Budgies, or parakeets, can be categorized into 3 species, each with a slightly different common lifespan. You can also tell the age of your budgie by the color of its eyes. Budgies are the only species in the genus Melopsittacus. For example, Cockatiels and Budgies can live up to 20 years if they are well cared, and their needs are met. A healthy budgie is more likely to outlive an unhealthy budgie. There are cases of these birds living as long as 15 years. While it is not exactly clear why certain species outlive others, researchers know it has a lot to do with genetics. If you live up to your responsibility, hopefully this life will be long and fulfilling. However, they can die as early as 5 years old (or earlier!!) Budgies can play an important, fulfilling role in you and your families lives. However, keeping a budgie healthy is more than just giving them a nutritious diet and plenty of clean water. The reason is genetic and it is believed to be due to the budgie having relatively little genetic manipulation over the years. Like with most other pets, you want to have a cage that you can spot clean daily and then do a complete cleaning once a week. All those bird shows have paid off and the result is a cute bird with a friendly and tame nature. Wild budgies are about 7.5 inches (18-20 cm) in length and weigh, on average, about 1 ounce (28 g). In addition to a healthy diet, paying attention to the latter elements of a budgie’s life are important to maintaining their physical health. However, if they are particularly fortunate, it is possible for a pet budgie to live up to 15 or even 20 years in rare cases. Its actually a good idea to have a couple of budgies. So how long do parakeets live in captivity? The budgerigar parakeet can live for 5 to 10 years, the monk parakeet from 15 to 20 years, while the plain parakeet can live for an average of 15 years. Can budgies be left alone for a week? Budgies love playing with toys, so do not leave your budgies just sitting there. Budgies have an average lifespan of about 15 years. Budgies need to live in a bigger cage than most people realize. While this amount of time can vary, a well looked after budgie should reach this age. But what about their smaller relative, the budgie? Larger parrots, such as Macaws can live up to 100 years in captivity under optimal conditions. [Can They Be Kept Together], Why Does My Guinea Pig Stare At Me? One of the most devastating aspects of owning one is that they do not live forever. What Animal am I According to my Zodiac Sign? You also want to cut these down into small and manageable chunks for your budgie to consume right away. However, I've had some keets live 8-10 years. It is hard to know what your budgies like to do if you have never given the birds a chance to try new things. The go-to food is bird seed, but you need to ensure that you are feeding your budgie with an appropriate brand. Budgies are bred in captivity with colouring of blues, whites, yellows, greys, and even with small crests. On average, they live about 4-5 years. Do Ferrets Get Along With Cats? There are reports of birds reaching twenty years. Its sufficient to house numerous budgies, is easy to clean and provides a lot of space for your budgies to fly around. Some live longer than others. There are various illnesses which may cause a budgie's lifespan to be shortened. While the maximum lifespan of a budgie may be up to 20 years, it is important to know these are not likely and only occurs in the rarest occasions. Again, Prevue have created a great hideaway that also comes with a ladder, which you can also purchase on Amazon. The typical age for budgies to the first molt is around 12 weeks of age, roughly at three months old. A further determining factor is to do with their health. However, the amount of time a budgie will live will ultimately depend on several factors, including overall quality of life, avoiding any serious illnesses, and with good general care, diet and environment. It will also make both of your lives easier if there is an easily accessible food and water dish. We are pet enthusiasts and love sharing everything that we learn about them! How long a budgie will live depends various factors. Written by. Updated 01/07/20. Now budgies are commonly referred to as parakeets (in American English), so you may see a budgie called a parakeet, and the terms may be used interchangeably. Feeding your budgie a diet exclusively of low-quality seeds is a big mistake and can cause long term health issues and complications. It is easy to get any parakeet towards their maximum lifespan. We have seen some results claiming the oldest budgie alive reached 29 years, but it is difficult to find substantive evidence for it. Sadly, even healthy budgies can fall ill. Find out Everything about this Hybrid. It is not possible to derive the age of a mature budgie from its outer appearance. There are many factors that play into the life expectancy of a budgie. Parakeets are a type of small parrot and budgerigars are one of many genera which make up with group. Comparable to most cats and dogs, these little birds will be sticking around for quite some time. These animals are very fragile when living in a climate that is different from their natural habitat, so you should consult your vet at the slightest sign of a symptom. In some cases, budgies… Budgies can live on average 5 to 10 years in captivity. But normally, budgies do not live that long. Juveniles and chicks are monomorphic, while adults are told apart by their cere colouring, and their behaviour. Anyways, budgies usually live to about 10 years but some have had a budgie life for 15 years! This is why the Volkman Avian Science Super Parakeet Diet (available at great bulk prices on Amazon) comes so highly regarded. Parakeet is it’s another name that came from American English. Some of the more popular ones include bells, mirrors, and swings. Do not put them in the same cage even if they get along great together. Check out the differences between male and female budgerigars in our AnimalWised article to learn more about caring for these incredible birds. Again this is another firm favorite and you can even go for the multipack that includes a little bit of everything. 15 years is a decent lifespan for what you can expect from a small pet. Budgies Lifespan is mistakenly known for two to four years but if taken good care in food and by veterinary care, its lifespan reaches up-to 15 years. While they are now all over the world each parakeet can live in captivity for 7 to 14 years, even up to 20 years if proper care is taken. It is possible old age may make them more susceptible to disease, but essentially adult budgerigars of any age will have a very similar appearance. Although interestingly, smaller species usually have faster metabolisms and shorter lives than larger ones. One of the most important is whether it lives in the wild or is kept in captivity. Budgies that are over 8 to 12 months usually have light grey or light brown irises. On particular occasions, generally caused by stress, this bird can continually pluck at its plumage. A budgie that is too young cannot be tamed. The lifespan of your bird depends on genetic factors, but lifestyle factors such as diet and activity level greatly affect your budgies longevity. Guilt will not fix anything, and, in many cases, there was never anything you could have done to make things okay. They will be able to support your budgie and give you advice on what you what you need to do and the appropriate course of action. These well-known, small, typically yellow, blue, green, and white birds may live 5 to 12 years in captivity but unfortunately often do not make it seven years due to … They are a great pet, are good companions and its nice to take care of them. Also, captive budgies may be bred in such a way that they have better genetic lineages. A well-cared for budgie can actually live for over ten years, all the way up to 15 or even 20 in lucky cases. If you want to know how long do budgies live for, we need to know this answer depends on how well we meet the responsibility of their care. you can get over at Amazon for a great price. The rest of your budgie’s diet should consist of a variety of fruits and vegetables (mainly dark green or yellow colored). However, it is possible that two birds from the same family may have varying lifespans and we may never know why. Its great for budgies that get especially bored. Pet Educate strives to be the definitive online resource to help you learn everything that you need to know. It can be tempting to take a number of budgies home when you see them all nestled together in a pet shop. Here are some fruits you want to ensure are in your budgies diet: Ensure all the food you provide is raw (except the boiled egg) as this will keep nutrients in tact. A parrot's lifespan is long and they live well into retirement age, so how do these birds defy the odds and live for so long? A budgie is weaned from its parents only at about six weeks after which it starts feeding and drinking on its own. Re: budgies how long do they live? A budgies life span depends on how well it is taken care of and it's genetics. Early treatment is the best thing you can offer your sick pet. Get New Toys. In general, small animals have a short life expectancy due to their increased metabolism, while bigger animals tend to live for longer. Sadly, there is nothing you can do to make your budgie live considerably longer, like double its average lifespan. They have hook-bills and long tail feathers. It's possible that a pet bird can outlive its owners. We will help answer any questions that you may have and provide as much information and research that we can to help you take the best care of your pet. But 10 years is usually the story.