We promote informed involvement and suggest you examine them closely before volunteering or giving to their missions. Sex Trafficking,
Forced Labor,
Bonded Labor,
Sierra Leone,
Forced Marriage, United States,
Uganda, Forced Labor,
Covid-19: UK Aid Direct supports our work to protect vu... Six Things You Can Do To Stop Slavery In Less Than Sixty Minutes. Child Labor,
Sex Trafficking,
Bonded Labor,
Child Labor,
Bonded Labor, Sex Trafficking,
Bonded Labor,
Child Labor, Child Labor,
This list is a work in progress and only represents a portion of these organizations and their leadership. Cambodia,
Forced Marriage, Forced Labor,
United Kingdom,
Forced Labor,
Forced Labor,
Sex Trafficking,
Domestic Servitude,
Child Labor, Sex Trafficking,
Forced Labor,
Child Labor,
William Wells Brown was … We can end slavery in our lifetime. Bonded Labor,
The Spread of the Anti-Slavery Movement vs. Email: . Child Labor, Forced Labor,
Sex Trafficking, Sex Trafficking,
The American Anti-slavery Society elected officers and adopted a constitution and declaration. United Kingdom,
Bonded Labor,
Sex Trafficking,
Forced Marriage, Thailand,
United States, Child Labor,
Forced Marriage, Forced Labor,
OHCHR > English > Your Human Rights > Slavery > UNVTFCFS > List of United Nations Agencies, Programmes, NGOs and Foundations working on Contemporary Forms of Slavery HTMLCountry1 List of United Nations Agencies, Programmes, NGOs and Foundations working on Contemporary Forms of Slavery Please note that the Donate button at the top of the page is for End Slavery Now only. Links from End Slavery Now do not constitute an endorsement. Child Labor,
United States,
Forced Labor,
Forced Marriage,
Sex Trafficking,
The Philadelphia Female Anti-Slavery Society (PFASS) was founded in December 1833 and dissolved in March 1870 following the ratification of the 14th and 15th Amendments to the U.S. Constitution. Domestic Servitude,
End Slavery Now is brought to you in proud partnership with the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center, © Peru,
Forced Labor,
The determined purpose of the Slave Power to make slavery the predominating national interest was never more clearly revealed than by the proposed repeal of the Missouri compromise. Yemen, Thailand,
Abolitionism, or the abolitionist movement, was the movement to end slavery.This term can be used both formally and informally. Forced Labor,
Child Labor,
Forced Marriage,
Russia, India,
Bonded Labor,
Bonded Labor,
Domestic Servitude,
Slavery and trafficking still exist today. Forced Marriage, Sex Trafficking,
We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Zimbabwe, Forced Labor,
Forced Labor,
By 1837 there were 89 local anti-slavery societies in Vermont with over 5,000 members. These undated and expanded lists include the Free Soil Party, the Liberty Party and the anti-slavery wing of the Whig Party. Ethiopia,
Increasing Tide of Anti-slavery Organizations. Bonded Labor,
United States,
Mauritania, Sex Trafficking,
Bonded Labor,
ANTI-SLAVERY SOCIETIES, BLACK, formed in the Cleveland area in the 1850s, were distinct from the earlier, integrated groups such as the CLEVELAND ANTI-SLAVERY SOCIETY and the CUYAHOGA COUNTY ANTI-SLAVERY SOCIETY.John Mercer Langston of Oberlin was a leader in forming these organizations. Sex Trafficking,
Forced Labor,
Bonded Labor,
Here is an item from the Board of Managers of the Massachusetts Antislavery Society, “To the Public”, signed by Francis Jackson, President, Sept 5, 1837. Forced Labor, Sex Trafficking,
Domestic Servitude,
Forced Marriage, Sex Trafficking,
Forced Marriage, Forced Marriage,
Sri Lanka,
Philippines, Bonded Labor,
Democratic Republic of the Congo,
Domestic Servitude,
Brigada Callejera de Apoyo a la Mujer "Elisa Martínez", A.C. Brothers and Sisters in Christ Serving (BASICS), Cambodia Against Child Trafficking (Cambodia ACTs), Cambodian League for the Promotion and Defense of Human Rights (LICADHO), Canara Organisation for Development and Peace (CODP), Caribbean Umbrella Body for Restorative Behaviour (CURB) Trafficking, Casa Mis Suenos (A program and affiliate of The Justice Group), Center for Legal Research and Resource Development (CeLRRd), Center for Missing and Exploited Children, Center for Partnership and Equality (CPE), Center for Population Studies and Social Work at Vietnam National University - University of Social Sciences & Humanities, Center for Studies and Applied Sciences in Gender, Family, Women, and Adolescents (CSAGA), Center for the Protection of Children's Rights Foundation, Central Missouri Stop Human Trafficking Coalition, Central Nebraska Human Trafficking and Immigration Outreach, Central Ohio Rescue and Restoration Coalition, Central Ohio Rescue and Restore Coalition, Centre d'Action pour le Développement (CAD), Centre for Mental Health and Counselling - Nepal, CEPAM Guyaquil (Centro Ecuatoriano para la Promoción y Acción de la Mujer), Chester County Anti-Human Trafficking Coalition, Chicago Alliance Against Sexual Exploitation, Children's Advocacy Center of Suffolk County, Children’s Human Rights Centre of Albania, Childwatch International Research Network (Child Workers in Asia), Chungbuk Center for Victims of Sex Trafficking (Chungbuk National Women's Human Rights Clinic), Coalition Assisting Trafficked Individuals (CATI), Coalition to Abolish Slavery and Trafficking (CAST), Collaborative Initiative to End Human Trafficking, Colorado Organization for Victim Assistance (COVA), Colorado Project to Comprehensively Combat Human Trafficking, Comision Argentina para los Refugiados y Migrantes (CAREF), Comite Contre L'esclavage Moderne (Committee Against Modern Slavery), Comite d'action Contre la Traite Humaine Interne et Internationale (CATHII), Community Coalition Against Human Trafficking, Community Rural Development Society - Nepal, Concert d'Actions pour Jeunes et Enfants Défavorisés - Action Center for Youth and Vulnerable Children (CAJED), Cooperative des Planteurs et Negociants du Cafe au Kivu (CPNCK), Council of Europe Campaign to Combat Trafficking, Covenant House Mexico City (Casa Alianza), CRADA (Child Research for Action and Development Agency), CTCS ile Mücadele Gençlik Ağı (Network Against the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children), Defense of Children International (DNI), Costa Rica, DEMETRA - Association of HIV Affected Women and Their Family, Development and Education Programme for Daughters and Communities Centre in the Greater Mekong Sub-region (DEPDC/GMS), Droits Humains Sans Frontières - Human Rights Without Frontiers, Durbar Mahila Samanvyaya Committee (DMSC), Durebang Counseling Center ("My Sister's Home"), El Refugio de la Niñez (Children's Refuge Association), Ereima Gender Empowerment and Resource Centre (EGERC), Faith Alliance Against Slavery and Trafficking, Florida Coalition Against Human Trafficking, Fondasyon Limyè Lavi (Light of Life Foundation), FREE: The Anti-Human Trafficking Coalition of Northwest Louisiana, Freeing American Children from Exploitation and Sexual Slavery (FACESS), Gabinete de Assessoria Jurídica às Organizações Populares (GAJOP), Ghana Coalition on the Rights of the Child, Girls Educational & Mentoring Services (GEMS), Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women (GAATW), Global Business Coalition Against Trafficking, Global Organisation for Life Development (GOLD), Global Relief Association for Crises & Emergencies (GRACE), Grassroots Health Organization of Nigeria, Green Rural Development Organization (GRDO), Haitian Educational Developmental Organization (HEDO), Heartland Alliance International - Democratic Republic of the Congo, Hoʻōla Nā Pua (A New Life For Our Children), Human Trafficking Coalition of the Palm Beaches, Human Trafficking Task Force of Southern Colorado, Humanitarian Organisation for Migration Economics (HOME), Huqooq-ul-Ebad Development Foundation (HEDF), Idaho Coalition Against Sexual and Domestic Violence, Indian Institute of Rural Reconstruction & Social Change (IIRRRSC), Institute for Development Education and Action (IDEA), Institute for Policy Studies (Break the Chain Campaign), Institute for Trafficked, Exploited, & Missing Persons (ITEMP), Institute on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault (IDVSA), Integrated Anti-Human Trafficking and Community Development Initiative (INTACOM), Integrated Drug Therapy (INDIT) Foundation, Intercommunity Development Social Organisation (IDS), International Association of Human Trafficking Investigators, International Centre for the Human Rights of Migrants (CIDEHUM), International Forum for Solidarity - Emmaus, International Initiative to End Child Labor, International Institute of Connecticut Inc. (Project Rescue), International Justice Mission - Australia, International Justice Mission - Netherlands, International Organization Against Modern Slavery (OICEM), International Organization for Adolescents, Initiative for the Resurgence of the Abolitionist Movement (IRA) Mauritania, İnsan Kaynağını Geliştirme Vakfı (The Human Resource Development Foundation), Justice pour Tous - Justice for All (JPT).
anti slavery organizations