts. Can cats and dogs get along? Any dog that reaches over 50 pounds (23kg) is considered a large dog, so while some collies are borderline, most will stay in the medium range. You can then separate your border collie from your cat. You must never punish your dog, even if you disagree with the way they are behaving with your cat. Owning a cat at the same time takes it up another level. Being raised with cats will naturally teach them to associate cats with their environment and fellow members of the family. This is a love-hate relationship many dog owners experiences, because while we love playing with our Border Collies, they have SO much energy to the point we get tired of it, especially when busy. Be consistent and make it clear that you will not tolerate such bad behavior. Regularly feeding of treats, rewards and offering praise will also incentivize your border collie to act better in the presence of cats. Yes, border collies are good with cats if they are properly trained and socialized. link to Are Belgian Malinois Aggressive? Border Collies are a popular energetic shepherd breed. They are highly trainable an… To help keep your cat happy, give them some of their favorite treats along with a lot of snuggles and pets just the way they like them. This could be a bedroom or laundry room. Border collies are intelligent, and if you are consistent with training, they will understand what behavior is and isn’t tolerated. The breed of a Border collie is very hardworking and developed in the Scottish borders.. This is down to the individual personality of the border collie, and the … The most ideal situation is for a new border collie puppy to come into a home that already has one or more cats. Border Collies like routine, so set up a schedule and follow it to help keep your dog as focused as possible. With proper training, you can prevent herding behavior and teach your border collie and cat to get on well and treat each other as equals. The dog’s larger size could hurt the cat even if they don’t mean to. Border Collies are passionate gatherers of cars, bikes, joggers, cats, other dogs, livestock, deer, and running children – poking, pushing, and nipping if the pursued person or animal or object doesn't cooperate. You probably don’t want to feed them at different times as they won’t understand why the other one gets food when they don’t even if you fed them just a little bit before. Border collies are made for the herding of livestock. This is a crucial question that a family thinking of this breed needs to ask. Do Border Collies attack cats? Conditions like that with your cat and dogs food will increase stress and tension, leading nowhere good. Food protection is a common trait amongst most animals. Are Shibas good with kids? So, you need to keep a close eye on this behavior as herding can involve nipping, which might cause injury to your/ a local cat. If your pooch is bored, they may resort to herding your cat. If you see your pup nipping your cat, you must separate the two straight away. You should be socializing them at specific times and when you are around to ensure this goes well and to plan. They are known for their intelligence, loyalty, attentiveness, affection, and above all, their energy. An average price of $600 , but it can go up to $4,500 depending on the breeder’s location, the dog’s lineage, or if you’re looking for a pet or working Border Collie. This, however, is not the case for Border Collies. To own a border collie is a bit of an undertaking as it’s a lot of work keeping these dogs occupied, but you will enjoy teaching your border collie new tricks. How you should go about managing the relationship between your dog and cat will be determined by whether you’re dealing with introducing a puppy to a full-grown cat, or a kitten to a full-grown dog. Border Collies can make good family pets, but only for those dogs that do not have the intense herding instincts and for the families prepared to deal with the ramifications of this behavior. Are Belgian Malinois Aggressive? Of course, it's also... Are Shiba Inus Good With Kids? The Border Collie is one of the most popular dogs within the UK, and they are widely kept as pets as well as still being used for working roles as herding dogs in farming. Cats can hurt a Border Collie as well with their sharp claws, especially if any slashes are directed at the dog’s eyes. Aggression coming from either animal should not be tolerated. but i have a cat he is 3 and really laid back. Here we will be investigating this question with the energetic border collie to try to find out if border collies can get along with cats. Border collies will not generally attempt to attack a cat. The main reason your cat may not like your new puppy will be because the puppy is too bouncy and annoying. Using a command phrase with your Border Collie like no or stop can make your life easier. Because of this, most of the training burden will likely have to lay on the dog. Problems like stalking and predatory chasing of cats should be something you won’t have to be concerned about. But cats are much more stubborn and difficult to train while dogs are much easier. For better outcomes, a border collie that is raised around cats will likely result in better success. So wearing your puppy out a bit can go along way in the relationship. It is commonly said that border collies enjoy the water. A border collie herding a cat might be well-intentioned, but it can lead to injuries for the cat if nipping is involved. [Is This Breed Child Friendly? Make sure that your cat or cats have a safe place when they need to escape your dog. Make sure that you don’t neglect your cat, and give your dog too much attention over them. They can prevent any chasing and any herding behavior from being attempted. Do border collies and cats get along well with one another and can they peacefully co-exist in your home? Owning an aggressive dog can bring great terror to a family and household. Both cats and dogs can get very protective of things they like. This breed excels at so many canine sports that signing up your border collie to one of these classes is an excellent way to burn off some energy. But thankfully, it can be done with the right mindset and approach. This medium-sized herding dog has a strong, agile body on a lean frame, typically weighing up to 45 pounds. A border collie may stare at cat as part of their instinctual herding behavior. Owning a border collie comes along with a range of considerations and challenges. Please assume that all links are affiliate links, which means that if you click a link and make a purchase, we will earn a commission - at no additional cost to you. Interestingly enough, the word “collie” is an old Scottish word that is believed to mean useful—a fitting name for this very useful breed. They are brilliant athleticism and training.. Your Border Collie loves nothing more than chasing these cats. Border collies are avid herders and may attempt to herd cats. To keep your cat’s stress levels low during feeding time, it would be a good idea to feed them somewhere up high where your Border Collie can’t get to them. Weighing in at about 26 to 44 pounds, they are a below-average size dog with the average being around 60 pounds or so. But, if you are introducing a kitten/cat to your home after you have had a border collie for some time, for the most part, some training will be in order. Border Collies are loyal breeds. But what about cats? The Border Collie is an intelligent dog breed that many love because of their strong demeanor. If this is not the case, then this will be a little more difficult and will take your cat some time to get used to the new dog. Obviously, the breed of dog matters for the relationship. If not, then no. So, are border collies good with cats? Some border collies may have a lower herding impulse than others, but if your border collie is a herder, they may decide that herding your cat is their appointed duty. This dog breed requires at least one hour of exercise each day; puppies generally need more exercise than this. PetMerlin.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. You must be consistent when training your border collie to behave well with the cat and not allow the border collie to become bored as this can lead to trouble. It is merely a matter of the individual dog when it comes to swimming. They oppose any organization or written description that emphasizes physical appearance over working ability. As mentioned, Border Collies are medium-sized dogs. If the other dog or cat is friendly and open to forming a loving bond between themselves and the border collie, then yes. Border collies can certainly get along with cats, as long as a good relationship is fostered between them. Pet Educate strives to be the definitive online resource to help you learn everything that you need to know. Known for their incredible athletic abilities, you can often see them competing with great success in all manner of dog sports. One thing I hate most about Border Collies is that they’re extremely energetic, too! Peteducate.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. These are: The idea here is to keep your border collie distracted and to refrain from the need of herding/chasing a cat. Best Substrate For Ball Pythons [Top 5 & Owners Buyers Guide], Are Border Collies Aggressive? Pet Educate is sponsored by its readers. Take your puppy out for regular walks, and maybe a pleasant visit to a dog park. All of these things will not just make your puppy get along better with your cat but also help out your new growing dog in a variety of situations throughout their life. Of course, regular walks and play are equally effective. Remember that the Border Collie has great energy by nature and that his herding instinct can also make him look aggressive in front of a more submerged and calm cat. Border collie has almond-like Eyes; it is the sign of Intelligence expression.. As a result, they’ll herd non-traditional things like cats, leaves, ducks, rabbits, or humans, especially children. Pet Educate is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies. We are pet enthusiasts and love sharing everything that we learn about them! Border Collies have very strong herding instincts which are not just for livestock. Because of this, they’re extreme workaholics and have the energy to prove it, always moving around to expend it. Today this pooch makes an ideal pet because of their friendly temperament and playful nature. You will also need a long leash and toys. Introducing a puppy and kitten to each other is the most comfortable combination and the most likely to have a good relationship. hi i am looking at different breeds of dogs as i am planning on getting one soon. In fact, many Border Collies prefer spending time … The dog park, besides giving your puppy a chance to express their energy it will also help socialize them to different animals, situations, and people. They’re well known as herders, working in farms and fields with their robust build and eyes or detail. A playful kitten may enjoy being chased and might be an excellent companion to a border collie. Thinking to adopt a Border Collie and want to know if Border Collie Dogs get along cats or how do you introduce a Border Collie to a cat in the house? A breed that has undying loyalty for its favorite people and tons of energy, the Border Collie loves spending time with people. The question that arises here is also that do Border collies have poor eyesight or is it better than the other dogs like their intelligence. The size will be something to think about. We will help answer any questions that you may have and provide as much information and research that we can to help you take the best care of your pet. Every border collie is different; some are likely to get along better with cats than others. Today the dog is considered the premier sheepherding breed and is happily herding sheep all over the world. The deterrence method involves actively trying to isolate your border collie and cat from one another, and usually follows a period of unsuccessful socialization. This will help to tire your border collie out and also let them relieve some aggression and let of some steam. This includes all links to Amazon. Do Border Collies Like to Swim? Temperament and needs. Many border collies get along well with the cats in their homes, but others have such strong herding instincts that they aren’t trustworthy around cats. Border collies have an extremely loving personality and are known for being loyal, caring, patient, faithful, and gentle. There are many fantastic tips and tricks in this article, that will help make sure that your cat and Border Collie get off on the right foot and keep on trucking happily together. This will save a repetitive strain injury in your arm and ensure you give them plenty of exercise and opportunity to run around. Border Collies need to be exercised regularly and rigorously so that they can continue to grow strong and healthy. Each time you let things slide, you are pushing back the end goal. Border collies are a dog breed with several distinct characteristics. The following is a culmination of what I have been able to find. Whatever you choose as the word, make sure your dog understands that it means to stop whatever they’re doing immediately. When border collies are young, they do In the next section we will look at some practical things that you can do. With the Border Collie’s work origin, they tend to herd anything that moves – people on bikes, cars, other animals such as squirrels, cats, and of course, kids. It’s in their blood to herd anything mobile, including cats. Yes, border collies are good with cats if they are properly trained and socialized. A natural part of herding is ‘nipping’ which will not likely be received very well by your cat. Stress . So, are border collies good with cats? If their play becomes too rough, all of suddenly just say your command phrase to your dog, and if you trained them right, then the behavior that was bothering you will stop. Make sure that you have a good supply of doggie treats; you can break these up into small pieces and offer them to your dog as a reward for good behavior. They have a reputation from the media for fighting, but I’m sure that we all have known a dog and cat duo who were as thick as thieves. But with a few simple techniques, this process can go as smoothly as possible. If you adopt one over 7 months you are exposed to a slightly increased risk of them not getting along. Today's Border Collies remain relatively unchanged from the dogs of the 1800s and early 1900s and, like the shepherds of old, today's working Border Collie owners prize herding instinct. It becomes vital to give your cat some parts of the house where they can chill without worrying about the dog being all up in their business. From the cat’s perspective, they are 2 to 3 times larger than them. To a Border Collie, a child is basically a sheep without much wool - a sheep in wolf's (kids) clothing if you will. So based on this categorization, scroll further to explore the basic temperament of each! If your cat likes fun and games, they and your Border Collie might get along quite well and will enjoy their time together. Boredom often leads to aggressive behavior in dogs. It's no wonder then that someone considering a Belgian Malinois would wonder if they are aggressive. It's not just the dog that needs to get along with cats, but cats along with dogs. The Border Collie is highly intelligent, eminently trainable, full of energy and good with people, which are just a few of the reasons why many people consider Border Collies to be a good choice of family pet. A good strategy is to purchase a ball launcher, like this excellent product on Amazon, and routinely play fetch with them in your backyard/garden or on walks. On this site, we share advice and interesting facts to help people give the best care they can to our furry, scaled, and feathered friends. The border collie is widely considered to be the most intelligent dog breed. They make great family dogs for those families that have a high enough activity level to keep these lovely dogs productively occupied. Dinner can be a total madhouse. Border collies can have two types of coat: smooth (short and coarse) or rough (medium-length and feathered). Like any dog, Border Collies go through developmental phases as they grow. This way, your collie will be used to being around them from a young age. It is really up to you as the owner to encourage gentle play and interactions between your border collie and the cat. Cats generally like to go where they want to go and when they want to do it. Step 1 This is so much the case that owners sometimes wonder if their dog is ever going to calm down. To increase your chances of a happy multi-species household, make sure your individual animals' temperaments and personalities are compatible. It was amusing to start with, but now it’s starting to affect relations with the neighbors. Having been bred to take care of sheep, this lovely dog can get along with cats a lot more easily than many other breeds. Having a room where the dog isn’t allowed, but the cat is, can be another great way to establish safe spaces. - Answered by a verified Dog Specialist We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our website. And it likely will be. For your reference, Border Collie Dogs score out of 5 in the scale of dog breeds that are good with cats. Border collies that have been brought up with cats as puppies are less likely to behave aggressively. Generally speaking, cats prefer to be left alone and may not enjoy the company of other pets, particularly one that is bossing them around. Besides having safe areas for your cat and making sure to train your puppy. Border collies were bred initially as sheepdogs, and these highly intelligent dogs love nothing more than to be put to work. No cat wants a dog pushing it around to go here or there. Or at least, they can get along with cats living in their homes. The good news is that they won’t mean any harm. Training him not to chase cats is essential if you want to keep the peace. Make sure that your border collie gets lots of daily exercise; this is essential as this breed requires a lot of activity and movement. Sheep, they are not, even though some cat breeds might be almost as fluffy. Ensure that you have separate places for your border collie and cat(s) to go, and safe areas for them to feel comfortable. One thing I love most about Border Collies is that they’re extremely energetic. Just like humans, our pets have different personalities and behaviors. Border collies are extremely smart so training them would be easy. do border collies get on with cats? Do border collies do well with other pets like cats and rabbits? You can do so by playing fetch, or through games like tug of war. This breed of dog has very sharp eyes and recognizes the enemy very easily with the help of an intense gaze. This helps us to keep the lights on . If the cat attacks the dog expect the dog to defend himself. Before you can begin training, you must have a list of item to effectively do so. Another excellent approach is to set up your environment for success. So just another reason to keep out a sharp eye on the situation. Occasionally, even a well-trained border collie might attempt to herd and chase cats once in a while, so your cat must have a means of escape. You could give your cat a lovely cat tree, where they can climb up to safety if things get too hot. Thankfully dogs are very trainable, and the hyper-intelligent Border Collie is no exception. For this reason it is important to keep an eye on a border collie when they are around cats. Luckily for you, extensive studies and researches explain that generalizing as per their breed is good enough. Border Collies are more of a companion dog today rather than a herding dog, so many do not get to herd sheep or other animals. Border Collies have very strong herding instincts, and if you have cats living with you, they may end up on the receiving end of this. Borders have, if anything, a protecting and herding drive, which means that they will want to protect the cat and might be overbearing. Most dogs can be great with children if given the proper training and socialization, but when... PetMerlin is a passionate small team of enthusiastic pet owners researching and writing about pets. Intrigued and needing to know this myself, I decided to conduct some research. This can be an issue as cats do not like being herded nor nipped and barked at for that matter. Border Collies are a brilliant and energetic dog. If your puppy is raised with cats, there is less of a chance that he will see cats as animals that need herding. Why does my border collie stare at my cat? How Big Do Border Collies Get? Like any other breed, Border Collies require a lot of love … You can also take some child gates and close off a section of a hallway or one part of the house from another. Still, by most standards Border Collies are very intelligent dogs. Hyperactivity can get your dog into all kinds of mischief. If your cat doesn’t have a place to run to, they will likely become aggressive toward your border collie. The younger the better. Border Collies require considerably more daily physical exercise and mental stimulation than many other breeds. Even people can be protective over their food, just look at any big family with a lot of kids. Border Collies are brilliant, highly trainable and sensitive working dogs who make excellent companions when given the right care. Many breeds of dogs can have a strong prey drive, which can endanger any cat friendship. There is a lot to love about this athletic dog breed. Do Border Collies Like Water? ]. As dogs go, Borders are on the small-mid size range. It is easier to train a border collie when they are a puppy (as puppies are fast learners), preferably younger than 12 weeks old. Although this breed doesn’t normally like to roam, keep your dog and the others safe with a securely fenced yard. You should keep a close eye on both of them at first; don’t leave them alone without supervision until your sure that they get along. As hardworking sheepdogs that came from a mix of old roman herding dogs with the spitz-type breeds that came over with the Vikings in their ancient British conquests. Cats can get very jealous and will lash out when they feel snubbed. Border collies were bred to work, and their appearance fits the bill. Proper training and specific techniques can help reduce herding behavior and the likelihood of nipping. This is determined by the nature and personality of the other animal. Border Collies have very strong herding instincts, and if you have cats living with you, they may end up on the receiving end of this. Apart from fitness, exercise also helps promote good mental health in Border Collies. Border Collies are a popular energetic shepherd breed. Plus, cats just love looking down on other life forms imperiously from on up high. Herding Nature of Border Collies Some border collies like to cuddle with other animals, such as dogs and cats, but not all do. Let us now take a closer look at how these two animals typically do alongside one another before we move onto some introduction, socialization and training tips. This breed is the most intelligent and active as compared to all other dog breeds. Your cat won’t appreciate being on the receiving end of this treatment, so you must supervise their interactions. They will be raised around the cats and will not know anything different. [Is This Breed Child Friendly?]. First of all, border collies are known to have a very loyal and loving nature. Beyond this, aside from many brisk walks or runs, get your border collie to play games like tug and frisbee, believe it or not, these lively games get your dog to calm down. thank you With proper training, however, you can prevent herding behavior and get your border collie and cats to treat one another as equals. So with a little training and patience, Border Collies and cats can be taught to coexist peacefully. but he is my number 1 so i need to no what breeds are best suited to adapting to a cat . You can encourage your puppy to engage in play with your cats, just make sure that all interactions are gentle. There are also three particular methods that work well when training your border collie to be social and friendly with cats. Although border collies are very well known for their agility and their almost acrobatic athletic ability, the jury is still out on how border collies feel about swimming. When you are away from home, make sure that you put your puppy in a crate, so that you can monitor their behavior with your cats until they are fully socialized. Defining “most intelligent” is a highly subjective thing, and depends on what traits (such as trainability, reasoning ability, independent thinking, fitness for a particular task, etc.) Border Collie information including pictures, training, behavior, and care of Border Collies and dog breed mixes. Border collies do tend to mellow out and become less energetic in […] This could be toys, food, even people. Closing your dog off from the cat’s litter box can be useful as some dogs will like eating the kitty litter, which isn’t good for them. While this is entirely natural for a border collie to do, a cat will not take to it very well. A Border Collie will herd anything: other dogs, family members, cats! One that you may have could be around housing multiple pets. [Dangerous or Protective? Border collies get along great with other dogs and cats, but it can be hard to determine how far this friendship will go. Then they bark, even baring their teeth if sheep do not respond or begin to move. ], Introducing a New Border Collie Puppy to Your Cat. But this is possible with all combinations if you take the right steps. Perhaps the best way to train your border collie and to eradicate bad behavior is with an effective home training program, like Brain Training For Dogs. Before you first introduce your Border Collie puppy to your cat, it’s good to burn off some of their excess youthful energy. Although they don't typically mean to harm other animals, nipping and other herding behavior can injure cats. Fortunately, Borders are very trainable and eager to please their owners, so this problem can easily be handled with some proper training and giving your cat some safe spaces. Both need rewarding for this behavior and you want to promote good behavior as much as possible. This is an excellent thing as many dogs can have problems living with cats because of their strong hunting instincts. Do Border Collies Like Cats? Therefore you may need to interrupt staring and prevent your border collie from attempting to her a/your cat. This is, of course, is most likely to occur if your border collie and cat have been socialized properly. you consider to be signs of intelligence. Therefore, it’s important to temper this instinct from an early age when herding is inappropriate. But you may consider other dogs like Border Collies if you don’t think Border Collies are the perfect dog for you. So you will need to keep an eye on both of them whenever they are playing or interacting. Being that one of the problems you will face with having a Border Collie and a cat living together is the dog constantly harassing the cat. one of these classes to burn off his excessive energy. Are Border Collies Friendly? You may need to consider getting cat flaps installed. The Border Collie is one of the smartest, most dedicated, extremely social, and adaptable breeds in existence, who are easy to train. Cats can definitely be an excellent gaming friend for Border Collies, the smartest dog in the world, but they can also become a chase scene where the cat will not feel confident. Since both the rough and smooth coat Border Collie is the same breed, they cost like every other Border dog. [Biting and Other Problem Behaviors]. They originated in the border between England and Scotland.