Here's the guide to the etiquette of letting emergency vehicles get past and on with the job they need to: 1. When dreaming of an automobile, this could represent one’s life or a ministry. Roller coaster – To dream of a roller coaster this could represent the enjoyment or exhilaration of the ups and downs of trails in one’s ministry. Do you know the person? Synonyms for emergency vehicle include ambulance, EMS, rescue, transport and hospital wagon. Frequency: plural emergency vehicles. Positive: When dreaming of a raft this could represent an emergency escape from a difficult situation in one’s spiritual or personal life. – When dreaming of a tractor this could represent a powerful work or it could also represent one’s ministry being slow yet powerful. This could also denote to be aimless or adrift in a certain situation. If the automobile in the dream is a convertible and the attention is on the top being up this could represent the dreamer’s personal or spiritual life being covered. To dream of a motorcycle this could represent a swift progress in one’s ministry or personal life. This was a popular superstition in the 1920's. A helicopter could represent, if moving versatility and resourcefulness in one’s ministry or personal life. This could also symbolize a depression or dismay because of lack of prayer in one’s life. Positive: Dreaming of a transmission this could represent a shift in one’s purpose or the direction of one’s life or ministry. Dreams of Various Vehicles:  These indicate that you have a calling on your life that will carry you from one point to another. You may also submit your dreams through the form below and a trained dream interpreter will respond to you as quickly as possible! In those times, the ambulance was known as an ill fated vehicle and that if you meet one you will surely contact a sickness. (Hebrews 11:9). (2 Peter 2:10; 1 Samuel 15:23). These vehicles are usually operated by designated agencies which are often part of the government, but also may be non-governmental organizations and commercial companies specifically authorised by law. Dreaming of deflated fires could represent disappointment or a hindrance in one’s ministry or personal life. Along with it came all the unexpected phenomenon. Emergency vehicle means any publicly owned vehicle operated by a peace officer in performance of his or her duties, any authorized vehicle used for fighting fires or responding to emergency fire calls, any publicly owned authorized vehicle used by emergency medical technicians or paramedics, or used for towing or servicing other vehicles, or repairing damaged lighting or electrical equipment, or an … The Spiritual Emergency Network (SEN) is an organization founded by Christina Grof (wife of pioneering transpersonal psychiatrist, Dr. Stanislav Grof) which was intended to help people find support while going through these difficult spiritual processes. Synonyms, Antonyms, Derived Terms, Anagrams and senses of emergency vehicle. If the seat belt is unfastened this could represent in a dream an unsafe and/or dangerous situation in one’s life or ministry. If the driver is faceless, this may refer to a person who will appear sometime in your future or that the Holy Spirit is your driving guide. Auto Junkyard – When dreaming of an auto junkyard this could represent one’s ministry or life being in ruins. Treatment for Spiritual Emergency. An emergency vehicle is a vehicle that is used by emergency services to respond to an incident. This vehicle could represent in a dream embarking on a powerful ministry or it could denote more being added to one’s spiritual or natural life. Moving Van –  When dreaming of a moving van this could represent a move or change in one’s  natural or spiritual life. 2006 ~ The Father Appears in Rainbow Fire, Jesus Appears on Stage in Taylor, MI [Photo], Jesus Walks the Streets of Chicago ~ 2007, Jesus Appearing In The Services working with David E. Taylor, Jesus Working with David E. Taylor During Services. It could also represent a self righteous or unsaved person living for themselves and not submitting to authority. Positive: This bicycle in a dream could symbolize a family or another person being added to one’s life or ministry. Your dreams are important messages from God! This particular bike may be built for two or have a child seat. Livery. – When dreaming of tires this could represent one’s spiritual condition or one’s life. Spiritual Emergency is often characterized by extremes, with the person behaving or experiencing things outside of their regular patterns or what they consider to be normal, everyday life. Never get the fever. Cars, planes, buses may be symbols of the type or even the size or type of ministry you will be engaged in. (2 Timothy 4:2). To dream the airplane is flying or soaring could indicate being caught away to a different place, depending on the destination of the aircraft. Dreaming of brakes could represent a hindrance or a withdrawal in one’s ministry or personal life. Dreaming of a passenger or tour bus could represent sojourners which mean to stay or dwell in one’s ministry or personal life. When dreaming of a roller coaster this could represent eagerness or an excitement for one’s ministry or personal life. Cows are India’s most sacred animal. This could also represent a powerful ministry. – When dreaming of an airplane this could represent traveling in one’s personal life or a traveling ministry. When dreaming of a raft this could represent an emergency escape from a difficult situation in one’s spiritual or personal life. First and foremost, Pastor Taylor loves God and desires to fulfill His will in the earth today! This position of the airplane may also symbolize not following or being led by the spirit. (Definition of … Sometimes called a Dark Night of the Soul, a spiritual emergency can be triggered by spiritual practice, loss of faith, overwhelming daily struggles, the death of a loved one, and even childbirth. This could symbolize a lack of prayer and commitment to one’s ministry. : They claim the bumps impede the movement of emergency vehicles and buses, disturb neighbours and damage cars. For most, it's simply a way to optimize their bodies through better nutrition, supplementation and fitness. No one wants to obstruct an emergency vehicle, but in the heat of the moment its easy to be confused about what to do. Negative: Dreaming of deflated fires could represent disappointment or a hindrance in one’s ministry or personal life. It could also denote a wasted or wrecked ministry or personal life. This may be extremely disturbing especially as the process moves through different stages often including experiences outside of what society considers ‘consensus reality’. This could also denote to be aimless or adrift in a certain situation. Do not dismiss them or neglect them. Positive: Dreaming of a tractor and the dreamer or someone in the dream are plowing this could symbolize preaching and/or teaching. Every God has a vehicle or Wahan. This bicycle in a dream could symbolize a family or another person being added to one’s life or ministry. The airplane may also represent in dreams lack of prayer or preparation if the airplane is flying too low. God Bless You! This could also … This could also mean not having faith or being self-righteousness but working out difficult situations in one’s own strength. This could also represent rebellion against authority and becoming selfish and pride because of the fruit of one’s works in the church or one’s personal life. When dreaming of a tractor trailer this could symbolizes a powerful and/or large work, depending on the size of the trailer is often the size of the work. Positive: Dreaming of a battery could symbolize strength and power in one’s ministry or in a personal situation. This could also signify not being able to resist or change bad lifestyle or traditions. It could also represent learning or submitting to the church. Consider the positioning and size of the aircraft. (Psalms 118:27). All Rights Reserved. Dreaming of an auto junkyard could represent lost souls and corruption in one’s life. This also refers to ship. See more. Consider the positioning and size of the aircraft. – When dreaming of a blimp this could represent being controlled or puffed up by the trickery and craftiness of men. This could also represent being emotionally unstable as in a double minded man is unstable in his ways. It also could denote legalism, not by the spirit of law or God’s Spirit. This could also represent one being prideful because of the fruit of one’s works in ministry or personal life. Moving and shaking of … Dreaming of a moving van could symbolize being moved from one denominations or church to another. Negative: Bicycle could also signify works of the flesh and legalism which could represent falling from God’s grace. The ambulance can also signify ill health. The location of the airplane could represent a need for much prayer. To dream of a raft could represent not having direction or powerless in one’s ministry or personal life. We look forward to connecting with you and sharing God’s vision and heart for you His beloved people! During one of my experiences I had discovered what it is! Observe who is driving it. – When dreaming of brakes this could represent being stopped or waiting on something. – When dreaming of a battery this could represent being recharged or rejuvenated in one’s spiritual or natural life. Use the form below to submit your prayer requests and elevate your faith and expectation for God to do exceedingly abundantly above all that you can ask or think, according to the power that works within us! Check out our emergency spiritual selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our shops. This position of the top could also denote a covenant being protected or shielded. It could also represent a self righteous or unsaved person living for themselves and not submitting to authority. This could also symbolize a depression or dismay because of lack of prayer in one’s life. 57186 views. It is Apostle Taylor’s heart that you would come into true intimacy with Jesus and learn the truth of your Kingdom identity, face to face! Since the release of our publication “Emergency Vehicle Safety Initiative (2004),” we have worked with many fire service organizations and the law enforcement community to increase emergency responder safety in this area. Dreaming of a limo could signify the importance of one’s works in ministry or personal walk. The ambulance may appear, in particular if one is trying to recover from an existing health condition. If the helicopter is in the air but not moving this could represent lack of progress, going nowhere fast and motionless in one’s ministry or personal life. This position of the top could also denote a covenant being protected or shielded. We are so excited that God allowed you to visit our website today, and believe that it is part of His divine plan and purpose coming to fruition in your life. Helping emergency vehicles get through that two-way street could mean aiding someone you know or love. David E. Taylor is a man of prayer and has trained prayer warriors to stand in faith with you and agree for the impossible to become possible! It is thought that if one comes across an ambulance then it is bad luck. Airplane – When dreaming of an airplane this could represent traveling in one’s personal life or a traveling ministry. Apostle David E. Taylor is a master dream interpreter and dream officer. Celebrating over 10 years online. Sometimes the ambulance is a trigger to see a doctor or get an opinion medically. How to use emergency in a sentence. It also could denote legalism, not by the spirit of law or God’s Spirit. A roller coaster in a dream could symbolize unfaithfulness to a person or a ministry which can cause a wavering of faith. (2 Corinthians 3:6; Philippians 3:16; 2 Peter 2:14; Nahum 2:4; Acts 16:6-7). To have a dream of a battleship could represent a spiritual warfare in one’s ministry or personal walk with the Lord; it also could denote that you need to seek more guidance and direction from the Lord. There is a popular superstition to hold the left hand up at the ambulance to prevent harm. However, many of us who are discovering their energetic and ampathetic abilities also begin to … Positive: A seatbelt in a dream could symbolize assurance or safety in one’s spiritual or natural life. Colours and livery tend to vary widely between services and jurisdictions, dependent on the individual requirements and … – When dreaming of a bicycle this could represent a messenger either from God or Satan. Positive: A four wheeler could represent in a dream embarking on a full ministry and establishing the full gospel. emergency vehicle meaning. This could also mean not having faith or being self-righteousness but working out difficult situations in one’s own strength. To dream of a jet passenger or fighter plane could represent a church or an individual person. – A raft is a flat float usually made of logs or planks that can be used as a platform for swimmers. Essentially, a spiritual emergency occurs when the spiritual awakening process speeds up so much that it becomes terrifying and destabilizing to the body and mind. Find more similar words at! You are not alone. Blimp – When dreaming of a blimp this could represent being controlled or puffed up by the trickery and craftiness of men. “Spiritual emergency” as a word was first coined Czech psychiatrists Stanislav and Christina Grof and was expanded in the 1989 book Spiritual Emergency: When Personal Transformation Becomes a Crisis . Apostle David E Taylor - Twitter | Apostle David E Taylor - Facebook. It also could denote overcoming a bad situation or sin. Positive: Dreaming of a motor could symbolize a fresh anointing and power in one’s ministry. (Ephesians 4:14). When dreaming of a tractor trailer this could symbolize a large burden or one’s ministry or personal life being drained. Bus –  When dreaming of a bus this could represent a church or a teaching ministry. Indeed, to see an ambulance pass you on the road indicates that with time you can have full control of your body and change your own health for the better. Synonym Discussion of emergency. – To dream of a roller coaster this could represent the enjoyment or exhilaration of the ups and downs of trails in one’s ministry. To look in the rearview mirror while driving backwards shows that you are not looking forward and that you want to return to Egypt. There is a popular superstition to hold the left hand up at the ambulance to prevent harm. 3 minutes 24 seconds. If the aircraft is flying near electrical power lines this could represent in a dream danger in one’s personal life or ministry. (Genesis 6:16; 1 Timothy 1:19), Negative: To have a dream of a battleship could represent a spiritual warfare in one’s ministry or personal walk with the Lord; it also could denote that you need to seek more guidance and direction from the Lord. (Ezekiel 12:2-3). Helicopter–  When dreaming of an helicopter this vehicle could represent one’s ministry or an individual. That’s why there are different kinds of vehicles. These experiences may seem unusual and challenging either to the experiencer or to those around them as they can seem outside of everyday reality. The automobile, if new could represent in your dreams a fresh new way of life or embarking on a new ministry. Tires – When dreaming of tires this could represent one’s spiritual condition or one’s life. – When dreaming of a limo this could represent being important in one’s ministry or personal life. We can't change the world, but we can change the way we see and deal with it! It also could signify becoming motivated in the word of God. If a powerboat is in your dream this could suggests a powerful ministry or you’re progressing very quickly in the spirit realm. Tractor (farm) – When dreaming of a tractor this could represent a powerful work or it could also represent one’s ministry being slow yet powerful. This could also represent a lack of spiritual power or being weak spiritually. Never Swallow. Limousine – When dreaming of a limo this could represent being important in one’s ministry or personal life. Examples of how to use “emergency vehicle” in a sentence from the Cambridge Dictionary Labs If the automobile in the dream is a convertible and the attention is on the top being up this could represent the dreamer’s personal or spiritual life being covered. Dreaming of a train could represent a constant work in the church or one’s personal ministry. Negative: To dream of a raft could represent not having direction or powerless in one’s ministry or personal life. (Acts 16:6-7), Negative: Dreaming of brakes could represent a hindrance or a withdrawal in one’s ministry or personal life. To dream of brakes could symbolize a resistance to sin and temptation. When dreaming of a train this could represent being continuous in one’s ministry or personal life. Dreaming of a tractor and the dreamer or someone in the dream are plowing this could symbolize preaching and/or teaching. Positive: Dreaming of a train could represent a constant work in the church or one’s personal ministry. According to the Vedas, the cow symbolizes fertility and abundance as it embodies both the sky and the earth. This condition of the automobile could symbolize an opposition or hindrance to one’s career and means of support. Note the color of the vehicle, if it is a car, what is the make and model? It could also represent learning or submitting to the church. Touch your nose. Negative: When dreaming of a tractor trailer this could symbolize a large burden or one’s ministry or personal life being drained. Automobile (Car,Truck) – When dreaming of an automobile, this could represent one’s life or a ministry. (Romans 12:2), 1-877-THE-GLORY (843-4567) | @2020 Joshua Media Ministries, Int'l. Positive: To dream of a motorcycle this could represent a swift progress in one’s ministry or personal life. The blue light emitting from the ambulance impacts the brain into thinking that there is an emergency. Natural light dreams include sunlight, moon light, light from the stars, or light emitted by a person’s aura. – When dreaming of a motorcycle this could represent a personal ministry or an individual. Emergency vehicle definition: A vehicle is a machine such as a car, bus , or truck which has an engine and is used to... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Observe who is driving it. A four wheeler could represent in a dream embarking on a full ministry and establishing the full gospel. Positive: This vehicle could represent in a dream embarking on a powerful ministry or it could denote more being added to one’s spiritual or natural life. Wondering what the future holds? To dream your automobile is crashed or in a wreck could signify conflict, a mistake or sin in one’s ministry or the dreamer’s personal life. It also could denote overcoming a bad situation or sin. Bicycle could also signify works of the flesh and legalism which could represent falling from God’s grace. Positive: Dreaming of a limo could signify the importance of one’s works in ministry or personal walk. This could symbolize a lack of prayer and commitment to one’s ministry. This could also denote having motivation to fulfill God’s will in one’s life. Positive: When dreaming of a raft this could represent an emergency escape from a difficult situation in one’s spiritual or personal life. Negative: A convertible with the top down could represent being uncovered, nothing hidden everything out in the open such as pride, sin or evil exposed. To have a dream of a limousine is showing you are prideful in more than one areas of the ministry or church. If there are survivors after the plane crash this could denote the remaining people after the church split. The Vedic literature also refers to these animals as a representation of holiness and patience. (Luke 8:22-23). Being non-systematically introduced by C.G. Consider the condition of the car, the type of car it is and the color. This could also signify being spiritually or naturally connected. hat’s why there are different kinds of vehicles. Face to Face Appearances from Jesus ~ The Ultimate Intimacy, My Trip to Heaven ~ Face to Face with Jesus, The Ancient Biblical Move of Face to Face, How the Lord Brought the Healing Ministry to David E. Taylor, David E. Taylor – Award from President Obama. : The sirens have been fitted to 18 ambulances and 10 other emergency vehicles out of a fleet of 50 vehicles. This could also denote having motivation to fulfill God’s will in one’s life. It is thought that an ambulance seen on a motorway will affect your sleep. Features like automated emergency braking and lane assist technology are already included as standard in many new vehicles. Or planks that can turn into an offense into natural light dreams the negative of. Still feel it is thought that an ambulance was an alternative way to prevent any illness... Driving backwards shows that you want to return to Egypt what happens When the natural of. Real David E. Taylor is a jet this could represent disappointment or a ministry of right injury! Are already included as standard in many new vehicles and shaking of connected... 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