Yes. They breed each one specifically to become a champion and will place bets on the winner during a bout. In most cases, bettas can live happily with shrimp. Bettas are carnivores and Goldfish are omnivores, so you can’t feed them the same flakes without causing major issues. If you’ve been keeping bettas for a while then you know that they can often be aggressive to other fish, just like redtail sharks. But, there are many Bettas that fish lovers aren’t even aware exist, such as: Siamese Fighting Fish – This is by far the most common Betta you will see in pet stores. with their shy nature and “dull” appearance, a Bristlenose Pleco should have no problem living in harmony with your Betta. You may worry that any other fish it encounters will be in danger. There is plenty of fish, snails, and shrimp you can … Wir und unsere Partner nutzen Cookies und ähnliche Technik, um Daten auf Ihrem Gerät zu speichern und/oder darauf zuzugreifen, für folgende Zwecke: um personalisierte Werbung und Inhalte zu zeigen, zur Messung von Anzeigen und Inhalten, um mehr über die Zielgruppe zu erfahren sowie für die Entwicklung von Produkten. Houses supplied by wells are few and far between and are often somewhere in the country. If you don’t want to risk adding another fish to your aquarium, a Mystery Snail is a great alternative. Can Betta Fish Live With Other Fish? Yes. Yes. Male bettas can never live together. Angel fish and discus will definitely get attacked by male bettas who mistake their long fins for those of another male betta. Although its size is very small, still it can live comfortably with Betta Fish because of its friendly, calm, hardy, adaptable, active and social behavior. I was wondering if I could move my male betta in with my rainbow fish. I do have other fish in the tank as well though but I think it will be fine. Additionally, their small size makes them an easy target and they can be easily killed by a Betta. Most less-active bottom dwellers do great with bettas; corydoras, khuli loaches, otocinclus, etc. Fern is strangely fond of Vampire movies. Zebra Snails. In conclusion, bettas are typically aggressive, but some can live peacefully in a community tank. Bettas can be very aggressive even with other fish. To answer that question, you first need to understand a little about how the fish… They can’t reproduce in freshwater, so you won’t have to worry about a population explosion and they’ll keep themselves preoccupied with algae and leftover food too. Here are 14 fish that can live with a Betta, followed by 10 fish that CANNOT. No. There are many betta fish tank mates or companions that can live with male or female bettas under the right conditions. If your aquarium is 10 gallons or more, Harlequin Rasboras are peaceful shoaling fish that won’t bother your Betta. Rainbow fishes can span from as little as 12 cm (4.7 inches) in length to over 20 cm (7.9 inches) depending on their species. Female bettas belonging to larger groups may live together in the same tank as long as their size is at least 10 gallons. An appropriate tank setup is necessary to keep both species in an aquarium peacefully. However, to get the most beautiful colors and optimal health for your fish, they will do better in a 10 gallon or larger betta aquarium with a heater that can maintain a constant temperature in the aquarium. Like Neon Tetras, Ember Tetras are schooling fish who prefer swimming in the middle of the tank. Most They tend to keep to themselves but will have no trouble hiding if they need be. Corydoras Catfish are a safe choice to keep with your Betta. I’ve already covered whether or not you can put male and female bettas together and I gave a nod to the fact that other species of fish can live in harmony with Bettas. Harlequin Rasboras are omnivores, so you can feed them live and frozen food and they also eat flake. As wild bettas live in a murky, dark environment, you may be wondering if your fish can actually see in the dark. (There's a heater and pump and filter) I have another tank 2.5 gallons for a betta fish. There is a strong chance they will fight for territory, leading to serious injury. A lot of fish keepers think bettas are too aggressive to be kept with other fish. They also don’t reproduce asexually, which is something to appreciate if you have ever had the misfortune of picking up Pond Snails from buying live plants for your aquarium. #RedEaredSliders #IndoorTurtlePond #FreshwaterSharks (Btw the goldfish are going to new fish tank soon because they are getting pretty big) the rainbow shark or red finned shark has been super aggressive to the guppy and glow fish. Rainbow sharks and bettas will likely fight each other. For example, goldfish, who are cold-water fish, do not belong with tropical bettas. Yes. The betta fish is called a fighting fish for good reason: the males can fight each other to death over territory. They are very territorial. A: Bettas with mild or moderate cases of fin rot usually fully recover, although it can take a few weeks for their tail or fins to regrow. Like Goldfish, White Cloud Mountain Minnows prefer colder temperatures than Bettas at around 64 degrees F – 72 degrees F. This makes them incompatible in the long run. Yahoo ist Teil von Verizon Media. New owners should avoid pairing these fish if they are inexperienced with housing aggressive fish varieties together. While betta fish and angelfish can sometimes be compatible enough to share a tank peacefully, it is not generally a good idea to house them together. aus oder wählen Sie 'Einstellungen verwalten', um weitere Informationen zu erhalten und eine Auswahl zu treffen. While we agree they are beautiful fish, they are not a suitable tank mate for a Betta. They grow to be around 4” in length and will have no problem cohabitating with a Betta because they keep to themselves. While there is some truth to this rumor, there are some fish who should be just fine living alongside a Betta. The answer: it isn’t easy. While males will fight with other males and male gouramis (a similar-looking species), they may be able to live singly in a “community” aquarium containing certain other docile species of fish, such as Cory catfish, kuhli loaches, or guppies. Many keep them in a small betta fish bowl and they may live for a while in these small bowls. So a peaceful tank community is largely dependent on the temperament of the individual betta. (unless where you live is quite warm) In small tanks or bowls, there is not enough room to fit a filter and heater. No. No. Blue Betta Fish When Fern is not working she will be engrossed in a Fiction book or drooling over the idea of going out for dinner. Females can live together in a sorority (group of 5 or more female Bettas), but there is no guarantee that everyone will get along. Betta fish have reputations for being territorial and aggressive fish, and the big question is “can betta fish live with other fish?”. Red cherry shrimp, Amano shrimp, ghost shrimp, bamboo shrimp, vampire shrimp, malawa shrimp, and the bumblebee shrimps can live with the betta fish. So can guppies live with bettas? More Tank Mates That Can Live With Bettas Perhaps you do not want to include any other fish species in your Betta tank, and instead you are looking for non-fish inhabitants. Can A Redtail Shark And Betta Live Together? Will they nip his fins or will the betta attack them? They ignore each other LOL. There are certain types of fishes that have been evidenced to live in peaceful coexistence in the fish tank together with the Betta fish; the attributes of these fishes include: This section will cover any non-fish inhabitants that with make the best tank mates for both male and female Betta. Can Bettas live with other underwater creatures in one fish tank? He's in a 5 gallon right now with a heater and I'd like to give him more room to swim around. Can Neon Tetras Live with Betta Fish? The introduction should Bettas are known to stay closer to the top, so they shouldn’t get in each other’s way. They coexist perfectly. Secondly, they have different dietary requirements. You might have heard that Guppies aren’t good tankmates for Bettas, but that is referring to the Fancy variety (more on them below). They shouldn’t pose a threat to your Betta, but they do prefer living in small groups. Neon tetras make good tank mates with angelfish, bettas, cardinal tetras, cory catfish, discus fish, guppies, harlequin rasboras, mollies, plecos, white cloud minnows and, of course, other neon tetras. Mystery Snails are easy to take care of, they will feed themselves by picking up algae or uneaten food. No. Now that you know the fish compatible with betta, you can make an informed decision on whether or not you should add another fish to your aquarium. Yes. Dies geschieht in Ihren Datenschutzeinstellungen. Here is a comprehensive guide to finding other fish that can live with bettas. Yes. The Siamese fighting fish, or betta, is a beautiful, solitary creature that gets quite nippy with other fish. Yes. If Corydoras Catfish are too big for your aquarium, these guys are a great compromise. Fancy Guppies can’t cohabitate safely with a Betta due to their colorful and fancy appearance. There is no way to make this combination work out! But before we dive in, let’s take a look at the betta fish and its behavior, so we know what to expect. The first one being, Bettas are tropical fish. Yes. Kuhli Loaches keep to themselves and have a docile temperament, so you should have no problem introducing one to your Betta. 13 Different Types of Rainbow Fish (With Pictures) Rainbow fishes are a family of very colorful freshwater fish known as Melanotaeniidae. This combination can easily lead to severe injury or death for both fish. Glass Catfish are translucent (Fun Fact: You can see inside of them) and peaceful fish. They produce large amounts of waste that can quickly convert into Ammonia. Regarding their diet, betta fish have a preference for live foods, and accept brine shrimp, tubifex, glass worms, beef heart paste, frozen and freeze-dried foods as well as flake foods. Below is a list of fish that can live with Bettas but before we get into what fish can live with Bettas, here are some general tips to consider when choosing a suitable companion. For 3 betta fish: you need 20 gallons, 4 betta fish would require 25 gallons while 5 betta fish would require 30 gallons. Like the Mystery Snail, Zebra Snails will live peacefully with a Betta. There are repercussions for housing two betta fish in a small tank. As an added bonus, they have a cool eel-like appearance and like to sneak between crevices. Known for their fierce reputation of fighting, Bettas, or Siamese fighting fish, can be very territorial. They Although Neon Tetras have a flashy appearance, they are non-confrontational schooling fish who will spend most of their time in the middle of the tank. There are many reasons why this is a terrible idea. This is known as a community tank and can house more than two kinds of species. They can be most colors of the rainbow, some will be black, white, electric blue, translucent skin, copper, green and more. Don’t let their small size fool you, a Dwarf Puffer can destroy a Betta’s fins. It’s recommended that they live in species only tanks and even then, the results can be hit or miss. No. Some people might recommend them as being suitable tank mates for a Betta, but it’s not a good idea. Daten über Ihr Gerät und Ihre Internetverbindung, darunter Ihre IP-Adresse, Such- und Browsingaktivität bei Ihrer Nutzung der Websites und Apps von Verizon Media. Now, let’s take a look at the most popular species of shrimpthat are often chosen as tankmates for bettas. Yes. Bettas are sensitive to poor water conditions but will become stressed if the water is cleaned too often. Do you know if the rainbows can live in the same temperatures that betta fish like? Yes. Note: The minimum amount of space required for a Kuhli Loach is 20 US gallons. Angelfish are aggressive and will have no problem fighting with your Betta. Betta fish can live with other fish and play nicely as long as other fish have small fins. A betta fish would always seek to establish its territory. Doing so requires preparation, caution, and a vigilant eye. But there are some species of fish that can cohabitate with bettas in a community tank. If you are planning to keep Ember Tetra in your aquarium then look after its dietary requirements because this is one of the smallest species that cannot digest every type of foods, so feed them crushed or liquid foods. If aquarium space is a concern, a single guppy will be fine on their own. There are well over 50 species of rainbowfish worldwide. all can live peaceably with bettas and not compete for food. Dazu gehört der Widerspruch gegen die Verarbeitung Ihrer Daten durch Partner für deren berechtigte Interessen. African Dwarf Frogs are known for their peaceful personalities making them suitable tankmates for Bettas. Do you know if the rainbows can live in the same temperatures that betta fish like? That does not mean it is recommended, though. Edith’s Betta – The female of this fish is a dull orange with dark and white spots, while the male is a bright orange with dark splotches. Do Male Bettas get along with female betta fish Keeping a male and a female betta fish in the same tank together can be risky. A lover of animals, peace and quiet, and reading. Bettas are colorful and beautiful to watch in an aquarium, which is one of the main reasons why they are so popular. Members of the Cichlid family, Oscars are known to be big fish. Discus Fish live in soft water with a pH value between 4.0 and 7.0. Corydoras Catfish are easy to care for and live in the same water conditions as a Betta. Some Betta Fish might have a uniform color whereas other will be a mix of lots of different colors. All these can live calmly with your betta despite betta's aggressive nature. There are some fish that can live quite nicely with a betta. By knowing Better yet, they are interesting to watch and have no problem adding personality to a community tank! The Betta For those of you that don’t know, the betta (Betta Splendens), also known as Mostly no. Ghost Shrimp are see-through Invertebrate that shouldn’t have trouble living with most Bettas. African Cichlids are aggressive and will fight your Betta for territory ownership. No. For a rainbow shark community tank, yes, you should be able to house tetra fish along with them. What Shrimp Can Live With Betta Fish? Neon tetras are … You can attach it to driftwood, rocks, or carpet it along the substrate. Can you put red eared sliders and fish in the same tank? Can Betta Fish Live with Turtles? This makes Bettas the perfect snack-sized treat for an Oscar! They’re thought of as tropical fish, but they thrive in cooler 70s temperatures as well, meaning they can easily and happily live in the upper-region of the temperatures that goldfish require. Damit Verizon Media und unsere Partner Ihre personenbezogenen Daten verarbeiten können, wählen Sie bitte 'Ich stimme zu.' By adulthood, they can reach 3 lbs in weight and 3 feet in length. Therefore, you don’t have to wonder what fish can live with bettas. No. Fish such as bettas may not be able to survive in the hard water as they are soft water fish. That they’re too aggressive and if you did try, it would result in death and injury. Yes. A Rainbow … You can expect good compatibility between the two for sure. It’s recommended that you start your sorority with young Bettas and have plenty of hiding spaces in your tank. I was wondering if I could move my male betta in with my rainbow fish. Bettas can generally live with other peaceful community fish if the tank is large enough; however, there are never any guarantees. Sie können Ihre Einstellungen jederzeit ändern. Bettas are known to stay closer to Yes. They also thrive in warmer water, around 83.5 degrees Fahrenheit vs. 78-80 degrees Fahrenheit for Bettas. Für nähere Informationen zur Nutzung Ihrer Daten lesen Sie bitte unsere Datenschutzerklärung und Cookie-Richtlinie. This fish is peaceful yet adult males can become territorial with other fish in the aquarium, it is necessary that these fish live in groups of one male for every three or five females, it is common for this fish to clean the algae in the They can also co-exist with African dwarf frogs, apple snails, loaches and ghost shrimp. BETTAS AND GOLDFISH Many people wonder if they can keep bettas and goldfish together in the same tank. Will they nip his fins or will the betta attack them? How Long do Betta Fish Live in Perfect Conditions? Ghost Shrimp require little maintenance, are inexpensive, and will even help keep your tank clean! Bettas actually need at least 3 gallons, its a common misconception that they can live happily in small containers. What fish can live with neon tetras? This aggression also makes it tricky to pair them with other tropical fish in community aquariums. Bettas are more comfortable with smaller sized fish and the ones who can adjust to their tropical life style and warm water. To create a serene community tank where your male betta is the focal point, it’s important to know what fish can live with bettas. Rainbow sharks are also much larger than betta fish, and in a confrontation, chances are that the betta fish will pull the shorter straw. He's in a 5 gallon right now with a heater and I'd … Sarawek Betta – This type of Betta has a small, round tail and shorter fins.The male has a dark stripe from head to tail and the female is a dull bronze color. These little thick-bodied fish come in a huge variety of colors and patterns, which adds a lot of intrigue to your aquarium, as well. Mystery Snails have unassertive personalities and even come with their own armor in the form of a hard shell if your Betta ever tries to nip at them. No. No. Although Discus Fish are shy and would keep to themselves, they have significantly different water condition requirements. That said, some bettas are highly aggressive and very territorial. With ample space and hiding areas, female bettas may be able to live in a peaceful group. The amount of time a betta can live in a bowl is dependent on the size of the bowl, heater, filtration, and the care you give your fish. Your Betta has delicate fins that will be easily injured during a fight, putting them at risk for disease or severe infection. The betta fish is a special fish for many tank keepers. A male and female can cohabitate for mating purposes but will need to be separated after the male takes the female’s eggs. The short answer is no, but It is conceivable to keep pet turtles with a betta fish in a similar tank if just a couple of conditions are met . This is not the case at all! Bettas don’t need a companion to be happy, they need food, warmth, and safe water conditions. Betta fish can live with angelfish. There is a generalized fallacy that the betta fish cannot live with other species. Laid back, tolerable Bettas can live with other non fin nipping small fish such as Neon Tetras, Ember Tetras, and Harlequin Rasbora. However, it’s important to note that they can grow up to 7” long, so you will need to make sure your aquarium is large enough for them first. Instead, you may be able to find the perfect tankmate. We may give some advice on the compatible companions which have been safe to put with your betta fish. Yes. Other inhabitants who have bright colors and large fins will often encourage the betta to start biting and killing these fish. If you prefer, Amano Shrimp are a good alternative to Ghost Shrimp, but they are usually pricier. Yes. I keep a betta with a rainbow shark. Types of Betta Fish & The Most Popular Described, The Perfect Betta Fish Tank Preparation and Setup Guide, 5 Best Cat Feeders With a Collar Sensor in 2021, Wireless Whiskers AutoDiet Automatic Pet Feeder Review, SureFeed Motion Activated Sealed Pet Bowl Review, SureFeed Microchip Connect Pet Feeder Review. Many fish Originally bred to feed larger fish, Feeder Guppies have a non-flashy appearance that won’t intimidate a Betta. They live in the middle and top part of the tank, but because in the wild they live with the Betta fish, they are a great mate for Betta fish. If a Bristlenose Pleco is too big for your aquarium, you might want to consider the Clown Pleco. If the house is away from major cities and pollutants, rainwater can be collected in a water butt. Although Neon Tetras have a flashy appearance, they are non-confrontational schooling fish who will spend most of their time in the middle of the tank. They like to live in water that ranges from 78 degrees F to 80 degrees F. Goldfish prefer colder temperatures; between 68 degrees F and 74 degrees F is ideal. If you think that bettas are too active to keep with other fish and keeping them with other fish will result in death or severe injury of other fish, well, that is not true. List Of Fish That Can Live With Bettas (For Those Short On Time) If you’re short on time then here’s a list of fish that can live with bettas as well as shrimp and snails: Ember Tetras Guppies (Under Certain Conditions) For bettas and shrimp to live together harmoniously, the tank setup must be right for both parties. Can rainbow sharks live with Tetras? Off topic: I have a 3 gallon eclipse that I can sell you. Preferring to live in groups of two or more, African Dwarf Frogs are relatively easy to care for. Finally, Goldfish are dirty fish. Both species are quite colorful and can live in small fish tanks, with some hobbyists choosing to raise their betta in bowls. Regularly, turtles are not perfect with fishes as they’ll always attempt to chase the fishes. Remember, it’s always better to err on the side of caution, and if you think your Betta can’t handle a tank mate, then let them live alone. They are non-aggressive bottom feeder fish who will stay out of your Betta’s way. 30 Betta Tank Mates (List Of Fish That Can Live With Bettas) There’s a lot of information on the internet that says that you can’t keep bettas with other fish. Similar to human fingernails, betta’s fins typically grow a few millimeters a month . FILTERS AND HEATERS CAN NOT FIT IN A TINY TANK: Like all tropical fish, Bettas need a filter and a heater. They are undemanding and peaceful, so you won’t have to worry about them fighting with your Betta. Note: They prefer living in groups of 5-6 and can live up to 5 years. Although they are in the same family, Gouramis and Bettas are both aggressive fish and should not be kept together. While not all betta fish would be compatible with the gouramis, you can definitely keep the female betta fish with dwarf gouramis in the tank. Aggressive, territorial cichlids should not live with bettas. Throughout history, the betta fish or Siamese fighting fish was continuously bred for … To compare, the preferred pH value for a Betta is between 6.5 and 8. Hey Pet Parents & Pet Lovers, It’s a common misconception that Betta Fish cannot live with other fish, however, this is not true. They both have a rounded tail and short fins. Even so, betta are very territorial and cannot be put in the same tank with other bettas, especially the males. Yes. In Thailand it a serious and popular sport to fight the short-finned plakat species. 14 fish that can live in a community tank and can not be kept with fish! Best tank mates or companions that can live with other tropical fish can bettas live with rainbow fish! With smaller sized fish and the ones who can adjust to their colorful can! Living with most bettas typically aggressive, territorial cichlids should not live with other peaceful fish! Rocks, or Siamese fighting fish for good reason: the males can fight each other to death over.! 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