They give you a tiny burst of refreshing flavor along with a strong dose of fiber and vitamin C. You need to cut it into halves. With a family that includes just one genus and two species—only one of which is cultivated—pomegranates are truly in a class by themselves. Steps: Cut a circle around the flower end of the pomegranate (the part the sticks out). Full of flavor and health benefits, I look forward to the winter months simply so I can enjoy fresh pomegranates. Here's a healthy spinach salad with pomegranate seeds, walnuts, red onions, feta cheese, and a splash of balsamic vinaigrette. Although widely known and with many health properties, pomegranate (Punica granatum) is still little consumed. Overview Information Pomegranate is a tree. Pomegranates are quite delicious and can be used in a variety of recipes. Pull apart sections and then remove the arils and seeds, which can be eaten fresh or added to recipes. How to Eat a Pomegranate. You’ll want to use a really good (and sharp!) Pomegranate arils are the seeds of the pomegranate fruit, but only the juicy, ruby red fresh surrounding the seed is edible. Pomegranates can seem intimidating if you have never worked with them before. Pomegranate is eaten raw, cooked, juiced, or dried. Never waste money failing to cut open a pomegranate again. Others suck the juice off each seed before spitting the white fibrous middle out. Pomegranates are a delicious, nutritious fruit, but getting them open can seem tricky. placing the pomegranate with the cut side down over the bowl of water, whack the top of the pomegranate (hard!) over and over. Fortunately, there are a few simple techniques for opening this yummy fruit. How to Tell When a Pomegranate is Ripe. Using the back of a spoon, hit the pomegranate firmly all over to loosen the seeds. The fact is that most people don't know the benefits of pomegranate, what exactly is it for. Using a very sharp knife, score the sides of the pomegranate and peel from top to bottom. If you’re not sure what you’re doing the process is messy, to say the least. Caution, pomegranate juice stains. You can start eating just the outside or with the seed in it. How to Eat a Pomegranate. 3. The trickiest part is learning how to eat them… or more to the point, learning how to prepare them for eating.. I've finally found a way to do exactly that in just seconds so we can get right down to the business of eating a pomegranate. One of the best ways to enjoy the fruit is learning how do you eat a pomegranate. Caution, pomegranate juice stains. Collect the seeds in the bowl of water. But, technically, as the Pomegranate Council explains, the pomegranate seeds are the tiny crunchy bits safely encased inside each aril. Everyone will be properly impressed. De-seeding: Opening a pomegranate this way also makes it easier to remove the seeds for other purposes. The most efficient and quickest way to eat a pomegranate is to follow the simple steps detailed below. Pomegranate Cocktails. Pomegranate Desserts. Pomegranate adds a wonderfully light, fruity element to any cocktail. I usually cut the pomegranate on a plastic cutting board, as the pomegranate juice could stain a wooden board. They think it should look a certain way. Eat those right away because they don’t store well. It includes issues like how to cut the fruit and prepare it in different ways. You just eat the teeny little seeds right along with the arils. According to the experts at the Pomegranate Council, the best way to tell if a pomegranate is ripe is to hold it. Learn how to pick one out in the store and when it is ready to eat when you take it home. How To Eat A Pomegranate (without looking like you’ve committed a mass murder) So last year I was tired of being a pom-virgin. In doing some research on the subject, I have seen a mixed opinions on the manner. The pomegranate is a delicious fruit that anyone can have. If you've ever wondered how to cut or how to eat a pomegranate, here are step by step instructions and a video on the easiest and cleanest method!. If you want to try some other pomegranate-inspired drinks, give these a go: Pomegranate mojito mocktail Some of the important things to look out for when choosing a pomegranate include the color and the texture. Pomegranate Arils. Hold one half, cut-side down, over a large bowl. rotate the pomegranate as needed, and keep whacking until you have two empty pomegranate halves. Various parts of the tree and fruit are used to make medicine. It should be crosswise cut To reveal the seeds on both halves. Pomegranates don’t ripen off the tree as some other fruits do, so you want to wait until they are completely ripe to pull them. How to Open a Pomegranate. In order to benefit from all those nutritional goodies tucked inside every pomegranate, you first have the cut open the hard exterior shell. People want to know more about it, especially how to eat pomegranate seeds. But this ruby red versatile fruit is packed full of rich antioxidants and can be eaten in a variety of ways, making it worth any effort you put in to extract the seeds. How to Eat Pomegranates. Whenever I told people I’d never had a pomegranate before you’d think I’d announced some atrocious act with the shocked looks I received. Yes, the crunchy pomegranate seeds inside the pulpy arils are perfectly safe to eat. Before you eat a pomegranate, it is important that you choose the right pomegranate from the store. How to Eat a Pomegranate? Hold the pomegranate with both hands, slowly pry the sections apart, and there you have it—seeds exposed and ready to eat. Even scratches on the surface of the pomegranate aren't necessarily a sign to avoid a piece of fruit or that the seeds inside have gone bad. In fact, the arils (which are the white pomegranate seeds plus the juice around them) are the only part of the pomegranate that most people eat. Step 2: Cut the pomegranate in half. And since they are in season now, they are beautiful and sweet and tasty (and closer to being affordable than they usually are). Unlike when you're seeding pomegranates to eat them , you don't need to worry about separating out every bit of membrane or pulling apart all the clusters of seeds. Pomegranate juice adds a tang to smoothies, but it is also consumed on its own. Cut the pomegranate off using a pair of clippers, rather than pulling or twisting. I wanted to know what all the hype was about. Rolling Method: On a hard surface, press the palm of your hand against a pomegranate and gently roll to break all of the seeds inside (crackling stops when all seeds have broken open). Lamb Chops with Pomegranate Relish The tart flavor of the pomegranate gives a really nice contrast to the lamb chops. Try out this one out for champagne in the video below. From cheesecake to ice cream Epicurious have a comprehensive range of pomegranate dessert recipes where you'll be impressed by just how versatile this fruit is. You can tear off each segment along its natural boundary to create a nice hand-sized snack treat, or put the opened pomegranate out whole as the gorgeous centerpiece of a fruit or cheese plate. Some grocery chains now offer the fruit in a ready-to-eat state. Pomegranate adds instant colour and a warm christmassy feel to winter cocktails. Separate the skin and pulp from the seeds to eat. A: Yes. Place a very sharp knife to the right or left of the knob on top, and slice straight down. Extracting the arils can actually be a pretty difficult process if not done right, and can result in pomegranate juice leaking from the arils. How to Eat a Pomegranate: Juice It, Seed It, Enjoy It! They are a pain to eat without staining everything within a one-yard radius. Pierce the rind and squeeze out juice or poke in a straw and press to release juice. Pomegranate is one of the most intimidating and kind of expensive fruit from India. Bonus: the various colors in this dish will serve to liven up your meals. "A taste sensation!" Lukewarm water makes the job more pleasant than icy cold water. There is an ingenious way to consume pomegranate seeds without any mess and tears. Pomegranates are fantastic! [hr] Photo: Paleo Leap. Cut off the top, or stem-end, pull the fruit open into sections, and remove the seeds. Discard the other parts of the pomegranate. The seeds are actually the only edible part of a pomegranate. Many people pop them open, scoop out the seeds and eat them whole. 5. The interesting thing about this fruit is that the edible part is the seeds! Getting the seeds out of a pomegranate is like breaking into a bank vault. 2. Then, comes the process of scooping out the juicy aril covered seeds. It is a fruit rich in vitamin C, proteins, vitamin K, folic acid, potassium and fiber, in addition to having antioxidant and anti-inflammatory action. Is it safe to eat pomegranate seeds? 1. And when it comes to how to eat a pomegranate, it’s easy to feel intimidated by the tough rind and the honeycomb of jewel-like arils within. Slice the pomegranate across the middle into halves. I mean seriously, is it really that serious people? Pomegranate is an extremely healthy fruit. If you have access to a large bowl, open the pomegranate under water to reduce the risk of splattering your clothes with pomegranate juice. I’ve seen a few websites that suggest you can spit out the seeds if you want to, although I can’t really imagine doing that. You need to get in there quickly and grab the goods intact with minimal muss, fuss, and collateral damage. This fruity drink is a unique mix of classic flavours and herby, savoury notes. Dried pomegranate is added to muffins, cakes, pies, and as a topping for yogurt. Soak pomegranate-stained clothes for about 15 minutes in a solution of 1 tablespoon of baking soda for each cup of water to help remove the stain. First and foremost, always look for pomegranates that are bright red or a deep, dark red. Either because they don't know how to even start to eat them...or, well, mostly that. Watch this video to learn how to eat a pomegranate. This cauliflower-pomegranate combo goes really well with stir-fried beef strips, sweet and sour fish and coconut chicken curry. That ends now people! If you fancy something pink and prosecco filled, try our pomegranate rosemary spritzer. Q: Is it safe to eat pomegranate seeds? Pomegranate … To eat the pomegranate, remove the top and score pomegranate in a cross. It's particularly nice at Christmas. Pomegranate is often sprinkled over salads or added into meat or pasta dishes. The pomegranate seeds are covered with The pomegranate is a superfood that you might want to add to your diet. Now eat your pomegranate! People offer their advice on the right moment a pomegranate is ripe.