Geese are fairly inexpensive to raise and tend to be the easiest as well. The Pilgrim is a quiet breed and more docile than most others. Required fields are marked *. The Swedish Blue is a beautiful calm and friendly breed of duck. Being both active and small, they do a good job of seeking out emerging weeds while inflicting little damage on established crops. Geese have a reputation for being noisy and mean. Pilgrims are classed as a light breed with the females weighing around 5kgs and the males 6kg. Slovak White Goose. Age, Size, Sex, Breed: Adult, Medium, Female, Labrador Retriever Pit Bull Terrier Mix Good With: Kids, dogs and cats Description: "Molly is a laid back, young (2-3 year old), sweet girl. Generally there are two types of Chinese geeseavailable. Commentdocument.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a068a969ccfac3afd5f5710c3a89433d" );document.getElementById("ie7bbf5747").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. LIVESTOCK & EQUINE NOTES. Originating in Northern Germany, the Pomeranian is a chunky goose with plumage that may be all-buff, all-gray, all-white, or saddleback (white with a buff or gray head, back, and flanks). We live on a ranch, they have a large pond, lots of grass. They are one of the lightest weight goose breeds, and carry themselves in a distinct, upright posture. where the geese alerted Rome to an attack by the Gauls by wildly flapping their wings and honking loudly. They are brown and white. An average goose egg is 3-4.5 inches in length and a circumference of more than 7 inches. Another important aspect is plumage color — the white-feathered breeds are easier to pluck clean. Baby, It’s Cold Outside! The Slovak White goose is indigenous to Nitra, Slovakia. The Embden goose is very friendly. Because of the looseness of the feathers, this domestic goose breed is less able to shed rain in wet weather or stay warm in cold weather. The secret to weeder geese is that they tend to avoid broader leaf plants so they are perfect for keeping the rows between you tomatoes or cucumbers weed-free. This time the breed survived, and, in 1984, it was imported to the United States by Holderread Waterfowl Farm and Preservation Center. This knob gets larger in accordance with the age of geese and it is often prominent in the male geese. When choosing a breed of goose, it is important to take into consideration their ultimate purpose on your homestead. They have a disproportionately large body compared to the length of their legs. Both species share the characteristic black head and neck with a white cheek patch, but Cackling Geese nest in the arctic and tend to be much smaller in size than are Canada Geese. Pilgrim geese, in the Medium goose breed class, is the only recognized auto-sexing breed. Time:If you’re getting a goose as a pet, then you’ll want to put make sure you have time to bond with them properly. Contrary to their geographical name, African geese probably originated in China or another … Goose breeds are usually grouped into Heavy, Medium and Light weight classes. Slovak White Goose. This domestic goose breed is the one most commonly employed for controlling weeds. Beautiful Birds Animals Beautiful Beautiful Farm Geese Breeds Sebastopol Geese Farm Animals Cute Animals Little Duck Down On The Farm. Breeds unique to North America are printed in bold. Due to their lightweight, Pilgrims will often fly over a fence if attracted to something on the other side. Let’s take a little look at this breed in a bit more depth. The heavy feathers snatch away their ability to fly. This combined with the noisy honk we all have heard gives geese the reputation of being one of the best guard animals in existence. Of lesser commercial importance is goose breeding for eggs, schmaltz, for the fattened liver. That's not as many as some chicken or duck breeds, which can lay 250+ eggs per year, but it's important to remember that goose eggs are as much as three times larger than the average chicken egg! The origin of the breed isn’t clear. Goose breeds are usually grouped into Heavy, Medium and Light weight classes. But the ganders can get protective during the breeding season. Medium Goose Breeds Recognized traditional medium goose breeds are Sebastopol, Pilgrim, American Buff, Pomeranian and Steinbacher. Here are your top three breeds for weeders: Stories of guard geese date back to 390 B.C. Some breeds of geese will lay as many as 60 to 100 eggs per year. by Elizabeth F | Dec 21, 2020 | Chickens, Coops, Runs, and Outdoor Spaces, Winter. The brown variety, with its black knob and bill, and brown stripe down the back of its neck, is more common than the white variety with orange knob and bill. Choosing a Breed. Typically by 12 weeks, they are ready for processing. Here are your top three breeds for guarding: When choosing a goose for a pet, remember to keep their dominant traits in mind so you don’t have a pet goose that is loud and always sassing when people come around, unless you don’t want people to come around. They make excellent "weeders" and, thanks to their excellent vision and alertness, make excellent "sentinel birds" that will alert their owners of any intrusion. Do white geese fly? One goose per flock of chickens or other poultry helps to convince the goose it is related to the chickens, and therefore needs to defend and protect them. After three weeks, an ideal goose diet consists of 80% grass and 20% grain along with plenty of water. Embden geese can be kept as a pet as they are considered the friendliest geese breed of all time. Your email address will not be published. Once these things are provided, your geese will be able to free-range to their little heart’s content. Though babies are definitely more time consuming and needy for your attention. There are several breeds and cross breeds of geese. There's nothing quite like a group of 10+ lb birds rushing at you with wings spread, loudly honking their irritation at your presence. But the ganders can get protective during the breeding season. Farmers can expect 190 to 240 large, white eggs each year. They make a lovely showpiece for the garden and lay some rather interestingly colored eggs depending on the season. Diet / Feeding: Pilgrim Geese are excellent foragers. They are friendly, noisy, and active. Your email address will not be published. December is the Time for Pairing Geese . Buff back geese are friendly, docile and rarely fly. Czech geese are great foragers, and they feed on plants such as cereals, grass, and poultry food. Geese lay less number of eggs compared to other bird species. Goose has fallen out of most cooks’ repertoire and few cookbooks even offer advice for cooking it successfully. Ducks can make wonderful pets, and considering these 5 friendly breeds is a great place to start if you are looking to add to or start a flock of your own. Of lesser commercial importance is goose breeding for eggs, schmaltz, or for the fattened liver (foie gras). Despite its many great qualities, the Saxony breed is again near extinction, with fewer than 500 breeding birds existing in the United States. Originating in France, the Toulouse comes in two distinct types. While foxes are a danger to geese It would take a determined fox to bring down an Embden. Originating in China, the Chinese goose is similar in appearance to the African but lacks the dewlap. This breed is winter hardy and an excellent forager starting at a young age when goslings need plenty of quality greens to thrive. There are a lot of goose breeds out there, and they each of their own uses. Silkies. This list contains breeds and landraces of domestic geese as well as species with semi-domestic populations. Coming from Scotland, Shetland geese are exceptional foragers that, given ample access to quality greens, can basically feed themselves. Required fields are marked *. The French Toulouse are…” However, geese raised by you, from goslings (a young goose), can be as friendly as the family dog and twice as formidable when strangers or predators happen on to your homestead! Most of them can not fly when they are fully matured. Our Customer Service Rep, Jess, has raised many silkies! Geese As the name suggests, the Toulouse Goose is a French breed of goose. I call my geese “the biddies” because they excitedly chat amongst themselves quite often and once they get sight of me they let me know all about it. Like the African, Chinese geese need protective winter shelter to prevent frostbitten knobs. It is an endangered breed with a population of around 100 gander and 200 geese. Embden geese are also a large robust flightless breed of goose with a slightly more feisty and active temperament. Chinese geese are some of the best egg layers in the goose … Ask the Expert — December 2014/January 2015, Ask the Expert —December 2015/January 2016. John Metzer of Metzer Farms in California finds geese very variable in personality. The Tufted is hardier and somewhat more prolific than the American Buff. Hobbyists who are raising backyard geese for slaughter will want a breed that has characteristics opposite that of the Chinese goose. Developed in North America for commercial meat production, the American Buff is a pale brown goose with brown eyes. A pond is not a necessity for raising geese but they will need a kiddie pool or trough for drinking, bathing and playing. Originating in United States, the Pilgrim is slightly larger than the Chinese goose and one of … Although they are not as prolific at laying as some other breeds, the eggs are the largest, weighing 6 ounces on average. This breed takes its name from Lake Cayuga, a lake located in western New York where the breed became famous. Their eggs can be anything from white, green, blue, grey tinted or grey. Like many geese breeds, snow geese stay with their mates throughout their life. Like Pilgrims, they are autosexing — the gander is mostly white, while the goose is a gray saddleback (white with a gray head, back, and flanks). African. Thinking about raising geese breeds? Today, the breed is a triple-threat, providing quality meat, large eggs and beautiful feathers. Geese have a lighter footprint and are smaller than humans which means less ground compacting and they can get in between garden rows with ease. 1 Milking Shorthorns that qualify for the “Native (N)” designation, identifying them as pure, old line, dual purpose Milking Shorthorns, as verified by the AMSS office.. 2 Cattleman's Texas Longhorn Registry.. 3 Each of these has an independent, stand-alone registry and conservation program. These geese are also more capable of handling themselves against predators and are always ready for a fight. Some geese are better for meat, some are more broody (motherly) and some need special types of weather. They are very compact and well-muscled animals. To make this easier, we have put together a list of goose breeds, that way you can find the one nice and quickly. They have been held at the homes and the farms for a couple of decades. South African. This is best done as a gosling so they can imprint on you. Varieties include white, gray, and buff plumage. Pilgrim. They are known as being plump geese! This list contains breeds and landraces of domestic geese as well as species with semi-domestic populations. the Cotton Patch Goose), or as guard animals and (in former times) for goose fights(e.g., th… They can fly but rarely even attempt to as they prefer to stay close to their home. The yolk of the egg is quite large and there is less egg white than that of a chicken egg. There are a lot of goose breeds out there, and they each of their own uses. There are basically 4 different categories (meat, eggs, weeders, or watchdogs) that a breed of a goose can fall into and while most overlap and fall into multiple categories we have broken it down to the top three for each. Most breeds of geese have the attitude for guarding, but if you’re getting a dedicated guard goose look no further than a Chinese or African goose. She finds the Roos to be generally … This goose is known for being docile, friendly, and affectionate. They are great foragers which keeps feed costs low. Faverolles are often primarily described as ‘sweet’. In the cooler months, a simple, dry, and covered shelter along with their feathers and soft down helps to keep geese insulated and warm in the coldest temperatures. A white bird, the Embden goose puts on weight quickly and can reach an astounding weight of 30 pounds. Geese are bred mainly for their meat, which is particularly popular in Germanic languages countries around Christmas. by Elizabeth F | Jan 11, 2021 | Chickens, Winter. This breed is among the most talkative and also among the calmest, making it easy to confine. The Embden goose is very friendly. The talking one is Little Ice-Cream (named after an ice-cream bar because of the white bar on its head). Using them in your baked goods recipe can result in heavier, moister and denser bakes. This breed is less aggressive than other geese and is known for their calm and friendly personality. Cooking and Eating Goose. If you have fruit bushes like blueberries you may want to net them before the berries ripen because geese love berries – frozen blueberries are a favorite treat during the hot summer for my biddies. Coming from Italy, the Roman is a small, white goose that may be smooth headed or tufted — having a stylish clump of upright feathers at the top of the head. This breed was refined further in England to be a more compact shaped goose. The Steinbacher is the most recent addition to the Standard of Perfection, being rec-ognized in 2011. Shetland Geese and Cotton Patch Geese are unrecognized auto-sexing goose breeds. They are friendly, noisy, and active. December is the time for pairing geese ready for the breeding season. From early spring through … Ganders lay 25 to 30 eggs a year. Geese are a great addition to your backyard flock and, just like chickens, and they can provide hours of enjoyment and entertainment. As geese are mainly built to eat grass almost exclusively, it’s best to have a large grassy area for them to graze o… A person should read up on the breed they are attracted to and make sure it will fit your life style. Being social animals, they will form strong relationships within the flock. * More than most breeds, individuals may be either docile or aggressive. Knightley not comfortable shooting intimate scenes Both domestic goose breeds are active, curious, and relatively quiet. The loudest geese breeds, Chinese and Africans are also larger than a lot of other varieties, which makes them extra intimidating. Pilgrim geese are one of the oldest breeds of geese available. Faverolles. Description. A few specialized breeds have been created for the main purpose of weed control (e.g. The origin of the breed isn’t clear. The Embden goose breed is one of the most popular geese for meat. Chinese geese are prolific layers. We’ve picked the best chicken breeds for foraging and free ranging on your homestead. More than most breeds, the Pomeranian’s temperament is variable and can range from benign to belligerent. In the warm summer months, a shady spot and cool, clean drinking water will need to be provided to help your birds to cool and hydrated. Arising from the Black Sea area of southeastern Europe, the Sebastopol’s claim to fame is its long, flexible feathers that curl and drape, giving the goose a rumpled look. Like African geese, the young grow relatively fast and have lean meat. Geese are bred mainly for their meat, which is particularly popular in Germanic languages countries around Christmas. Goose eggs can be used like any other poultry egg--in recipes, as breakfast, and more. This breed is known for being docile and friendly. These tiny goats are only 16 to 23 inches tall and weigh only 55 to 85 pounds. How do chickens stay warm in winter? © 2021, Countryside - All Rights Reserved. These tough little geese have a reputation for being feisty, but given time and patience can become gentle and friendly. So if you want to produce eggs from geese, then choosing best egg laying geese breeds is very important for you. The American Tufted Buff is a separate breed (developed by crossing American Buff with Tufted Roman), but similar except for having a bunch of feathers sprouting from the top of its head. The Roman is similar in size to the Chinese, although the Roman’s short neck and back makes it somewhat more compact. This breed of geese is known for its meat, feathers, and liver. Keep in mind special care should be taken for Africans and Chinese to prevent frostbite on their knobs. Look no further! Some authorities suggest that the large size of this breed was a result of selective breeding with Toulouse Geese. Some of the white breeds do fly, but the flying journey stays limited to a few minutes. The Slovak White goose is indigenous to Nitra, Slovakia. There is a bright orange knob at the base of the beak. Thanks to their light weight and strong wings, they can readily fly over an inadequate fence. Some breeds of geese will lay as many as 60 to 100 eggs per year. Colour – They are naturally sex linked with the ganders always being pure white and the geese light grey usually with a white head. It may be either white and brown, with the brown variety having a larger knob than the white. Notify me via e-mail if anyone answers my comment. The African is a graceful goose with a knob on top of its head and a dewlap under its chin. Twitter permanently suspends My Pillow CEO. Birds, in general, can hear better than humans and geese have an extra light sensor in their eyes so they can see further and clearer than we would ever hope to. After missing another Super Bowl, Rodgers has 1 choice. 12 Gregarious Goose Breeds Use this chart to choose the right goose breeds for your yard. How do they taste? They are adaptable to almost any climate. Most domestic goose breeds have been developed primarily to raise for meat, although some are bred with emphasis on ornamental attributes, such as curly feathers or head tufts. The South African goose was bred in America. It is up to you to go through the various goose breeds and choose the right one for you. The Pygmy makes a friendly, intelligent and gregarious pet. 197 Likes, 23 Comments - Ann Accetta-Scott (@afarmgirlinthemaking) on Instagram: “Looking for the friendliest goose breed out of the bunch? Geese are not as prolific as chickens. Along with meat, fresh eggs and weed control, geese are … Chinese geese appear graceful with compact bodies and long slender necks. They are a breed that is so gentle and … Originating in United States, the Pilgrim is slightly larger than the Chinese goose and one of the few domestic goose breeds that may be autosexed — the male hatchling is yellow and grows into white plumage, while the female hatchling is olive-gray and grows into gray plumage similar to the Toulouse, but with a white face. Final Thoughts. Lacking webbed wing feathers, Sebastopol geese cannot fly well. Embden geese is among the oldest domestic goose breeds, with records dating back about 200 years. Some hens go broody in winter, Read some points to consider before letting your broody hen have some eggs to hatch during winter. Their blue eyes, tall and erect stance, and a proud bearing give these geese an air of intelligence. Some consider that the breed was made by crossing German whitened with the English White. The Cackling Goose (Branta hutchinsii) is a species of goose that looks very similar to the Canada Goose (Branta canadensis). It's a large breed goose, similar in size to the Toulouse and has the beak knob of the Chinese and a dewlap. The Embden Goose is the tallest of all geese, reaching over 3.3 feet or one meter in height. In contrast to heavier geese, they produce a high rate of fertile eggs even when breeding on land rather than on water. Many breeders suggest that the Saxony is one of the most attractive and useful of the large duck breeds. Commercially, Geese are usually bred for their meat, foie gras and occasionally for speciality eggs but for the specialist breeders and keepers of pure breed geese, they provide charming and intelligent pets, useful ‘guard dogs’ and efficient ‘lawn mowers’. With proper diet and husbandry, geese can gain up to a pound a week. Cold Weather Prep, Worming Your Flock: Why, How, When and With What, Best Chicken Breeds For Foraging & Free Ranging. Geese lay noticeably larger eggs than chickens or ducks, up to three times bigger. Goose eggs are quite a delicacy and have a higher price tag per dozen because the laying period is shorter than other birds. It is up to you to go through the various goose breeds and choose the right one for you. That's not as many as some chicken or duck breeds, which can lay 250+ eggs per year, but it's important to remember that goose eggs are as much as three times larger than the average chicken egg! However, if you are raising geese during the winter, the additional feed will be needed since fresh grass is not available. Your email address will not be published. Originating from Germany, the Embden goose is the most common domestic goose breed raised for meat because of its fast growth, large size, and white feathers. The origin of African geese is unknown; they are most likely related to Chinese geese. Hatchlings are gray and may be sexed with some degree of accuracy, as the males tend to be lighter in color than the females. Commercially, Geese are usually bred for their meat, foie gras and occasionally for speciality eggs but for the specialist breeders and keepers of pure breed geese, they provide charming and intelligent pets, useful ‘guard dogs’ and efficient ‘lawn mowers’. You may be surprised to learn that they don’t need supplemental heat in their coop! Space:Though a goose doesn’t technically need that much space, the more space the better. In contrast to the more active production Toulouse, the Dewlap Toulouse is less inclined to stray far from the feed trough and puts on more fat, which when rendered lends a wonderful flavor to baked goods. To further help the goose bond with its congregation, raise your guard goose from a gosling with the chicks. The production Toulouse is the common gray barnyard goose; the giant, or dewlap, Toulouse gains weight more rapidly, puts on more fat, and matures to a much more massive size, especially when bred for exhibition. Geese are not only friendly in most cases, but also good at providing meat, eggs, and other services. Some consider that the breed was made by crossing German whitened with the English White. February/March 2014 By Gail Damerow. A pond is not a necessity for raising geese but they will need a kiddie pool or. Although, at a maximum of 20 lbs (9 kg) in weight, this waterfowl is somewhat on the smaller side of things. This breed of geese is known for its meat, feathers, and liver. While this may be true for some breeds, there are others that are quite docile and friendly (like the Large Dewlap Toulouse, White Embden or Sebastopol). To grow meat as naturally and as economically as possible, foraging ability is also important. Because the knob is easily frostbitten, Africans must be sheltered in cold weather. Rarely even attempt to as they prefer to stay close to their light weight and wings. To as they prefer to stay close to their lightweight, Pilgrims often! 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friendliest goose breed