The beautiful Calathea warscewiczii is noted for its elegant leaves with dark-green patterns on the topside and red to purple colored bottom sides. Calathea warscewiczii grows best in warm, humid environments, so they do best when kept near a humidifier and away from vents or drafty windows. Overview | Details | Care You may have trouble pronouncing or spelling the name of the spectacular and rare Calathea Warscewiczii, but you will find it easy to lavish attention and wonder upon it! Recommended Accessories 4. During summer it should be kept away from direct sunlight. They're highly sensitive to chilly temperatures and grow best when kept in the warm, humid environment greenhouses often provide. NOT humidity. CALATHEA LIGHTING Calatheas like medium to bright indirect. If you have good humidity on top of all that, all the better! It's best kept in a room where humidity is high, like a bathroom. It’s not the easiest plant to care for and maintain in good shape because it has specific water and humidity needs. However, it needs good care to thrive. Placement 2. 6. Like all of the rest of the genus Calathea plants, Calathea Warscewiczii is not poisonous or toxic to cats or dogs, making it a fantastic choice for people looking for an indoor pot plant. The Calathea warscewiczii (Goeppertia warszewiczii) is also known as the Calathea Jungle Velvet. Calathea have a reputation as greenhouse plants, and it's easy to see why. They do not like direct light as this will burn their leaves. When it comes to Calathea warscewiczii care, grow in a uniformly moist (not soggy), rich soil base that drains well and where indoor temperatures range between 65°F to 80°F and create high humidity by grouping your plants, placing them on a humidity tray or using a humidifier. WATERING YOUR CALATHEA In the summer from March to September keep your calatheas soil moist, we recommend watering twice a week. Proper watering is a much bigger factor in ensuring that your Calathea leaves are in great condition. Calathea warscewiczii is a wonderful big leafed prayer plant that produces lanceoate leaves that have a dark green background and an attractive fishtail pattern on the upper side of the leaves.. Calathea Warscewiczii, or the “Velvet Calathea” or “Velvet Jungle Plant” The calathea warscewiczii is a beautiful evergreen plant with leaves that are rich green on top and deep purple underneath. This is a beautiful evergreen perennial that belongs to the Marantaceae family. Additional Care Guides Placement PRO TIP: Calathea have very expressive foliage, and will begin to curl inwards when the plant is thirsty. This hard-to-find prayer plant has elongated, ruffled foliage with a wonderful velvety texture. The rest of this article will provide some background on this plant’s natural habitat and include a detailed care guide for Calathea warscewiczii. Contents: 1. They deep green has a velvety look to it and reminds me a lot of the deeper green varieties of the elephant ear. Think of it as a bonus. Watering Wednesday and Soak … Routine Maintenance 3. The good news: You don't have to call a greenhouse or glass atrium home in order to care for one of these tropical beauties. Frequently Asked Questions 5.1 Standard Planter Instructions 5.2 Self Watering Container Instructions 6. Calathea Care . The Calathea warscewiczii is commonly known as the jungle velvet. As such, it displays nyctinasty, which is a movement exhibited by prayer plants where they fold up their foliage in darkness. They will also tolerate shade and low light conditions making them an easy choice for most people. Those dreaded Calathea crispy leaves and edges, more times than not, are due to inconsistent watering and/or improper watering!
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