Joey Green’s Cleaning Magic by Joey Green, Haley’s Cleaning Hints by Graham and Rosemary Haley, Clean It Fast, Clean It Right by Jeff Bredenberg, Extraordinary Uses for Ordinary Things by Reader’s Digest. It’s a last resort. Skunks do NOT just spray for the heck of it. No. Then, wash as usual using a heavy-duty detergent like Tide or Persil which contains enzymes to break … Unfortunately, we had another cat get sprayed by a skunk a few years back. Yes, we’ve had to figure out how to get skunk smell out of our house and belongings as well. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. This Home Remedy Will Neutralize Skunk Odor A chemist named Paul Krebaum discovered a solution which I believe is the most effective way to counter skunk … Steps: Bathe your dog with dog shampoo. Below, we’re going to tell you exactly how to permanently get skunk smell off your cat or dog in one fell swoop. Sorry for your pain, Liz. Aaron also writes for Edible Upcountry Magazine, WordPress (.com), Daily Harvest Express, and other food and tech-related organizations. That means Bob the Cat must have given the skunk good reason to spray him. Put a bell collar on your pets so that skunks can hear them and (hopefully) get away before a smelly encounter happens. You’re going to use straight Dawn detergent here. Now, it’s time to towel, blow dry or air dry your pet, while providing plenty of reassurance that it’s still loved. Without wetting your pet, apply the solution directly on its entire body. He seems to smell better, so fingers crossed this does the trick. The citric acid within lemon juice can do much to cut through the difficult stench of skunk smell. Once they’ve exhausted their defensive spray, it can take them up to 10 days to reload, leaving them defenseless in the meantime. Don’t act threatening or go within 15 feet of the skunk. To remove any remaining smell, soak a cloth with vanilla extract and put it in a bowl. Step 1 If the skunk odor is still noticeable, the oil was absorbed by the leather. Test an inconspicuous spot on the chair/sofa using a rag or washcloth. Another option is to use a baking soda paste. This cute little skunk spent the night in a cage, but at least it got to dine on apple slices and peanut butter. Blech. It truly is “tough on grease,” and it will help to start breaking apart the oily disgustingness of the skunk spray. Then rinse off the cat using warm water. Take breaks from cleaning as needed to avoid discomfort. Gag. We don’t think skunk marinara is that much of an improvement over pure skunk smell. Please be sure to subscribe to Tyrant Farms to see what's in-season out in nature, have fresh seasonal recipes delivered to your inbox and get helpful organic/permaculture gardening & duck keeping tips. Even then, the strong odor of skunk can still persist. You don't want bigger problems than you already have. What do you do when your dog has been sprayed by a skunk? Having a problem with skunk do do smell coming through my vents the skunk is gone it had babies under the house came through the air system dug under it to get under the house had to call the critter guy to remove it but he was gone now just have this do do smell … It’s 5am. Once lathered, rinse the cat, while one person continues to hold the poor creature in place and try to comfort it. Skunk spray is nature’s version of tear gas and prolonged exposure can be irritating to the eyes and skin, as well as nauseating. originally dropped off stray cats on our doorstep, How to store Japanese persimmons (with recipes! We also write for Edible Upcountry Magazine, so be sure to check out our articles over there as well! Let natural sunlight and fresh air into your home to help neutralize the skunk odor. To remove skunk smell, combine a quart of 3 percent hydrogen peroxide, a 1/4 cup of baking soda and 2 teaspoons of liquid soap in a plastic bucket. This actually just happened to us. If your cat or dog is sprayed by a skunk, doing nothing is NOT an option because the smell can linger on your pet’s fur for up to three weeks. Step 2 Put on … ), Recipe: gluten-free persimmon oat crumble, How to tell boy and girl ducks or ducklings apart, Recipe: One-pot roasted turkey with kumquats and wild rice. Keep your pets in a fenced back yard where skunks are less likely to have access. In addition to their collaboration on Tyrant Farms, Aaron and his wife, Susan, are cofounders of, a USDA certified organic seed & gardening education company. Be careful not to pour water down the cats ears or into its eyes. While one person holds the cat, the other person needs to pour warm water over the cat. Set the bowl near the area where the skunk sprayed and let it sit overnight.¹ When you have finished cleaning, put all towels or rags used for cleaning in a bucket of white vinegar to soak overnight.⁵ If you … Groggy, you look at the foot of your bed and see your rotund, orange tabby cat loudly purring and staring back at you. As long as the skunk oil remains on the dog’s coat, it will remain in the air that you breathe. Well, looks like we now have a pet skunk to go along with the rest of the animal zoo. Click here to learn more about our story, and please subscribe to get our freshest content delivered to your inbox! Below, we’re going to tell you exactly how to permanently get skunk smell off your cat or dog in one fell swoop. Squeeze a good amount of lemon juice within one’s palms and proceed to rub the acidic … Eliminating skunk … Over the … Scrub the floor with the mixture, then wipe up the liquid with a towel.¹, Another option for removing the stench is a pet enzyme cleaner. Much as I would have been very happy never to need this article, I was very glad to find it today. If you would like a response from us, please leave your question in the comment area at the bottom of this page instead of here. Mix 1 qt. Skunks actually squirt an oily liquid out of their anal scent gland. Combine 1 quart peroxide, ¼ cup baking soda, and 1 tsp Dawn liquid detergent in a bucket. Your unconscious mind is suddenly confronted with a smell so noxious that it triggers you to wake up. #petskunk #lawd #skunk, A post shared by Tyrant Farms (@tyrantfarms) on Jun 7, 2018 at 1:08pm PDT. Wash all sprayed clothes, fabrics, people, and animals as soon as possible. of dish soap in a bowl, as suggested by AA Animal Control for neutralizing skunk odors on people or pets. Skunk smell can be annoying as it can stay for quite some time. Since we’ve gotten skunk spray off of our cat six times, we now consider ourselves experts! He also serves on the board of the Diversified Agriculture Committee for the South Carolina Farm Bureau. (Update: In 2017, this happened twice, and in 2018 it happened to us four times in just two months. – Large bucket. Skunks excrete a foul-smelling fluid from their anal scent glands and spray it onto their attackers. As mentioned above, they only spray when they feel surprised, threatened, and/or attacked. All Rights Reserved. When used together with soap, the ingredients help to break down the oils in … If you go outside at night, turn on the lights and bring a flashlight so you can see any potential skunks. – Hydrogen peroxide. Once fully lathered, rinse the creature. Closing your house up will only keep the stench inside. If it is cold, try to keep the dog into a large, open area of your home and keep your windows open or have fans blowing the smell … Neither will vinegar. If you see a lot of skunks in your area, consider investing in a commercial product.², Skunks can be repelled with perfume scents. Brush off the dried paste and the smell should be gone. Food explorer, seed & soil geek, duck evangelist, writer, health nut, and entrepreneur. It was not at all aggressive. Bob the Cat patiently waiting for his 5-15 minutes to be up. One of my cats got sprayed while out in our catio last night (Halloween), so for some Friday night fun, hubby & I gloves up and washed the cat… three times. Hopefully, kitty continues to smell better for your sake and his. Once the trap’s door was opened, it hung out inside for a few more minutes before scurrying off into the woods. Create a skunk-odor remover Vet Info suggests using a kitchen-sink-style recipe for dog cleanser that combines 1-quart hydrogen peroxide, 1/4 cup baking soda, 1-quart apple cider vinegar, 2 teaspoons Dawn, 1/2 cup powdered OxyClean and 1-quart warm water. The faster you get those smelly things in the wash, the better the chance that the skunk odor … You can use the mixture of vinegar and water to … Mix all ingredients together in your bucket. © 2020 - Tyrant Farms. Scenario 1: Your Clothing Stinks. Here’s a step-by-step guide showing you how to get skunk smell off your cat or dog in one treatment. Pour some baking soda into a bowl and stir in a little water to make a thick paste that is about the consistency of toothpaste or peanut butter. If you see a skunk, stop, make some noise, and let it move away on its own. For the record “Ode de moufette” would not be a popular perfume, despite what Pepé Le Pew may believe. Bob the formerly skunk-sprayed cat getting hair dried after his skunk spray removal treatment. Set your washer on a high water heat setting and run it through a cycle. Bob the Cat is likely not blameless even though he’s confined to his yard with an electric cat fence/collar. This wash oxidizes the thiol compounds in the skunk spray (the most offensive part of the skunk smell). The skunk smell can permeate your house, but it can also cause respiratory problems for you, your family, and your dog. Your email address will not be published. The solution may not get well … – Wooden spoon. Hydrogen Peroxide and Baking Soda for Skunk Sprayed Dog When combined, baking soda and hydrogen peroxide produce oxygen. So we know how NOT to get sprayed by a skunk ourselves: We hope this article helps you and your pet survive a skunk-spray emergency. We walked very slowly towards it and covered the cage with a blanket just in case it felt threatened enough to spray. FYI: this is the same stuff that animal rescue folks use to wash animals caught in oil spills. You want to be careful not to make the colors run or stain. Soak washable clothing and camping equipment in the ammonia and warm water for at least 30 minutes. Smell and repeat as many times as necessary. Best Ways to Get Rid of Skunk Smell. To get rid of it, boil vinegar in a pan. Apply with a sponge onto the dog's … Here’s how to get rid of skunk smell in the car ASAP: Mix one quart of hydrogen peroxide, 1/4 cup baking soda, and one teaspoon of liquid dish soap in a bowl. Simply put an air freshener in the area where the skunk frequents or around the perimeter of your house to keep them away.⁷, Oleander is one scent that skunks particularly dislike.¹. You’ve survived! Dry him off, then cover him in tomato juice, saturating the coat completely. In a moment of horror, you realize that the smell wasn’t a dream: your pet has been doused in skunk spray, and he is happily spreading the skunk odor throughout the house, including your bed. What you will read below are some of the most effective and what we recommend you do if you ever have to remove the smell of a skunk. You’ll need to rinse and wash the washcloth as you go. If that’s not motivation enough for you to take action, then consider this: that foul-smelling skunk spray comes from a skunk’s anal glands. of 3 percent hydrogen peroxide, a quarter cup of baking soda and 1 tsp. If you’ve never smelled skunk before, count yourself lucky. Ha! Privacy Policy. Wash your dog again with dog shampoo. By opening your windows, you let out some of the smell and allow fresh air into your home to help replace some of the contaminated air. Thanks for the helpful, straightforward advice, and to the cooperative photo model (though it sounds like he could stand to provide a little less fodder for this column.). We’ve also had to trap and release skunks from ground hog traps. Place a bowl or a cup of vinegar inside your car and leave it there overnight so that the vinegar’s evaporation process can eliminate bad odor. Then air dry the clothes. Here it is munching on some duck food kibble she offered it. Because the odor is contained in the spray, it lingers until the liquid is diluted or removed. Note to self: close the traps before dark or you’ll catch other critters too. This wretched scent is so bad that it even scares off wolves, bears, and coyotes. (Thanks, Bob!) We thought so. “Honey, I don’t think that’s a groundhog.” We set out traps so we can relocate the groundhogs that have been fattening themselves for winter hibernation on some of our garden beds. To remove any remaining smell, soak a cloth with vanilla extract and put it in a bowl. TOOLS AND MATERIALS Available on Amazon. If you do not, you will seal the skunk smell permanently. In a wash tub or bucket, combine equal amounts of water and vinegar and add a dash of mild detergent. Getting a proper remedy to remove the oil as soon as possible is the key to fresh air. document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "acd95602ab362457a1303ecf0bab8850" );document.getElementById("d2ee6340d6").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Thanks for taking the time to stop by and read our blog! To remove the skunk spray, you’ll need the following ingredients: The “recipe” is down below. Spread the paste over the area where the skunk sprayed and let it dry. First, we should say that if your pet was sprayed in the eyes, is foaming at the mouth, or has injuries on it (from an actual physical encounter with a skunk), you should plan to bring your pet straight to the vet. #skunksofinstagram #skunk #skunkfest, A post shared by Tyrant Farms (@tyrantfarms) on Oct 24, 2017 at 8:08am PDT. A few tips for keeping your dog or cat from getting sprayed by a skunk: For the past two summers, we’ve had a momma skunk raise her young under our porch (The Tyrant fell in love with the creature and feeds it). Skunk oil on your skin, clothes, and hair can … Step 2 Repeat as many times as necessary into the skunk smell is gone. In fact, unlike other smells, you don’t seem to get used to it with time; it gets worse and starts to cause a slight burning feeling in your nasal passages. The Best Air-Cleaning Plants For Your Home, “Empty The Garden Centers” – A Call To Clean The Air In Response to the Amazon Fires, Natural Liquid-Free Way to Clean Your Phone on the Go for Cheap, Ventilate the area by opening all the nearby windows and pointing a fan on the area.¹, Put on a pair of disposable gloves to avoid transferring the skunk oil to your hands.¹, Fill a bucket with 5 cups of hot water, then add 1/2 cup of Simple Green All Purpose Cleanser. Open the windows in your home to ventilate it. If they can’t smell or hear you, you can surprise them. Pour 1 quart of hydrogen peroxide, 1/2 cup of baking soda, and 1 teaspoon of dishwashing liquid or laundry soap into a large container, then mix with a spoon. Both people would be smart to wear rubber kitchen gloves throughout the process. Tyrant Farms is reader-supported. Aaron is the former farm manager at Oak Hill Cafe & Farm, a no-till, permaculture, farm-to-table restaurant & farm located right down the street from his alma mater, Furman University, in Greenville, SC. All the while, your pet will spread that awful skunk smell around your house, which can also last for three weeks. They look cute and fuzzy, but they have the ability to stink you off of your property. If your pet is physically fine, other than being godawful smelly, follow these instructions to get the skunk spray smell off your cat (or dog): Unless your cat likes to be bathed (doubtful), you’re going to need two people (one to hold the cat, the other to apply the various applications and wash the cat… and maybe take a picture or twenty). Follow the instructions on the label of your selected cleaner to apply it to the area.², Another option is to use a mixture of 1 cup hydrogen peroxide, 1 tablespoon baking soda and a small squirt of dish liquid.³ Apply the mixture on the surface, let it sit for a couple minutes, then wipe it up with a towel.⁴. Motivated yet? If it doesn’t stain or cause the fabric colors to bleed, scrub the skunk-sprayed spots until clean. Funny thing: the first time this took place, my wife (The Tyrant) said she was dreaming about walking through a perfume section at a mall when she was suddenly sprayed with a new fragrance that woke her up. Neither will citrus oil or perfume. Let the juice soak for 10 to 20 minutes before rinsing it out. Don’t let your pet out at night unless you’re walking them on a leash. – Vinegar. It requires baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, and liquid dishwashing soap … Make noise (clapping or whistling is good) so any skunk know you’re there. Use a sponge on your walls, not anything abrasive, or you risk scrubbing off your paint. Set the bowl near the area where the skunk sprayed and let it sit overnight.¹, When you have finished cleaning, put all towels or rags used for cleaning in a bucket of white vinegar to soak overnight.⁵ If you don’t have enough white vinegar to fill a bucket, you can use a ratio of one cup white vinegar to one gallon of water.⁶, There are commercial skunk odor removers available, such as Nature’s Miracle Skunk Odor Remover. This keeps you from getting skunky and provides a bit of extra protection from errant cat claws. Once fully lathered, let the mixture sit on the cat for 5-15 minutes (the longer the better if your pet really smells). Our cat seems to really enjoy getting sprayed by skunks.). Use the following remedy to remove the skunk smell from your dog. First, we should say that if your pet was sprayed in the eyes, is foaming at the mouth, or has injuries on it (from an actual physical encounter with a skunk), you … It will temporarily make your pet smell more like a tomato though. First, open all your windows, then go through this list as necessary: Lucky enough, you can remove the skunk smell from your carpet using the exact steps and ingredients listed above. Bring all “ingredients” to your bathtub and mix right before you’re going to use them. The home will now smell like vinegar, but once that smell is gone, the skunk odor should also be gone. Febreeze does not get rid of skunk smell. Scrub any spots with skunk spray on them with hot soapy water using dawn dish detergent. We used a natural, clove-based flea & tick shampoo that we had from when someone originally dropped off stray cats on our doorstep. :)
Wash your dog outside to prevent the odors from getting in your house. It smells like burning car tires and sulfur – and it does not dissipate with time. . Then scrub the cat thoroughly with the mixture. Skunks are nocturnal creatures with poor eyesight, but a keen sense of smell and hearing. How to Remove White Rings from Wooden Furniture. Treats come in handy here. Hydrogen peroxide and baking … The Tyrant has been sweet talking and leaving treats for this skunk for months and it appears smitten. Gorgeous little critter. Despite what some people say, NO, tomato juice does not effectively get rid of skunk spray. You have to break apart the oils in the skunk spray and thoroughly remove the volatile compounds using the methods and ingredients recommended above. Getting skunk smell off of your upholstery is the trickiest of them all. The good news: we now keep all the skunk spray removal ingredients from that original episode on-hand at all times, similar to a first aid kit. If the skunk smell has entered the house, check the air filters and replace them if needed. Getting Skunk Spray Off Your Skin Don’t touch anything! This is the final wash to help get rid of any remaining offensive skunk smell and mask whatever lingering odors remain with something more pleasant. You can remove skunk smell from most clothing and fabrics by washing them with a regular laundry detergent mixed with 1/2 cup baking soda in hot water. You’re peacefully sleeping with your spouse and duck in your bed. Skunks can hit their target from as far away as 10 feet, so Bob the Cat didn’t even have to be that close to Pepé to get sprayed. However, with a few simple home remedies and a little time and effort, you can get rid of skunk smell …
how do you get the skunk smell off