When you start vaccinating that day, you need to have your backup list. Throughout this vaccination process, our goal will be to make sure every Ohioan has access. Gov. Is the state considering setting up a more structured process to vaccinate individuals like it did with nursing homes and will do with schools? It’s a little cold out there? Now, you got a second question in regard to severe asthma, and I’m going to go to you, Bruce, I’ll let you take that. Ohio Governor Mike DeWine and Lt. Mathematically impossible. The first of the month, we know is less than a week away. Speaker 2: (46:05) Governor, I’ll turn it back to you. Why do we have to wait until the end of end of March? We have given the local health departments 5,000 these locations in the state. When people are sick enough with COVID to be in the hospital in high numbers, we know we are facing a very serious situation. By WHIO Staff. They are lifesavers, and we can’t lose any. That’s where we are today. Now, what that means is, of course, that people are scrambling. And we’re seeing our cases come down. Mike DeWine is hosting another afternoon press conference Wednesday to provide an update on the state’s COVID-19 response ahead of Christmas. Brian, your location, I think, is one of 76 Discount Drug Mart locations in Ohio taking appointments. Plus, as I said before, knowing what we know today, we just know more than we knew in the spring. We hope this is going to continue. The best predictor in where we’re going to do the vast majority of people is based upon age. Mike DeWine: (06:33) I’m not sure I understand your question. 89%, we’re very happy about that. So it’s kind of a rolling, it’s. Early on, we looked at, was there anything on the market that we could buy, a central kind of scheduling that would go in and… Understand there’s no uniformity here. Speaker 2: (55:25) And it would appear to be an improving number. Gov. Mike DeWine has extended the statewide curfew aimed at slowing the spread of COVID-19 until Jan. 2, 2021. Mike DeWine: (53:16) Mike DeWine held a press conference on December 14 to provide coronavirus updates. Gov. All right. Well, Jo, as I start kind of from beginning, some states have decided to do a few big sites. And you might see here I have gloves on today. Chelsea Sick: (01:21:38) But this is super cold. No, no. The CDC and leading health authorities continue to advocate for people to go ahead and get the vaccine when they’re eligible, provided they are outside of their isolation window and that they are fully recovered symptomatically from the illness. Are you ready to get your vaccine today? DeWine echoed some of the sentiments Columbus Mayor Andrew J. Ginther communicated in a press conference earlier on Tuesday, saying that mayors in … Mike DeWine: (11:13) Next question is from Marty Schladen at the Ohio Capital Journal. I did mention this before. Mike DeWine: (23:38) Gov. What makes you confident that you can effectively get vaccines for both groups at the same time, and how will you know whether you’re succeeding at both rather than failing at both? The White House to do that. Gov. Kevin Davis: (08:58) Mike DeWine defends targeted vaccine rollout; his office disputes data showing Ohio trailing other states. We’re going to continue to do everything we can to get these schools finished, everybody in the school who may want the vaccine. Gov. And so we’re going to continue to push there and we’re going to continue to push in regard to those who work there. DeWine is … If tomorrow, we had everybody 65 and above vaccinated, which we obviously are not going to do, that represents 87% of the deaths so far, have been 65 and older. And actually, Butler County, if you can believe this, covered 250 separate locations. And some vaccine providers have been very successful with this. Gov. There’s a scarcity of this. During the COVID-19 press conferences held by Gov. And as I look at the numbers, I can guarantee you that I look at them every day and we look to see where we can get better, and we’re going to continue to do that. We’re treating them all of course, the same as we should. Moderator: (01:15:56) As you know, governor, we’re doing this in partnership with the Ohio National Guard. Governor, I think you said it very well. The goal is to do it two weeks. So we know much more today, that should give people a lot more confidence to be able to go back in school if they’ve been out all year. Randy Ludlow: (45:40) I’ll also add that the governor is absolutely correct. All right, honey, little poke here, okay? So that’s coming. We’ll start with our cases. We’ll watch you, if that’s okay. Number one, you have the individuals who are there generally have a medical problem. Now, when our COVID hospitalizations, as the governor noted, are above 2,500, now, remember that’s three times our peak census during a typical flu season, our hospitals are facing volumes that really strain their ability to deliver other care, especially things like routine diagnostic and procedural care. Gov. Watch again: Gov. There are reports that the Biden White House is contacting governors this afternoon and telling them they will have an additional 16% more doses beginning next week than perhaps they expected? Randy Ludlow: (45:38) We don’t want to be jerking them around with no notice. So I said, “Look, can’t we draw some of these back now? And this freezer right here is at negative 71 degrees Celsius. And we’re not only talking about vaccines for public schools, we’re talking about our charter schools, which of course are public schools. The briefing, which will also feature Lt. It’s been a little over a week since you worked with this new administration. Thank you very much, governor. The schools that will start next week, the schools will start have already been told they will start now. Gov. And why is that? Mike DeWine: (09:07) Mike DeWine: (47:04) Justin Dennis: (01:14:44) Ohio Governor Mike DeWine addresses the … Gov. Superintendent, how are you doing? On Thursday, August 27, 2020, Ohio's Governor Mike DeWine held a press conference discussing the coronavirus pandemic in Ohio and the state's response. As I described earlier today, we’re happy we did it, it was the right decision. Well, Chelsea, we’ve talked about the things that we’ve done before, but I’ve said very clearly, if I’m unemployed and I don’t get my check and state doesn’t get it processed, there’s no excuse that matters to me. Have you thought about any of this? So we’re having a bunch of some nursing homes and a bunch of beds. What is your team doing to work on this program and help make sure people get their money? It’s been a very good relationship as well, so good relationship, both cases. While we traditionally get COVID-19 updates from Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine: (38:07) Mike DeWine: (47:34) Gov. Our team is concentrating efforts to get these residents vaccinated and is working with local partners to offer assistance through onsite clinics. Mike DeWine's pandemic press conference. Gov. And can you confirm that number? I think there’s a lot of protection there. That’s our real push is to get kids back in school. We’re hearing from people who have tried to get appointments for vaccines for family members who are 80 and above but still can’t get them. We did a test, and we did this through Ohio State University. And this is the effort that’s being made primarily where our local health departments. HOW TO WATCH: Gov. Hi, Governor. Is that right, Mr. Finley? Mike DeWine: (01:17:14) All right. Okay, here you go. Mike DeWine: (17:51) Videographer Eric Porter does a sound check for a Mike DeWine press conference. We’re going to work on the schools the month of February and we’re going to continue, as we do those things, we’re going to continue to focus on saving the most lives. Dr. Vanderhoff: (32:42) So, those numbers remain high. Gov. RELATED: Ohio Gov. So nursing homes have the ability to continue to try to educate their staff. Eric, let’s put the other slide back up. Karyl Junkala, a resident at Bethany Village in Centerville, received the coronavirus vaccine on Monday, Dec. 21, 2020, during Gov. I qualify. Enon Missionary Baptist Church to vaccinate people with intellectual or developmental disabilities and certain medical conditions in a large clinic. DeWine is holding a statewide address on COVID-19 on Wednesday, July 15 at 5:30 p.m. And our plan will be at least to keep that curfew for two weeks. We’re going to go to Mansfield now, where David Finley is going to be vaccinated. But let me just again, say one thing because you ended your question very understandably, “What are you going to do about it?” There are a lot of people that should be vaccinated in the state that can’t get it today because there aren’t enough vaccine. And tell us exactly where you are now. Mike DeWine: (03:59) Jo Ingles: (01:05:49) I’ve got one or two more to call today. Good, good. So we’ve staggered this, we announced how we were going to stagger it. We’re already under the 3,000. Gov. Let’s go to our hospital situation, Eric, if you have that slide yet. So we’ve gone through all of these state-run psychiatric hospitals. We’re looking at other things to do as we go forward. Mike DeWine extended the overnight COVID-19 curfew generally confining Ohioans to their homes to Jan. 2 as the state reported high numbers — 11,738 new … In a couple of weeks, we’ll beat everyone who is 65 and older and will be eligible. COLUMBUS, Ohio — If it's 2 p.m, it's time for Gov. How are you doing? Mike DeWine: (39:53) Hi, governor. Okay. Gregory Greylock: (09:50) Gov. These hold them. We do not have enough vaccine. Gov. In addition to these upcoming senior housing clinics, we have intentionally distributed vaccine to providers in every county in Ohio. They’ve got an outbreak and they can’t put enough teachers in the classroom or whatever it is, whatever happens happens. And will Thursday’s clinic be the same place? Gov. Ohio Gov. Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine held a news conference on the coronavirus pandemic Thursday afternoon. Let’s hope this thing continues to keep going down. And so that’s really excellent news for us as we move forward. That makes a big difference. And one of the things that we are concerned about is if it does become the dominant strain in Ohio. So, we can save lives by doing this. Gov. About 60% of nursing home staff have so far elected not to take the vaccine, DeWine said. Gov. Thank you very, very much. Well, we’re going to watch you then, that’s okay. On January 26, DeWine said that if hospitalizations drop below 3,000 for one week, the State will move from an 11 p.m. curfew to a midnight curfew. Jessie Balmert: (48:34) We are number two in the nation in vaccinating people who are in our nursing homes. How are you today? This has happened because we have better than 90% of people who are wearing masks in retail establishments every single day across Ohio. And so we had to set those aside. Because we know that some kids don’t do very well remotely. And also partnering with Mt. And we really knew that, of course, going in. Again, I want to, before I announce what we’re going to do with the curfew, I want to caution. Eventually in a couple of weeks, we’ll get to 65 and older. Gov. Thanks for taking my question. We have more long-term care facilities virtually than any other state in the union. Mike DeWine: (59:06) Ohio Gov. We went up a little bit yesterday, and then down again today. On Thursday, Feb. 04, 2021, Ohio's Governor Mike DeWine held a news conference discussing coronavirus in Ohio and the state's response. So there’s no perfect way of doing this. Thank you so much. Next week, it’ll be 70 and older. I wanted to touch on something you said last week when asked about why second doses aren’t reflected on the vaccine dashboard. You’re not getting that new batch in yet, but you’re really not finished with the previous week’s batch totally. In advance of a clinic day, we’ll provide an onsite clinic resource guide with materials to educate residents about the vaccine, advertise the clinic day, sign the individual up for appointments for that clinic. Mike DeWine addresses the state’s battle with the coronavirus pandemic. Mike DeWine: (01:02:10) If there was somebody in that classroom who turned out to be positive, they took the people around them who within six feet, where everyone was wearing a mask, and started testing these kids who had been exposed. Today going okay? So, obviously, we want everyone out there to do everything they can to maximize this. John Husted: (42:24) We have started that, going into churches, basically going into congregate care… Excuse me, not congregate care settings, but elderly housing and places where, again, people are already there where we can go into the lobby, and set something up, and make it more convenient for them to get the vaccination. It’s not a question, as you know, under the federal law and the state law. Mike DeWine has extended the statewide curfew aimed at slowing the spread of COVID-19 until ... have had an impact," Gov. Mike DeWine: (28:11) On May 31, day care centers will be allowed to … Gov. That first vaccine does have a substantial impact. Mike DeWine: (09:48) These homes are often residential clusters, apartment buildings ranging in units from 20, to 100, 200, 300, and even more. Next question is from Jessie Balmert at the Cincinnati Enquirer. We have to have someone from the private sector to come in to handle that, to take that portion of a very, very large department, to take that portion over and to really oversee that and bring in that kind of expertise. We know that Ohio schools have done it phenomenally well. And my concern is, and shared by mayors across the state, shared by a lot of educators, a lot of parents, really imperative to get kids back in school. Mike DeWine: (03:20) ... during his afternoon press conference … Second, we are actually second in the nation for number of people vaccinated in nursing homes. Hey, governor. Governor Mike DeWine held a press conference this morning to talk about bringing in the Ohio National Guard, to work alongside state troopers and Columbus police to ramp up security this weekend. That’s still a very high number. There is no question when we’re talking about medical diagnoses and using medical diagnoses as a basis for getting in line for vaccination, that it is challenging, that there can be subtle differences between patients. Mike DeWine: (01:00:40) And the best predictor, the best predictor is age. We’ve got a hospital there. Governor DeWine, Lt. Frankly, our concern is for the schools that have not been in and students. Well, we like the partnership. And Stirling Ultracold has already applied for 26 more credentials, because they just have people that need to be trained to be able to keep up with production and supply. You’re all set. Gregory Greylock: (09:30) They’ve also been big users of TechCred, which I’ll mention here in a minute. Gov. And so they said, yes. Mike DeWine: (01:22:14) Ohio Gov. I mean, I’ll be very honest. If you change the sequence, people are going to get more confused.” And they told me, “We’re already having people who are 65 calling and can’t understand why they can’t get an appointment.” So some states, as you know, went directly to 65. Dan DeRose: (50:52) But, compared to where we have been, it’s a better number. I’m well, sir. But we have plans for everybody in any school in Ohio, who works there, who wants a shot, our goal is for them to be able to get the first shot in the month of February. We went out and talked to doctors. And, when clinically appropriate, matching those with a one inch vaccine needle. Okay. Brian: (05:57) Well, thank you very, very much for coming. All right. Try Rev and save time transcribing, captioning, and subtitling. This freezer can hold 1,400 vials of Pfizer, which is up to 8,400 doses or more, as you highlighted earlier. For two weeks or… I mean, as of today, we’re at 2,964. And so, we should be able to announce on Thursday. And, if it drops below 2,500, again, that’s about three times the volume that we would see at the peak of a typical flu season, if it drops below that for seven days, we feel confident that we could lift that curfew. The scientific decision and the clinical medical decision was made based on the criteria that I just outlined. Jangus Whitner: (03:29) Now I want to make it clear, it can work the other way too. We know what the numbers are. We worked it out so they could start a few days earlier. Gov. Gov. They can certainly continue to do that. Mike DeWine and other state officials will provide their latest update on the COVID-19 pandemic for January 26, 2021. How responsible is it for the state or for nursing homes to allow so many people to refuse the vaccine when they’re around the most vulnerable citizens? Now, I’m going to go to after Vanderhoff. Here we go. So what that means is that of that 146,000, more than 100,000 this week, and next week, we’ll be able to devote to the older Ohioans and Ohioans who fall into that category. Mike DeWine and other state officials will provide their latest update on the COVID-19 pandemic for January 12, 2021. And you’re going to do another one of these clinics, I think on Thursday. [crosstalk 00:09:21]. And you can see the graph here, it’s gone down some. So we have Krista here ready to give the vaccine. I mean, this is all about kids. We will see some of those individuals and some of those schools who will be able to get the second shot in February as well. Another caution, we have to keep doing what we’re doing. This is not a predictive measure. Thank you. We have scientific data that shows there’s virtually no spread in that classroom because of that, even when they’re within six feet, less than that six-feet spread, as long as they’re wearing the mask. At least we didn’t know they’d been exposed. And the different points of this pandemic, we would have said, “Oh, that’s horrible.” Everything is relative. Mike DeWine: (08:25) Gov. We continue to work on these individuals, as far as getting them vaccinated and reaching them. Governor DeWine, Lt. Hi, governor. Dr. Vanderhoff: (30:23) Gov. I’m not the scientist, but basically from a layman’s point of view, here’s what they did. What area are you studying? Ohio Gov. We’re happy about it. Eric, let’s go to our data slide. mayor, it is good to be back with you even if we are remote from each other. John Husted: (44:06) Yeah, these numbers are always difficult to totally tell, and let me just explain why. Mike DeWine: (01:07:44) So you’ll have an uptick from that 100, 000 for that, because we’re simply getting more, we’re able to put more focus on those who are older Ohioans, who we know bear the gravest risks, the most important risk, because we’re finishing up the 1A. And our local health departments are really doing a very good job in this area. Mike DeWine held a press conference on January 26, 2021 to provide coronavirus updates. So there should be a number at the bottom of the screen you can text the word vaccine to. Pamela Combs: (07:51) Gov. So I got to thinking last week, what the federal government had said was, “When the whole pharmacy program was over, when you’re done with all your congregate care settings, we’ll give you back what we haven’t used.” And that was supposed to be at the end of March. Mike DeWine: (01:15:07) Author: Hope Sloop Muskingum County has done a great job in this as well. And we use Sunday because shipments are made in here on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Now look, we may jump a whole section in two weeks, if this thing continues. Gov. Next question is from Ashley Kirkland at WLWT in Cincinnati. Moderator: (01:24:40) If you take those aside, we try to come up with a number on Sunday as a good day. Could you tell me that again? Our state-run veterans homes. I think when you layer those protections on top of each other, what we know with the mask, what we know we’ve seen as far as in school, in classroom spread, which has not been much at all… You add on top of that, the whole idea of getting that vaccination. It is by far the best predictor, bar none. Those two kind groups are kind of where we did go by group. Now, we’re going back in school, not for that reason. Gov. And they’ve been able to extract a sixth dose as much as 90% of the time. I believe that the director told me that as of last Sunday, we were at about 85%. Krista: ( 02:43 ) we ’ re improving them because of what you re. And actually, Butler County, if I understood the question correctly, you can kind where. At-Risk seniors who can not confirm that number Ohioans across the state currently stands in the player above from... 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