Amaranthus dubius, the red spinach, Chinese spinach, (simplified Chinese: 苋菜; traditional Chinese: 莧菜; pinyin: xiàncài), spleen amaranth, hon-toi-moi, yin choy, hsien tsai, or Arai keerai (அரை கீரை) is a plant species.It belongs to the economically important family Amaranthaceae.. South India – Amaranthus, Coriander, Gourds, Beans, Spinach, and Okra. It is also known to be a mild laxative and mild diuretic. This variety of amaranthus originally from India, is grown extensively in the West Indies, and is popularly used in soups and stews. This vegetable is often prepared as a pickle or with chicken or mutton. A Google ingyenes szolgáltatása azonnal lefordítja a szavakat, kifejezéseket és weboldalakat a magyar és több mint 100 további nyelv kombinációjában. Maturity: 25-30 days. Some of the recipes that are prepared in India are Raita, paratha of bathua leaves, and yogurt bathua. Chromium levels which according to EU (European Union) standards should be less than 0.2 mg per KG of crop and Indian standards which is 20 mg per KG of crop were high especially in crops such as knol khol, spinach, tomato, amaranthus, paddy and beetroot. The scientists conducting the study have found that consumption of these food items may prove to be fatal in the long run. and minerals, particularly folate (folic acid),  magnesium, and manganese and iron. Grown in both the shade and sunlight, you can easily harvest spinach leaves within 37-50 days of planting the first seeds. Best grown in soil rich in compost, and earthworm manure. All parts of the tree are also utilized for medicine in Southeastern Asia and India including preparations derived from the roots, bark, gum, leaves, flowers, and fruit. A, E, K, and C, calcium, iron,, and potassium. The research paper has been published in leading scientific research journal Current Science. Please note that Humming bird tree seeds need to be scarified (scrape seed on sand paper till you can barely seed the inside layer) and soak for 24 hours before sowing. This has been caused by years and years of pollution,” he added. Catkin-like cymes of densely packed flowers grow in summer or autumn. Amaranthus - Arai keerai . Rich in Fiber and Vitamin A. Sustainable farming and fresh, zero-carbon food are the philosophy behind the city’s first urban hydroponic farm, located inside an industrial building campus. Things are starting to take on a faster pace once spring and April months have arrived. The thoroughly boiled leaves  are used like spinach. All parts of the tree are also utilized for medicine in Southeastern Asia and India including preparations derived from the roots, bark, gum, leaves, flowers, and fruit. It will release red color into soups and dishes when cooked. Broad dented leaves. Sometimes used as a cranberry substitute it is used to make jelly and juice. The heavy metals make it to the food chain when farmers use the water from these lakes to irrigate their fields and also when they use the sediments of the lake to fertilize their soil.” NB Prakash, scientist at the Department of Soil Sciences and Agricultural Chemistry at GKVK in Bengaluru, who is one  one of the authors of the study told TNM. (Hibiscus sabdariffa) This tangy vegetable grows up to 1 foot tall and has edible lobed leaves. In Tamil the tree is called Kathurumurunga or akatthi,(Agathi Keerai). The larval stage is responsible for causing damage on several plant parts. ‘Palak‘ in Hindi and Punjabi,  ‘Pachchali Koora‘ or ‘Palakura‘ in Telugu, ‘Vasala Cheera‘ in Malayalam, ‘Pasalai Keerai‘ in Tamil, and ‘Palang Sag‘ in Bengali. Spinach (Spinacia oleracea) belongs to the family Amaranthaceae. Vegetables are the foundation of a healthy diet. The flowers, young leaves and tender pods of the white flowered hummingbird tree are edible. Sometimes used as a cranberry substitute it is used to make jelly and juice. Green stemmed or white stemmed variation of gongoora. According to several experts, when vegetables and other produce that is contaminated with these heavy metals are consumed, they have severe consequences in the long run and could lead to many fatal diseases. Green leafy vegetables are rich source of vitamins and antioxidants, and many, such as curry leaves, fenugreek, and amaranthus, are used in Indian culinary preparations . They can be added to salads and are commonly used in soups, stir-fries, rice dishes, dals, and curries. Another important edible part is the fleshy sepal (calyx), which is intense red and tastes acidic. The leaves and young stems are eaten raw in salads or cooked as a vegetable. It is known to cause gastrointestinal symptoms like diarrhea, vomiting often with blood. The leaves are a rich source of iron, vitamin A, calcium, protein, vitamin K, vitamin E, vitamin D, vitamin C, folic acid, thiamine, riboflavin, nicotinic acid, pyridoxine, antioxidants as carotene, flavones, indoles and Isothiocyanates, essential amino acids, along with iron, potassium, manganese, magnesium, copper and zinc which are important components of cell and body fluids. Preventing waste of such a material requires both addressing the problems in the current usage and developing its utilization systems at locations where they are missing. The life-cycle of Tuta absoluta comprises four biological stages: egg, larva (four stages), pupa and adult. Pigweed, Lambsquarters, Lamb’s-quarters, Wild Spinach. Amaranthus dubious. The researchers said that there is an accumulation of heavy metals in farmland irrigated with lakes around Bengaluru such as Margondanahalli, Yele Mallapa Shetty (YMS), Hoskote Doddakere, Varthur, Byramangala and Jigani Lakes. Araikeerai or spleen amaranthus is a variety of amaranthus popular in Tamil Nadu. Nickel causes respiratory disorders like chronic bronchitis, nasal sinus or even cancer,” said Seema Mukund, Nutritionist and Dietitian and Consultant at GOQii Technologies in Bengaluru. “Chromium and nickel are necessary micronutrients necessary for the body but when they are consumed in higher quantities over an extended period of time it can lead to severe health consequences. It goes well combined with dal or as a poriyal. In Hindi gaach-munga, in Telugu avisi, in Bengali Bokful, and Hadga Flower in Marathi. The stems are reddish. is a platform for academics to share research papers. Drumstick pods and leaves are used in Indian dishes such as sambar and avial. In some parts of the Caribbean the leaves of this plant, and a popular stew are referred to as Calalloo, while in other parts of the Caribbean, it is the leaf of the Taro plant that bears this name. It is also known to be a mild laxative and mild diuretic. Another important edible part is the fleshy sepal (calyx), which is intense red and tastes acidic. The leaves and young stems are eaten raw in salads or cooked as a vegetable. Easy to grow, simply sprinkle seeds on the surface of soil. Here are some of the other names that Bathua goes by: English: White Goosefoot, Goosefoot, Allgood,  melde, Pigweed, Lambsquarters, Lamb’s-quarters, Wild Spinach and fat-henHindi: Bathua, Bathuwa , Cheel Bhaji, Chill Bhaji, Bettusag Telugu: Pappukura Marathi: Hakvaath, Chandan bathuaMalayalam: Katu ayamoddakam, Vastuccira Bengali: Chandan betu, Chandanbethu, Beto SagTamil: ParupukkiraiKannada: Kaduoma, Sakothina soppu, Gujarati: Tanjaliyo, Tandaliyo, Chilni bhaji, Indian Palak is closer related to beets and swiss chard, and therefore it is also known as spinach beet. Some of the crops that were sampled were spinach, tomato, paddy and beetroot among others. Excess chromium causes respiratory disorder. Human hair is considered a waste material in most parts of the world and its accumulation in waste streams causes many environmental problems; however, it has many known uses. It is nutritious containing high levels of Vitamin C, as well as niacin, riboflavin, calcium, phosphorus, and iron. 3.9.1. Green variety of Amaranthus popular in Andhra Pradesh. “We have found high levels of cadmium, chromium and nickel in our assessment. Related to Peppers,Tomatoes and Eggplant, in Kannada it is known as kakki soppu, in Telugu Kamanchi chettu and in Hindi it is called Makoi. Show us some love! “The accumulation is especially high in leafy vegetables as the transpiration rate is higher in leafy vegetables that allows higher quantities of metals to travel from root to stem. The bark of the tree has been used to treat abdominal discomfort, boils, cold, rheumatism and scorpion bites, while the leaves have been found effective for the treatment of hypertension and conjunctivitis. The leaves are rich, The thoroughly boiled leaves  are used like spinach, . ... Well, today we are going to discuss Sheep Farming In Tamil Nadu. (Amaranthus spp.) Also, the other reason is due to the large surface area exposed to pollution. In Thai it is know as KraJiabDaeng , som phor dee in Lao, Chaye-Torosh in Farsi, karkade in Arabic, Rosela in Indonesia, asam belanda in Malaysia. Popular in the Indian states of Andhra Pradesh and Orissa (called Nalite saga in Oriya, Belchanda' among Nepalese, Tengamora among Assamese). Some amaranth species are cultivated as leaf vegetables, pseudocereals, and ornamental plants.Most of the Amaranthus species are summer annual weeds and are commonly referred to as pigweeds. (Hibiscus sabdariffa) This tangy vegetable grows up to 1 foot tall and has edible lobed leaves. The Steelers clinched a playoff berth hours before they took the field against the and discussed getting through the 2020 season and what could be ahead in 2021. Very cold-hardy heirloom variety with dark green leaves and heavily savoyed texture. Totakoora (or totakura) provides excellent roughage in your diet and is rich in calcium, iron and vitamin A and C. Available in larger quantities. This red variety is very popular. Keerai leaves are high in vitamin C, vitamin A, calcium, potassium, and folate. It is also known to be a mild laxative and mild diuretic. Researchers had then said that even milk from cattle which grazes on these areas may also be harmful for consumption. The Bathua leaves are boiled and eaten as other leafy vegetables in India. April. Crops grown in and around Bengaluru using lake water have been found to have high levels of heavy metals, way above the permissible limits, according to a recent research. Some people grow this variety as decorative plants as well as a leafy vegetable. Spinach roti. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Popular in the Indian states of Andhra Pradesh (Tella Gongura) and Orissa (called Nalite saga in Oriya, Belchanda' among Nepalese, Tengamora among Assamese). The leaves are smaller and pointier than Arai keerai and consuming it has cooling properties. Keerai leaves can be used both raw or cooked, such as stir-frying, steaming, sauteing, and boiling. Support our journalism by becoming a TNM Member - Click here. Maturity: 25-30 days. Sharp and somewhat narrow leaves. The ripe black berries are described as sweet and salty, with hints of liquorice and melon. 13 Dec 2020 The Steelers have qualified for a spot in the AFC Playoffs. (Amaranthus spp.) Some Tamil scholars have argued that the name ``Ilam, Eelam'', or ``hela'' for Lanka may have come from the Tamil name for coconut, Ila. They also contain iron, magnesium, and phosphorus. The more likely possibility is that the Tamil name "Ila" for the coconut came from it being found in the island of Helalanka, or Hela, which morphed into Ila in Tamil. It is often cooked with dals. Glossary of Vegetables in English, Hindi, Gujarati, Marathi, Tamil, Telugu and Malayalam.