This parallel speaks to the way history repeats itself.... how wars never change. The Waste Land Summary. Eliot brings together the wisdom of the East and the West and shows that spiritual regeneration can come, if only we heed the voice of the thunder: Give, sympathize, and control. He then asks Stetson whether the corpse he planted last year in his garden has begun to sprout. In the modern desolate and, there is a life-in-death, a life of complete inactivity, listlessness and apathy. The typist gives herself to the clerk with the sense of total indifference and apathy. That is why winter is welcome to them, and April is the cruelest months, for it reminds them of the stirrings of life and, "They dislike to be roused from their death-in-life.". In both cases, the setting is one of death, decay, a kind of modern hell. Shades of the Gothic are introduced here as well, echoed by the bats with the baby faces in the chapel. The wasteland is cold, dry, and barren, covered in garbage. The 433-line, five-part poem was dedicated to fellow poet Ezra Pound, who helped condense the The Waste Land is a poem by T. S. Eliot, widely regarded as one of the most important poems of the 20th century and a central work of modernist poetry. Finally, Eliot quotes Webster and Baudelaire, back to back, ending the address to Stetson in French: “hypocrite lecteur! Eliot? Bin gar keine Russin, stamm’ aus Litauen, echt deutsch. What this line means is that the hippo can overcome its circumstances and reach an afterlife of value. The poem presents a bleak and gloomy picture of the human predicament in the twentieth century. Why does Eliot refer to "Mylae" on line 70, instead of World War I? April emerges as the “cruellest” month, passing over a desolate land to which winter is far kinder. The poem proper begins with a description of the seasons. The theme of The Waste Land is essentially the spiritual experience of man; it has to be related to its background. The theme of the attractiveness of death or, of the difficulty in rousing oneself from the death in life in which the people of … T.S. The final page offers much of Fitzgerald’s perspective, and it is wonderfully summed up in the final sentence of the book. Line-by-Line Explanation & Analysis of “The Waste Land” Before Line 1, Lines 1-7 FOR EZRA POUND IL MIGLIOR FABBRO I. Privacy and Cookie Policy The first is that of Gethsemane when Jesus Christ was captured in the dead of night. Unlike the desert, which at least burns with heat, this place is static, save for a few scurrying rats. The mood is cautionary. What is crucial to the poem’s sensibility, however, is the recognition that even these trips to the past, even these attempts to regain happiness, must end in failure or confusion. 279. "Preludes" is made up of four poems written by the modernist poet T.S. Alas! You'll probably never find a poem more packed with references to art, culture, and history than this one. The Waste Land e-text contains the full text of The Waste Land. When the narrator sees Stetson, we return to the prospect of history. In it, the narrator -- perhaps a representation of Eliot himself -- describes the seasons. With smell of steaks in passageways. Eliot’s vision of modern life is therefore rooted in a conception of the lost ideal. his faith in God and religion; his passion to participate in religion and this decay of faith has resulted in the loss of vitality, both spiritual and emotional. Moreover, the past has another advantage over the present. Line 20 Cf. |, Copyright © All Rights Reserved. Eliot, literature essays, a complete e-text, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. The only difference is that in the past, suffering and penance resulted in spiritual regeneration and return to health: Philomela was transformed into the bird of golden song and King Fisher was cured and his kingdom redeemed. You can read ‘The Burial of … iv, letter of De Quadra to Philip of Spain: “In the afternoon we were in a barge, watching the games on the river. Eliot's study of the fertility myths of different people had convinced him that the sex - act is the source of life and vitality, when it is exercised for the sake of procreation and when it is an expression of love. The first 8 stanzas is a depic- Charles Baudelaire. It is this latent power which needs to be discovered and utilized. A translation is found in Deussen's Sechzig Upanishads des Veda, p. 489. Sibyl is a mythological figure who asked Apollo “for as many years of life as there are grains in a handful of sand” (North, 3). The Waste Land ☰ POEM; MAP; ENDNOTES; SOURCES; ABOUT. It suggests that regeneration is possible, as it has always been possible, through suffering and penance. hypocrite lecteur! Many people saw the poem as an indictment of the postwar European culture and as an expression of disillusionment with contemporary society, which Eliot believed was culturally barren. An echo of the “drowned Phoenician” Madame Sosostris displayed in “The Burial of the Dead,” Phlebas is apparently a merchant, judging by the reference to “the profit and loss.” Now “a current under sea” picks his bones. Read this article to know about 6 Themes in The Wasteland by TS Eliot. The sentence itself depends on a non sequitur, anticipating by almost a century Europe’s current crisis of identity, with individual nations slowly losing ground to a collective union. He is not an escapist or a romanticist; he is a stern realist who laid his hand on the pulse of the modern man. – my likeness, – my brother!” We are all Stetson; Eliot is speaking directly to us. Identities are in flux. The word 'throne' serves as a big clue to the setting of this chapter. The Waste Land by T. S. Eliot: Summary of Section I – Section V The first section of 'The Waste Land' is known as The Burial of the Dead which refers to the burial of the dead, fertility gods in Frazer's The Golden Beer and the burial service in the Christian Church. Eliot shifts from this vague invocation of time and nature to what seem to be more specific memories: a rain shower by the Starnbergersee; a lake outside Munich; coffee in that city’s Hofgarten; sledding with a cousin in the days of childhood. Eliot between 1908 and 1912, when Eliot was in his early 20s. This is due to our secular democracy, commercial interests and mechanical and technological progress which has eroded man's faith in religion, moral values and individual development and achievement. The poem is full of literary and mythological references that draw on many cultures and universalize the poem's themes. The Waste Land draws much of its symbolism and narrative framework from the mythological story of the quest for the Holy Grail, the sacred cup that Jesus Christ drank from at the Last Supper. The main theme of the short story “The Waste Land” by Alan Paton is the decadence of society which is enhanced through sub-themes like violence, pain and fear. The key image in "The Waste Land" may then be Sosostris’s vision of “crowds of people, walking round in a ring.” They walk and walk, but go nowhere. People then were not inert, lazy and bored. Ignorance is bliss; the knowledge that better things are possible is perhaps the most painful thing of all. The Sibyl of Cumae was a prophetess in service to Apollo and a great beauty. This line can be associated with watching your life flicker through your eyes in the moment before death The third stanza is a call to people of any religion to value life and to be mindful of it, because someday you will die. Analysis ; Summary × Close Cite This Source ... Well, the first thing you'll want to remember about the title is that it's "The Waste Land," and not "The Wasteland." The ocean is truly empty, devoid of the possibility of healing or revelation. – mon semblable, – mon frère!”. Published in 1922, the 434-line poem first appeared in the United Kingdom in the October issue of Eliot's The Criterion and in the United States in the November issue of The Dial.It was published in book form in December 1922. It was during his time of recuperation that he was able to write much of "The Waste Land," but his conflicted feelings about his wife, Vivienne, did not much help his state of mind. The shortest and most organised poem in the Waste Land, and possible in all Eliot poetry, Death by Water speaks of Phlebas, a sailor/merchant who died at sea two weeks ago. Ecclesiastes 12:5 31. These papers were written primarily by students and provide critical analysis of The Waste Land. The poem is dedicated to Ezra Pound. The Question and Answer section for The Waste Land is a great ELIOT – THE WASTE LAND Short Summary The poem begins with a section entitled "The Burial of the Dead." It paints a faint picture of a mysterious venue such as an ancient castle with a woman being the most authoritative figure. Eliot, published in 1922, first in London in The Criterion (October), next in New York City in The Dial (November), and finally in book form, with footnotes by Eliot. The Hollow Men summary and analysis 2; What the Thunder Said Summary and Analyses. T he Waste Land is a modernist poem by T. S. Eliot that illuminates the devastating aftereffects of World War I. The woman mixes a meditation on the seasons withremarks on the b… THE BURIAL OF THE DEAD. The ugliness stands in implicit contrast to the "Sweet Thames" of Spenser's time. According to legend, only the pure of heart can attain the Grail. Cf. The grimy scraps. In it, the narrator -- perhaps a representation of Eliot himself -- describes the seasons. At this point, Eliot returns to Wagner, with the line “Oed’ und leer das Meer”: “Desolate and empty is the sea.” Also plucked from Tristan und Isolde, the line belongs to a watchman, who tells the dying Tristan that Isolde’s ship is nowhere to be seen on the horizon. V. Tristan und Isolde, i, verses 5–8 42. They were later collected in Eliot's debut Prufrock and Other Observations in 1917. i: the Rhine-daughters. He ends the chapter with the last line in Baudelaire’s “To my reader the Reader”, indicating that the author is directly speaking to the readers. Sexual sins, perversion of sex, have always led to degeneration and decay. Read The Waste Land by T.S. The line comes from a section of Tristan und Isolde where Tristan waits for Isolde to come heal him. Six o’clock. This phrase is important because this is a part of the idea of religion being diluted, where all he sees is just “another church”. Eliot twice quotes Dante in describing this phantasmagoric scene: “I had not thought death had undone so many” (from Canto 3 of the Inferno); “Sighs, short and infrequent, were exhaled” (from Canto 4). The lovely image of lilacs in the spring is here associated with “the dead land.” Winter was better; then, at least, the suffering was obvious, and the “forgetful snow” covered over any memories. He mentions the phrase “Another church”, as in just another church. Likewise, the inhabitants of modern London keep their eyes fixed to their feet; their destination matters little to them and they flow as an unthinking mass, bedecking the metropolis in apathy. These fragmented poems are characterized by jarring jumps, in perspective, imagery, setting, or subject. In the world of today, one cannot ignore the social, secular, commercial and technical compulsions of the modern world. Thou leddest thy people like a flock by the hand of Moses and Aaron [out of Egypt, the desert, the waste land]." Inaction is equated with waste. From line 292 to 306 inclusive they speak in turn. iv, letter of De Quadra to Philip of Spain: “In the afternoon we were in a barge, watching the games on the river. The narrator is now surrounded by a desolate land full of "stony rubbish." Calling Card. In the first section the conflict in the poem is parented in the opening lines where in image, rhythm and association, the themes are given their first statement. What follows is a short analysis of this opening section, with the most curious and interesting aspects of Eliot’s poem highlighted. The Waste Land By T. S. Eliot About this Poet T.S. (Tristan begins on a boat, with the wind freshly blowing, and ends on the shoreline, awaiting a boat that never comes.). The past and the present are telescoped, and it is thus shown that what is happening in the present age did also happen in the past. The Last Ten and a Half Lines of the Wasteland . The scene Eliot quotes occurs during a feast at the villa of a wealthy buffoon named Trimalchio. His tone is almost provocative in this context. V. Götterdämmerung, III. Shouldn’t it be the kindest? In this case, Eliot describes a vision of youthful beauty in a piece of writing that seems at first to stem more from English Romanticism than from the arid modern world of the rest of the poem: “Your arms full, and your hair wet.” Water, so cherished an element and so lacking in this desolate wasteland, here brings forth flowers and hyacinth girls, and the possibility of happiness, however fleeting. Eliot sums it up with the line: “Looking into the heart of light, the silence.” Using Wagner’s Tristan und Isolde as a book-end device –- the first such quotation alluding to the beginnings of love, the second describing the tragedy of a love lost –- Eliot traces a swift passage from light to darkness, sound to silence, movement to stasis. Modern man has lost his sense of good and evil, and this keeps him from being alive, from acting. Vigor and vitality are the secret of any civilization or a great period in history. Back to Line. The same paradox is there at the very beginning of the poem: April is the cruelest month. Man has lost his passion, i.e. It expresses a lack of confidence in our society’s current condition, and a longing for the simpler times of the past. WASTE LAND:: T. S. ELIOT POEM MAP ENDNOTES SOURCES ABOUT. Looking upon the beloved girl, he “knew nothing”; that is to say, faced with love, beauty, and “the heart of light,” he saw only “silence.” At this point, Eliot returns to Wagner, with the line “Oed’ und leer das Meer”: “Desolate and empty is the sea.” Also plucked from Tristan und Isolde, the line belongs to a watchman, who tells the dying Tristan that Isolde’s ship is nowhere to be seen on the horizon. Logic would suggest World War I, but the narrator refers to Mylae, a battle that took place during the First Punic War. In the very first line the poet has made it clear that he’s a sceptic and he doesn’t wish to be involved in any ceremonies. Plus, gain free access to an analysis, summary, quotes, and more! But when it is severed from its primary function, and is exercised for the sake of momentary pleasure or momentary benefit, it becomes a source of degeneration and corruption. The Waste Land, long poem by T.S. The former is desperately searching for some sign of life -– “roots that clutch,” branches that grow -- but all he can find are dry stones, dead trees, and “a heap of broken images.” We have here a forsaken plane that offers no relief from the beating sun, and no trace of water. The sexual sins of the King Fisher and his soldiers laid waste his kingdom; and ancient Thebes was laid waste because its king was guilty of the sin of incest. Using Wagner's Tristan und Isolde as a book-end device --the first such quotation alluding to the beginnings of love, the second describing the tragedy of a love lost --Eliot traces a swift passage from light to darkness, sound to silence, movement to stasis. This criterion for existence, perhaps an antecedent to Existentialism, holds action as inherently meaningful. The last poem of the Waste Lands reveals four scenes. Eliot does not even describe the water of the Thames; he saves his verse for the fog that floats overhead, for the quality of the dawn-lit sky, and for the faceless mass of men swarming through the dead city. In the last section of the poem, the thunder is already heard and the clouds are there. This last line echoes verses 115-116 in "A Game of Chess": "I think we are in the rats' alley / Where the dead men have lost their bones." An apocolyptic mood with images of dryness and draught of `` the Burial procession inexorably proceeds, place. Both good and evil by jarring jumps, in perspective, imagery, setting, or subject ; it the. Blur into the ill-defined mass of humanity as the Tarot card-reading psychic who bears news. Human characteristics to something nonhuman things both good and evil these fragmented are! Legend, only the pure of heart can attain the Grail the desert, which at least burns heat. Theme of the last section of the age church ”, as in just another church ”, it... 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