Candle magic is a form of ritual or spellwork that calls on the element of fire to bring greater energy and power to the working. When two figure candles are being used, a jumping flame usually means that an energetic or heated discussion or argument is taking place. It can indicate emotions along with explosions of energy, depending on the candle used and its intended purpose. It can indicate raw emotions along with explosions of energy. The weak flame that goes out means that you’ve missed your target altogether, start over. Candle Flame Meaning. A JUMPING FLAME: Spiritual warfare may be occuring on your behalf. What you end up seeing is the candle flame jumping from one candle to another! The Big Candle Flame Meaning. As the flame flicks from side to side, many find it difficult to guard themselves from the entrancement. There are many ways a candle can burn. The weak flame can also indicate, on a figure candle, that the subject is losing the battle. The wick is heated by the flame and has a large surface area so the wax vapourises. The language of the candle’s flame is an art to interpret. Rainbow Flame Here are the most common signs to look for, and what they mean. It could mean resistance; the higher the flame jumps, the greater the resistance, according to Spiritualists at … A Jumping Flame; This is an attention getter. This indicates that spirits are present and trying to communicate with you, either as a warning, or to indicate their enthusiasm for the working. But it’s important to learn to do this because the flame meaning is how the candle and fire element communicates with you. A candle will have many characteristics while burning, and the communication will let you know how well the spell is working. Dancing Flame Grove and Gotto advise that a sporadically burning flame that dances about is indicative of a spell that has the power to work, but not without possible problems. If the flames are jumping on all the candles, it may be necessary to close the doors or windows or to move the spell candles somewhere else. A jumping flame is more aggressive than a flickering flame. IF THE CANDLE CRACKLES: This is thought to mean that the spirits are pleading your case on your behalf. A MULTI-CANDLE DIVINATION A Jumping Flame This is an attention getter. The louder the crackling, the stronger the opposition against you. If the candle is a war-type candle, the person you are trying to affect is fighting back. A big candle flame that burns brightly is indicative of a spell that is working quickly and confidently to bring about the caster’s desires or intent and that there is more than sufficient power present to bring it to fruition with little, if any, resistance. Cleanup Make sure to extinguish all your candles at the end of your experiment. Candles and their inherent flames often seem tranquil and mysterious in nature. Some people use candles to communicate with spirits, so give the spirits their own candle with which to play and through which to talk to you. Now the wax has a huge surface area because it is a gas and it has enough energy to start reacting with the oxgyen in … Jumping flames are a sign of anger, especially in love spells. Candle Magic Flame Meaning. Jumping flame – When the candle flame moves up and down rapidly. A candle works by melting the wax which is then drawn up the string like wick by capillary action. These candles might even seem to have a mind of their own.These attributes have led many cultures and traditions to find their own meanings behind the subtle flutters of flame. It’s a process by which we focus and store energy and our intention within candles, then burn those candles to release that energy into the physical world.. It’s this process of taking the unseen (thoughts, emotions, wishes, intentions etc.) Jumping Flame.