We do our best help users better care for their fish. It can live peacefully with some kinds of fish. Also, look out for signs of stress in the community tanks- these signs might include: continuous chases, tear marks (from sparring) and loss of appetite. Cory catfish can grow to about one or two inches in length and can live for three years tops. A 20-gallon tank gives everyone plenty of room and allows both the beta and the tetras to have their own territories. They prefer to live at the bottom of the tank where a betta will stay at the top and in the middle. You should only keep redtail sharks if you’re an experienced fishkeeper already. Another scenario can occur when male guppies mistake female bettas for the female of their own specie, triggering another aggressive attack from the female bettas. If you plan on keeping tank mates with them in a 5-gallon tank then your choices are going to be a little bit limited. Well, the truth is that’s simply not true. Mollies are a great species of fish to add to your tank because they come in a variety of colors, and sizes, however, all of them get along together. I’ve already covered whether or not you can put male and female bettas together and I gave a nod to the fact that other species of fish can live in harmony with Bettas. They need a pH between 7.0 – 8.0 and a temperature between 64-84°F. If you’re looking for some smaller fish to fill your tank then dwarf rasboras are a good choice. Remember that we recommend a 5-gallon tank for a single betta fish. At 25 gallons you’re really spoilt for choice, and the bigger your tank gets, the more great tank mates for you to choose from! To answer the question, do betta fish get lonely? They’re actually gentle giants. They grow up to 0.8″ in size, however, their quick speed makes it incredibly difficult for your betta to attack them. Endler’s livebearers are extremely similar to guppies, however, the good news is they aren’t as flashy. You can also feed them live food such as bloodworms which will sink to the bottom for them to eat. Corydoras Catfish are easy to care for and live in the same water conditions as a Betta. They are fiery red in color and have slim, streamline bodies to swim fast. The Quick “what fish can live with betta fish” List. Neon and ember tetras, cory catfish, endlers, and several others can live peacefully in the same section as your existing fish. The answer is simply No! Dwarf Crayfish are truly unique looking tank mates and as you’ll find out each one of them has their own interesting personality. 2 Do Betta Fish Need Tank Mates To Be Happy? They like a pH between 6.5 – 8 and a temperature between 65-80°F. In addition to their love for brine shrimp, they are bottom feeders too and are mostly restricted to scavenging at the bottom of your community tank so it is very unlikely that your Betta fish would even notice their presence. A betta fish can live in a community tank with other species of fish especially if there is plenty of room for all inhabitants. Can Ghost Shrimp And Bettas Live Together? Neon tetras are some of the most popular tropical fish around. Betta males and females should only be housed together when ready to breed. If you wanted to keep bronze corydoras catfish with your betta then you should be aware that they can live for up to 10 years and grow up to 2.5″ in length. They’re not brightly colored, they don’t have flowing tails, and they don’t inhabit the same areas. We may give some advice on the compatible companions which have been safe to put with your betta fish. As you can see from the checklist, it is actually not that difficult to find a tank mate for your betta fish. At 20 gallons you can begin to add a lot more tetras into your tank. They need to regularly swim to the top to breathe, and if they can’t do this they’ll suffocate. However, beware that they are a little bit more expensive than other shrimp, so make sure you know your betta won’t attack them before adding them to your tank. Well, the answer is a little more complicated than a simple yes or no. However, one thing to be aware of is that platies are livebearers. Often times a new hobbyist doesn't know about the nitrogen cycle, water changes, proper tank setup and the foods they should be feeding them which causes disease issues and shortened lifespans. There’s some speculation to whether Endler’s livebearers and guppies are one species or two separate species because of how similar they are and the fact they are found in the exact same area of the world. However, just remember it only takes one rogue tetra to do some damage to your betta. They’re peaceful nature also means they make great tank mates for bettas. If you’re not sure how to do this, it’s always a good idea to build up areas of plant life around the edges of your tank with the middle filled with open space. (Complete Guide), keeping the Betta fish in a tank with another aggressive species. My Top 5 Favorite Betta Fish Companions Prices and images pulled from the Amazon Product Advertising API on: Matt on June 16, 2020: Hey Eric, I'm looking at potentially getting a Fluval tank, maybe their 9 gallon … If you want more in-depth information about each of the fish on this list such as their diet, habitat and behavioral requirements, as well as how to breed them then check out the Ultimate Betta Tank Mate Guide. The Koi betta fish is the name of a marble betta species selectively bred, to exhibit a similar color appearance as the Koi fish from which it derives its name…. That they’re too aggressive and if you did try, it would result in death and injury. There another peaceful fish that loves the same tank setup as your betta. Cardinal tetras may not be as well known as neon tetras, but they’re strikingly similar. How long a betta can live is mostly based on the tank conditions in which they are kept. On top of this, while they are colorful, the coloring they have isn’t going to cause aggression in your betta. Temperament: Peaceful; Care Level: Easy; Compatibility Rank with Betta: 10/10; Size: 4.5” (11.43 cm) Water Temperature Requirement: 75-85 °F (23-29 °C) Along with the unique and cool appearance, Kuhli Loach can be a … Nerite snails are both beautiful and compatible with Betta’s Also known as the spotted Nerite, tiger snail or zebra snail, these are foliage eaters, and are extremely hardy fish. If you’re not sure it’s often a good idea to add tank mates you won’t mind losing such as shrimp. If you do plan on doing this, then it is possible to keep juvenile redtail sharks in tanks that are 29 gallons in size, however, as they age they’ll need to be moved to 55 gallons. They also have colors that are dull when compared to the Betta fish, this is in addition to their peaceful nature. If this is noticed, it is better to get a separate tank and keep your betta fish there instead. While they will happily live off algae and dead plant matter in your tank, there’s no surefire way to be certain they won’t eat your plants as well. As previously mentioned dwarf rasboras are only going to grow up to 0.8″ and they also live for 5 years. The best betta fish tank mates are non-aggressive fish that can swim fast and remain rather small. The issue lies more with keeping them with other bottom dwellers. If you don’t set up your tank right for redtail sharks then they can often be as aggressive as your betta. If you have a 10-gallon tank, then you have room for some tank mates! Although Cardinal Tetras are peaceful by nature it’s still important you don’t take this peaceful nature for granted. If you have snails in your tank that are breeding out of control then assassin snails are going to be a great tank mate. List Of Fish That Can Live With Bettas (For Those Short On Time) If you’re short on time then here’s a list of fish that can live with bettas as well as shrimp and snails: Just like Malaysian Trumpet Snails, Ramshorns grow up to 1″ in size and live for up to a year. For a five-gallon tank, you can add live plants to break up the monotony of the tank. Also, you need to be careful when feeding African dwarf frogs. As well as keeping snails and shrimp in smaller tanks, they’re also a great way of determining whether your betta is going to be aggressive, without spending lots of money. While they do like eating live food, they aren’t going to be a threat to your betta. Best Live Food For Betta Fish (A Comprehensive List). 5 gallons is the minimum size tank you should keep your betta in. On the one hand, some bettas are too aggressive to be put with other tank mates (unless you’re using a large enough tank with plenty of hiding spaces) so it’s better to keep them on their own. Not only will you learn tons more about all the fish already listed, but you’ll also learn about 35 MORE tank mates you can keep with your betta! Neon tetras are … You can attach it to driftwood, rocks, or carpet it along the substrate. Scientific Name: Paracheirodon Innesi. A high number of species in your community tank means that there is an increase in the number of organisms producing excretory substances. Unlike other snails that survive on vegetation, assassin snails are carnivores. But why is acclimating fish important in the... I’m Saurabh and I’m glad you checked my blog. Some Bettas will see your shrimp as dinner, so be careful and if he starts harassing your shrimp make sure to remove it! Normally people have a spare tank they can transfer their betta too if things go south. If you have a 10-gallon tank or you plan on upgrading soon, then the amount of betta tank mates you can choose from increases massively. When you’re choosing snails for your tank, nerite snails are often the best choice. This species of fishes posses one of the key attributes that makes it suitable as a ‘’tank… Zebra Snails. There is a generalized fallacy that the betta fish cannot live with other species. Depending on the grade you get they could be slightly orange, to a bright fiery red. In addition, they are very fast swimmers due to their shorter fin. It might be erroneously presumed that since goldfishes and betas are both tropical fishes, they should be able to peacefully cohabit with each other. Caring for them is very easy and would prove to be no stress at all for you. Neon Tetras. Bettas usually attack scales, gills and tails and will respond if bitten by aggressive fin nippers like angel fish or red tail sharks, Dr. Tepper says. Just make sure you keep the water pristine. If you do it will kill them. Harlequin Rasboras are omnivores, so you can feed them live and frozen food and they also eat flake. Not only will you learn tons more about all the fish already listed, but you’ll also learn about 35 more tank mates you can keep with your betta! But can a betta, male or female, be kept in a community aquarium with other fish? This is mainly because they grow a lot bigger than their counterparts. When they’re not kept in a large enough school they can often become fin nippers. What Shrimp Can Live With Betta Fish? They need a temperature between 73-80°F and a pH level between 5.5-7. Instead, you should keep female guppies with male bettas. Breeding your betta in a tank that is smaller than 10 gallons restricts the space available for the betta fish to swim and dominate, this might stress your Betta and make it ill. Fish with a calm attitude, like the Corydoras or the Kuhlii. Bristlenose Plecos. The good news is that if you add some cheap shrimp then even if your betta does kill them they’ll become a nice meal for him! Zebra Danios can live for 2-3 years and grow up to 2.5″ in length. It is common knowledge that the more water in your aquarium equates to less water parameter fluctuations. The best way to get the water perfect is by matching the parameters they’ve come from as close as possible. The betta fish or Siamese fighting fish is known for the territorial aggression it shows. And because of their peaceful personalities, they are unlikely to be aggressive to your betta. Similar to Plecos, Otoclonus catfish is also a bottom feeder that scavengers on algea at the bottom of your tank, in the same process cleaning out your tank. Betta fish can live with angelfish. Scissortail Rasboras can live for up to 5 years and grow up to 3.5″ in length. Otocinclus catfish can live for 3-5 years and grow between 1.5-2″ in length. Don’t be worried about their name though. Contrary to other fishes that prefer to live in groups called shoals, betta fishes would rather live on their own without the company of other fishes. Ghost shrimp can grow up to 2″ in length and live for a year. While bronze corydoras’ are bottom dwellers, it’s not uncommon for them to swim to the surface to breathe air either. Amano shrimp can grow up to 2″ in size and commonly live for 2-3 years. Rummy nose tetras look fantastic, and luckily, they’re also extremely peaceful. Bigger fish and also colorful fish could be attended be frightening– you do not want to daunt a dealing with fish! They’re common aquarium snails, however, just remember that you’re going to need to keep an eye on them. Glass catfish live for up to 7 years and grow 3″ in size. They’re normally peaceful until feeding time, and if your betta tries to take their food then they may end up attacking him. The Betta females themselves. If you want to keep Pygmy Corys you should be aware they can live for up to 3 years and grow up to 1.3″ in size. It is relatively easy to care for them. So when you add the food you want to stick to high-quality fish pellets and flakes, frozen meat, and live food such as daphnia, bloodworms, and mosquito larvae! Scientific name: Corydoras. Once you have a tank that’s 15 gallons or bigger, you can become even more flexible with the tank mates you want to keep with your betta. They aren’t colorful, and their large size means they’re a lot less likely to be eaten by your betta. You also need to make sure that the nitrate levels are low too. In fact, you can see their skeleton through their skin! African dwarf frogs live for up to 5 years and grow 3″ in length. All these can live calmly with your betta despite betta's aggressive nature. Your community tank would have to include at least 7 neon tetras because they are also shoaling fishes and are prone to be stressed if their number is too small. Remember to check out the Ultimate Betta Tank Mate Guide. The basic principle you have to follow while breeding Bettas, is that you must never keep your Betta in a tank with other species if the size of your tank is less than 10 gallons. As you can guess by their name the Malaysian Trumpet Snail is found in Malaysia as well as other parts of Asia. Contrary to what you might think, they’re actually bottom dwellers, so they’ll spend most of their time out of your bettas way. They need a temperature between 72-78°F and a pH level between 6.5-7.5. Apart from that, they’re peaceful tanks mates, that won’t bother your betta and they’re also good algae eaters. As well as that they can also grow up to 1.5″ in length. Not only will you learn tons more about all the fish already listed, but you’ll also learn about 35 more tank mates you can keep with your betta! Although, this does not imply that they are not interested in any form of interaction. Specifications. Once your Otocinclus catfish have settled in your tank they’re not going to require much care at all to look after. They are non-aggressive bottom feeder fish who will stay out of your Betta’s way. Platies can grow up to 3″ in length and live for 2-5 years. It is a scavenger that feeds mostly on algae at the bottom of the tank. Here are a few of my favorite to start with. If you have a tank that’s 20 gallons then here are some more tank mates you can keep with your betta. Asides from looking like a darker version of neon tetras, they actually have similar needs. Corydoras Catfish And Bettas (Tank Mate Guide), Neon Tetras And Bettas (A Guide To Keeping Them Together). However, remember it’s still important not to overstock your tank and no matter what give your betta plenty of hiding spaces to reduce the chance of him being aggressive. Under certain conditions, your male betta can live with other fish species. If you’re looking for a shrimp that’s a little more colorful then cherry shrimp may be the choice for you. They don’t have the same coloring as neon tetras, instead, they have a long white stripe running down the side of their body with black shadowing on either side. This is not at all the case. They’ll also need pH levels between 7-8 and a temperature between 70-80°F. The chances of them nipping your betta’s fins are extremely slim. Ember Tetras are smaller than a lot of other tetras, but don’t let that put you off. They need to live in tanks with a temperature between 73-78°F and with a pH level between 6.6-7. Unlike the Common Pleco that can grow to be as big as 24 inches making it incompatible for your community tank, the maximum length of the brittlenose pleco is about 5 inches. But don’t worry if you haven’t got any snails in your tank. And what better bottom dweller to choose than Otocinclus catfish? Some fish that can live with a Betta fish are… Cherry and Ghost Shrimp – These scavenger bottom-feeders make great tank mates for Bettas, because they produce a small amount of waste, can live in stagnant water, and can live in warm water. Although mating is sure to help the female bettas reproduce, male and female bettas should only be kept together for a short period of time, and strictly for the purpose of breeding. And be prepared for some trial and error, before you get it right! Another thing to keep in mind is that while tetras can typically thrive in a 10-gallon tank (and a betta can live in one that is just two gallons if he lives alone), the tank must be larger if you are keeping the two species together. This is evidenced by their other name: Siamese fighting fish. Lambchop Rasboras can live for 3-5 years and grow up to 1.2″ in length. Ember tetras grow up to 0.8″ in size and can live for 2-4 years. You may even be asking whether tank mates will make him happy. Sadly, goldfishes are big time fn nippers! They’re brown in color and often do best in groups of 3 or more. They would duel to death. If you’re not sure where to begin then start with shrimp and snails then work your way up. They’re not aggressive, however, during feeding time it’s not uncommon for Amano shrimp to grab their food and run away with it. Lastly, mystery snails grow up to 2.5″ in length and can live for 3-5 years. They need a temperature between 68-79°F and a pH level between 6-7. If you want a corydoras that’s a little bit bigger then bronze corydoras’ are a great choice. Whatever you choose, just make sure that you have a backup plan in case things don’t work. Last on the list of the best betta tank mates for 10-gallon tanks is Lambchop Rasboras! You’ll also notice that your mollies will occasionally graze on algae as well! Size: three-five inches. The rest of this article will explain a bit about how betta fish and angelfish can live together. That does not mean it is recommended, though. If you want to keep Harlequin Rasboras with your betta then the good news is they aren’t going to require any special conditions as they are native to the same habitat bettas come from! If you’re not sure about how your betta will react to neon tetras, then black neon tetras can also be a great choice. They can live happily in tanks as small as 10 gallons. Fluval 406 Canister Filter Review (Why You NEED This Filter), The 4 Best 10 Gallon Fish Tanks For Bettas. They’re docile and peaceful, however, they’re also quick swimmers, so you won’t have to worry about your betta attacking them. While most Mollies are fine, there are some that you should avoid. Lastly, they like temperatures between 72-78°F and a pH between 7.0 – 7.8. However, neon tetras aren’t always peaceful. If they’re kept alone they’ll quickly become unhappy and stressed, which will result in a premature life. It is important to note that, although, female Bettas can be live together in a sorority tank- this is a group of about 6 female bettas compatible cohabiting, this should NEVER be done for male bettas. Another thinh they have in common with the neon tetra is that they also love tasty brine shrimp. No they are definitely not! The content on this blog is not a substitute for veterinary advice. Your Betta will show less aggression towards these fish compared to other Betta. There are plenty of fish, snails, and shrimp you can keep your betta with. There are some fish species with which bettas do not feel endangered, and can live peacefully. In fact, if you’re new to betta keeping, or you’re not sure your betta will be aggressive then these are your best choice. You should also make sure that they’re in a tank which is big enough. Listed below are species that have worked more than once for myself or someone else. It might also be helpful if you include caves and synthetic plants in their tanks if you are still worried about their ‘boredom’. There are certain types of fishes that have been evidenced to live in peaceful coexistence in the fish tank together with the Betta fish; the attributes of these fishes include: Most fish keepers choose to create a tank community of their Betta with and other species, this might be because they want to make their tank more colorful and vibrant or because they think their betta fish needs a companion. Remember, when you’re picking a tank for bettas and their tank mates, you should choose length over height. Just like other cory’s they’re also ideal tank mates for bettas because they don’t have any of the features that trigger aggression in bettas. Out of all the fish you can choose they are some of the most proficient breeders. Just remember, like with all shrimp you should make sure there’s plenty of hiding spaces for them. So as long as you make sure all the fry are getting eaten there isn’t going to be a problem. Just remember, that when you have mystery snails you need to make sure they don’t breed too much and overrun your tank. Lastly, they survive best in a pH between 7.0 – 7.5 and prefer a temperature between 70-78°F. Although, they are smaller than neon tetras, measuring just 1 inch on an average, they are just as calm. (Which is why 20 gallons is recommended). However, you should be warned that when they’re initially introduced to your tank they can often die if the water isn’t perfect. Their color ranges from orange to red. In reality, your betta’s detachment with other cohabiting species is probably for the best, you know. Their calmness is also another attribute that makes them compatible to live in the tank with your Betta fish. No this is not the case; in fact, most times, they would gladly feed from your hands. Learn more about otocinclus catfish. If you plan on purchasing nerite snails then you should be aware that they come with a variety of patterns and colors. As well as making sure they’re not being kept alone you should also give them plenty of hiding places and open spaces to swim in. Beneath that scaly, grumpy exterior, lies a betta fish with so much personality for you to explore. Just like their name suggests, the betta fish is prone to fighting, thus, they are very dominant and might often be involved in sparring with other species. But the truth is you can never tell how your betta is going to be with tank mates until you give it a try. On the other hand, bettas need stimulation to stop them from getting bored and even depressed. They need a temperature between 70-81°F and a pH level between 5-7.5. Sometimes, they just do not want to be disturbed by you or any ‘pestering’ tank mate. Disclaimer: FishTankMaster.com does not intend to provide veterinary advice. The biggest difference between the two is that cardinal tetras are a lot bigger. In fact, they’re the opposite of everything that triggers a betta fish. Red cherry shrimp, Amano shrimp, ghost shrimp, bamboo shrimp, vampire shrimp, malawa shrimp, and the bumblebee shrimps can live with the betta fish. Just make sure you’re they’re not solely relying on algae in your tank and you’re feeding them algae wafers as well. (Here’s a handy article explaining all the requirements for putting your betta with other tank mates.). Thirdly, the goldfish produces quite a large amount of waste products which means that the water in its tank has to be frequently changed, this frequent changes might upset the biochemical components of the betta fish, thus, making it stressed. Not only can you add more, but there are also different types to choose from. If you're looking for something a little different to keep your betta … If you're willing to get at least a 20 … If you want more in-depth information about each of the fish on this list such as their diet, habitat and behavioral requirements, as well as how to breed them then check out the Ultimate Betta Tank Mate Guide. Mollies can live for up to 5 years and grow up to 3″ in length. This should only be done by an experienced fish keeper, and not a beginner. Guppies also need a pH level between 6.8 – 7.8 and a temperature between 74-82°F. If you have visited an aquarium, or you are an avid pet lover or a fish keeper, you must have come across the Betta fish and you might have considered, or still consider the thought of getting one. Remains at the top to breathe air either 7 years and grow up to 1.5″ in length important. Bettas live with betta to prevent them from getting bored adding tanks mates for 10-gallon tanks is dwarf crayfish truly. Separate tank and keep your betta fish might feel threatened by the vibrant and fins. Also a great tank mate are African dwarf frogs the 4 best 10 Gallon fish tanks degrees Fahrenheit small. Not as brightly colored, they would gladly feed from your hands they can live is mostly based the... 2019 Review ), neon tetras will prefer staying at the bottom of the most proficient breeders compared to betta. 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