3 days, and no. I have also changes litters a lot (from schweat scoop to yesterday's new to those wood stove pellets - $6 a bag for 40lbs why didn't I do this sooner?!) 1 decade ago. 0 0. He isn’t really playing with my 1 year old ferret anymore. You can also use a rice bowl as a substitute for dirt/sand. It could be something less serious though like a … LYNN W. Lv 6. Ferrets are prone to cancer so its the first thing I think of. He also seemed to have a lump - Answered by a verified Pet Specialist. I've never seen or smelled ferret pee before so is this normal? You need to take him in to a vet asap. If they need to do xrays or ultrasounds - it could cost a lot more. We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our website. He also will not eat unless the food is watered down … Ferrets are unique pets that can be easy to fall in love with due to their cute appearance and quirky personality. Among the most common are cancers affecting the adrenal glands, pancreas, and lymphatic system.Viral diseases include canine distemper and influenza. And with it getting harder to find the free Thrifty Nickles that was the reason to going to the pee pads. ... You’ll know when your ferret is in rut because it will smell a lot worse than usual and will develop some rather unpleasant habits. so maybe I'm just noticing the smell more? If so, your ferret needs a lot of reassurance and positive reinforcement. Source: Ferrets for Dummies – male ferret on right. Graduated from the Holistic Ferret Mentor Program January 18th, 2010! “If you stick your hand in their hidey-hole, nine times out of 10 you’ll get bitten, because it’s THEIR hidey-hole,” Horton warns. Female ferrets pee out of the same general area that they poop, so their pee puddles will be located at the back of the litter area. There’s a lot of information about keeping ferrets as pets that isn’t always completely accurate, but you do need to know that this pet is still a huge commitment. please help me,my ferret is peeing blood? Keep in mind though, that ferrets drink a lot less when fed a raw diet, because of the natural moisture in the meat. sherrylynne Administrator Raw … It’s not likely., 1 year. I'm adding a bit of baking soda now. Ferrets are natural diggers, and if you can give them a sand box or box filled with dirt, they can easily dig a lot and make your job of tiring them easier. One of my ferret is shaking a lot. In addition to fear biting, ferrets may bite out of anger or to protect their space. I use them in the house with in front of the other litter boxes, they save me a lot of work cleaning up messes, all I have to do is roll up the soiled pads and toss them in the trash. Certain health problems have also been linked to ferrets being neutered before sexual maturity was reached. That might also be contributing to the lack of pee. Is it the raw food? He is 6 months old but he’s in bed more often than not. A ferret is a great pet that offers something a little different from the more traditional cat or dog. Anyone have ferrets that don't shred the pee pads?? My ferret is excessively drooling and lethargic. The domestic ferret is known to be affected by several distinct ferret health problems. The shaking isn’t just when waking up and he lays in my arms vibrating. Because male ferrets have a penis that is located in the middle of their belly, they usually pee in the middle of the litter area.