The fish scales are collected on the fish statue in the southeast. You will only be able to collect one of each mausoleum piece. If you’re running the tutorial, it will show you how to do this. The game will keep running even when you’ve closed it down. Then hit the spacebar again to un-pause the game. Requires an unobstructed stream and a cutting tool (puzzles 1 and 2). Make sure another villager takes the hot stone out of the fire before the villager with the cold rock gets there, though! Science – the higher your science level, the faster your villagers accumulate tech points. I promise I have done everything an cannot get any one to put that fish in the pot... they go to the food bin everytime ...WHY??? If you’re in a hurry, you can then instantly set them back to work without letting them go indoors. If you pick up a villager during an action, the action is cancelled. They will take the stone to the pot and you have boiling water! Finally, drag a villager onto the fire pit with the grass and wood on it, and they will light the fire. Once a villager is sparkling clean, throw them in the frog pools and they will catch a frog and carry it up the long stairs to the tree. Only adults can extract these items. Puzzle 15: Purifying the Tree. Yuck! In addition, you need one child of around 10. Now they have to become “clean of body” too. Requires fishing nets (puzzle 12). Following are some basic strategies to … then it will be done. how do you make stew. They will start carrying bowls of yellow colored stew to the Tree of Life. Nursing a baby is the fastest way to increase a parenting skill. Drag a villager onto the covered stone pit in the southwest. You can’t reproduce until you’ve built the “Love Shack”, which is the hut with the flowers (and jacuzzi!). When the grand feast stew is ready, everyone will come get a bowl of it and they will all gather around the fire for their meal. It takes about six rolls of cloth to repair the fishing nets. While they are distracting the crab, drop an adult on the crab and they will pick it up and carry it to the mossy rocks at the base of the pond. Farming: Picking berries, cooking yellow fruits, collecting fish. Finally, drag them onto the soap and they will clean the cut. We invite you to visit the fourth chapter of the Virtual Villagers series, joining millions of players who have spent countless hours enjoying a … Sign up for the Gamezebo Daily Newsletter, Fallout Shelter Celebrates 100 Million Players with 5 Days of In-Game Rewards, Fallout Shelter Update 1.9 Goes Spelunking, Fallout Shelter Adds Theme Workshop and Halloween Stickers in Latest Update, #1 in Game Reviews, Walkthroughs and Tips. Welcome to the Virtual Villagers 4: The Tree of Life walkthrough on Gamezebo. Any 20 villagers will do – adults, children and even nursing mothers. Requires four steps completed in healing the tree, and three rolls of cloth (puzzle 8). These are our legacy forums. So don’t leave those illnesses unattended! If you find one who actually likes running, lucky you! Virtual Villagers - A New Home. Drop the child on the collectible and then start the game again by hitting the spacebar. It takes about the same amount of time to heat a rock as it takes to walk to the fire, so when you’ve added a rock to the fire, wait a couple of seconds and then get the next villager to pick up a stone from the pile. This walkthrough includes tips and tricks, helpful hints, and a strategy guide to how to complete Virtual Villagers 4.We return to the island of Isola, where many generations of castaways have lived happily and peacefully. Saved by Casual Game Guides Welcome to the Tips and Tricks for Virtual Villagers: The Lost Children, an exciting new game from Last Day of Work and Big Fish Games. Once you have the cloth hut, you can also drop villagers on the hut and they will be able to exchange their outfits for 5000 tech points. To boil water, first drag a villager onto the bowls by the stream (for fresh water) or at the base of the rocks by the sea (for salt water). Phase 2 Drop an adult on the food bin. Get your builders to build it. Becoming a father is a close second. These are the ingredients that you need to craft items that can be found on our Crafting Recipes List. Virtual Villagers 2: The Lost Children : all stew combinations and the results I got... 336 = HEALTHY!! Once it’s finished, drag a villager who has mastered at least two skills to the building, and they will start teaching. Simply drag a villager onto the palm and they will shake down a fruit, cook it on the fire and then take it to the food bin. You need something to block off the hole so the stream can get through. [i](restores most, if not all health)[/i] 446 = Strange Stew… your villager feels no need to breathe [i](use for finding gong piece un At level 3 you can build a hospital, where villagers can study medicine. The requirements to solve Puzzle 15 are: Level 3 Dendrology and Puzzle 4. The stew made with fresh water and one of each herb can’t be completed until you’ve got access to all food sources, so you might as well just chuck it out. Also, you can start walking to the fire with a new rock when the other one is still heating. Drag a villager onto the fish skeleton on the beach and they will collect fish bones. 2 + 2 + 2 + food from food bin = Honor the Tree ( Puzzle # 14, need at least 20 villagers to drink the stew ) SALT WATER STEWS 1 + 1 + 1 = Soap ( needed for puzzles # 4 & # 15 CLOTH ( You first need to have made the clothing hut. Level 3 learning allows you to build a nursery school. Drag a villager who is a master in at least two skills onto the school and they will start teaching the children. However, life on the island has begun to diminish; birds and fish are slowly disappearing. you empty the pot by clicking on the grate in the ground to the left of it, it says that it is a well. 3 Soapy Plants and Sea Water and you will make Bars of Soap to use in the lake just above the cooking area. Wait until it’s hot and then drop a villager onto it. Last, more food from the food bin. Each completed process creates three rolls of cloth. Finally, children can collect mushrooms. When you make the stew in virtual villagers 4. Do you need any Game Cheats,Wlkthroughs or Help for installing any game or software then come to this site and comment your problems. Villagers can reproduce when they’re 18 and older. take an adult to the craft hut to get water. Drop a villager on the pot once the stew is done. Just try them on something else. Although there are two levels of dendrology you can buy (you start on level 1), the image in the tech screen shows there are six steps to healing the tree. When the whole obstruction is cleared, the water will flow around the tree. The puzzle will be solved once 20 villagers are kneeling at the Tree of Life at the same time. We return to the island of Isola, where many generations of castaways have lived happily and peacefully. In this game, your villagers can cook stews. The wind flutes are collected in the northeast, by the river obstruction. If you quickly want to find a child to pick up a rare collectible, pause the game and then hit the right arrow below the detail window. To start a villager on a skill, drag them to one of the activities that promote that skill. Dragging them to the food bin so they will eat speeds the healing up a little. This task is done in two steps. Action: Drop a villager on the healthy green stalks near the lower left of the stream. So make sure you have some tools! Very quickly drop 20 villagers onto the pot and they will take the stew to the Tree of Life and honor it. Rated 0/5. When the stew is done, the water will disappear from the pot and the steam changes color. I need solutions for the puzzles in Virtual Villagers: The Lost Children. Mausoleum pieces go directly on the arch of the mausoleum in the northwest. However, life on the island has begun to d… Once the tree is bound, drag someone to the cutting tools and they will cut off the sick branch. This place also offers a location for your villagers to meditate. Now that you’ve picked your expedition tribe, let’s get started! Requires level three dendrology and soap (puzzle 4). Herbs you can use are the sweet smelling flower, the spicy smelling flower and the soapy smelling flower. New huts can be moved until work has been done on them. Make a stew with fresh water and three sweet smelling flowers. The recipe for the stew is: fresh water, sweet plant + sweet plant + sweet plant. If the Villager doesn't walk to the bin just pick them up and place them there.. it is some times the … Then you need a mushroom, a fish, a cooked fruit, and some berries - all of which can be added in any order. it says needs boiling waterand how do you get boiling water? In virtual villagers 4-the tree of life- what do u do with the pulpy vines? Basic stews consist of a pot of boiling water, either fresh or salt, and a variety of herbs and foods. Just drag a villager onto the pier and they will get fish from the nets. Once they’re green and fresh again, drag a villager onto them and they will go to the research lab to get a tool to cut them down. First, start by collection the ingredients (plant items). Just drag a villager onto it and they will start collecting the berries and bringing them to the food bin. You can have multiple villagers do this at the same time. Once a villager is healed, their health bar will gradually begin to fill up again. Make sure you have a cutting tool from puzzle 1 in your lab and then drop a villager at the base of the vines. Requires level 2 science and a cutting tool (puzzle 1). There is an unlimited supply of yellow fruits, but harvesting is slow and doesn’t yield that much food. I'm trying to make the health soup (2 soapy flowers, 1 sweet) and the water keeps on going out. Once you’ve managed to get the cooking pit going (puzzle 7) you will be able to cook the yellow fruits on the palms in the far southwest corner. You can set a preference for a certain activity in a villager’s details menu, but this simply means they will be more likely to perform that skill – it doesn’t mean they will always perform it. It will also increase their parenting skills a little. Sunday, December 16, 2012. Whenever a villager is not feeling well, they will stop working and go sit on the beach. When it reaches 0, your villager will die. Food Mastery – higher levels of food mastery mean that the food your villagers harvest is worth more. Virtual Villagers 4: The Tree of Life Question and Answers : Unregistered. You will learn this during the tutorial. Puzzle 14 Requires at least 20 villagers. We've updated Virtual Villagers 4: The Tree of Life to support the latest devices and iOS versions! The Cooking Pit Fishing Nets (Puzzle) Phase 1 Have the children pick up the three herbs: spicy, soapy and sweet. Drag a villager who is adept in both science and building to the stone and they will take it to the hole above the research lab. Use your number pad to quickly browse the entire screen. First, drag a villager to the obstruction in the stream and they will start clearing it. Virtual Villagers 4 is a simulation game played on PC created by Last Day of Work. Try to earn all 80 medals, from easy ones like getting two villagers to mate to tough medals like collecting 1,000,000 units of food. Note that if you interrupt your villager as they are carrying the lei to the tree you will have to make the whole lei again from scratch! Requires level 3 Learning. Requires availability of all food sources (puzzles 7 and 12). However, each time villagers embrace, their parenting skill goes up too. Then drag a villager onto the pot or the table with the flowers and they will start adding the flowers to the pot. Fill the pot with salt water, heat a stone and boil the water. They will take the stone to the fire. How to boil water is described in puzzle solution 3. Each completed process creates three tools, but you can store several batches in the lab. Children can collect mushrooms and collectables, as well as flowers for stew making. If you set a villager to do something that’s not related to one of the learnable skills (for example filling the pot with water or gathering herbs), and then exit the game, the action is cancelled and you will have to start again. If you select an older child, they may grow up before you’ve had a chance to reproduce, which will then leave you unable to find collectables until you have a new child (children will reach working age at 14). If you’re lucky, that will produce a baby. The oven needs heat to cook - drag an adult to the rocks above the stairs near the coconut tree. Virtual Villagers 4 is a simulation game played on PC created by Last Day of Work. Also if you know anything else about the puzzles after 1-4 I WILL vote best answer. To have an adult tell stories, simply drop them on one of the children, and all the children will follow the adult to a cosy spot by the pond to listen to the story. The completion of this puzzle will allow the villagers to complete another puzzle involving the gong. Illness can be prevented by making sure you have enough food in the food bin, and that the fire is always going. Sometimes they simply refuse to learn something at all! First, drag a villager onto the pile of firewood to the left of the big staircase. Skill levels they can reach are trainee, adept and master. Requires an unobstructed stream and a bar of soap (puzzles 2 and 4). Set the game speed to slow before you go to sleep at night to avoid major disasters in the morning. I tried re-heating it 3x already and still nothing. Once you’ve bought the highest level of dendrology, drop a villager near the wind flutes and they will start to meditate. When everything is added, you will get the grand feast. When your fishing nets are complete, fast running red crabs will start to appear on the north end of the beach. The unexplored part of the lush island of Isola may give the answers to situation.