Early in its run, Crash Landing on You was the fourth highest rated Korean cable drama. They are so compatible in every way! (Shin Sung-rok, Yun Da-hun, and Kim Min-jong co-star. And I also hope Man Bok can find the courage to scape from Cheol Kang influence and help JH to solve his brother's accident (or should we call it murder). You grumpy softie. - I think Dan might call off the engagement herself. I think things are truly taking a turn for the serious, which always leaves me torn. Meanwhile, Se-ri informs the village wives that she’s leaving Jung-hyuk because of Dan, making out like she doesn’t want Jung-hyuk to be in pain with her around. Feb 16, 2020 - This is part 2 of our recap for Crash Landing on You which is brought to you by The Kthree! Unless we want to find out that Se-ri is Jung-hyuk's long-lost sister -- which would be awful -- I'm hypothesizing that Se-ri could be the long-lost daughter of one of her fellow spies. Early in the morning, Jung-hyuk sends Se-ri to the airport with Kwang-bum, saying that it’s better if they say goodbye in the village. If she is her father's illegitimate child, the clan tie to NK makes sense. By Priyanka Sundar Published on : 15:03 PST, Dec 30, 2019. Higher-ups like Lt. Director Ri suggests that they hold the wedding at the end of next month, and says that he’ll have Jung-hyuk transferred to Pyongyang and set up the newlyweds in a house. Ri may be using as cover while smuggling Se-ri out of the country. 1.Him blowing off the candle when she was crying so that she can cry peacefully. A compliment to the filming team for the beautiful cinematography, if that’s what it’s called here. His facial expressions also show how deeply he’s touched by Se-Ri’s singing at the picnic scene (he’s a musician after all and that’s how you reach his heart!). It's so fun to see him being flustered about it because it's slowly becoming true. We were opposing against each other, and also we were in separate areas in terms of actual shooting so it was quite different for this one because this show was a lot more bubbly. Beanies, let’s do a poll! }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); Please enter your username or email address. Later on, Se-Ri explains that Seung-Jung was a man that her family tried to marry her off to. He checks out a huge arsenal of weapons from the armory, enough that the soldier in charge looks concerned and asks him if everything is okay. He had really penned down how weird she is but they have gotten so close and fond of her to miss her so much once she leaves their country. It's the way she talks, she expects, she demands. I don't think the other girls can be playful around him like Se-ri can. For Kim, he is definitely not easy to do so, because the brainwashing of North Korean authority's greatness is pretty imprint in his mind, so be patient. It just gave me everything I wanted: Mr I-am-not-your-bodyguard bodyguarding like crazy, heartbreaking goodbyes and heartpounding action. Getting that bit of backstory to his character really helps paint a picture of his past. Crossing the Line . After yesterday’s emotional episode, Crash Landing on You returns with some surprising twists, revelations and fun scenes. Crash Landing on You: Episode 10 by LollyPip. Not so fast, not only because we have 10 episodes ahead, but also the brainwashing to North Koreans as well the scare of entering NK's notorious concentration camp (not only yourself, but your whole family) really stop him from doing so. But, if they met in Switzerland then Seri should have remembered him, shouldn't she? I think that's why there are often rumors about them dating their co-stars. Kim Sun-young is, I'm starting to realize, possibly my favourite kdrama actress. A Candle In The Wind. She somehow made the decision to live while in Switzerland, but it is living entirely on her own terms. It's one of the 10 words he said to the tomato plant at the end of ep 3. The last few minutes of the episode was also a brilliant display of SYJ’s acting chops. Scary Mom would have hidden in plain sight -- and terrified the horses. Ok--I'm ready to tell my version of a happy ending for our North/South couple. [e] When he promises that Se-Ri will remain safe if she stays within his sights during the walk through the streets of Pyongyang Now, I'm not saying he's actively suicidal like SeRi was back in Switzerland, but he is just going through the motions of living. I do love that SR and SJ understand each other ~ there's no love lost, but there's no active dislike either. <3. Also, when he went back and forth with his bike to pick Seri up from the ahjumma's house.. Then insisted that he was just passing by though it's glaringly obvious that he even installed the comfortable bike seating for Seri lol. Se-ri was right, it’s just that neither of them know it yet — Jung-hyuk is in love. (Thanks, @lollypip – I didn’t even catch that “mystery” pun. More, please. I've been seeing this actor in anatgonist roles in the past, that actually cheering him on now in this show, means he is a great actor that can really transform. I'm very interested to see what happens next, I like that the drama isn't telling the whole story for either of them right away, and we keep finding out more each episode. Every time they say goodbye they just become closer. ;-), @patricia PatLafougere, I have a feeling that he has had to completely cut himself off from music following hyung's death. Maybe one has to have grown up during the Cold War to fully appreciate it. It showed that he actually cared about Se-Ri too, despite his constant negative comments about her. Even when they are bickering or bantering, it’s always honest. [c] Vehemently denying he is a bodyguard while protecting Se-ri in the lobby I laughed so much. He has staked out a niche for himself by currying favor with higher-ups who are just as vain and greedy as their capitalist counterparts to the south. Tired and a little drunk, she lays her head on Jung-hyuk’s shoulder, lightly punching him when he tries to push her away. Indulging in silly speculation here. After a short blackout, snow starts to fall outside prompting Se-Ri to explain that if a couple watches the first snow of the year together, their love will be fulfilled. And of course, he sent his toughest duckling to take care of her (and the only one who knew what to look for when the trucks came after them) for even the short time he couldn’t be by Se-ri’s side. It is down-to-earth, just like him. Be well. She runs into Se-ri in the ladies’ room later, and she calls Se-ri slutty for going to a hotel with one man and having coffee with another. [h] Name your own scene. I loved every second of it. If by "confirmation bias" you mean there are certain tropes utilized in order to communicate effectively to the audience the thoughts and feelings of the characters without overt exposition, then, yes, k-dramas are replete with "confirmation bias". if (d.getElementById(id)) return; Their hearts have been invested so much in each other that the parting would be so difficult to watch later. Next is him panicking when he loses sight of her in the streets of Pyongyang. Se-hyung isn’t inclined to be forgiving until Seung-joon says that he’s seen Se-ri alive. They stop at a bar for a beer and fried chicken, and while they drink, the lights go out. However, her departure was quickly stopped and resulted in a dramatic show off, causing some life-threatening injuries for Jeong-Hyeong. Don't forget the smile while he was watching Seri strung up a tree! I can’t imagine her saying those things to any of the men in her life in SK. You're not the only one who thinks so. In reply, he tells her that she should forget everything and everyone she saw in the village. <3. Omg, I love how Jung Hyuk being Seri's bodyguard is played off as a joke, but towards the end of the episode we see that it's very real all along. When Jung-Hyuk tells Se-Ri she should forget him and her time in NK, just like some nightmare, you can clearly see that he means the exact opposite of every word he says. This whole bodyguard theme really got to me. What the... Kim Young Min is in his late forties?!! I hope this will be revealed soon! Hyun Bin: When we were shooting The Negotiation, we were in a conflict situation. Se-ri is really the Mama Duck here, and Chi-Soo is her grumpy but devoted duckling. However, he reveals that his sister is still alive and tries to make a deal which is to offer him back half the money in exchange for the location of Se-Ri. She offers him similar advice — money comes to those who ignore it, and runs from those who chase it. Later, he meets with Se-Ri and lies about his reasons for being in North Korea. You have to ignore him. I'm so excited for this . He says warily that she’s a friend who’s from a rich South Korean family, and Chul-kang tells him of the plan for Se-ri to leave the country in a few days. They pass y a buss, but he does not see her come out the other side of the bus so he crosses the street to keep … Damn, I can't believe a HANDSHAKE made me feel feels. An arranged marriage, a position in a corrupt government? ;-). He can't even play the piano as a hobby, which is truly tragic. And he remembers well. I think episode 6 ended perfectly - it’s good to set the stakes now - a shout out for SYJ , I think she acted superbly at the last scene, the way she looked at him and her emotional running from the car towards him (the door that cannot be open and has to be opened from the outside lol whatever the logic it doesn’t ) her expression was very on point - I can feel these 2! He said that money is his great love, and so it is. What a blast to see the long-defunct Wienerwald restaurant in Times Square. Crash Landing On You returns with an explosive and tense episode as Se-Ri’s latest desperate attempt to leave is thwarted by Cho and ends quite tragically for some of the characters. Paragliders of Doom? Actually looking forward to more Switzerland scenes too!! HAHA! Bring it on!!!! Extraction could have been boat-to-boat to a larger ship offshore -- which is why Se-ri was left behind on the beach, to be turned over to her father. I feel sad that Seri found people she loved and love in a strange land. It's fascinating how the writers are trying to humanize NoKor, and from what we've seen so far, the little village seems to have more warmth and love than the cold and calculating capitalist life in SoKor. Really speaks to how much chemistry Hyunbin and Son Yejin really have. There are some confusing moments so far, and some evident plot holes that makes me scratch my head, but I think the show isn't trying to take itself to seriously. Normally, I would slightly balk at such overt manipulation to seduce me into swooning over Jung-hyuk by making almost EVERY FREAKING SCENE he is in one in which he does some swoony K-drama male lead trope….but, man, the Hyun Bin Effect is strong with this one. Se-ri says she knows Seung-joon, but Jung-hyuk still tries to twist Seung-joon’s arm off. And since episode 7 is just around the corner, I rewatched some of the scenes in all the episodes thus far to get a better grasp of the story. Eventually, I hope they somehow make their way back to Switzerland. Where Se-ri is really a warm person underneath her flippant surface, Dan is coldly imperious. ;-). There’s a scene wherein RJH sort of blows his cheeks, sighs, and then closes his eyes. This is a Korean drama, i need my set of troupes at right time... Haha me too - waiting with bated breath!! I thought I was the only one who felt that way. 3 – except all alone in the harsh world. Hyun Bin is much much better than his younger self. Seo confronts him and tells him that they’re having dinner with both their parents that same evening. fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); Crash Landing on You – Episode 16 (The Finale) Recap and Review. Lol, I'm on the edge of my seat here. She also guessed Switzerland, when he mentioned that he was studying abroad while preparing coffee for her, but then he just switched topics and didn't confirm her guess. FB.init({ Seri is 1 on her speed dial and she defends her and thinks about Seri in a sympathetic manner (when she isn't being exasperated by her). Despite knowing that he’s not going anywhere, Seung-joon promises. However, she jokes saying it would be a mess if they were together. Seri grew up to be incredibly competitive and ruthless because that's how she interacted with her siblings while Jung Hyuk is so upright and upstanding due to his older brother's influence. LOL. And I like her a lot. That would be deliciously wacky on more than one level -- but would work against a Seung-joon and Dan happy ending. Awww. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Studio_54. Ri's homey kitchen. OMG, i dont even like coffee, but i think i would drink if he made that. Shorthand Character Chart: Crash Landing on You. Even her treatment of Se-ri (all the “I don’t care”s) makes sense — it’s not Se-ri she has a problem with, it’s her fiance, who at the very least is spending more time with a woman he’s just met than with his own fiancee. Q: How did you build or strengthen the chemistry between your characters while filming the show? The same holds true for Dan & Seung-Joon. This is part 2 for our live recap of Crash landing on You! Episode 7 can’t come soon enough! Jung-hyuk may not have acted on the wristwatch yet, but I bet he will. How many facial expressions do they have? [g] Slow-mo, bad-ass, helmet-less motorcyclist who saves Se-Ri from the ToD As @wishfultoki said Se Ri is the Mama Duck. Chi-soo is the best and I have a special finger heart for him. (function(d, s, id) { She assures Jung-hyuk that Seung-joon isn’t dangerous, but he tells her to stay alert, since even people she trusts can stab her in the back. The same holds true for Seung-Joon and Se-Ri. I think this episode totally focusses on how deeply and hopelessly in love Jung-Hyuk already is. So, no, self-preservation does not account for why he would jump through all of these hoops, at great sacrifice and risk to himself and his squad. I’m so excited to learn more! JH has a death wish. Yoon, which Seri said is a North Korean clan, is her father's family name; I would imagine that Han, therefore is her step-mother's family name. Or might he have been an agent who did not return to the North (perhaps under orders to remain in ROK)? Mr Oh panics and promises to get her back home safely but is surprised when Sang-Ah offers him money to make sure she stays there forever. Loving the Ajummas. What a fantastic episode! For example, it was predictable that JH would order another photo of Se-ri for himself, but watching it was satisfiyng nonetheless. He is betting that intimate knowledge of their foibles will provide long-term security for himself and Senior Colonel Se through the sociopolitical equivalent of mutually assured destruction. @patricia PatLafougere, cc: @tsutsuloo, ;-). The safe haven. The post Crash Landing on You: Episode 12 Live Recap – Part 3 appeared first on Drama Milk. Keep in mind that she was a mess when she arrived to Switzerland, and the moment they met in the bridge she was about to jump. The next day, Hwang drives her away when they’re suddenly followed by one of the armoured trucks. First of all, it is a rom-com, but it’s a story of two people getting to know each other and falling in love despite very difficult circumstances. The staff pass out candles to the unconcerned patrons like this is a regular occurrence, but the lights come back on quickly. I only watched My Lovely Sam Soon and Secret Garden, Memories of Alhambra and now this. And why is she so determined to push her daughter into an obligatory arranged marriage? }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); We’re still trying to get our heroine home, but yet again, the unexpected happens and throws some players into the game that are bound to create trouble. While this show has indeed rekindled my fondness for Hyun Bin, it has also helped confirm one thing: action scenes are truly NOT (or no longer??) One thing that stood out from me for episode 6 was the scene in Pyongyang after RJH cut short se-ri and seung-joon’s evening walk. Chul-kang is ruthless in running his illicit cross-border treasure-hunting enterprise. Like the man himself, what you see is what you get. The post Crash Landing on You: Episode 1 Live Recap – Part 2 appeared first on Drama Milk. Sometimes sooner, sometimes later depending on the scene. Yes, Oh Man Seok (see above). OMS is one of my reasons to tune in. While watching this show, I kept on saying that Man Bok Looks familiar. After more joking about the differences between both countries, Jeong gives the soldiers a day off to do a farewell picnic for Se-Ri. To me, Dan is a tad less bossy and demanding -- yet almost ominous -- than Se-ri has been all along. Oooh I like this theory! I felt so bad for Se Ri as she was hoping her family worried about her. Until I see less of that I can't like her. In that sense, I think we both really worked hard on it and it was a great opportunity to do so. Jung-hyeok asks for one more, just in case. But how? or By that, I mean you have to understand the other person’s acting patterns and what they’re aiming for; you have to be really quick to catch what they’re trying to do and you have to build on that rapport, so I would say that only by doing so would create a win-win situation for both actors. Tags: Crash Landing on You, Hyun Bin, Kim Jung-hyun, Oh Man-seok, Seo Ji-hye, Sohn Ye-jin, Yoon Ji-min, Your email address will not be published. I'm crazy searching for this song. When he was on the opposite side of the street, shadowing them, but all the while looking wistfully and longingly at her....it just made me swoon! Is mom's flamboyant conspicuous consumption masking a deep woundedness not unlike Se-ri's? // Load the SDK asynchronously He’s staying in the next room, but he tells Se-ri not to call him unless it’s an absolute emergency. But after he hangs up, he drops his head onto his desk and sobs. I have this weakness for men who can cook; then HB makes him more irresistible , If i may add that convo with the tomato . I know little about Korean names and family clans. I was waiting for them but they didn't happen!! (Finger heart Finger heart Finger heart) haha. I'd say the fish-out-of-water trope even extends slightly to Se-Ri's interactions with Seung-Joon; she considers asking for his help and shares some information with him honestly (albeit not all), which I can't imagine she'd do in SK. Holy cow. PakalanaPikake and crabbielife, I love the idea that Seri might have a female contact who could help her. Not famous person... He relays all this to Man-Bok and tells him that, thanks to him, he knows exactly how and when she’s planning to leave. This episode makes me think we're about to see a bit of a tone shift in the show. Although I wasn't listening to her music, I was still very aware of her presence in the culture—and I was grateful for her alternatives to what femininity and beauty could be for a Chinese/Black kid like me. I cried during Chi-soo's poem, then laughed through my tears at "don't give them my name." Unfortunately, one of the drivers shoots Jeong-Hyeok in the back and Hwang in the leg during the ensuing chaos. Premiere Watch: Stove League, Crash Landing on You, Hyun Bin becomes protector for Sohn Ye-jin in tvN’s Crash Landing on You, South Korean heiress Sohn Ye-jin meets North Korean soldier Hyun Bin in Crash Landing on You, Hyun Bin, Sohn Ye-jin in new stills and poster for tvN Crash Landing on You, Kim Jung-hyun to play elite socialite in Love’s Crash Landing, Hyun Bin, Sohn Ye-jin team up with Legend of the Blue Sea writer for tvN romance, https://channel-korea.com/profile-of-korean-actor-oh-man-seok/, https://asiasociety.org/korea/sad-true-story-north-koreas-abduction-project, https://www.preview.ph/culture/crash-landing-on-you-interview-with-son-ye-jin-and-hyun-bin-a1964-20191219-lfrm. I really appreciate that there's no romance between him and SR--even one-sided--and hope it stays that way. or Son Ye-jin: We’re doing our best for every single scene and working very passionately despite the cold... @ Helena, This just came to my mind, because I read somewhere that current NK leader Kim Jong-un did so while attending school, also in Switzerland. They don't have the right to die! Meanwhile, Se-ri and Seung-joon witness a woman being reproached for her too-short skirt, and they marvel that it really happens here. }); cookie : true, // enable cookies to allow the server to access I first encountered TANSTAAFL – There Ain’t No Such Thing As A Free Lunch – in the science fiction of Robert Heinlein, whose works rooted in old-fashioned freedom-loving American individualism should be anathema north of the 38th parallel. I couldn't miss Se-ri's shoulder pads if I tried. Awww, I’m laughing and crying! That's why they laughed at the irony. Dan really doesn’t care about Se-ri, because if Jung-hyuk is cheating, he’s the issue, not Se-ri herself. Can i have a Ri Jung Hyuk all just for myself? He tells Man-bok that he’s been asked to keep her in North Korea, so he’ll be making money and getting rid of something that’s been bothering him, thanks to the information Man-bok has provided. In his bunker, Man-bok listens to their sad farewell, and when Kwang-bum and Se-ri drive away, he does his duty and calls Chul-kang to tell him that they’ve left. As the sun comes up, Kwang-bum and Se-ri reach a remote road, and Kwang-bum notices an armored Kamaz truck approaching them from behind. But her brothers don't care about her at all. He says, just for example, that he found her after she fell from the freaking sky, then she ran away yet still ended up at his house, but he backpedals hard when Se-ri asks cutely if he wants to be her destiny. He admires Se-ri’s contrariness. the coincidence and destiny scene Based on her behavior, however, and the trailer for next week's episodes I question whether she cares much for Jung Hyuk at all. Someone in the first truck starts shooting back, and the cyclist brakes hard. Dan loomed in front of him as he was about to discreetly take Se Ri's photo. While she wants Jung-hyuk to love her, I don't get the sense that she loves him -- which is not surprising if this is a political marriage of convenience for their families. Yes it probably is, but lets not forget so many peoples lives depend on "her safety". It just seems more plausible for their romance to not get the happy ending. I didn't have a TV or access to MTV back then -- and was living in Honolulu, so I missed a lot of what was going on in the NYC music scene at the time.
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