And, lastly, the lips are a tactile sensory organ and thus classified as an erogenous zone. It’s OK, I lost it myself…So, you may recall that several muscles of facial expression insert into orbicularis oris (Anatomy Lesson #11 and Anatomy Lesson #13) adding their tug on the lips. Try this: Grasp your upper lip and lift locate the upper frenulum. All rights belong to Starz. The shape-shifting is due to contraction of orbicularis oris. I was actually surprised by the frequency as I worked on this post. Claire couldn’t forget Frank throughout the whole episode. shown that the larger a woman’s eyes and the fuller her lips, the more desirable and feminine she was perceived by participants of these studies. Jenny gives Claire the coldest shoulder ever. She was baptized as a Catholic. Photo N is an image of the tongue taken with a scanning electron microscope (SEM – Anatomy Lesson #5 and Anatomy Lesson #6), an instrument that greatly magnifies an object because it illuminates using an electron beam rather than light rays. From vermillion zone to oral cavity, lips transition from thin, dry hairless skin to wet mucosa  (blue arrows). Topography of Lips: Now, on with the anatomy lesson! Consider that lips are active in biting, chewing, drinking, licking, swallowing, speaking, singing, screaming, sucking, crying, humming, etc. Eventually, Dougal realized that he could just bribe the priest. The ring was specially made for Claire from a key, and it’s an important object for book fans. #5 and Anatomy Lesson #6); the left box encloses the vermillion zone of thin If we’re being honest, plenty of fans were looking forward to the wedding … Next, pull down your lower lip and find where the skin of the vermillion zone turns into wet mucosa of the inner lip. Look closely: the black arrow If you said orbicularis oris, you get 100 points! Finally, at the end of the lengthy lip-lock, Claire is on her tippy-toes panting for more. LLSAN, levator labii superioris and zygomaticus minor act as retractors to lift and curl the upper lip; platysma and depressor labii inferioris pull down and curl the lower lip help anchor lips endings fire and information is transmitted along nerves to the brain. Where 'Outlander' Fans Can Buy Claire's Wedding Ring, 4 Sex Scenes From The 'Outlander' Book That Need To Be In The TV Show, 'Outlander' Season 1 Episode 6 Recap: Black Jack Randall Returns, Buoyed By Stock Market Mania, Reddit Raises Fresh Capital, NYSE Threatens To Abandon New York If Trading Is Taxed, Small US Businesses Increasingly Fearful About Economy: Survey, Brady's Win Delivered Lowest Super Bowl Ratings In 13 Years, App Store Hosting Scams Bring In Millions In Revenue, Developer Says, Want To Prevent The Next Generation Of Student Debt? Aye, she gives as good as she gets. Subjects in these studies preferred men with masculine lips, neither too large nor too small. This last image (Starz, episode 107, The Wedding) is dark, but here Jamie serves once again as our anatomical model; the camera clearly loves him! Outlander book fans can breathe a sigh of relief. Did you get thumped by a horse? Sanctuary.”. He wanted as much of a traditional wedding as possible. The third season of Outlander finds Jamie and Claire separated for 20 years, though their separation is thankfully limited to a few episodes. Frenula (pl.) He implies that he is willing to release Claire if Jamie offers himself sexually. dangerous! The left side of the drawing (on your right) shows the pull of the three elevator and two depressor muscles acting as retractors on orbicularis oris. He explained that it was for her safety. Eventually, one woman revealed that a client paid her with a wedding dress. He confesses in his kiss what he could not tell her until this moment. Intrinsic muscles give the tongue precise and highly variable mobility for speech, swallowing and (although not listed anatomy texts) for kissing! Ye have my permission. NO, not this kiss!! OK, ye can all get up off the floor now! ); once these are secured, associated facial muscles of each side are more likely to balance. Oh, weel, I see that got your attention. Try this: Return to the mirror to locate these features of your own lips or, Before Claire and Jamie got down and dirty in bed, they bonded over some romantic wedding night pillow talk that fans didn’t see when the first season of Outlander originally aired. On our lips, begin and There are many amorous kisses shared by these two in Starz episodes 107 and 108. This arrangement lends major control over shape so orbicularis oris is proficient at closing and puckering the lips. From Claire’s suggestion to go to bed to Jamie admitting that he didn’t know humans had sex facing each other (he’d only seen animals mate), book fans recognized plenty of quotes and the scene finally brought Claire’s brooding to an end. Studies show that lip size in men is linked to sexual appeal. of facial skin with hair follicles, sweat and sebaceous glands (Anatomy Lesson That would take more strength than I have.” During … Outlander Recap: Our Bodies and ... Jamie goes in for a kiss and Claire, still her own worst enemy and our worst enemy, asks Jamie to tell her about his family. Human Anatomy taught through the lens of the Outlander books by Diana Gabaldon and the Starz television series. that the rose unfolds, that the dawn whitens behind the stark shapes of trees on the quivering summit of the hill? Verra, erm, satisfying! Look Toward Employers, How America’s Top Social Capital CEOs Can Teach Us the Power of Kindness. Your taste buds are microscopic so ye cannot see them. I dinna have space to cover all tongue anatomy which is complex and lengthy. Well, when she kisses him like that maybe she isna so sorry to be marrying him after all. pink-blue dermis. Claire wasn’t exactly ready to jump into bed with Jamie. as the dog, the philtrum is more extensive, a midline cleft extending from nose through upper lip (Image E – red arrows) that may act as a channel to direct dissolved odorants towards the nasal septum. In the meantime, here are the Outlander sex scenes we’ve most loved to see. Dougal’s efforts garner him a kick in the stones, a sharp slap and a wallop over the head with a stool! Jamie suffers a lot under the hands of Black Jack Randall, going so far as to rape him. While they would fall in love on … With this being one of the most romantic days of the year, we want to do our best to celebrate some of the most-romantic couples on all of TV. Can I ask you a question? Let’s take a closer look: Hey, students, wake up! tell Try This:  Look in a mirror and identify vermillion border and vermillion zones. She realized that she didn’t even know Jamie’s real name. His extreme gentleness was in no way tentative; rather it was a promise of power known and held in leash; a challenge and a provocation the more remarkable for its lack of demand. Break time for practical When excited by light touch, the nerve RELATED: Outlander Characters & Their Disney Counterparts. Jamie introduced himself as Jamie Alexander Malcolm MacKenzie Frasier and they shook hands. Repeat with the lower lip. Apparently, he thought that a brothel was a good place to go dress shopping. Textbook of Anatomy,,,,,,,,,, Claire and Jamie Exchange Romantic Wedding Night Pillow Talk. As mentioned previously, Jamie has been in love with Claire since their arrival at Leoch. corpuscles than non-erogenous regions. Then, just as they were about to kiss, Claire asked about his family. “You have my name, my clan and if necessary the protection of my body as well,” Jamie said. In Outlander book, Herself records the moment: “More mumbling from the priest and Jamie bent to kiss me. A Thousand and a Hundred to gums. Claire almost stopped the wedding because of her guilt. Acting alone or together the four layers curl, shorten, dome, narrow, elongate, widen or fatten the tongue. Check out your own papillae in a mirror; they come in 3 or 4 different shapes. Welcome to Anatomy Lesson #14: The Lips (and a little tongue too). (Photo M). Jamie had a ring made on the day of their wedding. Geez, some folks are so hard to please! They arise from various parts of the tongue and blend with the extrinsic muscles. Hard to believe but the tongue contains nine different muscles: four paired and one unpaired (Photo O)! The more prominent the peaks of Cupid’s bow, the more obvious are the philtral pillars. “It needn’t stop you from sampling other pleasures,” Dougal said. Confession time: I have wanted to do a lesson on the anatomy of a kiss for a very long time. Papillae on the top of the tongue are very apparent (red arrows). The tongue core is very nearly all muscle; it participates in swallowing, taste, and speech. While performing surgery of the lip area, reconstructive surgeons strive to symmetrically align the modioli (pl. Talk about lips doing their job and giving us a full wattage smile! Let’s end the lesson with a wonderful quote from Les Miserables by Victor Hugo (1802–1885): “How did it happen that their lips came together? Also, notice the mass labeled modiolus (Photo K)? Marriage to a Scot seems to be the only legal way out to save Claire from falling into the paws of Black Jack Randall. They talked for hours before Claire was finally ready to have sex with her new husband. Its top and sides are embellished with wee bumps, the papillae, some of which house taste buds. skin sans hair and glands; the bottom box surrounds a patch of wet mucosa with wet mucosa similar to that of the inner lips. Re-watch (for the umpteenth time) Starz episode 107, The Wedding, and listen to the end of the wedding kiss; you hear a soft smack. Photo H is a much higher magnification of the dovetail region indicated by the arrow in Photo G. See the odd pink oval structure that resembles shredded wheat or He told her that her marriage shouldn’t hold her back. score On Thu, Apr 7, 2016 at 7:02 AM, outlander spoilers wrote: > outlanderspoilers posted: “Season two is about to start, so now it’s time > to analyze and examine the development of Jamie and Claire’s … Try it out! Her parents died in a car accident when she was only five, and Claire was adopted by her uncle, Quentin Lambert Beauchamp, an archaeologist and historian whose work took him all over the world. Starz Claire has absolutely beautiful lips that are full, expressive and verra feminine! Considerable technology is required to prepare tissues for microscopy: samples are imbued with paraffin (sometimes plastic), sliced very thin, picked up on glass slides and stained before examination. These structures, named Meissner’s corpuscles are excited by light touch. No ceremonial peck here. Mayhap we all best come up for a wee gulp of air! I think I lost ye again, ha ha! The pink line shows the lip shape at rest; the blue line shows the lip flattened during a pucker. I hope ye all understand! “Outlander” Season 1 episode 7 brought the moment that every book fan had been waiting for: Jamie (Sam Heughan) and Claire’s (Caitriona Balfe) wedding. Aside from the buildup of… Here’s a verra good example of lip puckering by Jamie’s orbicularis oris as he plants a lovely one on Claire’s lips. Jamie had some demands for his wedding, and one of those demands was a priest and a church. Claire: “Jamie— I Won’t…I Can’t…I Bloody Won’t Live Without You, And That’s All!” Claire and Jamie … You should feel a thickening; this is the modiolus. Here, this might help (Starz episode 102, Castle Leoch). If ye canna see it here, go watch the episode again. more.”. The lips are the part of the face surrounding the oral fissure, the external opening to the oral cavity (Image A, black arrow). Photo I is an artist’s rendition of a Meissner’s corpuscle. venetian blinds (Photo H-black arrow)? Ok, how about this one? I need models for our lesson and who better than Claire getting her first kiss (Starz episode 101, Sassenach). Plenty of prostitutes came on to him, but he remained focused on finding a dress. Season 1, Episode 7 — Jamie and Claire had an arranged marriage to protect her from Black Jack (Tobias Menzies). NO, again? Jamie Losing His Virginity. She asked him why he wanted to marry her at all. Claire and Jamie Fraser finally had sex during Outlander's Saturday, April 30, episode, but all was not well — read Us Weekly's recap Sex is the beating heart of Outlander because it is the physical manifestation of the deep emotional and spiritual bond that Jamie and Claire have. “Outlander” airs Saturdays at 9 p.m. EDT on Starz. dissect their bodies with words! Claire mysteriously fell through the stones at … And if you will have me, then…I would, and my mouth opened beneath his…”. Ha! So, consider this is why a kiss with tongue can be so remarkably creative. "Jamie’s always put his … Photo Credits: Starz, Gray’s Anatomy 39th ed., Netter’s Atlas of Human Anatomy, 4th ed., Clinically Oriented Anatomy, 5th ed., Hollingshead’s Orbicularis oris is composed of four interlacing quadrants of muscle (Photo K – right side only): upper left, upper right, lower left, lower right. The episode took place on the day and night of their wedding. Oh, aye, his tongue is involved in this kiss. With that in mind, the wedding kiss becomes part confession and part call and response. Those fillies can be How about some time lapse photography? Good! Microscopic anatomy is AKA histology (Greek meaning tissue knowledge). Well, it would be roughly 6 µm (.006 mm or .00023 in) – thin enough for light to pass through the slice. Dougal’s lackey and the priest start quoting the Bible at each other back and forth until Dougal threatens to kill the priest. Whew, that’s quite a list! Its free surfaces are covered Vermillion Zones: In anatomy, the areas commonly called upper and lower lips are vermillion zones (Image C, black brackets) – the areas where lipstick is applied. Good job, lad! It was clear that he intended only a brief and ceremonial touching of lips, but his mouth was soft and warm and I moved instinctively toward him. In fact, in Outlander Season 1, Episode 4, she knows that she’s potentially losing him so turns to Claire for help to keep him. More lip action; she really leans into it. dwell Nearly everything is dangerous in 1771, when Outlander's current season takes place.But the new threat to Jamie's life "really comes out of nowhere," Heughan says. I am yours, it said. She’s that in love with him. Wow, not too many areas of the body can lay claim to such a vast range of services! OK, students, not to dwell on the point, but here’s Claire as she accepts Jamie’s kiss. Getting down to business, Jamie and Claire seal the wedding vows with their first kiss (Starz episode 107, The Wedding). For years, anatomists taught that orbicularis oris was a circular, sphincter-like muscle that contracted like a camera diaphragm to close the oral fissure (Photo J). The passionate sex scene in the stable from The Fiery Cross between Jamie (Sam Heughan) and Claire (Caitriona Balfe) made it … A wee release of the lips and more kiss! His bow is well-defined (mmphm) and his upper and lower lips are picture perfect. Claire tells Jamie to take off his shirt so that she can see what he looks like in “The Wedding.” What you may not know… internal terminus of upper and lower lips. It’s one of the things that made Claire realize how much effort Jamie put into making their wedding day feel important. Whinny! Sound like anyone you favor? Claire took off her wedding ring from Frank (Tobias Menzies) as she entered the church. Today is that day! Stay with me now – I can see you nodding off! They define her face to a large extent and along with her eyes were features I Claire Teaches Jamie Equality with a Knife Sex Season 1, Episode 9 – “The Reckoning” This was the very first love scene that Balfe and Heughan ever filmed together. Dougal’s men had to find a priest the day of the wedding, but the priest they found refused. Time for another interlude: how about this image from Starz episode 107, The Wedding at the end of the first amorous kiss between Jamie and Claire? Whoa, Prof! It takes Jamie and Claire’s awkward first time was taken straight from the pages of Diana Gabaldon’s book. The lavender and black region is overlying thin skin; the gold and black structure is the corpuscle. How thin is the slice? He wanted announcements and elements of tradition that would take weeks. erogenous zones, such as the lips, contains higher concentrations of Meissner’s Do you recall from Anatomy Lesson #11 the name of the muscle surrounding the oral fissure? Jamie and Claire's bond is so powerful in these scenes, Heughan argues the couple's lifesaving moment … But a brief keek will suffice. Ergo, increased numbers of these touch-sensitive structures explains the basis of the so-called erogenous zones of the body. Aye, if the lips are slightly curled and mild suction applied, the kiss produces an audible smacking sound. Now, you may think there is little anatomy of the lips but there is so much info and complexity that we’ll be lucky to cover it in a single lesson! When the man remarked that Claire look “well ridden,” Dougal punched him. And for those who are new to my blog, a wee note of explanation: I follow the convention of using Outlander character’s names rather than actor’s names. In Season 3 of the series, Jamie and Claire finally reunite after around 20 years apart. Getting down to business, Jamie and Claire seal the wedding vows with their first kiss (Starz episode 107, The Wedding). Jamie rides away from Willie (Season 3, Episode 4) While Claire is back to the future, Jamie fathers … Hey, yoo hoo, back to anatomy. In the finale of the first season, Claire sneaks to prison to visit Jamie, but Black Jack catches her. The next quote doesn’t exactly fit wi’ the image (Start episode 107, The Wedding) but I’m betting ye can suffer through it. Claire clearly views this as something innocent and gives her a bit of dried horse dung to use as a “potion.” Jamie… How does it happen that birds sing, that snow melts. The unpaired muscle, consisting of four layers, is intrinsic meaning the layers arise from and end within the tongue itself. Jamie and Claire arrive back at Lallybroch for the first time in 20 years. This is just after Claire wraps him in a lover’s shroud of his own plaid. I had kissed my share of men…Jamie, though, was something different. Good lass! All of this detail reveals that our lips have a complex muscular framework, an arrangement lending impressive control over the lips and how they might engage in kissing: pucker, no pucker, curl, no curl, suction to produce a smack. He’s a terrific anatomical model as I keep saying (over and over and over). Well, it’s true! Instead, the show broke the taboo and treated this sex scene like any other. Notice that orbicularis oris fibers attach to the modiolus. Well, Jamie and Claire dinna disappoint. Imagine a midline vertical slice (midsagittal plane) through the upper lip, then view it from the side; the stick drawing is a simple rendering of that slice. I was vaguely conscious of noises, Scottish whoops of enthusiasm and encouragement from the spectators,but really noticed nothing beyond the enfolding warm solidness. Doing simple math, this means our oral fissure is surrounded by eight interactive layers of orbicularis oris. Wink, wink. Always fun to throw in a wee bit of comparative anatomy…in mammals such Many would argue that a kiss will be neither complete nor completely satisfying without a wee bit of tongue. Messed with my sleep patterns! With Caitriona Balfe, Sam Heughan, Tobias Menzies, Graham McTavish. Try this: slip a clean thumb inside a corner of your mouth about 0.5 in (1.25 cm); close your index finger against the thumb. “I can bear pain myself, but I couldna bear yours. Ned Gowan (Bill Paterson) was tasked with finding Claire a suitable dress. In season one of Outlander, viewers will remember how Jamie and Claire’s relationship first began. Outlander - Jamie and Claire favorite scenes from episode 1 to 7. points to dovetails (interdigitations) between the dark red thin skin and the deeper Gah! A Hundred, and a Thousand What was your favorite moment from the episode? Got it? better yet, use a partner! And if ye dinna have a partner today, then remember that your body contain trillions of cells each whispering “Tha gaol agam ort!” Gaelic for “I love you!” If our cells didna care, we probably wouldn’t exist. Check out the top moments from the episode below: If we’re being honest, plenty of fans were looking forward to the wedding night more than the ceremony. Worst Moment: Dougal (Graham McTavish) hit on Claire after she and Jamie consummated their marriage. application of our knowledge about the lips: From Outlander, Herself quotes the Latin poet, Catullus: “Then let amorous kisses If you watch “Outlander,” you have to know already that Jamie and Claire Fraser are at the top of the list! Vermillion Border:  The vermillion border is the margin where facial skin meets upper and lower lips (Image C, black arrows) – the interface where lip liner is applied. Further, each quadrant is divided into two parts: fibers of the vermillion zone form pars marginalis (Latin meaning marginal part) and fibers outside the vermillion border form pars Sound off in the comments section below! Clearly Claire is not pleased with this kiss. Image B shows upper frenulum and lower frenulum, webs of tissue that mark the This is a paired fibromuscular node just inside the commissures of each lip. In anatomy, the upper lip (black bracket) extends from nasal septum all the way inside  to the web of tissue near the upper gums. Alrightie then, how about this kiss (Starz episode 104, The Gathering)? Again, psychology studies have Gasp! No surprise here, but Jamie’s upper lip demonstrates a prime and manly example of Cupid’s bow and its associated philtrum (Starz episode 102, Castle Leoch) but I wager you already ken this. But in Outlander, Claire's stomach didn't come in the way of sex with Jamie, nor was it covered or censored. Great analysis…..I now need to see all the deleted scenes in the first season. And mobile and almost prehensile in their use or 4 different shapes if Jamie offers himself sexually,... Upper and lower lips that made Claire realize how much effort Jamie put into making their.... The protection of my body as well, ” Dougal punched him worst moment: “ more mumbling the... 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A lot under the hands of Black Jack catches her beautiful lips that are full, and. First met like any other on finding a dress coincide with philtral pillars ( Black arrows ) outlander jamie and claire first kiss! ” Jamie said ; they come in 3 or 4 different shapes where the skin of the?. Lay claim to such a vast range of services at closing and puckering lips...