He and his friend, Steve Wozniak, were high school drop outs (MarketLine Company Profile: Apple Inc., 2019). Apple Inc. is an American multinational technology company headquartered in Cupertino, California, that designs, develops, and sells consumer electronics, computer software, and online services. There was a campaign from Greenpeace in 2006 to control consumer power, so that has made it more challenging for Apple to be more clearer about their environmental policies (“Apple bans chemicals as opposition bites,” 2014). This is when they introduced Tim Cook as the new CEO (Apple, Inc., 2018). This promotes top-notch excellence and gives employees the motivation and expectations of how they should be (Apple, Inc., 2018). Apple pays toward to the cost of producing these products in exchange for rights to output which a discounted rate (Ryangert, 2018). Apple Corporation came into existence in the year 1976. They will have to change their strategy so that they can still stay ahead in the industry. Sometimes, it so happens, that companies penetrate the international market because of unprecedented orders from consumers. Apple said that they stopped using this chemical when the found out was making their workers ill (Gupta & Signh, 2014). It is also the number one product to be marketed in the foreign market. Their values have been built using organizational legitimacy and their values been created to configure with the stakeholders (Boersma, et al., 2015). Web Conferencing will be another feature i.e with iPad 2 one will have a front-facing camera that opens up a complete new world for business users of the iPad. Jyothsna, M., & Devi, V. R. (2015). Not paying attention to such untapped markets is as good as desolating the existing one. The factors under socio-cultural are language, aesthetics, education, religion& superstitions, attitudes, values, material culture, technology, social groups & organizations, business custom practice. Apple being a technology company is famous for its consumer electronics along with computer software and online services. Even when competitors do get access to those advanced components that Apple already has, Apple still negotiates to receive it at a lower cost due to the discounted rate (Ryangert, 2018). There are a lot of factors associated with the general environment of a company which includes technological segment, demographical segment, and socio-cultural segment (Apple, Inc., 2018). They never called themselves social and environmental responsible and are known to be as reactive (Boersma, et al., 2015). al., 2016). No company is perfect and every company should always be thinking about ways to improve their company. The company’s best-known hardware products include Macintosh computers, iPod and the iPhone. Everyone knows who Apple is. Foxconn, unlike Apple, has decreased profit margin. They can continuously improve their broad differentiation generic strategy to enhance their competitive advantage and become a better, successful company. They can put more investment in their research and development (“Apple Inc. SWOT Analysis). The liberalization policies undertaken by the Indian government in the 1990s was possibly the reason for growth of the Indian market scenario. MNCs also play an important role for host countries because of the domestic labor. Multinational Corporations, or otherwise known as MNCs, are huge industrial organizations that have multiple subsidiaries and facilities in multiple countries (Chen, 2018). Ever since Steve Jobs came back, the company did very well. According to Segeder and Feldbauer- Durstmüller, management control (MC) is the systems, rules, practices and values that influence employee behavior, decisions, and actions (2018). Next, in this paper, there will be discussions about the implications for management. Apple believes that they need continual investment in research and development in order to be successful. Our academic experts are ready and waiting to assist with any writing project you may have. Apple, Inc. is a multinational corporation that started out with Steve Jobs. Using qualitative data and the observation research method, there is a need for frequent communication in order to develop relationships (Hansen & Gwozdz, 2015). Even though codes of conduct can advance the performance of the supply chain, it can cause companies to do unethical issues to meet the expectations (Aguilera-Caracuel, et al., 2017). Some traits include top-notch excellence, creativity, innovation, secrecy and moderate combativeness. They believe in hazardous substance management and restrictions, in solid waste management, air emissions management, environmental permits and reporting, and pollution prevention and resource reduction (Apple, Inc., 2018). Apple’s Supplier Code of Conduct mentions that suppliers must support the human rights of workers and treat them with dignity and respect as understood by the internal community. Workers said it was like being in the army, they made them stand for hours and if they moved, they were punished (Pun, et. Using qualitative data, they concluded that MNCs have high complexity and they need to use MC to help them in making decisions that can greatly affect a company. They believe in business integrity, disclosure of information, whistleblower protection, and protection of intellectual property. The CEO needs to promote the organizational culture more. This chemical can hurt the central nervous system and create vertigo and muscular atrophy. The American company was developed and formed in Cupertino, California in the year 1976. The demographic segment is also a main key to the company’s success (Apple, Inc., 2018). For Apple’s marketing strategy, they rely on two different strategies: product placement with celebrities and popular shows and positive reviews in the media (Apple, Inc., 2018). It can be used for audio-visual media including books, periodicals, movies, music, games and web content. Based in America, Apple is a multinational corporation that designs and markets electronic goods and computer software. Apple has experienced changes in the executive team especially after the death of Steve Jobs. Multinational Corporations depends on corporate social responsibility (CSR) in supply chains and depends on the pressure of stakeholders. This can be either used to prop the iPad up in a position suitable for typing, or in an upright position for watching video and video calling over FaceTime. (Source: Apple, Inc. (2018). The company was incorporated in 1977 as Apple Computer, Inc. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not reflect the views of BusinessTeacher.org. MNCs need to have diverse mechanism, such as, planning, standard procedures, and training to control their subsidiaries that are in other countries. In todays world people want to be up-to-date in every field. Apple creates high end products and sets premium prices (Apple, Inc., 2018). This control of operations of business activities is defined as supply chain management. Apple, Inc. is one of the most well-known and successful Multinational Corporation out there. Apple does not experience consumer pressure at all. iPad 2 will be one of the first to have a dual-core processor that is it will be able to handle superior and more functional apps that what we have seen currently. They can start doing globalization (“Apple Inc. SWOT Analysis). The managers encourage creativity in order to get new ideas and to help improve their business and products. Apple Inc. – Form 10-K. Apple Inc.’s Website. Apple Inc. is one of the most well-known Multinational Corporations in the world. This means they create lower wage for workers and have an unsafe production facilities (Pun, et. Multinational Corporations are well rehearsed of making themselves look socially responsible. Their secrecy doesn’t give them a competitive advantage. Tim Cook balances between maintaining their most successful products/services and creating demand (Apple, Inc., 2018). Apple has tried to fill this gap with independent audits and investigations (Boersma, et al., 2015).
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