European Fan Palms, like most of the palms on this list, do well in full sun to partial shade. It requires constant moisture but not soggy soil. Among the palms commonly known as fan palms are: The travellers palm (Ravenala madagascariensis), Phenakospermum (P. guyannense), white bird of paradise (Strelitzia nicolai), and New Guinea fan palm (Cordyline fruticosa) are sometimes called fan palms, because of their leaves' distinctive shape; however none are members of the palm family (Arecaceae). Though it grows in full sun in tropical areas, it can also tolerate partial shade as well. It’s a massive palm which provides any landscape a dramatic effect. Furthermore, it’s drought-tolerant and also purifies the indoor air. Livistona chinensis: Chinese Fan Palm 2 Compared to most palm species, Chinese fan palms exhibit few nutritional deficiencies. Australian Native Plants - Fan Palms: Corypha utan (Gebang Palm) Height 20m Spread fronds 4m to 6m: Gebang Palm is a fan palm growing up to twenty metres tall. It’s a massive palm which provides any landscape a dramatic effect. A: There are hundreds of different kinds of palm trees, and palms are variable whether they are male, female or produce both types of flowers on the same tree. Moon Valley Nurseries has a wide selection of palm trees to choose from. There are two types of ‘fan’ palm: palmate and costapalmate. Most are members of the subfamily Coryphoideae, though a few genera in subfamily Calamoideae (Mauritia, Mauritiella and Lepidocaryum) also have palmate leaves. Fan-shaped, large leaves of this palm variety provides it a unique look and sets the plant apart among other palms. They perform well in both … Types of Fan Palms. European fan palm can be a large centerpiece of your room with its unique fan-like appearance. Foxtail palm. Silver Date Palm. see palms on sale right now! Compared to other palms, this species is quite hardy and can … Learn about cold hardy palm trees, including European fan palm, Chinese windmill palm and cabbage palm, from the experts at HGTV Gardens. Most types of palms such as date palms and coconut palms grow in warm countries. Place the plant in indirect, partial sunlight. Other Names: Elephant’s Foot Palm, Bottle Palm. Both these lady palm varieties have fan-like foliage that looks like delicate fingers. They give a decorative look to the plant, especially during the holiday season. Palmate refers to palms with circular or semi-circular leaves which radiate from a central point. Rhapidophyllum hystrix can winter out in Salt Lake City and tolerate temperatures below zero Fahrenheit. This palm attains an average height of 4-12 feet and spans 3-5 feet wide. It is wind resistant and will tolerate -12°C (10°F) or lower. Some varieties of palm trees can also grow indoors as houseplants. These palms prefer full to partial sun, and a well-drained area so they can dry out between waterings. The following discussion covers 7 species of uniquely blue fan palms that are excellent landscape trees for low desert areas where frost is not a severe problem, but excessive heat can be a common occurence (eg. The following discussion covers 7 species of uniquely blue fan palms that are excellent landscape trees for low desert areas where frost is not a severe problem, but excessive heat can be a common occurence (eg. In Sri Lanka, the plant is known as Indi-gaha, (ඉංදි ගහ). Learn everything about growing this plant here. Mediterranean fan palms are hardy and adaptable and can grow in various types of soil and under both full shade and sunlight. The fine-textured parlor palm gained popularity as a houseplant due to its quick adaptability to low or artificial light settings. Phoenix pusilla: Chilean wine palm, Chile cocopalm: Jubaea chilensis: Chinese fan palm, fountain palm May 22, 2016 - Plan your backyard paradise by knowing which types of palm trees to plant. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Types of Fan Palms Chinese fan palms (Livistona chinensis) are very popular in the Florida landscape but also make an excellent indoor plant for a sunny room. Bismarck Palm Tree. Also Read: 14 Indoor Plants That Need Water Once A Month, Other Names: Mediterranean Fan Palm, Dwarf Fan Palm. Come shop the best and biggest selections for palm trees at one of our locations today! Cultivar selection. Some palm trees have feather-like fronds, while others have fan-like leaves. Areca palm is a popular houseplant due to its ability to remove formaldehyde, xylene, and toluene. Bismarck Palm Tree. Buccaneer Palm Tree. The most popular types of indoor palm plants are majesty (majestic) palms, parlor palms, areca palms, cat palms, and kentia palms. European fan palms are native to, as their name suggests, Europe. Old frond sheaths remain on … Windmill palms can also grow in the Seattle area. Read... © 2020 Balcony Garden Web | All rights reserved, 17 Types of Indoor Palm Plants | Best Palm Varieties, Have a look at indoor palm benefits proven in studies, 14 Indoor Plants That Need Water Once A Month, 13 DIY Garden Projects With Glue To Make FREE Sculptures & Accessories, How Soaking Seeds in Hydrogen Peroxide Improves Germination, 21 Indoor Arrowhead Vine Varieties | Best Types of Syngonium, 55 Best Indoor Plants for Living Rooms | Top Houseplants, Cast Iron Plant Care | Tips for Growing Aspidistra elatior, 12 Container Vegetables that Magically Regrow Themselves, 22 Beautiful Pictures of Wine Glass Terrariums, 50 Painted Pots for Every Gardeners Inspiration, How to Start a Balcony Kitchen Garden | Complete Guide. Potted bamboo palm can enhance the beauty of any interior decor. Shelter from strong winds can sometimes be provided by hills, buildings, or groups of other trees. This slow-growing plant can be 6 to 8 feet tall indoors. The large bipinnate leaves with a triangular shape, look quite similar to a fishtail. This shade-resistant plant is a slow grower; hence, it is a perfect choice as a houseplant. Botanical Name: Chamaedorea elegans. Other Names: Vanuatu Fan Palm, Palas Fan Palm. 2 But water only when top one-inch soil gets dry. List of Palm Tree Species in Alphabetical Order. Keep reading for tips on growing fan palms. This NASA air-purifying plant belongs to date palms. Chinese Fans can have a single straight trunk or multiple trunks with large, six-foot-long glossy leaves which have drooping tips. One palm species, California Fan Palm (Washingtonia filifera) is native to the oases and canyons of Arizona and California. It’s native to Madagascar and its introduction is relatively recent to the landscapes in Florida. Other Names: Fishtail Palm, Clustering Fishtail Palm, … Though it can be a tall tree outdoors, you can grow it indoors for several years until it becomes too big to handle. In the published literature on plant use and care, it is often lumped in with other fan palms, such as the European fan palm ( Chamaerops humilis) which it closely resembles. Palms are recognized by their fan-shaped or feather-like fronds (leaves) and fiber-covered trunks or stems. Lady palm. It can reach a height of 8-10… Pinnate, or feather-like, fronds are found on some of the most common palm varieties, including the areca palm, coconut palm, queen palm, and date palm. About the Chinese fan Palm: The Chinese Fan Palm Tree, also known as the Fountain Palm, is one of the most unique of all of the palm tree varieties.The tree is able to reach 40 feet in Florida but usually maxs out at 15 feet with a 10 to 12-foot spread. list of plants with the same or similar names,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page is an index of articles on plant species (or higher taxonomic groups) with the same, This page was last edited on 9 April 2019, at 00:19. Feed the plant once a month, from spring to autumn, with diluted liquid fertilizer. It prefers high humid conditions, so mist the plant during dry spells. More specifically, they’re found in the western Mediterranean area and can also be known as the Mediterranean dwarf palm. The ribbon fan palm is a slow-growing palm that eventually reaches 60 ft. (18 m). Palms and cycads are very versatile in the landscape. Fishtail Palm. In Hindi it is known as "Palavat", and in Malayalam as "Chiteental". This is a great palm for USDA Zone 8b (15 to 20 F) – 11 (above 40 F). Rhapidophyllum hystrix (needle palm): Very cold tolerant fan palm to -15°C (5°F), but it requires hot summers. Fan palm trees are among the most popular of indoor tropical plants and require bright light conditions and ample space to thrive. When grown in warm surroundings and ample sunlight, it also produces edible mini-dates. click for directions to nursery . Planting Palms Small Containerized Palms: As the name suggests, Florida Thatch Palms are a Florida native that thrives in … Fan palm as a descriptive term can refer to any of several different kinds of palms (Arecaceae) in various genera with leaves that are palmately lobed (rather than pinnately compound). The Chinese fan palm is closely related to other Asian fan palms, such as Livistona carinensis and the Australia red cabbage palm (Livistona mariae), but many of its relatives are very rare. This palm is quite similar to the kentia palm, growing feather-like, broad curly fronds, making it more appealing for large rooms or corners. Besides that, according to NASA, the bamboo palm also cleanses and purifies indoor air, making it perfect for bedrooms. Some types of palms have a single trunk and can be used as solitary specimen plants while others are clumping and are used in groups. This palm, also known as a sugar date palm (Phoenix sylvestris), is closely related … The European Fan Palm is easy to maintain. see plants on sale right now! The central portion of affected leaves may show orange-yellow discoloration or it may be green (Figure 4). Water the plant thoroughly in springs and summers, but less frequently in winters. Fan palm genera include: Fan palm can also be used as part of the common name of particular genera or species. Fan palm as a descriptive term can refer to any of several different kinds of palms (Arecaceae) in various genera with leaves that are palmately lobed (rather than pinnately compound). This plant needs frequent watering during its growth period. Chinese fan palms ( Livistona chinensis) are very popular in the Florida landscape but also make an excellent indoor plant for a sunny room. People love these well-known palm houseplants because they don’t take up a lot of room. It can reach up 5-7 feet tall with 3-5 feet spread, growing in clumps with multiple reed-like stems. Native to the Philippines, this ornamental palm variety produces red-colored fruits in winters. Most are members of the subfamily Coryphoideae, though a few genera in subfamily Calamoideae (Mauritia, Mauritiella and Lepidocaryum) also have palmate leaves.Fan palm genera include: They have become popular across the world thanks to their ability to adapt to a wide range of conditions. The large fan shaped fronds grow to six metres long, and divided into up to a hundred grey green segments. Fronds have a brushy, full appearance, like the tail of a fox. It’s native to Madagascar and its introduction is relatively recent to the landscapes in Florida. Botanical Name: Rhapis excelsa & Rhapis humilis, Other Names: Broadleaf Lady, Little Lady Palm, Finger Palm, Bamboo Palm. It flourishes in bright indirect sunlight. Other Name: Miniature Date … Light: Bright indirect light; tolerates some shade A major group or type of palms are the species known as Fan Palms. Graceful, elegant and incredibly attractive. types such as California Fan, Mediterranean Fan, Windmill Fan, Canary Island Date, and Mexican Blue can be grown in such communities as Kingman, Globe, Nogales and Douglas. Provide bright indirect sunlight, exposure to 2-3 hours of direct morning sun is ideal. Where to plant: Palm trees can adapt to different soil types, but their preference is … Other Names: Fishtail Palm, Clustering Fishtail Palm, Clumping Fishtail Palm. While growing indoors, it usually remains around 4 to 6 feet tall. It grows up to 8 feet tall, though, you can prune its length to suit your needs. Bismarckia nobilis. Ribbon fans are not self-cleaning palms - you'll need to trim off browned fronds (though only occasionally) while the palm is still short enough to reach. Water when the top of the soil feels dry. Cycads can also make wonderful specimen plants or can be used along … Fan palm as a descriptive term can refer to any of several different kinds of palms in various genera with leaves that are palmately lobed (rather than pinnately compound). Its palmate leaves can add a tropical look to your landscape in a variety of ways, perhaps for poolside ambiance or … Very slow growing; eventually forming clumps of attractive deep-green leaves to 1m (3¼ft). Bright, indirect sunlight also works well. It prefers warm temperature above 60 F (15 C). If your palm’s fronds are feather-shaped, or pinnate, you can narrow down its subfamily and look up types of pinnate palms in your area. Chinese Fan Palm Tree (Livistona chinensis) Fan palms typically can tolerate a lot more cold than pinnate palms. This variety of yucca looks like a miniature palm tree or dragon tree Dracaena, it’s an ideal candidate for modern interior decor. This palm tree is one of the most sought after fan palms Florida has to offer. Costapalmate appear like fan palms but the leaflets originate from along the leaf blade (in a way they look a little like a cross between ‘true’ fan palms and feather-leafed palms). It grows up to 10 feet tall, spreading 2-4 feet with broad, elegant foliage. Multi-trunk palms make excellent specimen or accent plants. Feather-like fronds (pinnate) are found on some of the most popular and common palm tree types like the Areca Palm, Coconut Palm, Queen Palm, and Date Palm. During severe winters even these hardy species, especially young plants, may freeze out. Potassium (K) deficiency, which causes extensive leaflet tip necrosis on the oldest leaves, is fairly common. It quickly reaches up to 6 feet in height and grows slowly post that. Florida Palm Tree Identification: Identify the ribbon fan plant by the graceful ribbon-like fronds that create an umbrella type of bushy palm crown. The sago palm is a slow-growing species, reaching 2 feet tall in approx five years. Date Palms. The California Fan Palm, also known as Desert Fan Palm, American Cotton palm, Arizona Fan Palm, can tolerate cold down to 15F when mature enough. It requires consistent moisture and humidity. Palm plants bring a tropical touch, feeling of peace, and tranquility to any space. Pseudophoenix sargentii. Fertilize three times a year in spring, summer and fall. It’s a perfect choice for corners. The Mediterranean fan palm is also used as a hedge and border plant because it is sturdy and dense. One of the most widely known and recognized species of Palm is the Coconut Palm tree. It will thrive … It quickly adjusts in indoor conditions. It grows in a stemless clump, attaining a height up to 6 feet indoors; you can restrict the growth by regular pruning as well. Foxtail Palm (Wodyetia bifurcata) An Australian native, foxtail palm is winning fans across the warmest parts of Florida, Texas and California. roebelenii) Pindo palm (Butia capitata) Ravenea hildebrandtii Parlor Palm Botanical Name: Phoenix robelinii. (or) to read about 200 different types of cool palm trees, click here . Canary Island Date Palm - Phoenix canariensis; Chinese Fan Palm - Livistona chinensis; Christmas Palm - Veitchia merillii; Chusan Palm - Trachycarpus fortunei; Coconut Palm - Cocos nucifera; Edible Date Palm - Phoenix dactilifera; European Fan Palm - Chamaerops humilis; Fishtail Palm - Caryota mitis; Foxtail Palm - Wodyetia bifurcata; Guadalupe Palm - Brahea edulis Common indoor palm trees brighten up … The upward arching, dark green fronds of majestic palm, can uplift an empty corner of your room with its larger than life appearance. Washingtonia filifera, also known as desert fan palm, California fan palm, or California palm, is a flowering plant in the palm family native to the far southwestern United States and Baja California.Growing to 15–20 m (49–66 ft) tall by 3–6 m (10–20 ft) broad, it is an evergreen monocot with a tree-like growth habit.It has a sturdy, columnar trunk and waxy, fan-shaped leaves. Chinese Fan Palm (Livistona Chinensis) Chinese fan palms, also known as fountain palms, hail from China and Japan. There are innumerable palm trees around the world which can be classified into different types depending on various factors, like the shape of their leaves, geographic location, climate tolerance, etc. See more ideas about trees to plant, palm trees, backyard paradise. Carnarvon Fan Palm: Livistona nitida: Cayman thatch palm, Protcor's silver palm: Coccothrinax proctorii: Ceylon date palm. It’s not only cold tolerant, but also is drought tolerant and widely adaptable. This elegant palm showcases glossy fan-like fronds, it’s low maintenance and grows at a slow pace like other types of palms. You have entered an incorrect email address! With ornamental long and thin leaves, it reaches the height of 4-6 feet in pots, quite a manageable size indoors. This ornamental palm is actually a succulent. This winter-hardy palm is native to Europe; its gray-green triangular fine-textured leaves can usually spread up to 2 feet on 4 feet tall stems. This neat palm is slow growing and has a single, upright trunk and large leaves that … Indirect sunlight is sufficient for its growth. Keep the moisture of the soil even, but avoid overwatering. For more ideas on choosing palms for the garden, see our Find a Plant tool.. Chamaerops humilis (dwarf fan palm) AGM: Forms clumps of fan-shaped leaves, up to to 2m (6½ft) tall. The ribbon fan plant is suitable for growing in Florida USDA zones 9 through 11. Chinese fan palms do well in bright light, but younger plants tolerate shady locations. You can even grow it in a bathroom or laundry room if space is available. Cabbage Palm (Sabal palmetto) Foxtail palm. This tropical palm grows in glossy dark green leaves on small shoots that add a dramatic touch to your interior. or, visit our new palm tree encyclopedia with many informative articles on palms . Pygmy Date Palm. These slow growers can be between 3 to 8 feet in height and help in purifying indoor air, making them a favorite of interior designers. Blue Latan Palm Tree. Keep the soil moist during summers. Bottle Palm Tree. Palmate refers to palms with circular or semi-circular leaves which radiate from a central point. Interestingly, this is one of the rare palms that has both green and variegated leaves. Phoenix canariensis AGM (Canary Island date palm): Hardy to -8°C (18°F). Grow it if you want to have a large houseplant in your home. . Most are members of the subfamily Coryphoideae, though a few genera in … Pindo Palm (Butia capitata) The pindo palm is a slow-growing small tree with a single stout trunk. Latania loddigesii. The delicate curly leaves with a foot-like trunk give it an extraordinary appearance. They are usually low maintenance and thrive well as houseplants. Though it is not a true palm, it looks like one due to its feathery fronds. Pruning is necessary to achieve a symmetrical outline. There are two types of ‘fan’ palm: palmate and costapalmate. (Wodyetia bifurcata) This attractive palm species is native to Northern Australia and … Fishtail Palm (Caryota mitis) This is a clustering type of palm tree that can easily … Choose a large pot that will accommodate the long taproot that the Chinese fan palm produces. These names refer to different ways palm leaves grow, and several species can share similar leaf patterns. (Wodyetia bifurcata) This attractive palm species is native to Northern Australia and … Costapalmate appear like fan palms but the leaflets originate from along the leaf blade (in a way they look a little like a cross between ‘true’ fan palms and feather-leafed palms). Its low water requirements make it a drought tolerant choice and it can do well even in frosts or while planted in large container gardens . Keep the soil moist with a moderate watering schedule. Parlor palm has delicate fronds with dainty texture. Florida Thatch Palm. The European Fan Palm is best grown in multiple trunk clumps which can reach about ten feet in width. However, some species of palms are tolerant of temperate climates and cold temperatures. If you’re a palm fan too and looking to grow them as a houseplant, then this list of 17 Types of Indoor Palm Plants is going to help you a lot! Learn about classic types of palm trees, including date palm, hardy Chinese windmill palm and zombie palm, from the experts at HGTV Gardens. The Lady palm (Rhapis excelsa) is a true lady, … eliminate other palm species, notably those from humid coastal climates. The sago palm grows best in bright indirect sunlight. California Fan Palm (Washingtonia filifera) A popular landscape tree in the Southwest, the California …