Who destroyed the Second Temple in 70 AD?Depicts the destruction and looting of the Second Temple by the Roman army led by Titus. So, this gives new meaning to Prime Minister Netanyahu’s statement of thanks to President Trump. Many turned from God in the wilderness, and never made it to Canaan. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! The antiChrist will be removed when his ‘they [Israel] will be given into his [son of perdition’s ] hand ‘a Time[3.5yrs-Jesus ministry] Times[X3.5yrs] & a half aTime [+ 1.75yrs] = 14years. In The Name of Yahshua, our BEAUTIFUL and WONDERFUL Savior. John 6:39 says repeatedly that the Lord is coming on the last day. Hallelujah praise his holy name for this message the agnostic will not win for they are of evil intent. Also completed after years of painstaking research and development is the sacred garment or ephod of the Cohen HaGadol as well as his choshen (breastplate) and the tziz zahav (golden crown). Donate Here! But the court which is without the temple leave out, and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles: and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two months.” – Rev. Share; A+; A-Nati Shohat/FLASH90. David, the shepherd boy who fought Goliath and became King, desired to build a permanent dwelling place for God. So, we must be very cautious as Believers. The Times Israël a rapporté les propos récents du Grand Rabbin d’Israël, David Lau, déclarant vouloir voir le Temple reconstruit sur le mont du Temple, à Jérusalem. I have often thought that the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet standing in the holy place where it ought not will be that 3rd temple. Revealed: In First Temple era, another massive temple was in use near Jerusalem Large 10th century BCE worship complex being excavated at Motza in ancient Judah; 4 miles from Temple … This is also the time when the two witnesses prophesy in Jerusalem. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. While the Trump plan released in January 2020 designated an undivided Jerusalem to exclusive Israeli sovereignty, it also stipulated that “the status quo at the Temple Mount/Haram al-Sharif should be continued.” And yet, in the following sentence, the plan contradicts that very position: “People of every faith should be permitted to pray on the Temple Mount/Haram al-Sharif.” We have already seen that refers to the coming of Jesus. Thanks. And yes, the FC will make a 7 year peace treaty between Israel and her enemy nations, then exactly half way through that in the rebuilt Temple declare himself as God, resulting in the world’s nations having their militaries attack his militaries and Jerusalem, until at the end of the 7 years Jesus and His show up. Israel formerly known as Rabbi Carl Austin (R.I.P. Thank Jesus. He is the one who brokered the covenant and who happens to own the building 666! It is of satanic origin. Our Website www.endtimesmessages.com is a Religious Platform. Temple Israel of Boston has been an integral part of Boston Jewish life for over 160 years. July 2020… “Then the word of the Lord came through the prophet Haggai. -----. Rebuilding the Third Temple. Required fields are marked *. Matthew 24:34 “ This generation shall not pass away, till all these things be accomplished.”, The Biblical generation (30-40 years), the events Christ described would come to pass. The eclipse was visible for a very short period of time in a 60-kilometer wide path […] (: Shalom. January 2016 the false Prophet Pope was invited by the prophetical man of sin Binyamin Netanyahu[666 old Hebrew Gematria -1996:- 11th king& 8th head as 3 repeat twice -known as the ‘little horn/son = BIBI;7th head fatally wounded[Rabin] to renew the Covenant of Old in the Great Synagogue Rome which he did with the proviso ‘they together ‘would build a new 3rd Temple in Jerusalem .Agreement made Covenant renewed. Jared Kushner is the antichrist. No Tom, I believe in the Rapture but, I’m not sure it will be a pre-trib rapture. Do you know the original sign for peace? 2020 Annual Fund: Responding to Covid-19 at Temple Israel. Now I want to point out that this Antichrist cannot commit the abomination of desolation until the Temple exists again. December 30, 2020 | Israel Today Staff. “When you see standing in the holy place ‘the abomination that causes desolation,’ spoken of through the prophet Daniel—let the reader understand—then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains.” (Matthew 24:15-16). Toute l’actualité sur le sujet Israël. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. So you think we have well over 50 years left? 20 septembre 2020. Are you still looking up at a certain cloud? Satan is a trickster. (OPINION) BIN – The first solar eclipse of 2020, a rare annular eclipse, appeared in the sky over Israel on Sunday, precisely coinciding with the anniversary of the day that Moses sent 12 spies into the Land of Israel. Dr. Minnes who served in the IDF Intelligence Corps and the Shin Bet, Israel’s internal security service also known as the Shabak came out recently and claimed that Donald Trump’s recent “Deal of the Century” Mideast peace plan echoes that of Persian King Cyrus’’ decree that paved the way for the Jews to build the Second Temple almost 2,000 years ago. During a Passover visit by Jesus the Jews replied that it had been under construction for 46 years. Peter says how ought we to live since we know these things. Also when the Israel rebuilds the Temple it will likely stir up the Muslims and the war of Gog may also happen unless provision is made for the mosque Al-Aqsa and the Dome of the Rock. 10 Lost Tribes of Israel; David Wilkerson; Sabbatical Cycles; HEBREW FEAST; CHANUKAH ; Book of Revelation; DANIEL 7-12; PARABLES; End-Times; LEFT BEHIND; THIS Generation; Close Encounters; Gog & Magog; Psalm 83 War; RFID Chip; Visions Beyond the Veil; Visions of a 14 year old boy; 40 Days in Heaven; Prayer of Salvation; TRUMP-2020-AND-BEYOND.COM. D'var Torah - A Word of Torah Next week: Zoom 'n Lunch 'n … In this scripture I want to point out “the people of the prince that shall come” shall destroy the city and the sanctuary. As Jeremiah prophesied, the Jewish people returned to Jerusalem from captivity in Babylon (today Iraq) after 70 years. ... Temple Israel has no control over these or their content. AMEN, Pingback: Update on the Third Temple | Prophecy for Today. This, as the book of Daniel prophesied, will be the catalyst event. The third temple WILL be rebuilt in Jerusalem. Some Palestinians are accusing Israel’s new Gulf state allies of helping the Jewish state lay the groundwork for the Third Temple.
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