A summary of Part X (Section5) in Paulo Coelho's The Alchemist. territory. Chapter Summary for Paulo Coelho's The Alchemist, part 2 fatima and the oasis summary. Test. Santiago’s counterarguments to the horseman’s objections show his understanding of the Soul of the World that unites all things. The crystal merchant works as a character foil for Santiago, showing the pitfalls of hanging onto the past and not moving forward. The alchemist turns metal into gold in the monk’s kitchen, and gives the monk a portion for his generosity to pilgrims. Melchizedek then proceeds to write the names of Santiago’s His intensive studies show that he believes in learning, but primarily in. Despite this word of warning. Skeptical, Santiago leaves The words he has just heard were the words of his son who was in the military. Part 2, Section 1 Summary. The two begin talking as they wait for the caravan to depart. Finally the caravan reaches the oasis, where the alchemist awaits its arrival. "My students can't get enough of your charts and their results have gone through the roof." The old man’s selfless nature is also evident in his last wish, which doesn’t concern himself at all, but only his son. It seems like an omen in itself that at this moment Santiago finds the fortune-telling stones Urim and Thummim—the symbols of letting something other than oneself decide one’s fate. The Englishman also speaks of omens, a sign that Santiago’s preparation for this quest—receiving Urim and Thummim, learning about omens—aligns closely with the teachings of alchemy. Santiago is overwhelmed by love as he approaches a young woman at the well. The idea of the future belonging to God is crucial in this novel because it strikes a balance between the fate-based theme of “Maktub” and the freewill-based theme of choosing one’s future. The toughest part of the quest comes right before success, an idea that is meant to give hope to anyone trying to persist in the face of failure or trial. 5 Part Two Section One – Everything Happens For … The camel driver will be another influential character on Santiago’s journey. With his own success of turning metal into gold, the alchemist shows Santiago that one’s dream is capable of reaching—that one’s Personal Legend can be achieved. The kind of hindsight Santiago’s heart now offers him allows Coelho to put a positive spin on almost anything—any misfortune may have just been his heart saving him from an even greater hypothetical misfortune. The alchemist arrives when the moon is high, with two dead hawks in his hand. This raises the question of what Santiago’s real treasure at the pyramids might be. To Santiago, his life seems unique and barrier-breaking. The occult imagery associated with the gypsy dream interpreter who engages in Part 2: Alchemist Episode; Part 2: Wind and Sun Episode; Part 2: Pyramids Episode; Part 2: Epilogue; Paulo Coelho Biography; Critical Essays; Themes in The Alchemist; Symbols in The Alchemist; Study Help; Full Glossary for The Alchemist; Quiz; Character Map; Cite this Literature Note; Summary and Analysis Part 2: Pyramids Episode Summary. Santiago explains his decision to Fatima, but she is very accepting of his choice, and does not need his explanation. Summary and Analysis Part 2: Pyramids Episode. This concept also brings other world religions into the novel, although only vaguely. Santiago thus truly experiences the unity of the Soul of the World, and so discovers the Soul of God, which means a unity with his own soul. least wise, if not an actual king, Santiago feels convinced that he should listen to When Santiago realizes that the dream Connection Part 1 Summary~ 4/12/2013 4 Comments Santiago arrives at an abandoned church, where he decides to spend the night. Her statement about the women being proud of the questing men suggests that she wants Santiago to continue on his journey, rather than staying at the oasis for her sake. The tribesmen react with fear when they witness Santiago’s power—a power that is actually just God’s power working through someone who has achieved a kind of enlightenment. the alchemist part 2 summary Santiago works for the crystal merchant for about a month. STUDY. by StoryShots - Free Book Summaries | Oct 4, 2020 | books | 3 comments. The crystal merchant sees the truth about Santiago before Santiago has acknowledged it to himself. He realizes that Santiago is right and that he is not using his understanding of alchemy to its fullest potential. More importantly, Santiago now tries to accept that dying tomorrow in an attempt to save innocent lives and pursue his Personal Legend would be no worse than dying on some other day in the future. Struggling with distance learning? The Englishman is on his way to the desert oasis of Al-Fayoum in Egypt to find a 200-year-old master alchemist rumored to know the secret of turning lead to gold. priest. He has become rich by working for the merchant. Santiago sees the desert and the caravan as two entities communicating and speaking the same language—and able to work together. These characters give up because of fear and a lack of belief in themselves. The appearance of the pyramids is moving, but we already sense that the journey itself was Santiago’s Personal Legend more so than his arrival at this destination. Prologue Summary. The lake is weeping, and the goddess assumes that the lake misses Narcissus’s beauty. He tells his followers that the only God he serves is Allah, and he swears on Allah that he will do everything possible to protect the people in his caravan. The alchemist’s words about what enters men’s mouths versus what comes out of them is almost a direct quote from Jesus in the Bible. The absence of any instruments in the alchemist’s tent reinforces the idea that in the novel, at least, alchemy is about much more than just processing metals—it is a more powerful kind of magic and spiritual wisdom, and a metaphor for life itself. The typical ending of the legend is changed; a goddess appears and talks to the lake in which Narcissus drowned. Santiago eats and buys a new book in Tarifa. Summary . This is another example of a glimpse of the future that seems already “written,” but which is only provided in order that Santiago might have the choice of how to affect that future. The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho is about a boy named Santiago. The alchemist’s power clearly extends beyond the traditional practices of an alchemist. (including. Fatima seemingly has no independent agency or interests of her own. Santiago laughs in disbelief, and agrees to swear that he will share his Santiago has already learned more about simplicity and interconnectedness, two themes of the novel, through this brief study of alchemy. After listening to the dream, the dream interpreter says she will not charge This extremely restricted role for the only real female character has raised sexism concerns in criticism of the novel. The Alchemist Paulo Coelho Translated by Alan R. Clarke. One for the monk, one for Santiago, one for himself, and the fourth one for the monk to keep safe for Santiago in case he ever needs it. The alchemist confirms what Santiago has practiced all along, however— real learning occurs through experience and observation of the world. Part II of The Alchemist shows Santiago encountering two more setbacks before he can reach his destination. Santiago experiences hardship, love, and friendship. The gypsy also keeps an image of Christ, which suggests that all faiths In turn, Santiago wants to read more about alchemy. Published 1992. Everything on his journey seems to be working together to teach Santiago new lessons. During their conversation, the old man introduces himself as Melchizedek and Summary and Analysis Part 2: Epilogue Summary Santiago arrives at the abandoned church in his native Andalusia, to which he was able to return with the gold that the alchemist … The crystal merchant is grouchy and the work is tedious. Alchemist Part 2 Study Guide. palm reading serves as the initial indication that Santiago enters into uncharted The old man says that if Santiago gives him one tenth of his sheep, he Santiago demonstrates the courage the alchemist was looking for—a quality the alchemist had to test for himself. Santiago immediately accepts the idea that he and Fatima are meant to be together—but we don’t see Fatima’s side of the story yet. 4 Part One Section Two – Achieve Your Personal Legend. The alchemist offers to cross the desert with Santiago. Both Santiago and the Englishman know about the Universal Language, but the Englishman has not been paying attention to its use in the desert. The wind is proud and tries to help if only to prove its own abilities, but it must also admit defeat and acknowledge that there are others more powerful to whom Santiago should appeal. Part 2 Summary~ 4/13/2013 3 Comments Santiago works hard for almost a year. The camel driver only arrived at his present philosophy by first directly confronting his obsession with the future. This sensation of being overwhelmed by the greatness of God is relatable and important to others, and is in fact yet another story from the Bible. The chieftain’s decision is teaching him to take full responsibility for his actions, and even if this kills him, Santiago feels that he has done the right thing. He has become rich by working for the merchant. Previous Next . The Alchemist (Coelho) Summary and Analysis of Part One, Section One. Religion is often a divisive force in the world, but here Coelho suggests that it can also serve to bring people together—particularly in a harsh environment like the desert. He does not need to use magic, alchemy, or appeal to the Soul of the World to send the tribesmen on their way. The next day, three armed tribesmen approach. him for her service, but that she wants ten percent of the treasure when he finds The Englishman is changed even by his brief encounter with the alchemist. It’s suggested that the desert is a very effective teacher of the Language of the World. In Part One of the novel, Santiago passes the night with his flock of sheep in an abandoned church. He is an entirely mysterious figure for now, one who seems both wise and detached from the fleeting world of humanity. Serve candy in the glass cups. The word “maktub” appears throughout the novel, and acknowledges the theme of omens and divine intervention. From The Alchemist Code Wiki. The alchemist warns him that he will be tested, in order to put his new learning to use, before his quest is finalized. she will still charge him if he leaves early. At times, he has been sidetracked or diverted, but he continues to move toward his goal. There's a serious battle nearby, and wounded and dead soldiers are returned to the camp. But Melchizedek begins to change The alchemist thus suggests that connecting with the Soul of the World can teach anyone anything he would need to know about alchemy. Before traveling to northern Africa, he studied Esperanto, an international language, then religions of the world, and finally alchemy. Santiago is not satisfied with working for the crystal merchant and the slow pace of income. The Alchemist Part 2, Section 1 Summary & Analysis. Santiago’s initial desire to protect his stones shows that he learned his lesson with the thief and is not inclined to flaunt his possessions. Santiago picks the ideal person to share his vision with: the camel driver, who is not afraid of the future, and who also understands the idea of omens. Santiago guesses the old man works It will continue to be an important part of the book, especially as it is connected to the principles of alchemy. Throughout the novel, Santiago sees other characters who have given up on their Personal Legends, from the baker in the square to the crystal merchant. What is Santiago's plan when he leaves the crystal merchant? Perfect for acing essays, tests, and quizzes, as well as for writing lesson plans. Fatima’s tearful farewell and her happiness about continuing to wait for another man to return show little real personality or vitality on her part. Part 2. The way in which his heart reveals the place to look for his treasure shows the importance of emotion in Santiago’s quest. This free study guide is stuffed with the juicy details and important facts you need to know. It’s suggested that the Englishman has also encountered Melchizedek, in one form or another. When all the supporting characters are listed like this they seem even more archetypal—like lessons and experiences existing for Santiago’s sake, more than living humans in their own right. The man reflects that perhaps they are asking about a certain powerful man, whom not even the tribal chieftains are able to see when they wish to. The merchant treats him well, but Santiago wishes to accelerate his savings. It is once again unclear where “Santiago” ends and “Santiago’s heart” begins, as the heart has suddenly entered as a new and distinctive voice in the narrative. After reaffirming his love to Fatima, Santiago sets across the desert with the alchemist. When they drink the tea from the beautiful crystal glasses, they are impressed and buy some crystal. This presentation of cultural differences regarding women shows that Santiago and the Englishman are now truly in an environment that is foreign to them, and they are faced with other ways of thinking than those they’re familiar with. LitCharts assigns a color and icon to each theme in. He seems to be on a similar quest to Santiago, or at least is learning about similar ideas (like the universal language). After a month in the crystal store, Santiago realizes it will take a year to make enough money. He sets out on a … The oasis as neutral territory will be challenged in the novel, but its portrayal as a haven and site of common human decency persists. Part 2, Section 1 Summary. Summary. This love is presented as beyond Santiago’s control, and written by the Hand That Wrote All. ISBN 0-7225-3293-8. The caravan travels day and night, and the animals are exhausted from being pushed at a faster pace. Santiago arrives at the abandoned church in his native Andalusia, to which he was able to return with the gold that the alchemist left him at the desert monastery. During the dream, a child tells him to seek treasure at the foot of the Egyptian pyramids. Santiago is naturally shaken by this encounter, but then (as always) he learns a lesson from his reaction, realizing that his alarm comes from a fear of death. From the creators of SparkNotes, something better. He lost everything from his previous life through no fault of his own—a fact that seems to contradict Coelho’s claim about the “greatest lie in the world.” The concepts of fate and free will need not be contradictory, though. The desert has a worldview that is just as narrow as any person’s. When a metal is changed to another state, this is circumventing its Personal Legend. Students. the gypsy and Melchizedek, Santiago glimpses possibilities for his life that he had He offers to build a display case for outside the store and address’s the merchant’s reticence by recycling Melchizedek’s philosophies. The caravan begins to travel faster, and the days and nights are passed in silence. She says that she knows the treasure really exists The wind (like the desert) has a distinct personality and philosophy of its own, and is unable to see the “bigger picture” of its role in the entirety of creation. This evolution and transformation is thus ultimately an act of love. Santiago sees himself and the wind as equal and connected because they were both made by the same hand, but the wind is more resistant to helping Santiago because of its sense of its own superiority. approaches him. Ooh, cozy! The chieftains speak amongst themselves in an Arabic dialect that. Santiago and the crystal merchant share more than the usual boss-employee relationship. This experience caused him to convert to the faith of the rabbi. He is reading a chemical journal, reflecting his new focus on alchemy. The Alchemist Summary. Santiago reflects on the further problem of the caravan staying indefinitely at the oasis, but because of the camel driver’s teaching, Santiago tries to see this “delay” as just another part of the journey, unlike his time with the crystal merchant in Tangier, which nearly derailed him from his quest. “To realize one’s destiny is a person’s only obligation” The … More wisdom from the camel driver helps calm Santiago’s concern about the threat of the war, and teaches him to do each thing in its own time. In the meantime, his observations of the dying soldier and his friend reinforce the theme of the relative unimportance of death and fear. says he is the King of Salem. Santiago works hard for almost a year. (He has known from reading the various omens of the desert that there is someone in the caravan who is seeking him out.) 4.1 Personal Legends Explained. Melchizedek had said that he appears when someone is about to give up on his or her Personal Legend, so the fact that Santiago suddenly feels his presence means that Santiago is at a crossroads. From an outside perspective, Santiago now seems very powerful and frightening indeed. The camel driver has the same perspective on the tribal wars as he did on the loss of his previous life. This shows that the Englishman, like Santiago, knows what his Personal Legend is and has been seeking it with conviction. The idea of the weapons having a “spirit” also relates to the interconnectedness of all things, and to the concept of even inanimate objects being alive in some way and speaking a universal language. The Englishman spent a decade at a university trying to find the one true language of the universe. says he controlled his destiny by becoming a shepherd instead of a He is a shepherd, an Andalusian one, whose destiny sets into motion when he decides to seek the meaning of his recurring dream which he believes to be prophetic. Santiago decides to go ahead and Occasionally, the caravan encounters another group traveling in the desert. want a palm reading. Summary . choose between remaining a relatively adventurous Spanish shepherd and breaking out His Personal Legend is, after all, something he desires and wants to achieve, and supposedly something that God wants him to achieve as well. Their opulence is reflective of their success and security, which depends on the oasis remaining as a neutral zone. Paulo Coelho. will tell him how to find the hidden treasure. daughter. Prologue ; Part 1 ; Part 2 ... Flashcards; Biography of Paulo Coelho; Book Notes > The Alchemist > Part 2; The Alchemist. As part of a caravan, the alchemist picks up someone’s book and reads a story about Narcissus. The Alchemist study guide contains a biography of author Paulo Coelho, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. greatest lie,” that nobody can choose his own fate, or “Personal Legend.” Santiago happy and successful, if somewhat complacent, young shepherd. Sometimes men appear and share information about thieves and warring tribes. seen, and though Santiago may be something of an adventurer compared to his parents Previous Next . it. In the Prologue, ... “What a lovely story,” the alchemist thinks. At last the two main characters of the book meet, and it seems that Santiago has reached the next step of his spiritual journey. shepherd. Created by. Santiago still only knows how to listen or speak, so he does his best and speaks directly to the desert. Santiago tries to follow both the advice of the alchemist and the camel driver and not dwell on either the past or the future. They're like having in-class notes for every discussion!”, “This is absolutely THE best teacher resource I have ever purchased. He lives according to his own choice to pursue the Masterwork, rather than being guided by fear. When he was a boy, Santiago feared being captured by and the people around him, he may still resemble his sheep. Nothing is different about the day when Santiago chooses to leave his job at the crystal shop, but he feels it is the right time. The Englishman’s quest for the alchemist reintroduces the key character and namesake of the novel. He wonders if the crystal merchant’s situation is potentially more desirable than trying to follow your Personal Legend and failing. Summary. importance on his dreams. The move of selling tea in the crystal shop is the perfect marketing ploy, reflecting the importance of observing the world around you and listening to “omens.” This is one of the lessons repeated throughout the book. disappointed but relieved he didn’t have to pay anything. Paragraphs 1-190 A shepherd boy named Santiago falls asleep with his sheep in an abandoned church. beyond Santiago’s scope. Find a summary of this and each chapter of The Alchemist! They are also able, perhaps more so than people, to communicate through the universal language. The angel takes him far into the future, into a room surrounded by thousands of people speaking. Santiago can recognize the Englishman’s introverted nature, and immediately proves himself a kindred spirit by taking out a book of his own instead of pursuing a conversation. He may have chosen to be a shepherd instead of a priest, Summary Santiago and the Englishman join the caravan, which consists of over two hundred people. The alchemist contains the cobra with his first magical act. Santiago realizes that his sheep entirely live in the moment, and therefore are able to be happy with each new place and new turn of events. LitCharts Teacher Editions. Soon afterward, Santiago is confronted by a black-garbed, veiled stranger with a sword, who sits atop a white horse. Summary: Starting from Part 2 of the book, Santiago begins work under a crystal merchant after having left with nothing. In his dream, Santiago is in a field with his sheep when a child starts to The alchemist finally uses the practical skills of alchemy in the Coptic monastery. He says to the Son of God, “my Lord, I am not worthy that you should come under my roof, but only speak a word and my servant will be healed.”. By Paulo Coelho. Santiago tells the truth about his quest to the stranger—not because he especially trusts the stranger, but rather because he has grown more confident in himself. Santiago’s feelings about arriving at the oasis are tempered by his awareness of the long journey beyond this haven. It's not exactly his dream job, but he's making enough money to save up for his sheep. The crystal merchant doesn’t like change, and he knows that Santiago’s ideas will change his business and disrupt what has become the norm for him. How does he describe … believes he got away easy by promising the gypsy one tenth of a supposed treasure While the alchemist symbolizes the achievement of Personal Legends, two characters in the story symbolize the dissipation of Personal Legends: the baker and the crystal merchant. Upon relating his dream of being The scarab beetle (a sacred creature to the ancient Egyptians) is a mysterious omen that at first seems to be leading Santiago on a false trail. Santiago’s confrontation with the mysterious horseman demonstrates that he has fully absorbed the lessons of the camel driver, as well as the concept of his Personal Legend. Ooh, cozy! When faced with God himself, the man spoke of his own worthlessness. Santiago’s surprise, the old man knows the book. While working he helped the merchant get more and more business by offering ideas and new services. most other books, because it describes how people end up believing “the world’s It dismisses that which it cannot do. Find out what happens in our Part 1 summary for The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. Sometimes as it travels, the caravan has to go around a boulder or rocky area, but whenever they make a major detour they still continue in generally the same direction. The two begin talking as they wait for the caravan to depart. Read time: 15 min. Buy Study Guide. And normally he doesn’t know it” The Alchemist. Rears up on its hind legs accelerate his savings which Spanish shepherd Santiago of... Caravan encounters another group traveling in the Koran, is hungry for more of the world around him gives. 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