He loves all three aspects, and believes that to be effective at teaching social strategies, the three must go together. About the Author: Rollo Tomassi is one of the leading voices in the male-focused online community known as the “Red Pill”. The Rational Male by Rollo Tomassi pdf free download, a book based on the relationships and sexual interactions with females. Forces which, even within genders, often push towards opposing directions.And they do so on thousands of different topics, and all at once. rational_male 5 points 6 points 7 points 7 years ago I think the idea of it is that the creator is poking fun at themselves about it. With that in mind, it makes a lot of sense to realize that most of the Game methods just revolve around being a man who doesn’t give a shit. "The Bible of the Red Pill", The Rational Male® is a rational and pragmatic approach to intersexual dynamics, and the social and psychological underpinnings of intergender relations.The book is the compiled, ten-year core writing of author/blogger Rollo Tomassi from therationalmale.com. Monogamy as a goal is a tool of the feminine imperative. Indeed, I would add that quantity is not antithetic to quality. Women reach their peak at around 23 YO, when men are just starting their ascension, peaking at 36. Indoctrination in everyday pop culture, schools, etc. This paper. The book is … And while guys like us still NEED to read the book for the reality, it doesn’t cover the dangers enough. Again, I am NOT saying monogamy is good and you should go for it: I am happily single and not considering marriage at all.But I do am saying that not all men who decide to enter 1:1 relationship are stupid or irrational. I think he rambles on this a tad too much. Tomassi doesn’t say a man should never commit, but he does recommend not doing so before 30 or before he fully understands the lifetime value of men and women, what he really wants from life and the dynamics of the sexual marketplace. Start a free trial today! Hard and fast and in your face. In my experience though, most women don’t really care about it anyway. Or rather, there should be a special section for married and LTR guys. Even though the “Manosphere” and the “red pill space” have made a joke of themselves in the last years, Rollo Tomassi’s The Rational Male is still a mandatory read for any man.Although there are footnotes to be aware of. But it’s a minority of women. The “Red Pill” focuses more on the sexual dynamics of the more general male self-development. Rollo separates himself from them because he thinks some of them are children with dynamite. What you do with your life and who you become in your life, says Rollo, is up to you. For this she is always on the lookout for the best mate possible. However, the book also gets promoted a lot to unplugged bluepilled beta males in relationships or marriages. You see most PUAs just doing that and getting wrecked on ONEitis. Rollo says women tell men that “looks don’t matter” so that men won’t take care of themselves. Hypergamy might be in their biology, but not every woman acts on it. Polygamy versus Hypergamy. Part 1 Understanding Hypergamy. This stage is important to overcome. LOL this one had me smiling. And to protect their ego they can lash out to “re-assert” their dominance. THE RATIONAL MALE VOLUME II PREVENTIVE MEDICINE. Right at the same time when men start to learn their sexual value is rising. The manosphere has been associated politically with the far-right and alt-right. Use a condom, guys! If you don’t believe me, listen to Tyson: Tyson Fury: did you catch lots of diseases when you were fucking all those girls?Mike Tyson: lots of them (goes on telling the story of swollen lymph nodes, pain, and looking like a toad). Because he wants approval of the woman.