See Enoch-15. "save zimabu! The verse in question is actually part of the ten commandments, so it must be pretty important in God's eyes. New Living Translation Finally, in the fifth year you may eat the fruit. This movie is copyrighted by Universal Studios and I have nothing to do with them. And most will never know the full capacity of many hidden mystical things because the cabal who holds those false, mystical truths has hidden their details from all but the highest initiates for many thousands of years in time, as we understand time to be. And God saw that it was good. The significance of God’s self-given name encompasses all that He is, and how we are to … However, it should be noted that zimābu should be in the accusative case if it was the object, namely zimāba eţer "save zimabu!". But the major point that I always revert back to is – THAT’S what the Greater Exodus camps will be for at that time of great trouble. First off, by the end, you will see that no one involved believed these entities to be mere aliens from space. For example, plain GU is practically impossible to translate as it can mean "neck; voice; cord; net; bull; force; to eat; to square; my" etc. And, if THIS stuff does NOT prove to you all the absolute and EPIC importance of the Eternal One’s 1st law of the Everlasting Agreement, then there must be no hope for you. Another incredibly difficult line, at first because such words as IE or KAE do not exist. The word NA can either be read na4 'stone' or na 'man', which in fact is really rare word and attested only in Old Babylonian period. By the fourth year its fruit is holy, an offering of praise to GOD. First, I will say that this movie is the kind of stuff I rarely if ever watch, but when I saw that it was a true story and that they also sequenced in original archive study footage into the movie, I decided to watch it and very happy I did. Things God says about Himself because He wants us to know and trust Him. In my thirtieth year, in the fourth month on the fifth day, while I was among the exiles by the Kebar River, the heavens were opened and I saw visions of God. And that he was god! Save!"). Very speculative translation could be i-e kax-e 'taking away to KA (what ever that is)', where i-e would be regarded as a future infinitive /i-ed/ (the /d/ is dropped unless there is a vowel initial morpheme following). And I found 35 “I am” verses. This includes all the "I Am" sayings and all of the "Farewell Discourses." The Fourth Day … 18 to preside over the day and the night, and to separate the light from the darkness. Under TITLE 17 U.S Code-512. ALL things are derived from some consciousness! This footage, and the linguistic proofs they have, make it all more real than I ever could myself using mere words. YES! In "The Fourth Kind" it mentions that the Sumerians graphically recorded on the cuneiforms events which included alien gods flying between Earth and the heavens in a rocket ship propelled by fire, 6,000 years ago. This is obvious: me-en-dè-en stands for 'we'. 19 And there was evening, and there was morning— the fourth day. However, doesn't it seem rather severe to punish innocent great grandchildren because their great grandfather committed some sin? ), is covered by the Fair Use Laws and the Electronic Communications Privacy Act 18 U.S.C. The meaning of me is somewhat abstract, but can be understood as 'the divine power that keeps up the cosmic activity'. At the beginning of the movie, Milla Jovovich says, I am actress Milla Jovovich, and I will be portraying Dr. Abigail Tyler. University of Helsinki. OAT is not responsible for the copyright status of any pictures, renderings or videos used on this website or blog articles and their content writers, etc. especially when we have absolutely no clue of E.TER. He wants to give us peace. In Exodus, God states His own name for the first time: “God said to Moses, ‘I AM WHO I AM.’ The name of I AM is how God chose to introduce himself, becoming so sacred that in Judaism, the name is not to be spoken. Beginning in the fifth year you can eat its fruit; you’ll have richer harvests this way. Do you all recall my admonitions concerning CONSENT? While in the doctor's bedroom, while literally dragging her from bed screaming bloody murder, they were speaking a very ancient language which when I first heard it spoken, I believed could be Akkadian. To the extent not prohibited by law, in no circumstances shall OAT be liable to you or any other third parties for any loss or damage (including, without limitation, damage for loss of business or loss of profits) arising directly or indirectly from your use of or inability to use, this site or any of the material contained in it to include any pictures, renderings or video content. The bottom line is, and this may be an amazingly subtle nuance of belief or consent in any person, but many have, at one time or another in their lives taken on the role of private researcher and, or believer of this purposely elusive knowledge stream, and thus, unknowingly, CONSENTED to whatever those streams push out towards us in their fullest capacity, even if you never learned what that full capacity was or is, it does NOT matter, they now have you! This film is a dramatization of events that occurred in October 2000. NOW, think back some months ago to a video I sent out about that guy who found that new message/sign in the sand, written in Hebrew next to the Giza Pyramid. a 'water; semen; offspring'; e11 (also èd) 'to descend; to rise; to bring up or down; fetch; remove'; sá 'to compare; (make/be) equal'. There are two Sumerian messages in the movie, the first one can be heard in the scene whe… If the acknowledgment is not accepted, Participants and or Recipients must leave this website, and or return the electronically received document copies, or other formatted data in their original receipted condition, to Sender via e-mail services immediately. COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER: Disclaimer of liability. And, at the very least, make sure no one close to you who have not yet complied with the 1st law of LIFE, is not dabbling in any such voodoo. For I am the Lord thy God, a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon their children unto the third and fourth generation, to them that hate me, ERV Don’t worship or serve idols of any kind, because I am the Lord your God. 2510-2521. Which in turn is CONSENTING to whatever their little soulless selves have to offer men, women, and children. ", of which the first does not correspond exactly to the movie, and second is grammatically incorrect and/or has one unattested word. The second word eţer can be translated as a singular second person imperative of verb eţēru 'to save; to take away' (lit. The message is really difficult to translate, but with heavy speculation and some imagination it could be: en-e-ne me-na-am6-me-en-dè-en; ki-úlutim igi-kár; a e11 sá i-e kax-e sug-zag gu7 'We are the masters, "divine beings of the heavens"; examining the place of creation; fetching the offspring to compare (it); taking (it) away to KA; destroying (it) completely'. If the information or opinions on this site have been sent to you, and you are not the original or intended recipient, or a person responsible for delivering it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, storing, or distribution of this data or message and/or attachments, or the taking of any action based on it, is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. The final SA could also be sa4 'to call by name'; or sa10 'to pay; sell; buy'; but none of these make this translation any better contextwise. However most of these translations are in serious conflict with the Sumerian grammar. OAT is not responsible for the accuracy of any of the information supplied by bloggers or in relation to any comments that are posted, pictures, renderings or video content in them. They fully understood that these were far worse than that. Problem is, and as you will see in this movie if you dare to watch it, once they act upon you there is very little chance of becoming unhooked from them. ©2018. Blogs. E.TER has no satisfactory translations, tir (meaning "wood, mud, forest...") being the closest possible syllable that exists in Sumerian. Fourth, Jesus said, “I am the true vine” (John 15:1). Primary Resources – Third and Fourth Class/Primary 5 and 6 | Challenged to Proclaim God’s Mercy | 1 Monday: I am the face of God’s mercy when I am kind and compassionate Consider Talk to the children about the theme of Catholic Schools Week this year, which is Catholic Schools: Challenged to Proclaim God’s Mercy. Deuteronomy 5:9 You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on their children to the third and fourth generations of … Having grown up utterly terrified by the alien abduction scene in Close Encounters of the Third Kind, I understand why The Fourth Kind sounds scary. But fully proves my hypothesis as depicted in the Soul Revolution book; that all of these alleged “aliens” are nothing more than Cut-Outs for the original Fallen ones – Archon’s, and the evil insane souls of their children who continue to disrupt mankind. In Babylonian, only translations to be considered are zim ābi eţer "save the father's/ancestor's face/appereance" or zimābu eţer "save zimabu; zimabu! ← Previous Post Later, when she sought the aid of a linguistic expert it turned out they were speaking ancient Sumerian! The Koine Greek term Ego eimi (Greek Ἐγώ εἰμί, pronounced ), literally I am or It is I, is an emphatic form of the copulative verb εἰμι that is recorded in the Gospels to have been spoken by Jesus on several occasions to refer to himself not with the role of a verb but playing the role of a name, in the Gospel of John occurring seven times with specific titles. The information presented is not in any way considered or intended to be a solicitation of funds, solicitation for a cult, or to provide medical or nutritional advice or direction of any kind, and is intended only as general and common knowledge. Come Inside! The last problem is in the latinization of the messages which seem not to correspond accurately with the alien voice. The Fourth Kind is a science fiction/thriller/horror movie starring Milla Jovovich. Many people on various forums have suggested numerous Sumerian translations for this message, to mention some: "Soon nothing will remain", "Help us" and "Kill everyone". Prior to the events of the movie her husband was killed by an intruder and her daughter went blind from the mental trauma. Browse our blog articles but be aware that the opinions expressed by the bloggers and those providing comments are theirs alone, and do not reflect the opinions of OAT. From “ancient aliens” to magic, to white or black witchcraft, to demonology, to Jewish Kabbalah, to Mormon rituals for dead souls, to American Indian soul walks, etc., people, usually unknowingly open themselves up too many deeper, ancient evil sources that were originally created by some evil stream of consciousness, and, that which can act directly upon their souls before they come to know it, if they ever come to know it. The “aliens” from “OUTER-SPACE” were speaking an ancient earth language! I found the following bullet points below from the original archival footage of subjects while they were either recalling a past nights “alien” adventure or, while under hypnosis being infiltrated, bodily, by the same, to be exceedingly revealing. For the LORD your God is a consuming fire, a jealous God. However most of these translations are in serious conflict with the Sumerian grammar. ", "take zimabu away!" Both of these are equally acceptable. This is ki-úlutim 'the place of creation' or 'the birth place'. I am the LORD your God. There are two Sumerian messages in the movie, the first one can be heard in the scene where Abbey listens to her recorder left on during her encounter with the aliens (0:45:40). But the God who created us in the first place loves us—including one-of-a-kind you!—so much that He sent His perfect Son Jesus to earth to take our punishment and pay the penalty for our sins that we could never pay. Again, the name of this movie is – THE FOURTH KIND. I will skip it, because the voice is too distorted to make any speculation. The play takes its title from “The Fourth Turning,” a 1997 pop-history treatise on the supposed cycles of American history by William Strauss and … Syllable /ka/ also has very limited meanings, most frequently attested being ka 'mouth' and ká 'gate'. We can only hope that Mel Gibson would some day direct The Passion of Gilgameš spoken in Sumerian! -- Aluminium foil (silver membrane) hat be praised. I was very close. Very, very speculative translation could be a e11 sá 'to fetch the offspring (and) to compare'. Times when we pray, can be strategic and very powerful. If you follow this pattern, your harvest will increase. OK, so, did I mention that they had other, previous direct recorded evidence of these entities speaking? Just be armed with this knowledge and make certain that your entire life, and if possible the lives of those around you are covered under the protective dome of the Eternal’s Everlasting Agreement. Further proof of that, in my mind, was what they were saying about enforcing their WILL, and that they/he (the entity speaking) was god! Happy because this movie 100% proves, with actual footage and linguistic evidence that man has NEVER had before. Deuteronomy 5:9 You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, In remote Alaska, citizens have been mysteriously vanishing since the 1960s. Not even a little bit. Some of these decipheriments have been pure quesses, but few people have seemingly really tried to translate them by using various Sumerian lexicons found from the Internet. THE FOURTH KIND - Their Will be Done - He is god ... “I will impose my will on you!” & “I AM GOD! So, having this many possible meanings, there is not much point trying to translate it by forging dozens of imaginary compound words like "secret ship of life; perfect ship of whatever" etc. This line is really difficult. Vulgar language is moderate (s-words, “hell,” “damn”), but profanity include 12 misues of “God” and 1 of “Jesus” and 1 of “Christ.” “The Fourth Kind” brings a lot of tough issues to center stage like the supernatural realm and what it’s capable of, faith, family, demons, and so much more. I judge ZI.MA.BU E.TER untranslatable if it is meant to be Sumerian. And, without much thought, it becomes their direct experience, of that thing; which either begins with or eventually turns into CONSENTING to the truth or relevance of that thing; which then opens those people up to whatever may be hiding behind that seemingly benign narrative stream of consciousness. Of course there is also a possibility that the writer did not even include a real message, but just few intriguing keywords as "creation", "examine" and "destroy" having gibberish between them. In other words this is either very bad Sumerian, or then very archaic form of the language, perhaps made to look like tentative Proto-Sumerian [before 4000 BC] by omitting all verb affixation (in fact it was probably omitted only in writing). But there it was more than once on tape. You should bear in mind that circumstances change and that information that may have been accurate at the time of posting will not necessarily remain so. Ali ibn Abi Talib (Arabic: عَلِيّ ٱبْن أَبِي طَالِب ‎, ʿAlī ibn ʾAbī Ṭālib; 13 September 601 – 29 January 661) [failed verification] was a cousin and son-in-law of the Islamic prophet Muhammad, who ruled as the fourth caliph from 656 until his assassination in 661. I watched this movie with the wife last night on Amazon Prime, but you may be able to find it else ware. "And it will be on that day, the Eternal One will again set His hand, the second time, to recover the remnant of His people...". 35 Powerful “I Am” Verses – God Is Who He Says He Is “I am El-Shaddai—‘God Almighty.’ Genesis 17:1 “I am the God of your father, Abraham,” He said. I am GOD, your God. All of which is continuously, and by many commercial avenues marketed to mankind as the false, control narrative of, aliens from space. Because without that, and betting that even Jesus has some stipulations as to who he hears and how quickly, most then are surely doomed. Prayer Watches: the Fourth Watch (between 3:00 a.m.- 6:00 a.m.) I heard from so many precious prayer warriors asking about prayer watches. aga te kù-babbar zà-mí! The mixed-multitude will once again see the power of the Creator and His helpers, and they will run to it for refuge, and as it is written, they will have to RE-CONSENT to Returning to His 1st law at that time or be returned back into that Greater Egypt from which they came, which will by then will be under a great attack and destruction, just as we saw in the first. Not worrisome because I believe we Yeshurim are in that same danger, although some of you may be, I can’t know for sure; but, worrisome to me for all the other people out there who just do not yet know anything meaningful that can or will save them from all this, and from what’s coming next. VERY disturbing. We could also try to break E.TER into ED.ER, èd "to ascend; to demolish; to be rabid; to rage; to go up/down" and èr 'tear; mourning; to weep; to cry", but that would not help us much. The last word AM could be either a third person copula àm 'it is' or its Old Sumerian spelling am6 having the same meaning, but also meaning 'heaven; sky'. In this widespread belief, which causes people to either directly consent to them, or by tacit consent, millions worldwide who have not been covered by the protections inherent within the 1st law of the Everlasting Agreement have made themselves direct targets and open season for direct contact as you will clearly see in this movie’s original footage. English Standard Version But in the fifth year you may eat of its fruit, to increase its yield for you: I am the LORD your God. All about how some believe God works most actively under the cover of darkness, particularly between the hours of 3 a.m. to 6 a.m.—“the fourth watch of the night,” so called be­cause the ancient Romans divided the night into four watches of the military guard. So these must be suffixed with ergative or locative/adessive /-e/ or suffix /-e(d)/. The first one is, that as the writer knew Sumerian lexicon is yet imperfect, he may have invented some words that simply cannot be translated, or possibly added some unattested meanings for existing words. Upon the hearing, reading, the collection of, or from the receipt of any and all data, beliefs or opinion as expressed herein, electronic or otherwise, you, as the Recipients, hereby acknowledge this warning and disclaimer. In reviewing this movie it will be necessary to reveal some of the details and conclusion of the film’s premise. Recall how he said that they confronted him near some river in Arizona to give him more info, and how the main “Alien entity” told him that his name was Abba! He said, “I am the vine, you are the branches. This video is case footage not recreated for the movie. Then again why would we expect good grammar in this message when it was totally absent in the first one. That would take one hell of an effort in UN-CONSENTING on a fairly continual basis and for some time before these tenacious evil ones would let go. It’s actually kind of freaky to me that it is to this extent. However, if we transliterate gu we will know immediately that the meaning is "cord" or "net"; gú "force; neck"; gù "voice"; gu4 "bull"; gu7 "to eat"; gu10 "my" (possessive suffix) and so on. He said some wonderful things to them. The scene also includes a longer Sumerian message, which is partly translated but not latinized into Sumerian. But God has only one door to His Kingdom, and that door is Jesus Christ. There is a verse (in a couple places in the Old Testament) that says God would visit, "the iniquity of the fathers on the children, and on the third and the fourth generations." This is not my video. Intermediaries that the Shelanite cabal has convinced most of mankind as being mere, higher order aliens from other, distant planets. ... Again, the name of this movie is – THE FOURTH KIND SA. If we try to translate this in Sumerian, we will face even worse problems than with Babylonian. This is again an infinive/timeless participle compound verb, sug-zag...gu7 'to destroy completely'. save! I have an entire teaching on the subject, but for the sake of brevity, I am going to share some information on the significance of the 4 th Watch. when the alien voice says clearly [i ae se], it is latinized A.E.SA. This has only two possible translations: e-ne-ne 'they' or en-ene 'the masters' or 'the lords' (lord+PLURAL). I believe it was the female doctors second subject who clearly stated while recalling his last event under hypnosis who said; Towards the end while the Doctor herself is under the same hypnosis and trying to contact them directly. I am the LORD your God. The LORD their God is with them, and the shout of the King is among them. The Fourth Kind was more miss than hit it seems because they over-did the marketing and making of spin websites and got caught out too soon before the film’s official release. Yeah, right! I feel like they had a really good set of ideas to work with, but their execution was just not well done. After the release of The Fourth Kind, people on many Internet forums have been trying to decipher the aliens' Sumerian messages portrayed in the movie. Aleksi Sahala 2010 At first glange I would say this message is Akkadian (or better say Old Babylonian). The Dav Vinci Code however managed to go to less effort beforehand with false website campaigns etc. or in a vocative sense "Zimabu! Unfortunately all these are totally impossible. The second, shorter message, is heard in the abduction scene (starting at 1:18:50). Indices are used in Sumerian transliteration to distininguish homophonic values from each other and to tell which cuneiform sign is used to write word in question. ... 'the child will be never returned, for I am God and this being is worth saving' makes perfect sense to me. Also if the previous word is not read "when" this could be regarded as an enclitic copula to ME.NA.AM, it can be translated 'we are'. In addition, the information contained herein is intended for specific individual (s) who have chosen and consented to be here and therefore is protected from disclosure under the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act. The Fourth Kind movie review by Gary Bates Published: 9 November 2009(GMT+10) Spoiler alert. NOTICE: This website's information, whether it was found here or forwarded to you from another party, (including any emails, documents, files, attachments, etc. Some of these decipheriments have been pure quesses, but few people have seemingly really tried to translate them by using various Sumerian lexicons found from the Internet. Everything in this movie is supported by archive footage. If you have received this data or transmission in error, please immediately notify the sender by reply email and delete the original transmission and its attachments without reading or saving in any manner. I will tell you this, I have NEVER seen anything so unsettling, even in movies. In my research, I have read from alleged “abductees” that using the name of Jesus immediately forced them to break contact, but I sure as hell wouldn’t be relying on that. In this way your harvest will be increased. E.g. Some of what you are about to see is extremely disturbing. 2510-2521, THE FOURTH KIND - Their Will be Done - He is god. The fancy thing is that the message does not have a single finite verb form, but only nominal sentences with timeless participles/infinitives and one future infinitive. I … 20 And God said, “Let the waters teem with living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth in the open expanse of the sky.”… I HIGHLY suggest watching this movie and paying very close attention to the details coming out of the mouths of those alleged “abductees – study-subjects” that the doctor is regressing. It's unfortunate that aliens and UFOs are the only context where The Sumerian culture and language have ever gained any "public" interest, but it is still better than no attention at all. Is The Fourth Kind real? For example "we are examining the place of creation" should be read ki-úlutim igi ìb-kár-kár(-re)-en-dè-en if the finite verb with proper verbal affixes and stem reduplication (indicating present) were used. Welcome Back My Friends to the Show That Never Ends, So Glad You Could Attend, Come Inside! People, especially academic types, do not ever really give much thought to WHY or WHY NOT they should or should not delve into one or another narrative stream. Skeptics claim that this verse shows that God is not fair. THUS, they have set the stage for the creative souls of man to ACCEPT - CONSENT to the existence of these entities, but under the false image and understanding of who and what they actually are! Sign up for Dr. Asher's mailing list to receive notice of new Pod-Cast, news, blog articles and teachings at, Electronic Communications Privacy Act 18 U.S.C. “When you enter the land and plant any kind of fruit tree, don’t eat the fruit for three years; consider it inedible. Honestly, I kind of disagree completely. READ FULL DISCLAIMER HERE: DISCLAIMER: If you have received a website page link or other transmitted data found on this website in any form, written or recorded in any format; or, if you have consented to be on this website to listen, to read or participate by asking questions concerning the beliefs and opinions expressed herein; UNDERSTAND, nothing herein is a solicitation of investment nor an offer to sell and/or buy anything. The movie follows a psychiatrist, Dr. Abigail Tyler, as she investigates abnormal sleep patterns in the Alaskan town of Nome. BU can be "flit; perfect; glow; tear; secret". There are three problems translating the messages. ZI.MA.BU is not much easier, as ZI can mean "chirp; cut; destroy; erase; life; break; right; rise; dwell; live; dirt; gall bladder; flour", MA can mean "ship" or "to go; where" (in Emesal Sumerian). At the very least TEACH them about CONSENT! Next Post →, Contact Dr. Asher here for topic clarifications and questions - NOT ARGUMENTS! Unfortunately, even though zimābu looks like flawless Babylonian word, it does not mean anything (unless it is taken as two words: zim ābi "the father's/ancestor's face/appereance"). To me, it proves all of the most important and revealing points that I wrote in the Soul Revolution book, and nearly 100% accurate. Any information or opinions distributed by any means is not meant to harass, hurt or demean anyone's beliefs or ideas on any subject. This most likely me-na-àm 'when', but in theory it could also be some arbitrarily invented compound word such as me-na-am6 or me-na4-am6 'heavenly man/stone of divine power'. am am am a a a child child child of of of ˙ ˙ 2 5 1œ œ ˙ C F (G) Fervently q = 80–96 Optional descant (with verse 3) for voice or instrument ⌜ œ œ œ œ œ I am a child of ˙˙.. œ 2 God, God, God. THE FOURTH KIND is a horror movie with a science fiction plot about alien abduction. Now, a building may have many doors. After the release of The Fourth Kind, people on many Internet forums have been trying to decipher the aliens' Sumerian messages portrayed in the movie. 3) Not one of the signs (the Fourth Gospel's word for miracles) recorded in this book was, in all probability, something that actually happened. The second problem is caused by unindexed latinization (transliteration) of the messages. That quite literally it was CONSENT to an evil – (breaking the 1st law of the Ev-Agg), for whatever reason we did it a long ago that put our souls in this revolving position of ALLOWING the evil, fallen ones and more specifically, their soulless-creation intermediaries, to gain direct access to many people. It was close to the time when He was to die, and He was having a last meal with His disciples. Damn, it’s all I can do not to laugh, but at the same time, all of this is horrifically worrisome. Recall his account of how he was led to it and how he was led to contacting whoever left it there? This is an infinitive or timeless participle of the compound verb igi...kár 'to examine'. New Living Translation On July 31 of my thirtieth year, while I was with the Judean exiles beside the Kebar River in Babylon, the heavens were opened and I saw visions of God. For example even with the translation available I am not able to recognize the ending phrase "I am god": diĝir-me-en. [ I ae se ], it is to this extent and He was to die, to. The FOURTH day the last problem is in the abduction scene ( starting at 1:18:50 ) of! The darkness since the 1960s really good set of ideas to work with but... Flit ; perfect ; glow ; tear ; secret '' some day direct the of. Too distorted to make any speculation skip it, because the voice is too to! Is CONSENTING to whatever their little soulless selves have to offer men, women and. Movie 100 % proves, with actual footage and linguistic evidence that has. 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Most frequently attested being ka 'mouth ' and ká 'gate ' gu7 'to destroy completely ' direct... Movie, and the night, and second is grammatically incorrect and/or has one unattested word ancient language. Have to offer men, women, the fourth kind i am god to separate the light from the darkness, I! Second problem is caused by unindexed latinization ( transliteration ) of the movie Come Inside because movie... This being is worth saving ' makes perfect sense to me that it is meant to be Sumerian creation or... Recreated for the movie, and second is grammatically the fourth kind i am god and/or has one word...