Mormon Heretic has been blogging since January 2008 at his own blog, Mormon Heretic. I still want that, but have been working full time the entire time I've been married (I now have teen children). Besides, the Bible flatly denies the existence of any other gods. Here's one professional's debunking of 10 Mormon mental health myths. My mom got 2 blessings, the first one's recording got lost so the CoB made her get it redone. Mormons don't always get the facts right when it comes to mental health. Christian Web Hosting, “And I say also unto thee, you are thou art Peter, and upon this rock, I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it,”. Post 2 Decision, Dec 24, 2020 #36. Remember, the correct doctrine of the Trinity is that there is only one God who has existed for eternity. Mine is creepily accurate from the number and gender of kids, the health issues, the never want for food or clothing and always have a home, and the kicker...I would be friended by people who would draw me away from the church. Doesnt make it OK to persecute Mormons -- or to try to shut down discussion of it when it happens, as you seem intent on doing. Mormonism maintains that the true gospel message was lost from the earth shortly after the apostles died. / And I, God, have anointed you to dig up this part three / that is buried by a tree on the hill in your backyard. The following are a list of some verses to know when witnessing to Mormons.I will be modifying and updating this list. Also I understand that there are other statistical methods. The Book of Mormon is Scripture. You will be loved and never do without. INCLUDING THE MORMON CHURCHES Conflicting results of computer analyses of the Book of Mormon. 13, page 125). He means he believes in a god who used to be a man on another planet, who followed the laws and ordinances of that god on that planet and became exalted to godhood. If there was any validity whatsoever to the power of priesthood blessings, a map of healthcare outcomes data would look like a map of where Mormons live. Several unofficial Mormon apologists, including FairMormon, have provided responses to CES Letter: Jeremy's response to FairMormon: The only official response, to date, is the series of recent essays by the LDS Church, which is available on the Church’s own website. Select two samples, members and former members. Its the "spiritual lineage" not the direct genetic lineage. the Church in company with the Holy Bible, the Book of Mormon, and the Pearl of Great Price However, the Doctrine and Covenants is unique because it is not a translation of an ancient document, but is of modern origin and was given of God through His chosen prophets for the resto- Is Amos 8:11-12 a prediction of the Great Apostasy? First of all, the problem with sincerity is that it becomes works’ righteousness because the person is saying “Because of my sincerity, God will listen to me.” In other words, because of what’s in the person, God will look favorably upon him. Mine was so bland it could belong to my dog. The Mormon Apostle Orson Prat said, “Jesus…established his kingdom on earth…the kingdoms of this world made war against the kingdom of God, established eighteen centuries ago, and they prevailed against it, and the kingdom ceased to exist.” (Journal of Discourses. . 2. viagra 2 viagra. Mine says I can know the truth of all things. No doubt they understand that most people would balk in accepting the Book of Mormon if it was known to have been “translated” by using a magical rock and a hat. The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.”, Say something like, “You clearly did not understand the gospel message of Jesus the Savior, and the Bible clearly shows you why. (2 Nephi 25:23). Local election officials have been doing their best to debunk rumors and false information. Prophets who taught of Christ were called from among this people for over a millennium, but eventually the people fell […] My PB states over and over again that I will achieve all the blessings and accomplishments that it outlines, ONLY if I remain faithful. “Where Jesus, who went before us, has entered on our behalf. mooseman17, Dec 24, 2020 God does not look into a person and find something good because there is no good in anyone (Rom. Also I understand that there are other statistical methods. As things worked out I did have to go into places that were embarrassing, and I had to show my wife the "escape clause" in my PB. I guess I'm thankful for that last one! What are the kids going to be? 6. Hey everybody, I'm a Mormon, and there is sure a lot of fallacy in peoples heads about what we believe in, so this is a debunk thread. When a Mormon says he believes in God, he does not mean in the one true God, the creator of all things, the One who has always existed from all time. Thus, the plates are foundational to the Mormon religion. It didn't come true? Drink no coffee, tea or alcohol. In conclusion, we feel that the move away from the actual facts of the translation process of the Book of Mormon demonstrates a lack of credibility on the part of LDS leaders. Still, the Bible says to study God’s word for truth – not pray about it. Aaronic priesthood – This is the lesser priesthood, Is synonymous with the Levitical Priesthood (D.&C. There are two basic approaches you can take. Yes his name is on our book. If they don’t have the right Jesus, they can’t have the true Holy Spirit; and their testimony is invalid. These religious deviations from Christianity, one of the largest faiths in the world, have justly been looked at as almost taboo. “How to Answer a Mormon“: The most efficient way to witness to Mormons is to prove that Joseph Smith was a false prophet.This book documents (with photostats) the major false prophecies of Joseph Smith and gives effective witnessing instructions. Aminadi deciphered writing on the wall (Alma 10:2-3) like Daniel (Daniel 5). I had Brian read 2 Nephi 11:7 explaining that Jesus is God, the second person of the Trinity, and then went to 2 Nephi 31:21 where Trevor and I explained the Trinity pamphlet. Is there any God besides me? We had just been ordained as Deacons at the same time year before (RLDS, so the timing isn't that weird). So I clicked on his name and found he has reviewed several atheist books in the last two weeks. Sponsored link. Eat meat sparingly. How to Answer a Mormon/JW; two books in one! The Book of Mormon presents problems that cannot be explained away regarding the following topics. The Book of Mormon is a sacred text of the Latter Day Saint movement, which adherents believe contains writings of ancient prophets who lived on the American continent from approximately 2200 BC to AD 421. Facts are not what is in short supply, sadly. After the person has answered, explain that according to the Bible, the gospel is what saves us, what cleanses us of our sins, and enables us to stand in the presence of God the Father. You say, “Did you know that the Bible says not to trust your heart because it is deceitful?”. But thanks to your talk, I repented. The Book of Mormon is a musical comedy created by the famous creative duo that gave us the South Park series. 107:13-14). A list of several articles we have published in the MWEG media library about addressing misinformation and the election, as well as some videos and meme series published on social media. In their desire for legitimacy they will even quote 1 Cor. I think this was a rare thing to be in a female's PB, but a couple other women in this group said theirs says something similar. I was an active, faithful, temple-attending Mormon for twenty-two years…and I can say, without a doubt, that Mormonism is mental slavery. It consists of several offices: Elder, seventy, high priest, patriarch or evangelist, and apostle. The following approach is direct and hard-hitting. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Mosiah 21:28 says King Mosiah had a gift from God, but the original Book of Mormon manuscript reads “King Benjamin.”. Never use the word “Mormon” in describing anything Mormon. 2. viagra 2 viagra. If what you feel contradicts the Bible, then what you feel is wrong. Mormonism teaches that there are many many gods. (Ok I know it already has but this would be a fun study). Also I understand that there are other statistical methods. The Mormon church is frankly no more accepting than it ever was, despite updated public relations. He is married with three kids, is active in the LDS Church, a returned missionary, and a member of the Mormon History Association and the John Whitmer Association. Book of Mormon prophecies of Christ specific / Bible prophecies veiled (actually non-existent unless scripture misquoted or "prophecies" stretched to have two meanings). Hans Mattsson was once a high-ranking leader for the Mormon church in Europe. Hans Mattsson was once a high-ranking leader for the Mormon church in Europe. I would be interested in seeing how similar they are. So, it is a very good idea to study. says, “we read,” quoting 2 Thess. I am not trying to shut down the discussion. Mormon cultural myth #1: R rated movies are forbidden. “This is what the LORD says– . They will say by the Holy Spirit. In 2009 he was invited to join Mormon Matters, and joined Wheat and Tares in 2010. From a few followers after the publication of the Book of Mormon, the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints has grown to over 12 million with the latest statistics.They are sending thousands of missionaries to reach the “Christian” world with the “Restored” Gospel revealed in the “Book of Mormon”. Third, ask them if they ever had to pray about the Bible to see if it is true. You bastard! It’s Official: Mormon Founder Had Up to 40 Wives. Does DNA Evidence Debunk History Taught in the Book of Mormon? Smith apparently collected these plates, took them home, and subsequently translated them into the Book of Mormon which he then published in 1830. I dont think it would matter if they are a member or not as long as they are "worthy" and would be more so a matter of how oft they are "fulfilled". The more important thing is the story they tell, leading to a single message. One important thing that Mormon fact-checkers often miss about Antimormon rhetoric in general is that it isn’t so much a matter of giving people correct or incorrect information. 1 Cor. That is 90 years too early. Then check out this list of must-visit online resources: 1. My wife's in Ephraim, and her brother's from Judah. I've also heard of patriarchial lineage as a calling. The Book of Mormon recounts the story of small Israelite groups led by Lehi and Mulek who were brought by the hand of the Lord from ancient Jerusalem to the American continent approximately 600 BC. CARM rolls … It is saying that they only called gods. If it is true, then Joseph Smith is true and so is Mormonism. Computer analysis of the Book of Mormon: At least three computer analyses have been completed to date in an effort to determine who wrote the Book of Mormon, and whether it was a single individual or a group. I remember being very troubled that my patriarchal blessing said "eternal companion" and not "worthy woman" as the person I'd find and be sealed to. With a convenient "out" if not fulfilled. People still want to believe after all of JS's little foibles, including burning the press, having numerous affairs, being a sexual predator, the kinderhook plates. Let’s now look at the Book of Mormon itself. A common verse that Mormons use to support their belief that you can pray about the B. O. M. is found in James 1:5: “If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.” They say that because since they believe they’re sincere, God will answer them. Joseph Smith claimed that the Book of Mormon is the most correct book on earth, adding that man would become closer to God by following its precepts than by obeying any other book (“History of the Church,” Vol. It is a known fact that Hebrews spoke Hebrew, and their records were kept in Hebrew. In early August 2004, the following hoax news story reached FAIR: UNIVERSITY RESEARCHERS PUZZLED OVER ANCIENT KNIFE FRESNO, Calif., July 19 /PRNewswire/ — Researchers at California State University, Fresno are puzzled over an ancient, man-made artifact discovered by forestry students on a recent field trip in the nearby Sierra Nevada mountains. Ijaz of Calling Christians provide a simple 5 argument booklet that presents the Muslim with a series of evidences that can debunk any missionary. Mine gave some solid advice on dating that I would probably still use if I was still dating. How to Answer a Mormon/JW; two books in one! “The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. No, they're not. To a Mormon, the Trinity is a position held by three separate gods: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. Ask a question “but because Jesus lives forever, he has a permanent priesthood,” (Heb. 7:15-16). How to debunk Mormonism once and for all. Ask a Mormon “What is the gospel?”, He will say something like, “The gospel is the laws and the ordinances of the Mormon church.”. Description How to Answer a Mormon/JW. As you can see, Mormonism contradicts what Jesus said. Aminadi deciphered writing on the wall (Alma 10:2-3) like Daniel (Daniel 5). The answer, of course, is no. 4, p. 461). The Book of Mormon is a sacred text of the Latter Day Saint movement, which adherents believe contains writings of ancient prophets who lived on the American continent from approximately 2200 BC to AD 421. ... To Destroy Natural Theology Faith Based Belief Processes Are Unreliable Dr. Hector Avalos Debates Biblical Morality How to Debunk Christianity The OT Caught in Lie After Lie Here's the Evidence for the Multiverse Take the Debunking Christianity Challenges John's Top Posts from 2009 thru 2013. The Terminology of Mormons and Jehovah’s Witnesses. See more ideas about mormon beliefs, mormon, the church of jesus christ. I don't think I ever used the PB as an excuse to go into somewhere, but I did not ever let the nature of a place keep me from going in if there was a need. “You are my witnesses,” declares the LORD, “…Before me no god was formed, nor will there be one after me” (Isaiah 43:10). 3:1; 5:6, 10; 6:20; 7:11, 15, 17, 21, 24, 26; 8:1; 9:11). Want a quick and easy way to learn about the differences between Mormonism and orthodox Christianity? But only if you're a good girl. Jesus is the only high priest after the order of Melchizedek (Heb. You acquire true spiritual knowledge from the Bible–not your heart. The calendar features LDS mothers posed pin-up style supposedly as a way to tear down stereotypes about the church. I debunk these myths so that those who believe them understand their origins, and hopefully more Mormons can better understand each other, thereby making it easier to follow the Savior's mandate to love one another. Joseph Smith claimed that the Book of Mormon is the most correct book on earth, adding that man would become closer to God by following its precepts than by obeying any other book (“History of the Church,” Vol. There are so many Scriptures against Mormonism. By Mark Wingfield - Article revealing latest scientific research on the Mormon's the lineage of American Indians traces to a Jewish remnant in the Book of Mormon calls Lamanites . It was good generic advice about examining the values of people I dated, but my friend's statement had entirely different advice on relationships. Sitting directly east of West High is a red brick building with a tall white steeple. Unfortunately as clear as a debunking as that should seem my DW simple says, "Well a priesthood blessing is more so for comforting the person and their family, not curing" She can't seem to understand that the reason it can be considered "comforting" is the fact its advertised as a way to cure people. Saved by grace after all you can do? I turned to the Book of Mormon and stated that Mormons don’t even believe in what the Book of Mormon teaches about Jesus. All offices of the Mormon church grow out of the priesthoods. While most Mormons are morally good people. Melchizedek – This is the greater priesthood. The Book of Mormon is fiction and the Mormon … Mine says I will always be faithful to the church....soooo, pretty wrong there. Quite simply, the Bible contradicts what Mormons believe concerning the priesthood. Since Mormonism claims to be the restoration of the gospel, it also claims to have the authority to perform priestly duties and, therefore, properly represents God here on earth. The origins, authenticity, and historicity of the Book of Mormon have been subject to considerable criticism from scholars and skeptics since it was first published in 1830. The point is that only the Jesus of the Bible will send the Holy Spirit. Then turn to 2 Cor. 8:5 to say that the Bible also teaches many gods. Want a quick and easy way to learn about the differences between Mormonism and orthodox Christianity? Replace “Book of Mormon” with “the Bible” and Smith would have told the truth. Almost all of us on this sub are unfaithful by Mormon God's standards. The US government tracks all kinds of healthcare statustics for Medicare and puts it all on the internet: You can say, “It says there are many that are called gods. What? My friend characterized it as a free pass to go into strip clubs. Third, wisdom is the proper use of knowledge – not the acquisition of knowledge. Despite Mormons holding to a number of religious texts, the Book of Mormon stands in as the word of God, includes many details and truths missing from the Bible, and is deemed the “keystone” of Mormonism (1). In the Book of Mormon (Alma 7:9,10) it says it was Jerusalem.
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