I dialed the 800 number for Wagner meters and all I got was two sales pitches for a Life alert type device. These meters are programmed for a paper scale. Hold function “freezes” meter reading … My question is regarding finishing. The water eventually came out a electric outlet located three inches off the floor. I do not have a hygrometer or a moisture meter as I am a hobbyist. Hi Moisture Experts, No need to probe, drill or mechanically damage the surface. The variations in resistance are then indicated on the meter. Whereas an analogue model generally gives a reading from 10 to 30%. or make meters with built-in species correction capabilities to allow you to correct readings for a variety of wood species. My plan is to make a wall-mounted headboard out of angle iron and these boards (boards will not be joined). The inspector said his meter reading taken from my basement on subflooring/joists/framing was too high. It is best to obtain a wood moisture content that will match the environment. Suggested soil moisture level before you water your plant: Aglaonema 3-4 zone. This is a great site about moisture content. I have a question, I have moisture in the crawl space, we insulated the crawl with closed cell, cannot get the osb subfloor below. To make sure the wood is properly dried, he always uses a moisture meter before working with it. Moisture meters will not read frozen water; place the meter on a piece of ice and the reading is zero. Mold starts to grow in the mid to high 20 percent moisture contents. Certain types of soil have a tendency to create moisture pockets, which might give you a false high reading in one small area of the soil. Insert probe to root level. I have some black walnut and cherry that I’ve milled and want to make some charcuterie, cheese, bread boards…etc with, The home inspector failed to report all the sewage stains on the plastic and organic growth on some of the joists have which had been exposed to moisture the whole time even though the dehumidifier has been mitigating the plumbing leaks. Your help for resolving this issue would be highly appreciated . INTERPRETING YOUR READINGS 1. The new wood was brought in in bundles ~2’ x 2’ x 6’ and left that way to acclimate for ~2 weeks. The plumber said that the floor has an elevated moisture reading and took a photo showing the 99.9% (maximum reading) on the meter while the meter was on the floor. We don’t know if we still should be having a commercial drying process? It gains or loses water moisture as the relative humidity (RH) of the surrounding air changes. The National Association of Home Builders’ Green Home Building Guidelines for solid strip flooring and wide-width flooring are as follows: summary The optimal humidity in a home is generally 35%-55% and anything under 20% is actually considered unhealthy, as it dries out the skin. We’re so sorry for the inconvenience. When testing the moisture content … I had a water leak under my crawl space which has 3 inches of foam insulation applied to the underside of the sub floor. Obviously, the ambient conditions within which the wood or paper is present can alter the MC% of the wood or paper. Spruce isn’t a hardwood so I’m assuming I could get away with a shorter dry time. Here is the one I would recommend: https://www.wagnermeters.com/shop/mmc220-extended-range-moisture-meter/. Phil, what are you making with the cedar, and in what type of environment will it be? The engineered wood floor appears ok. Is this accurate? Here is a link to our moisture meters, thermo-hygrometer, and Smart Logger. Hug the ones you love when you see them! Pin meters provide a typical electrical resistance measurement (% WME). Also, the glue manufacturer should ideally give you some specifications for max and min moisture content. Because the moisture content of wood is equal to the weight of the water in the wood divided by the weight of the wood without the water, it’s possible for the moisture content to exceed 100%. Wood must always be allowed to acclimate or come into balance with the RH of the end-use location. However, this range will vary slightly according to the geographic region because of varying RH levels. i want to make a headboard from it. Because pinless meters scan the wood’s surface and cover a larger area than pin-type meters, they provide a more thorough picture of the wood’s moisture content. I am building a farm style dining table with pecan 2″ thick X 8′-0″ long boards. I am renovating my kitchen and installing hardwood floors. Here is a link to a moisture meter I recommend: https://www.wagnermeters.com/shop/orion-910-deep/. Any advice would be appreciated. There is no benefit in even bringing your meter to a boat in the dead of winter. BEFORE USING YOUR NEW MOISTURE METER: For reliable soil moisture readings, be sure to polish the probe shaft (not the tip) and acclimate the probe in the soil before recording a soil moisture reading. Most types of wood species will mold above 25% moisture content, including pine. When the moisture … Working with some slabs of spruce. for a mere $4900. Therefore, it's advisable to have a floor tested for moisture content prior to installing flooring or moisture barriers. Did the Contractor mention anything about the structural strength of the joists? Installers should also measure the moisture in wood subfloors and concrete slabs as they can also affect wood flooring. To help you better understand each of the different moisture scales, here is some information about each scale and how to interpret its readings. I have 1 1/2 ” thick cherry boards that I had milled from a tree in my yard last fall. Thank you, In wood products manufacturing, 6-8% is pretty much the norm, at least in North America. The failure in your case sounds as though the piece was exposed to a rapid loss of already low ambient moisture, causing the cracking in the piece. By taking a “reference” measurement of a material sample known to be dry, it is possible to compare future reference scale readings to that reading. This means the weight of the water exceeds the weight of the wood by itself. I recommend one of our Orion models: If an interior location has an average RH of 40-52%, wood placed there will have an average EMC of 8-9%. Data from the soil moisture meter chart that is displayed will help you find out what soil conditions are so you can determine what to do. Howard Pruden in Edmonton, Alberta where it’s cold and dry. our question is do we need to replace the floor to avoid fungal problems? You should be able to tell where the water reached the subfloor because it will be discolored and may also be swelled up. Thank you for the helpful article. The conversion puts the adjusted MC between 9.5 -> 12%. You can expect you logs to be fully seasoned by the time they have reached below 20% moisture content. Example: 1.2mm Hickory wear layer I don’t know what to believe except the company who installed the vapor and dehumidifier said the vapor barrier needs to be changed out because of all the sewage and drainage stains after the plumbing is fixed. The typical moisture content for hardwoods that will be indoors is 6-9 percent. If you want to take reading bellow the waterline you’ll need to scrape away bottom paint in order to get an accurate reading. If the wood is covered by a material like MDF or other, do we take 2x the measurements? It’s more important to understand that the wood is kiln-dried down to a certain bell-shaped range of MCs. AcuRite Solution: AcuRite Soil Moisture Meter to help keep your plants and garden healthy.. With your own soil moisture sensor, you can take soil moisture readings as often as needed to ensure your plants remain at the ideal moisture levels as described in the charts above. I also applied Boracare (boron) that has stopped minor beetle damage. Your email address will not be published. I am presently drying it to around 8%-10% and then rotary polishing it, but I am facing the issue of burrs on the edges. However, kiln drying is used to speed up the process. the concrete was completely dry, no standing water. summary I’m not sure which part of Europe you are from, but typically the Indonesian climate is very humid compared to other parts of the world. The floor (under carpet) had long-term water exposure supposedly from a shower in the adjacent bathroom (according to the plumber). During each of these transitional phases, knowing the content of water in the material is necessary to ensure a top-quality paper product. Light and Moisture Requirements For Selected Indoor Plants The following list includes most of the indoor plants that you will be growing. Moisture content of 11.5% for the oak is a little high for furniture grade hardwoods. Readings from pin-type and pinless meters are two different forms of measurement. Hi, in MN where extreme temperatures are very hard on homes. Wood Handbook: Wood as an Engineering Material, https://www.google.com/search?source=hp&ei=j6WRW76_NdmT0PEPkN29kAc&q=wood+moisture+content+and+mold&oq=moisture+content+and+mold&gs_l=psy-ab.1.0.0i22i30l3.8963.15970, https://www.wagnermeters.com/shop/orion-910-deep/, https://www.spikevm.com/calculators/logging/equilibrium.php, http://www.csgnetwork.com/emctablecalc.html, https://www.wagnermeters.com/shop/orion-950-smart/. In contrast, Las Vegas in the drier Southwest has much lower EMC percentages than most other U.S. cities. I wanted to talk to someone at Wagner about moisture guages and is there a dealer near Chattanooga, TN. I live in upstate South Carolina. Pinless meters also don’t leave damaging pinholes on the wood’s surface. 3. Each piece of lumber is unique and carries physical characteristics that may include the following: knots, warping, shrinkage, swelling and/or splitting. Thanks for the question. Will the reading be accurate? Any moisture content measured higher than that might result in movement, such as warping and twisting, once it dries. Any time water can be absorbed into a material such as wood, drywall etc, it’s always a good idea to check for excessive moisture, especially if you suspect a leak. The plumbing was improperly installed with the wrong cement to fit the pipes and could have been leaking from anywhere between 5-29 years while absorbing into the ground. To avoid this problem, wood flooring should never be stored where environmental conditions are uncontrolled, such as garages and exterior patios. We are shipping some acacia chopping board to colorado ( US) with moisture ranges from 10-14% while shipping from India but once product received all get cracked . all concrete) is framed and sheetrocked (though not mudded or sealed in any way) is then the studs are tested for humidity, what would be a reasonable level here in Seattle, living approximately 100 yards Puget Sound? The higher the current that passes, the lower the level of measured resistance will be. Should I remove more foam to be sure. Home » Moisture Meters » Acceptable Moisture Levels in Wood – Knowing the Moisture Content. Writing all the way from Australia, Steven. These tools will give you the confidence that you have done everything on your part to ensure the highest quality in the piece you have built. Should you check moisture levels on a trailor floor on a massive rainy day? How To Test For Moisture 1. I have seen home built in the dead of winter, covered in snow, and still dry out enough for a successful home build. First time this has happened (splitting that is). You mentioned the humidity outside is 55%. Instructions are provided for this tool. The fastest way to test the moisture content of wood is to use a moisture meter. In fact, drywall must be below 1% moisture content to be considered structurally sound and free from mold or decay. This is based on a chart in Wood Handbook: Wood as an Engineering Material. I hope this helps. Question for the expert: i recently replaced a toilet that had a leaky wax ring. Using a reference moisture meter reading mode, you can get a general idea of the moisture content of many different materials that don’t have a specific reading scale. When I purchase it it’s soaking wet and I’ve always given it a few weeks, stickered and covered for at least 2 weeks, sometimes up to a month, to get it down to around 17-19%. Hello Brian, I am a moisture meter expert, not a woodworking expert but from your description, the problem points to the conditions, not the wood or joinery. Instead of addressing the plumbing and damaged wood, they installed a dehumidifier in 2015. Based on common guidelines or recommendations, the acceptable moisture levels for wood are as follows: Keep in mind that a wood’s acceptable moisture level will depend primarily on how it will be finally used and the average RH where it will be finally used. I would have thought that if the floor gave a 99.9% water saturation reading, it would have had to have been noticeably wet. One of the best ways to use a reference scale meter is to take a reading … Would you be able to say anything about the optimal MC range for this specific situation? Also, if the leak was bad enough, it will be necessary to have a contractor make sure the strength of the subfloor isn’t compromised. Monstera Plant Food is the original fertilizer … Non-destructive in operation. If that is the case you need to remove the flooring and examine the subfloor. Your table may have been a little too high in moisture, hence the crack as it dried slightly in the drier environment. The average annual relative humidity will play the biggest role in determining what the optimal MC should be. In this case, what Built in # that I can use to measure flooring. I want to use it to build a table and will be moving it to the location where I will work on it shortly. Accuaracy is of course more important.. Pinless meters are non-penetrating and read the moisture content via a non-damaging electromagnetic sensor that scans the wood. on Apr 10, 2018 3:28:00 PM. That’s why I think the wood is either not dried to 14%, or it has picked up too much humidity after drying. Keep monitoring it. This is more likely to occur to occur in lower-grade boards, where knots and uneven grains are already present. The moisture content of freshly cut wood is typically somewhere between 40-200%. You will want closer to 6% in the drier climates and 9% MC for the more humid climates. Also, please feel free to provide us with the number that you called so we can make sure that all of our phone numbers are printed/posted accurately! So we are seeking redress, but there are jacks present underneath the home which the home inspector didn’t report either and didn’t know if this was extra support for the water heater or what. if not, can you tell me why? Lacquer will not make a reading difference as long as there are no metallic components in the lacquer itself. Be sure to acclimate the wood to desired EMC of the interior environment before you use it. I’m on a grade-level concrete slab, and the water made its way over (under the tiles) to my sink vanity. Copyright © 2021 Wagner Meters|Warranty|Return Policy|Terms & Conditions|Privacy Policy, Why You Should Use Relative Humidity (RH) Testing, Become a Wagner Meters Authorized Distributor, Flooring, Millwork, Furniture and Cabinet Manufacturers, Musical Instrument Manufacturer and Luthiers, Building Restoration and Inspection Professionals, Acceptable Moisture Levels in Wood – Knowing the Moisture Content. 1. The digital LCD display will provide the moisture reading (%WME or %REL). Moisture contents of 12 to 17% is ok. You don’t want to see any subfloor reach about 25% which is where mold will start to grow. Treated wood is typically still wet when it’s delivered to the job site. Thanks. There was a board that cracked along a glue line. Costing less than $20 (in 2009) and operating without a battery, a plant moisture meter can take the guesswork out … Drying teak hardwood from a humid climate, for use outdoors in a much drier European climate? Since I’m drying them outside, being in AK I would like to work with them if possible before the long moist winter. Moisture Meter Instructions 1. We have a free ‘App’ called WoodH2O that will tell you the moisture content given certain temperature and humidity conditions. My first question is how to determine the MC of eng wood flooring which composite of different species layer, face and different species to form plywood core. Damp meter readings are gained by pressing the two prongs into a substrate. We just bought a home where we discovered the plumbing was leaking over a number years with a kitchen flood occurring in the last 3-5 years due to a busted water line. Different ranges within that scale will indicate whether or not the space is wet or dry. Typical moisture content for furniture in a home is 6-9%. hellow! HOW TO TEST FOR MOISTURE 1. Seattle’s EMC ranges from 12.2% to 16.5%. The cedar I have is now at 12-16%. Before installing carpet, you will need to dry the subfloor first. It does not require batteries. Thank you for the well described article. For those manufacturers who create the millions of tons of paper produced every year, a healthy moisture content is crucial. direct reading of the moisture content of the sample. Looking back at pictures of the build process, they brought the hardwood bundles into my home in late October of 2017 and installed them 3 days later. There are two main ways of measuring wood moisture content: oven-dry testing and moisture meter testing. This gives higher access to the right reading in wood moisture percentage. Thank you. If the material being tested has been in contact with water with high salt content, conductivity (and hence the reading) will be higher. Having performed multiple (>500) soil moisture and density Sieve and Proctor, so I am well versed in moisture calculations (both add and subtract). Down pour of rain onto underlayment of attached garage. If the reading is above a suggested zone, wait for few more days and test the soil again. how do I determine the mc standard for this material, is it the same as wood or has its own specifications, 2. Instant and precise readings to a depth of approx. Tramex Meters is the international leader in the design and production of Moisture Meters, Scanners and Data Loggers, with a reputation for the highest standards in quality and innovation. 2. I removed an of the foam insulation. For wide-width solid flooring (3” or wider), there should be no more than a 2% difference in moisture content between properly acclimated wood flooring and subflooring materials. or finally the product will be placed where. Interpreting Moisture Meter Reference Scale Readings. Failure to do this will result in warping, cracking, and other problems after the construction of the wood product. we had a problem with our shower curb. The National Wood Flooring Association (NWFA) has a chart that indicates the moisture content of wood at any given combination of temperature and humidity. I have a question. The lumber was recently milled, although the tree had been cut months, years ago. Us only and for items processed through our website for more information: https: //www.wagnermeters.com/shop/mmc220-extended-range-moisture-meter/ is! Place the meter reading in a variety of wood ranges from 11 % -16 % according to my meter can! Of that wood water moisture as the moisture content via a non-damaging electromagnetic sensor that scans the wood will to... Min moisture content as swelling, buckling, diminished wood strength, corrosion of fasteners, and if are. A qualitative estimate of moisture meters that are used to correct for.... These readings have been dried down to 6.8 % meaning that these logs been... Places where small pinholes were showing up take 2x the measurements moisture was around 25 % when,! 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