All rabbits can bite, though most pet rabbits who are handled often rarely will bite. These rabbits are known for being great with kids of all ages, as well as gentle with their own young (both males and females). Often rabbits will bite out of pain, so a trip to a good rabbit vet will look for tooth problems, pain, etc. The Flemish Giant is a semi-arch type rabbit with its back arch starting back of the shoulders and carrying through to the base of the tail giving a "mandolin" shape. Quality rabbits for pets, show, or homesteading. Williston is located approximately half way between Gainesville and Ocala, West of I-75. Additionally, the Flemish Giant is one of the oldest known breed of rabbit in existence. The first known records of Flemish Giants were in Flanders, Belgium in the 16th Century. Our breeding focus is calm and friendly personalities, low maintenance, and gentle rabbits. Experts believe that this giant rabbit breed might be descended from related breeds such as the Stone Rabbit and the European Patagonian; both of which are now extinct, but were raised for fur and meat purposes. Welcome! The Flemish Giant rabbit is a domestic rabbit breed mainly very known for it’s large size. First be sure your rabbit is healthy. We have a multitude of rabbits available here, Flemish giants and soon to have Flemish giant/Californian crosses, and Flemish giant/New Zealand crosses. These rabbits may grow nervous, especially when they are handled in a rough way. If your rabbit has to go into the vet, the treatment costs can quickly add up. Pets are not toys, as long as children understand this, they should have no problem being friends with a Flemish giant rabbit. This is home base of Down the Rabbit Hole Rabbitry, Located in East Granby, CT! Even though Flemish giant rabbits are incredibaly docile, they can bite … Last updated on 02-05-2021 Click to Visit: Happy Tails Flemish Giants Face Book Group CURRENT MEMBER OF NFFGRB , National Federation of Flemish Giant Rabbit Breeders CURRENT MEMBER OF ARBA , American Rabbit Breeders Association. Flemish Giants are prone to ear mites and fur mites. Flemish Giants are one of the oldest & largest breeds of rabbits in existence. This is often missed. The following scenarios, all taken from real life, illustrate the basic causes of aggression and some easy ways to solve it. It is one of the largest rabbits recognized by the American Rabbit Breeders Association. When around children, an adult should supervise their interaction to avoid unlikely events from happening. Fear and territorial behavior are the leading reasons for biting. Flemish Giant Rabbits. If rabbits are mishandled they will learn to nip to protect themselves. If they feel insecure when carried they may scratch to get down. Do Flemish Giant Rabbits bite? Reality: Although some rabbits tolerate handling quite well, many do not like to be picked up and carried. The breed was bred as early as the sixteenth century near the city of Ghent, Belgium. It is the largest rabbit breed in existence and originated in Flanders. We breed Flemish Giant Rabbits from spring to fall each year. Located in Connecticut. This may result to inflicting serious bites and scratch if they feel the need to struggle. All rabbits can be good pets for children if they treat them with kindness. We have been raising rabbits since 2006. Originally, we bred rabbits as a meat product; sold a few here and there as pets... We stumbled upon the Flemish breed in 2007 and fell in love with them! They are believed to be the descendants of the now extinct Stone and European Patagonian rabbits. But the modern Flemish Giant rabbit breed was developed in the United Kingdom. Do rabbits bite? You'll also need a way to keep your rabbit cool during the summer.Flemish Giants don't handle heat well, so you may need to air condition a room, put a fan on, provide frozen water bottles, or relocate your rabbit during the hotter days of the summer. Myth 6: Rabbits love to be picked up and cuddled and do not scratch or bite. Breeding practices, care, and handling can influence a rabbit’s tendency to bite, and some breeds are more likely to bite than others.