You could also argue that it is his choice to stay because he does have the opportunity to leave when Tom is with Myrtle, but he allows Tom to control him. Tom spends his money freely on Myrtle to display his social hieracrhy. In addition, it is difficult to sympathize with someone who has no problem changing their identity in order to fit in with society’s expectations.  If the American Dream actually exists, how is the Valley of Ashes direct proof that the Fourth of July is not promised to immigrants and residents of the Valley of Ashes in the 1920s? THe Great Gatsby. Contrary to Daisy, Myrtle is not a dainty, thin woman, but rather on the bigger side. As you may have already read, Tom terrifies and controls Wilson as well. Myrtle quotes 2. Myrtle’s husband, George Wilson, owns an unsuccessful auto repair and sales shop. Through writing The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald was attempting to hone in on these class issues.  Again, social classes are at work here; because Wilson is of the “Valley of Ashes” (the lowest social order in this novel), he cannot defy Tom (who is old money, and who is essentially aristocratic). For example, can you think of anyone who may feel isolated or afraid to speak out based on their socioeconomic class? representing.  He and Dr. T.J. Eckleburg actually exchange a frown together. Therefore, Tom can treat her any way he wants, including physical and verbal abuse. In contrast, Myrtle has a kind of desperate vitality; she strikes Nick as sensuous despite her stocky figure. Myrtle can not go to Catherine either. Myrtle can not participate in the American Dream without Tom. The McKees are the apartment managers  This also connects back to the lavish and somewhat sickening lifestyle of the rich (East Egg and West Egg can be guilty of this as well); they have no conscience, no morals, and are obsessed with maintaining their own social class. The Great Gatsby.  We also see that Myrtle does not leave Tom even after he breaks her nose. THE GREAT GATSBY Chapter 2: Daisy & Myrtle Compare and contrast Daisy Buchanan and Myrtle Wilson in the chart below. Myrtle's transition from the weary wife of a valley of ashes gas station attendant to fancy Manhattan paramour is skillfully depicted through diction, dialogue, plot, and symbolism. To pick up Tom’s mistress Myrtle, the two men travelled to the valley of ashes.  Often we are all torn on something, and Nick is conveying a very natural feeling that we have all experienced at one point in our lives. Summary and Analysis Chapter 2. 11th grade. Myrtle Wilson, brings the theme of wealth and class to the novel. Nick describes the land that lies in between the Eggs and New York as a " valley of ashes " (2.1), which sounds really unpleasant. The Great Gatsby Chapter 2 DRAFT. Myrtle can not reveal that Tom broke her nose to her husband, George Wilson. English. How does Myrtle react to Tom’s arrival? Domestic violence is never an indication that someone may love someone else.  Fitzgerald seems to use Wilson as a way to critique the American Dream; here is a man who owns an honest business, yet it remains unprosperous mainly because the residents in the Valley of Ashes cannot afford Wilson’s services. George is submissive while Tom is controlling, although Tom is physically aggressive Myrtle learns to live with it, associating the aggressiveness with masculinity. Hire a subject expert to help you with Character analysis of Myrtle and Daisy in The Great Gatsby. Many people have trouble sympathizing with Myrtle because in a large way, she puts herself in this position; she also behaves hypocritically and dismisses people who are on the same social level/class that she is on. The Great Gatsby - Chapter 2 DRAFT. This remains a large problem in the U.S. today. Although their affair is never going to become anything, Myrtle feels as though she is part of the East Egg. Myrtle comes from the Valley of Ashes and as soon as she steps foot into East Egg she changes. (23) The Valley of Ashes. How does he react to Tom’s arrival? Chapter 2, Myrtle telling the story of her first meeting with Tom. Tom is a control freak who gets off on having all this power. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Although it is just a “movie and a book” we can still sympathize with characters because they reflect society at large today. For example Myrtle belittles the servants of the party. Create your own unique website with customizable templates. In the second chapter of The Great Gatsby, we learn about the place located halfway between the West Egg and the city. Tom taunts Wilson and then orders Myrtle to follow him to the train. Start studying The Great Gatsby Chapter 2. ... Catherine is Myrtle’s sister. His relationship with Myrtle is the complete opposite of his relationship with Daisy who is from a wealthy family. Myrtle can essentially be known as the opposite of Daisy. Tom has money, and a big house in East Egg.  After their huge fight, Mr. McKee leaves his wife Catherine, and Nick follows him. 0.  This scene also highlights on Nick’s unreliability as a narrator because he explains the events in such a disjointed, unorganized way; many literary critics also state that Fitzgerald and Zelda traveled to many places where experimentation was popular. The Great Gatsby Chapter 2 Study Guide Answers. She is a hypocrite. Myrtle as a character 1.  Nick is torn between two worlds here; for one, he wants to remain an observer (or an unbiased narrator), but he is constantly sucked back into the story as a participant — which fuels his judgement and subjectivity. Daisy will become suspicious and question as to why he would be asking. That's because this chapter is all about Tom's double life: Nick meets his mistress, gets wasted at her small apartment party in Manhattan, and gets an up close and personal view into Tom's violent tendencies. In Chapter 2, we are also introduced to Myrtle — Tom Buchanan’s mistress and George Wilson’s wife.  Therefore, Nick’s sexuality is in question, which is extremely interesting for a novel that is set during the 1920s. Posted by malexander522 in Uncategorized. The Great Gatsby - Chapter 2 DRAFT.  Before even arriving to their apartment, Tom buys Myrtle an expensive dog (now $133), and lets about four taxi cabs pass her by before she decides to get into one. If you have any questions about the book, feel free to email me at The Great Gatsby : Chapter Two Key Points Here, I have summarized key points from each page of the p df copy of the novel. However, although she is not as pristine and dainty as Daisy, she still possesses a vitality about her that is striking; Myrtle …  This connects back to Nick’s inner thoughts:  “I was within and without, simultaneously enchanted and repelled by the inexhaustible variety of life” (35). Myrtle is an insecure poser, with shallow actions, an important character that intertwines the story together. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools.  It may be ironic because members of East Egg have directly influenced and created the “Valley of Ashes”. 0. Then, answer the questions that follow. Answered by katrina r #181785 on 4/27/2011 4:08 PM Myrtle plays an important role in the novel because she is Tom’s secret mistress that his wife, Daisy, is unaware of.  We discussed that this means Myrtle possesses a strong desire in her to rise above the Valley of Ashes, and participate in the American Dream. Myrtle is desperate to escape the valley of ashes and in her eyes being with Tom is the only way out. Between NYC & Long Island (East & West Egg). Myrtle can not turn to Nick either. But we are saying we can’t sympathize with myrtle when in reality its just a book and a movie it isn’t real. However, you are free to disagree with me.  Excessive drinking, gossip, and a lack of consciousness fills their lives. It is hard to sympathize with Myrtle. 13 times. One can also argue that Nick continues to be an unreliable, biased narrator in this novel; for one, he judges practically all of the characters at the party — especially Myrtle and her friends.  Also note that contrary to everyone in the Valley of Ashes, Myrtle does not possess the ash-gray color that her husband and the others have:  “A white ashen dust veiled his dark suit and his pale hair as it veiled everything in the vicinity — except his wife who moved close to Tom” (26).  How is this contradictory? Plot Summary. The Great Gatsby Summary Chapter 2. Tom and Myrtle’s relationship is very intriguing. Catherine is Tom’s cousin.  Secondly, he claims that he has only been drunk twice, but based on what we have seen Nick say since the very beginning, this may be questionable.  We do know a couple of events for sure though:  Catherine gossips to Nick about Myrtle, and our first rumor of Gatsby is mentioned; Myrtle continues to act as though she is from East Egg in that she mocks Catherine as though she is above her, and complains about the service as though she is some wealthy aristocrat; Myrtle and Tom have a huge blow-out and Tom breaks her nose because she decides to speak about Daisy (this further proves that Tom is a hypocrite in that he can judge and critique Wilson’s social class as much as he wants, but when Myrtle mentions Daisy’s name, it is off limits; this not only points out the blatant sexism of the relationship, but how Tom dominates Myrtle in a frightening way. Edit. The Great Gatsby. I can definitely sympathize with Myrtle. She simply says, “I told that boy about the ice. The second chapter begins with a description of the valley of ashes, a dismal, barren wasteland halfway between West Egg and New York. The parties are very different themselves; they contain two completely contrasting settings, at opposite ends of the spectrum. Your email address will not be published. About half way between West Egg and New York the motor road hastily joins the railroad and runs beside it for a quarter of a mile, so as to shrink away from a certain desolate area of land. a year ago. Despite not being a particularly beautiful woman, Myrtle possesses a liveliness and energy that proves captivating. He is excited to … How does Nick meet Tom’s mistress? At the end of Chapter 2 and at the beginning of Chapter 3, we find Nick describing two different parties, the first one Myrtle's, the second Gatsby's.  Although Nick is an unreliable narrator, we can see how human and realistic he is. Actions in the novel 2. But to Tom Myrtle is less a person and more of a sexual object. THE GREAT GATSBY Chapter 2: Daisy & Myrtle Compare and contrast Daisy Buchanan and Myrtle Wilson in the chart below. In contrast with Daisy, who describes herself as “paralyzed,” the first time she sees Nick, and Jordan, who has a “hard” body, Myrtle is irrepressibly … great gatsby: chapter 2: Home Character Profile Quote ID Symbolisms and Sightings Connections Myrtle Wilson "I married him because I thought he was a gentleman.  Because these people cannot participate in the American dream, the Valley of Ashes exists in the first place.  Obviously, we do not know what happened for sure but it is obvious that something happened between them.  Clearly, there is nothing wrong with this at all (and let’s remember that!!). George Wilson is blond, spiritless, anaemic and faintly handsome. The color symbolism, characterization, and plot development in Chapter 2 of The Great Gatsby create a foundation for the rest of the novel.  Myrtle is behaving like she is from East Egg; New York is a key setting in the novel in that characters can create their own identities in New York because anything seems to be possible. Myrtle has no one to turn to at this point in the novel.  However, although she is not as pristine and dainty as Daisy, she still possesses a vitality about her that is striking; Myrtle is interesting in that she is not the typical definition of “beautiful”, but rather she possesses a charm that separates her from the rest of women in East Egg. Tom creates a spark of hope in Myrtle’s life. 689 times. She must rely on him if she ever wants to escape the Valley of Ashes. She will stick with him through whatever because he’s her only chance at a way out.  Finally, the whole party scene is incredibly disjointed; Nick becomes extremely intoxicated and does not even remember most of the events that took place. ... Catherine is Myrtle’s sister. He is involved with someone who is inferior to him because he knows he can get away with anything. Nick’s first impression of Myrtle Wilson, recounted in Chapter 2, emphasizes a sense of “vitality” emanating from her physical presence. One last thing to highlight on:  during the party, it is obvious that Nick wants to leave several times, but he is always coerced in some way to stay. The Great Gatsby Chapter 2 Summary & Analysis.  Myrtle is described as being “faintly stout, but she carried her surplus flesh sensuously as some women can” (25). a year ago. Thanks and good luck on your studies! Explain. I see your point.  Also, why would Tom have a mistress that belongs to a lower, social class? dwiseman365_37644. Through this affair, I think Tom wants to feel dominant and wanted, feelings he is not receiving from his marriage with Daisy. The Great Gatsby Chapter 2 Questions. teachmullins. If The Great Gatsby were college, Chapter 2 would be the drunk frat party that gets way out of control, with Tom Buchanan as that guy yelling at everyone to chug. Myrtle's behaviour represents  a person on the East or West Egg but, truly she is from the "valley of ashes"(23) no where near the class of the Eggs.  Therefore, this highlights that Tom is completely unaware and oblivious to the decay and toxic waste that he helps create. Throughout the novel, it is clear that she is taken advantage of and physically abused. Therefore, it is all too easy for Myrtle to behave like an aristocrat, when in reality, she is from the “Valley of Ashes” and is extremely poor. Edit. Asked by monica h #179581 on 4/14/2011 4:41 PM Last updated by katrina r #181785 on 4/27/2011 4:08 PM Answers 1 Add Yours. I think what most comments were trying to suggest is that due to Tom’s socioeconomic class, it is hard for people of a lower socioeconomic class to speak up to Tom because they fear him. Tom wants complete control of everything and everyone in his life. Leaving Tom would mean giving up on her dreams and she will never be willing to do that. Edit.  What does this suggest about Tom? The McKees live downstairs in the apartment complex.  Being that women were incredibly dependent on men during the 1920s, Myrtle must depend on an affluent man to take her away from the Valley. ... Myrtle.  Perhaps, through Tom, she still has hope to do so. Along the way Tom makes them get off of the train so that Nick can meet his “girl”. You have to keep after them all the time.” (32) Myrtle is one of “these people”. 8 months ago. Wilson is a lifeless yet handsome man, colored gray by the ashes in the air. These people! 66% average accuracy. Catherine would leak the gossip immediately if she was told. 1. In Chapter 2, we are also introduced to Myrtle — Tom Buchanan’s mistress and George Wilson’s wife. The McKees are the apartment managers Myrtle acts as if she is part of East Egg when in reality she never will be a part of it. Common discussion topics and essay ideas Chapter Two. The empty lives that are devoid of ideals or spirituality. Great Gatsby, Chapter 2: Notes. Tom takes nick with him onto New York, to George Wilson’s garage to talk about his car. I think Myrtle is attracted to Tom because of his social status. When Nick, Tom and Myrtle finally arrive to their apartment in New York, Myrtle does several things:  she changes her clothes at a rapid rate, and Nick notes that she changes her dress to a “muslin” which is a dress that suggests a higher social class. Chapter 7, Nick makes the connection between Tom and George, in that their wives are cheating. Edit. I believe Tom wants Myrtle as a mistress because he feels he is superior to her because he is in a higher social class. He can do what he wants.  Contrary to Daisy, Myrtle is not a dainty, thin woman, but rather on the bigger side.  This connects back to Chapter 1, when Nick mentions that when he came back, he wanted the world to be at a sort of “moral attention forever”; this means that he wants 1920s society to actually possess morals and ethics — the exact opposite of how people behave at Myrtle’s party. Myrtle is described as being “faintly stout, but she carried her surplus flesh sensuously as some women can” (25). She can never defy or betray him putting him in complete control of her. Tom’s lover Myrtle is Wilson’s wife. Chapter 2 of The Great Gatsby starts off with Tom and Nick on the train into New York City. Catherine states that neither individual is happy with their current marriage. Your email address will not be published. However, as you point out, it could be that she finds nothing wrong with Tom and that is why she doesn’t want to speak out. Save. Why is Myrtle attracted to Tom? Nick's reactions to the valley of ashes, Tom's and Myrtle's infidelity, the melancholy of George Wilson, and the ever-watchful eyes of TJ Eckleberg launch the A place where ashes have been dumped by the road.  Remember how we discussed that because East Egg holds most of the power, wealth, and social status, it is nearly impossible for Wilson, Myrtle, and those who reside in the Valley of Ashes to achieve the American Dream. F. Scott Fitzgerald's characterization of Myrtle Wilson in Chapter 2 of The Great Gatsby is spectacular.  We also discussed that Tom is most likely using Nick to boost his own ego. Catherine is often seen gossiping about the affair going on between Tom and Myrtle. It is clear that Myrtle is striving to exit the Valley of Ashes and hopes to do so through her relationship with Tom, a man of East Egg. A pair of enormous eyes broods over the valley from a large, decaying billboard. Tom takes them to a house in the “valley of ashes” which is the poorest part of the city. Much regret after her marriage to George, who was too lowly for her, Myrtle needed a man that can provide for her; Tom. Students dis   Remember that contrary to Tom, Wilson actually works and has his own business, yet he is stuck in the Valley of Ashes.  We see this though his initial feelings of Gatsby in Chapter 1; even though Gatsby represents everything he has an undeniable scorn for, he still values him in some shape or form. We are not yet ready for Gatsby. These are the eyes of Dr. T.J. Eckleburg, an optometrist whose practice has long since ended. Interestingly enough, Tom introduces Nick to Myrtle, even though Daisy is Nick’s second cousin; the fact that he does so obviously indicates his sociopathic tendencies. How does Nick meet Tom’s mistress? Excellent point, Jordyn. Wilson is a lifeless yet handsome man, colored gray by the ashes in the air. The Great Gatsby contrast daisy with myrtle, tom's mistress. Catherine is Tom’s cousin. Why is Myrtle attracted to Tom? ... Where does Myrtle believe Gatsby gets his money? There are definitely examples throughout the book that indicate Tom has feelings for Daisy, but I believe this scene reflects how much of a barbarian Tom can be. Without Tom, Myrtle would be living in the desolate Valley of Ashes unhappily with George. Catherine confides to Nick, “Neither of them [Tom or Myrtle] can stand the person they’re married to Nick might inquire if Tom abuses Daisy as well. As Myrtle, Nick, and Tom leave to New York City, it is key to note that Tom mentions that the Valley of Ashes is a “terrible place” (26). This is a valley of ashes—a fantastic farm where ashes grow like wheat into ridges and hills and grotesque gardens; where ashes take the forms of houses and chimneys and … Tom might actually like her yeah he hit her it shows he is in love with daisy. Tom knows that Myrtle will always stick around because she yearning his money and social status of East Egg. Tom wants to have a mistress that belongs to a lower social class because he wants to be in control. Myrtle's purpose within the book is to present a contrast to Daisy Buchanan. He likes having dominance over Myrtle. He might also think that since Myrtle lives in the Valley of Ashes, no one will hear of their affair and he will be able to get away with it. Active Themes Tom, Myrtle, and Nick go to the apartment Tom keeps in New York City to conduct his affair. ... Myrtle wants desperately to be a part of the world she sees but can't touch, and so takes up with Tom. We are also introduced to Myrtle — Tom Buchanan’s mistress and George in. Anyone who may feel isolated or afraid to speak out based on their socioeconomic class, Setting Voice! Gatsby » Chapter 2, Nick may go back and tell Daisy shallow,. 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