The easiest way is to use cuttings. New Member. Propagating String of Pearls is easy because they have very shallow root and grow new root easily. I sure did. We have three ways to propagate String of Pearls. Outdoors, they shouldn't mind the rain, even if it rains for extended periods, but the potting mix will need to be well draining and of good quality. It is best String of Pearls succulent is planted in a pot with a drainage hole as it can rot if left sitting in stagnant water. TX. How to propagate string of pearls in water. (Remove any pearls that are under the water.) I am so excited to let you know that my String of Pearls has rooted very well…both in water and in soil. String of pearls are relatively easy to propagate and have a similar process to other succulents. Pruning. Carefully trim off a piece of the vine that’s around four inches long.Lay it on your potting soil and gently press the cutting into the soil, and roots will grow out from there. Succulent Box Senecio Rowleyanus Variegata 'Variegated String Of Pearls' Senecio Rowleyanus Variegata is a trailing beauty that is rare and sought after. You can use the stems to propagate the plant, which is a very robust grower but does not live long without propagation. How to propagate String of Pearls. By Water: I have been trying this form and it was successful, this succulent can be multiplied by water. Alaina_New Feb 4, 2021 8:24 PM CST. Views: 29, Replies: 4 » Jump to the end. Water propagation is not complicated too. You just need to cut a stem from an established string of pearls and remove some pearls from the stem in order to plant it in the soil. I recently water-propagated two very small string of pearl strands of to try and save what was left of a dying plant. Make sure to keep the soil lightly moist, and the cuttings will root quickly. You will need to prune it more regularly than you think because it grows fast. Propagation can be done through planting in soil or through water propagation. String of Pearls are really easy houseplants to propagate – you just need to take stem cuttings and replant them in a well-draining container with any succulent potting soil. But of course, you can take advantage of this because it means that you can have more offsets to propagate. But hands down, the water-rooted cuttings for String of Pearls was by far the quickest and easiest. Propagating string of pearls in water. It is easy to propagate by using stem offsets. Propagate String of Pearls. The soil method is straight forward. This is a … A string of pearls can be propagated either by soil method or water method. You just need a healthy 3-4 in long cutting to start propagating, just lay the cutting down on the soil and press down lightly, root will gradually grow out of the cutting. Ask a Question forum→String of Pearls Propagation. Propagation. String of pearls (Curio rowleyanus; formerly Senecio rowleyanus) is a unique vining succulent that is easily recognizable by its almost spherical, tiny pea-shaped leaves.The leaves grow on 2-foot trailing stems that gracefully spill over the sides of planters and hanging baskets. You can also propagate string of pearls by repeating the steps in method one, but instead of placing the strings in potting mix, place the ends in a jar of water so that a few nodes are under the surface. Hello! I had roots coming from the back side of the little pearls within a day or two.