Throughout the history of Islam, such an overwhelming complete consensus has never been reached on any important topic. Think of Sunni as a tree and Shafi’i, Maliki as the branches of this tree. Assalam mylykom and YA ALI MADAD Can anyone please list the names of the 73 sects of Islam ? In one of the hadith of the Prophet (Peace be upon him and his Ahl al-Bayt) said that: One day after I leave this world, Islam will be divide into 73 sects and out of 73 sects … Thirdly the set containing one Jama’at consisted of the followers of a claimant of Messiahship. Muslims who believe in the Messiah, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani (as), Love for All, Hatred for None. Clearly, according to these newspapers there existed 73 sections in Islam, one Jama’at-e-Ahmadiyya and the rest of the 72 (A full list of the sects in Islam is included in Appendix II). I want to know the authenticity of this hadeeth. To go any further we have to establish here three things. Excluding Qadianis all the rest of 72 sects which are considered to be of Muslims, agreed and are happy on the solution of this affair. Believing Allah is on or above the throne etc.. Is kufr. Most of the time issues are blown out of proportion. There are in total 73 sects in Islam, the largest two being Sunni and Shiite, followed by Suffi's (Mystics). We can also remember one name again and again for some certain benefits. Allah existed before evrything.. December 12, ... aoa please kisi ka pas sects ki divisions available ha total 73 mujy chahe i am trying to search but still i did not find it ... Name * Email * Website. Appendix II: Sects in Islam A number of lists are seen in the literature [60-62] giving the names of the sects. When this plays a role in our opinion and we disagree there will be those that side with us and some that go against us. January 2009 version In discussing any religion, it is important to differentiate between the original teaching and the offshoots. This hadith indicates that all of these sects are attributed to the Prophet's ummah—i.e. 73 Sects of Islam. So there are no sects in islam only ppl that divide it up and its all kuffur Muhammad (saw) predicted in the end times that Islam would divide in 73 sects, and 72 of them would be in … This article deals with the influence of the “73 sects ḥadīth,” which states that Muslims will be separated into 73 sects, when Jews had 71 and Christians had 72 sects, and that only one of them will be saved whereas the others will go to Hell, on, particularly, Islamic … These two are schools of thought that merely differ on some legalistic aspects of the religion. The Khawarij broke away from both the Shias and Sunnis during the First Fitna (the first Islamic Civil War) and subsequently opposed both the Shias and the Sunnis, often violently. Soon after the death of Mohammad Prophet, the two communities emerged. Other than these, all sufia karam, aarifeen Billah, the leaders of Tassawaf and practices had complete agreement. Those who throw the word kafir around recklessly have a heavy burden to bear when the time comes. am-ji all-pig-ham-dull-ill-aaahhh very great article !!! 13 I really enjoyed the actual pdf you wrote on the 73 sects.There is an hadith that there will be 73 sects of Islam and out of 73 sects one sect will be in true path Sahih Muslim Hadith 1885 Narrated by Jabir ibn Abdullah. March 5, 2011 by Admin. 2) The names of the 72 Christian sects. These are regarded as sects because they differ from the saved group with regard to some fundamental issues of religion and basic rules of sharee’ah, not with regard to minor issues, because differences with regard to minor issues does not lead to division and factionalism, rather factionalism occurs when there are differences concerning fundamental issues of Islam. The original difference between Sunnis and Shias is over who the true first successor to Muhammad is. The infighting among muslim groups/organization/ Speakers and orators of You Tube and Facebook on the name of Islam is the threat within to Ummat e Muslimah. Related posts: Brief notes on the different Branches of Islam What are […] This is exactly what happened to many of such deviant sects, some of which have perished and are no more. Please give me some reasons to prove this hadeeth as sahih. 73 Divisions in Islam and One True Jama'at, Resemblance of the 72 to Jews in Their Beliefs, One Resembling Holy Prophet and His Companions, Appendix I: Jewish Sects at the Time of Jesus (as), Literal Fulfillment of Prophecy: Existence of 73 Sections. Thus, groups are formed but there are other ways, of course. Shias believe Ali ibn Abi Talib is the true successor to Muhammad, while Sunnis consider Abu Bakr to hold that position. Number 3 would end up being duplicitous in nature. I have already established that Jews had 72 sects at the time of Messiah, so this hadith would be reflecting the time of Messiah among Muslim Ummah, which all Muslims today believe is also the time of the appearance of the Mahdi. Basic Belief Distinguishing it from Others. Could you please enlight on this because all sects are claiming that they are in right path. The people of the fire and the people of the garden (jannah) are NOT ON THE SAME LEVEL. I welcome everyone to this group named ‘Discover Islam’ in description , it is to discover Islam from 73 sects . The tragedy is that such divisions are not endorsed by Islam at all. The Official Website of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. Among the leaders of the nation and a’maideen, there does not appear to be any group which does not have a joyous attitude towards this decision. The same goes for criticism regarding such works. And that was not the only newspaper which testified the number to be 72 following is another testimony of an English newspaper published from U.K. [6]. ADVERTISEMENTS: Contemporarily, there are two sects of Islam-Shia and Sunni. Although they all had fatwas declaring one another to be kafirs, when it came to the question of Ahmadi Muslims they were all united so that there remains no doubt as to the identity of 72 and one making a total of 73. 3) Agreed upon list as to the 73 Muslim sects. Muslim Sects, Sub Sects of Islam, Types of Sunni and Shia. - Encyclopedia of searchable Islamic Questions & Answers - … We call to remember all 99 names of Allah on by one. As for our understanding of the verse please read. For, on the face of it the hadith divides Muslims into 73 sects, consigning 72 of them to hell.” “Many jurisprudents have talked about the faith of old women, saying that their approach to faith should set the example for Muslims, since, it is a faith in God that cannot be shaken nor succumb to any uncertainty, however great it may be. Who cares about the 73 sects of Islam. (Someone else opinion) The correct translation to the ayah is: The rahman made ISTIWA upon the A’rsh beffiting to his majesty. Name: am-ji all-pig-ham-dull-ill-aaahhh very great article !!! It is in our nature to explore and experience things in life. The responsibility is upon the believer to put forth due diligence in learning their religion and choosing for themselves what they believe to be correct. The sahaba asked: “who… are they Ya Rasul Allah (SalAllahu a’laihi wassalam)?” He replied: “ma ana a’laiyhi wa ashaabi, they who are upon what I am upon (ahli sunnah) and what my sahaba are upon (wal jama’ah). Is this statement correct – The right path is the path of the ahli sunnati wal jama’a, and we know this because in a hadith the prophet (SalAllahu A’laihi wassalam) said: my ummah wil be split into 73 sects, all will be in the fire except for 1. 2. The burden of taking the measure fell on the National Assembly because Islam rejects priesthood and the Moslems, although divided into 72 sects, do not have a church or a pope. Having mentioned the resemblance of his Ummah with Jews, and division of the Ummah into 73 sections, Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) mentions that all will be in fire except one. We must spare some time to sit alone and concentrate on Allah’s name to find peace of mind and soul. The word istiwa has 15 meanings in arabic. Other than the big religious scholars, holders of Shar’a, all the political leaders and political leaders of each group have agreed on this consensus. A'dads (total of numbers assigned to alphabets) are mentioned in brackets against each dua 'a. Sufism would be considered a sect by some due to its philosophical point of view. Clear Contradictions in some Sahih Hadith, even in … Sects of Islam. Religious edicts handed down by muftis or religious scholars are not binding on any individual or body of Moslems.”. Anyone who holds such beliefs is a kaafir. Imām al-Barbahārī (rahimahullāh, died 329 AH) stated: “Know that Allah’s Messenger (salallāhu ‘alaihi wasallam) said: “My ummah will divide into 73 sects, all of them will be in the Fire except for one…” This narration is authentic when its various chains and wordings are gathered together. The rest of the 72 sects were unanimous and happy and formed a party (a set) excluding the one (the other set) from Islam. Although they all had fatwas declaring one another to be kafirs, when it came to the question of Ahmadi Muslims they were all united so that there remains no doubt as to the identity of 72 and one making a total of 73. Muslims. I have been told some of the translation of the The meaning of the holy Quran’ – By Abdullah Yusuf Ali is incorrect for example Yusuf Ali: 20.005 (God) Most Gracious is firmly established on the throne (of authority). The names you mentioned are not really groups in a divided sense. Branches of Islam 1. When asked who the safe ones will be, Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) replied “They are those who will be like me and my companions” indicating that remaining 72 will resemble Israelites while only one will resemble him and his companions. The issue you have pointed out has been in contention for a very long time and it revolves around philosophies and taking the literal meaning versus figurative language. Names of Allah are recited to invoke Him (as dua'as) for obtaining benefits. It is a fact that Muslims today, are divided amongst themselves. The comments of “someone” are irrelevant and out of line. I do not even the names of the sects. Two I used to produce the following list are those of Islamic encyclopedia published by Munshi Mehboob ‘Alim [60] and that of abu-Mansur al-Baghdadi [61]. To establish that the above mentioned three conditions were fulfilled, I shall present here my translation of a portion of an editorial published in Urdu in Pakistani daily newspaper “Nawai Waqt” [5]. He is free from time, the 6 directions cannot be attributed to him. Nation should take a notice of this.”. Log in. Having said that we have to understand that there ought to be a way to separate one Jama’at from 72. Followers of Abu'l-Jarud, They believe Prophet (pbuh) designated Ali (ra) as the Imam by his characteristics but not by name. The names you mentioned are not really groups in a divided sense. Naturally, our dispositions and condition of events that surround our lives have great significance as to how we view things. “By a constitutional amendment the National Assembly has stripped half a million members of the Ahmadiyya community of their religious status as Moslems. Sulaimaniah / Jaririyah [10:19, 12/1/2018] Discover Islam: In the Name of Allah Most Beneficent Most Merciful Peace and blessings of Allah be upon the Prophet Muhammad, his family and companions and those who followed him in ihsaan. Most Popular Topics. Islam has become a fairy tale instead of a religon that teaches love, respect, peace or freedom. Name of the Sect. The excommunication of such a large number claiming to be Moslems by a political institution is a unique event in the 1400 years of the history of Islam. Firstly that there were at one time 73 sections of Muslims. It is the duty of the sincere and pious servants of Allah to seek help and fulfillment of their desires from their Lord, but He knows what is good for us and therefore we may not have that, which is asked You can imagine every group that believes in such narrations rushing to make claims of being the ‘ one sect ‘. The Seventy-Three Sects. I have heard there is a hadith about 73 sects from Ibn Majah. As for those who divide their religion and break up into sects, thou hast no part in them in the least: their affair is with Allah: He will in the end tell them the truth of all that they did. Although there is yet another sect called ‘Sufi’ but mainly the Shia and Sunni constitute the two major sects of Islam religion. Who is the saved sect within the 73 Sects of Islam? Date: Saturday December 27, 2008 Time: 01:50:23 -0500 Comment. Why do we have many groups (Sunni, Shafi, Maliki, Sufi) today and do we have to follow one of them? Many Muslims might not be aware of the interesting diversity of teaching in the world of Islam. Meaning 72 sects will be in fire while one will be safe. One meaning is to be above, another meaning is to be on the same level. How to Recite 99 names of Allah (Asma-ul-Hussana) Being Muslims we are supposed to learn the 99 names of Allah Almighty. The rest of the 72 sects were unanimous and happy and formed a party (a set) excluding the one (the other set) from Islam. The third condition has to be fulfilled because, as I have established above, we are referring to the time of the Promised Messiah(as), only the followers of Messiah can form a Jama’at which resembles Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) and his companions(ra). The rest of the 72 sects were unanimous and happy and formed a party (a set) excluding the one (the other set) from Islam. In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful INTRODUCTION There is no difference of opinion amongst Muslim sects that the `religion' of Allah is Islam; that the only way to know Islam is through the Book of Allah and the sunnah of the Holy Prophet; that the Book of Allah is what is known as the Qur'an, without any addition or substraction. In another narration he said: “humul jama’ah” (they are the majority)? Interpretation is a matter of personal understanding and knowledge. We have many groups because we are human. Think of Sunni as a tree and Shafi’i, Maliki as the branches of this tree. “One of the special importance of this decision has been that on it the consensus of Ummah has been in substantially correct manner. These two are schools of thought that merely differ on some legalistic aspects of the religion. 1.Jarudiyah. Allah says.. La YASTAWEE ashaabun naar wa ashaabul jannah.. Religion is one of those things. Thus there should be some method by which two sets of sections among Muslim Ummah will be formed and in one set there will be only one Jama’at (to which Holy Prophet, peace be upon him, referred to as resembling him and his companions) while the other set will contain 72 sects which will resemble Jews. There is an hadith that there will be 73 sects of Islam and out of 73 sects one sect will be in true path and rest of the 72 sects will be in wrong path. Islam believes in fostering unity amongst its followers. Chroniclers of this era talk of many more sects than those mentioned above, but if there were 71 or 72 sects during this period their names, beliefs and adherents have been lost to the passage of time. Some of these sects may exist and, when they do, they will be overwhelmed by truth and then perish, never to return. Secondly they formed two sets on containing one Jama’at and the other one containing 72 sects. Clearly, according to these newspapers there existed 73 sections in Islam, one Jama’at-e-Ahmadiyya and the rest of the 72 (A full list of the sects in Islam is included in Appendix II). I use this Quran for translation and will like to know if it is correct or incorrect? Here is a the list of some more sects and discrimination of their differences, this Sheikh also addresses which sect out of the 73 will be lucky enough to enter the Jannah. Primary Sidebar. The 99 names of the Ahmadiyya community of their religious status as names of 73 sects of islam certain. Divisions are not really groups in a divided sense be in fire while will! By a constitutional amendment the National Assembly has stripped half a million members of the.... Some legalistic aspects of the sects Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani ( as ), love all! ’ ah ” ( they are in right path kuffur Log in to Discover Islam in! Brackets against each dua ' a one name again and again for some certain.! 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