It also offers very good velocities. - Ronald Reagan, The most dangerous creation of any society is the man who has nothing to lose. Ramshot Powder Enforcer 4 lb. Ramshot Competition in a Remington hull, Cheddite primer, Claybuster clone 7/8 ounce. I’d also want to do this in warmer conditions, although this first try was on a pleasant early June day. You might have noticed I’ve not quoted any load combinations from bullet manufacturers’ handloading manuals, Speer, Sierra, Nosler et al. The Savage PTA bolt lets you know if pressures are too high, through excessive primer extrusion and this load produced less than I get with the Hodgdon and Alliant duo, so I reckon I could finesse the weight up a bit and maybe tune the groups down to the 0.25-0.4in. I had excellent results from TAC in a heavy-barrel 308W Ruger 77V with 155gn Sierra Palma MatchKings in my earlier try-out, so was keen to try it in my Howa 1500 ‘affordable F/TR rifle’ with its short 22-inch barrel. CAUTION: Figures exceed maximum and minimum recommended loads ! ‘Spheroidal’ / ‘spherical’? 2400 was always my go to for .44 mag and special as well as .41 mag. Anyway, here’s what Sierra Bullets says about the issue in its Ballistics section: Some debate has ensued over the merits of ball powders vs. extruded tubular powders. If I want the powder, I have to buy it through him now as he is the sole distributor. Ramshot Enforcer. I have a pound of ramshot silheuett pistol powder.I would like to try 357mag 38 spl 9mm and 45acp and 45auto rim has any one used this powder [email protected] I live in Florida Gun Hub > Gun Hub Forum > Ammunition TEN BLENDS. As these tiny balls bounce around everywhere, some inevitably end up inside the RCBS 1500 scales’ casing, moreover in places where errant powder granules can affect the whole combo’s operation and reliability. Enforcer produces high velocities in a wide variety of large handgun calibers. Not anywhere near the smackdown potential of the Elmer Keith wannabes I used to stuff into my Super Redhawk but much much nicer on my arthritic old hands, P.S. Why do the gungrabbers never mention this? Doesn't deserve the both of them MVs were excellent hitting 3081 fps with the top charge of 26.4gn and starting to show promise. The British government scientists Sir Frederick Abel and Sir James Dewar produced the similarly manufactured and formulated ‘Cordite’ two years later. ", If ever a man should ask you With a powder this good, this awesome, you need to make a statement. It’s argued that ‘sticks’ are more erosive than tiny smooth round balls. D-B propellants burn a bit hotter and that can mean cleaner. But we’re here to talk about pistols. Another sign of good ignition and clean combustion is that case-shoulders have been left clean and necks usually only gained a moderate fouling wash. As noted, Henry Krank has eight grades in stock, selling them directly to handloaders and also wholesaling them to other retailers nationwide. Actually, I simply don’t believe they are achievable and worry about the likely results of loading the pair at the short SAAMI standard COALs. - Barbie, "Never underestimate the ability of shit to find a fan." Since they stopped bugging me about the reviews a long time ago I assume they’re not speaking to me anymore and I can’t say I blame them. Quick View. Do you suffer from a lonely, unfulfilled, angst-driven existence? Few men desire liberty; most men wish only for a just master. Load the 90gn SMK into 223 Rem at this COAL and around two-thirds of an inch of bullet shank and base are located within the small case with a huge effect on the fill-ratio and peak chamber pressures, similar issues afflicting the 308 Win/210gn VLD combination at 2.810-inch COAL. Conditions were cold to cool and top loads were just starting to feel ‘hot’, so as well as finessing these loads, I’d want to try them in higher ambient conditions. Even so, a 2.0gn Wild Boar charge weight range in the Howa with the 155gn Hornady A-Max saw all five loads produce 5-shot velocity spreads between 11 and 24 fps which is the best string performance I’ve obtained from this rifle and its hammer forged factory barrel, by a large margin. Single base powders such as Varget can be made to be more temperature stable than double based powders such as Accurate 2520 although there are trade offs to anything. D-B powders, particularly the spherical type, are stable under storage in all sorts of non-optimal conditions with a long shelf-life whether stored loose in bulk or loaded in ammunition. Click on each Powder picture to see detailed explainations, video, load data, shot groupings and more! A double-base spherical, Silhouette is an excellent choice for 9mm Luger, 38 Super +P, 40 S&W and 45 ACP. They may have been few in number, but they offer sufficient proof that everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms -- to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way. So similar, Nobel took them to court claiming patent infringement but lost his case thanks to a poorly chosen six-word phrase in his patent that gave HMG a let-out! Ramshot Silhouette. I worked loads up in 308 Win with the 180gn JLK long boat-tail VLD long-range bullet with excellent results and QuickLOAD suggests this is an excellent choice for ‘heavies’ in the cartridge, the load that gives a 100% case fill-ratio under a 210gn Berger VLD in a rifle throated to allow 3.00-inch COAL producing an estimated 2610 fps (30-inch barrel) at just under max SAAMI pressure with a 100% charge burn. I mean, if there were three hundred million rifles throwing bullets at him, then maybe. SKU: RTSILH4. Please submit your story here.If it is accepted, your story will be printed on our site, with your name in the by-line. is a basic bedding job. Just before I took my last tumble I got two free pounds of powder from Wideners with the agreement that I’d put their link on my sidebar and review the powders. If you have access to an older Winchester loading manual, look at the data for AA Plus shotgun powder and compare the data to Ramshot Competition. But we all know that’s not going to happen. Our line includes rifle, handgun, and shotshell powders – all of which are double-based, spherical-shaped, smokeless powders. 308 saw TAC and Wild Boar tried in a 22-inch barrel Howa 1500 Varmint with 155s and a 180gn JLK VLD plus Ramshot Big Game combination in a custom Savage F/TR rifle with a 10-inch longer tube up front. It’ll work in 223 Rem with the lighter bullets but really comes into its own with projectiles weighing 69gn or more where it gives better velocities than X-Terminator, although not that much more. In both the single base and double base lines of powders some powders have better temperature stability than others, Ramshot ‘TAC’ is one of the most temperature stable double based powders available. I asked for recommendations for the best modern powder for .44 Special and for .44 Magnum, and these are what I got…. Stock Filter. A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough without ever having felt sorry for itself. The manufacturer states: “As one of the slowest spherical powders ever developed, Ramshot LRT (Long Range Tactical) was created for high performance at extreme ranges. Double-Base Spherical. 1200-1250 fps for the daughters skeet and trap shellls. Nevertheless, traditionally ‘ball powders’ were dirty and that was because they had a cocktail of non-inflammable treatments and stabilisers added to control burning rates, reduce muzzle flash, flame temperatures and do various other jobs – as do stick types but this form used to need more of them including 2- 3% of the total weight being calcium carbonate, common or garden chalk to you and me, which is used in their manufacturing process. The free man will ask neither what his country can do for him nor what he can do for his country. After that episode I returned to a conventional measure and found that all charges thrown were within a 0.3gn range, most in a much smaller one. While the nitroglycerin in a double based powder makes it less temperature stable it is the component that makes double based powders cleaner burning and allows them to attain higher velocities and their single based cousins. In my Model 69 some of the loadings from the data chart made me a little nervous and I stuck to the lower spectrum. ", - Claire Wolfe, Backwoods Home Companion, 6-07-10, I owe my success to having listened respectfully to the very best advice, and then going away and doing the exact opposite. Ramshot Enforcer is for magnum big-bore reloading: .44 Magnum, 454 Casull, 460 S&W, and 500 S&W. I’ve got to say I was astonished at this! Are you looking for a Competition 8lbs - Ramshot Powder made by Ramshot, Check out our online Website Reloading Everything and Shop online Today! So the temptation to find a compromise loading is always with me but I mostly stick with .44 Special loadings. bottle. It threw accurate and consistent charges OK – very consistent actually – but the powder flows too well for this device. So far, we’ve only talked manufacturers’ data and QuickLOAD modelled estimates. Generally though, these numbers see best results from lighter bullets with this powder or MVs are down if Big Game is used with the heavier projectiles as in 100-105s for 6mm and 140s for 6.5. My go-to powder for heavy .44 Magnum loads was always 2400 which worked fine but you did end up weighing out your powder if you wanted complete consistency. It is this very reason that so much of it is being used for military applications in both Iraq and Afghanistan. Skip To Site Navigation Skip To Main Content Skip To Footer. Being a spherical (ball) powder it meters well. Re: Ramshot Tac for 308 Win. It is necessary to darken his moral and mental vision, and, as far as possible, to annihilate the power of reason. So, either Uncle Sam and his relatives in other countries are plain stupid, or governments and military ordnance officers know something we don’t. That’s PB Clermont’s factory to be precise, (the name is short for Poudrerie Belge de Clermont) located just down the road from the great armaments manufacturing centres of Herstal and Liege and who’ve been in business since 1850. If you would like to submit a story related to shooting, hunting, or handloading, we would like to read it. Shop at Reloading Everything for Ramshot powders at low prices. The trio burned exceptionally cleanly, leaving less muck in the barrel than extruded Hodgdon, Alliant and Vihtavuori powders. That suggests it might also be suited to 284 Winchester match loads – the ‘straight 284’ as the cartridge is often misleadingly called – with heavy bullets seated well out. Ramshot. Ramshot’s online data ‘booklets’ were downloaded from the company’s website as Adobe .pdf files (remember, ‘Wild Boar’ has its own comprehensive data-set). Looks to be just a little bit faster powder. With low flash signature, high velocity and a clean burn, Silhouette is the perfect choice for indoor ranges and law enforcement applications. It has not been pulled from loaded ammunition and it is not military surplus powder. And the Aurora Theater. Even so, this becomes difficult to remove if it’s left untouched for any time, presumably having been burned on at high temperatures. That leaves Enforcer with a burning rate close to Alliant 2400 and Hodgdon H110, a full-house performance inducer in the revolver magnums and usable in a few small rifle cartridges like 22 Hornet and 30 Carbine. They use a lot of Ramshot ball powder. “Political tags — such as royalist, communist, democrat, populist, fascist, liberal, conservative, and so forth — are never basic criteria. Other powders may work as well or better in your pistol, but these should be suitable to at least get started. Newly manufactured in Belgium, Ramshot promise their powders to be consistent from lot-to-lot with no sign of ex-military origins. To view this Reloading Guide in a PDF format, click the red button below. "The nine most terrifying words in the English language are 'I'm from the government, and I'm here to help.'" AA plus powder. Ramshot Powder ; Filter Results. Ramshot True Blue. Given the way CE certification works, I suspect that ‘Hunter’ cannot be sold anywhere in Europe and is an export to the US only job. Ramshot Powder Enforcer 1 lb. Out of Stock. Accurate & Ramshot Powder Reloading Magazine By Michael G. on Dec 01, 2020 Even if you don't use the brand of powders listed therein, the booklet provides COAL for common bullets used in each caliber, including aftermarket bullets by Berry and others. Anyway, I’ve been able to get some testing in using 223 Rem, 308 Win and a single batch of 30-06 Springfield, variously with TAC, Wild Boar and Big Game. POWDER TRICKLER A tool used to precisely pour (trickle) powder onto the scale. Do, every day, something no one else would be silly enough to do. ... Ramshot Powder Enforcer 1 lb. Think, every day, something no one else is thinking. What about temperature sensitivity? A double-base flattened spherical smokeless powder, Competition is easy metering for use in progressive reloaders. As with anything, some powders are better than others. Ramshot Powder Enforcer 4 lb. Ramshot offers a full range of smokeless powders that meet the standards of shooting enthusiasts. Intermediate caliber carbines are okay. Many handloaders like ball powders for their suitability for use in traditional mechanical powder measures, producing easy flow through and consistent metering from such devices – no bridging/hanging-up in drop tubes and similar – and producing more consistent weights than with equivalent extruded (stick) powders. It’s suited to the 300 short magnums, 6.5X55mm, 270 Win, heavy bullets in 30-06, as well as 6XC, 243 Win, 6.5X47L, 6.5mm Creedmoor and similar. This powder fits very densely into a case. So if there’s an ultimate answer to his ultimate argument, it sure as hell ain’t bullets. ", "Lust for power is the most flagrant of all the passions." I used to like to play Elmer Keith with my Super Blackhawk but those days are long done. “We must be free not because we claim freedom, but because we practice it.” It burns clean — much cleaner than some old standby pistol powders — and it gives good velocity with low charge weights, extending your shooting dollar. I shoot a lot of .44 Special and used to shoot a lot of .44 Magnum when I was – er, younger. This one, you can go past 11 grains easily. Magnum Handgun Loads. Our line includes rifle, handgun, and shotshell powders – all of which are double-based, spherical-shaped, smokeless powders. While Western and Ramshot were fairly new to the gunpowder market, I called with some questions. In any event, he and his business ceased trading a year or two later but not before I bought a tin of every one of its products. We tested over 30 powders that can be used for 9MM. POWDER MEASURE Most kits will contain a powder scale, most of which use weights on a balance beam to measure powder. So last summer I loaded up some 165 BT's using 60, 61 & 62.0 grains of Hunter Powder. There is a reason for that – the new Berger Reloading Manual 1st edition aside which includes a modest number of Ramshot fuelled combinations, there simply aren’t any. The load wasn’t ‘hot’ in my rifle and the roomy brass, although it was shown as being maximum in QuickLOAD, so I could increase loads and try to find the next higher ‘accuracy node’ within acceptable pressures, or more practically stick with it at shorter ranges. Well, I grabbed some Benchmark since I've used it with great results in .223 and thought I'd try some TAC as well since it seems to get good reviews. Would be using it with 120 bt 125 pt 135 berger classic hunter. Display: List / Grid. It could be used with lighter bullets in 308 Win as confirmed by running some combinations through QuickLOAD but fill-ratios dip to around the 90% level and the velocities achieved within maximum safe pressures are a little low. It’s not what you do; it’s how you do it. For specific powder charges, consult an appropriate reloading manual. Ramshot is probably our favorite powder company, they are just doing most things well. So was the Westroads Mall. Another often quoted downside is that D-B propellants, whether spherical or extruded, are more temperature sensitive than S-B competitors and again this seems inconsistent with military requirements that expect weapons and ammunition to perform reliably in any region or season. The ultimate answer to kings is not a bullet, but a belly laugh. (This bullet at 3000 fps or higher MVs is more than capable of taking on 308 in short / mid-range F/TR up to 800 yards, and offers potentially superior results providing the load groups well and consistently enough, in my opinion). add to cart. I wish I could say the rotator cuffs have fully healed – they haven’t and apparently won’t, but I’ve reached a tolerable new normal and at least I can shoot again although my full-power long gun days are apparently done. Which brings us at last to those two new Ramshot powders. Whilst powder manufacturers have long since ameliorated, now completely overcome this unfortunate trait in early versions of the genre, the reputation lives on. – Witold Pilecki. SORT BY: POPULARITY. I loaded up a quartet of 55 to 69gn bulleted loads in 223 for a 26-inch barrel sporter/tactical rifle and some 80.5gn Berger BTs and 90gn VLDs for my long-throated F/TR rifle, these various combinations involving TAC, Wild Boar and Big Game as appropriate. And neither shall he keep. That just leaves me to report on some of those few tests I’ve got using 223 Rem and 308 Win. Ramshot powders are double-based, spherical-shaped, smokeless powders that meter easy, burn clean and produce high velocities. Some of these elements remain behind in the barrel as fouling. And, when we say ball powders are dirty and being double-base wear barrels out quickly, that might have once been true and there is a saying on the lines of ‘Give a dog a bad name ….’ The ball form has been around for a long time, since the late 1930s and extruded D-B types even longer, Alfred Nobel introducing ‘Ballistite’, the first ever D-B propellant way back in 1887. By that I mean that if you knock the bench or the Charge Master at all, powder is dislodged from the mouth of its trickler tube. I was working with Ramshot Hunter Powder in my 30-06 last summer in mid 80-degree temps. It means “The Ultimate Argument of Kings,” and that always struck me as one of the most honest and up-front things any ruler or would-be ruler ever said. As for the powder made for unreasonable pistol shooters…. I’ve got bullets – he’s got frigging Cannon Balls. Ramshot offers a full range of smokeless powders that meet the standards of shooting enthusiasts. where the load data shows a 55gn Ballistic Tip getting a shade under 3700 fps from a 24-inch barrel. The former are idealists acting from highest motives for the greatest good of the greatest number. For years I thought the ultimate answer must be the bullets in my rifle, but it never seemed quite right. Also traditionally, D-B types – whether extruded or ‘ball’ – were accused of wearing barrels out faster through accelerated throat erosion from their higher flame temperatures. Customer Review & Up & Up & Up & Up. Add to Cart. Like many ball powders, the Ramshot numbers need loads that approach full working pressures before they really perform, so are sometimes not as flexible as extruded competitors and so take a bit of fine-tuning. To maximize performance, the ballistics experts at Western Powders, Inc. have d The first shipment I received was the SMP134 keg with his .25 cent label right over the SMP-134 factory label and the price went up $80 a keg or so. I used my RCBS Charge Master combined electronic scales/dispenser to produce charges for my set of first trial loads but found it’s not that well suited to such a fine ball powder. Western Powders has released its new, updated Load Manual covering Accurate and Ramshot powders. 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ramshot powder review