UCLA IT Services news article. This method permits to carefully discriminate between caffeine effects on the primary sources of Ca2+ release at the Z-lines where the triads are located and secondary actions o... Potentiometric dyes are useful tools for studying membrane potential changes from compartments inaccessible to direct electrical recordings. In these develop... We have used UV flash photolysis of DM-nitrophen in combination with model-based analysis of Oregon Green 488 BAPTA-5N fluorescence transients to study the kinetics of Ca(2+) binding to calbindin-D(28K). To ground his own graduate students in the basics, Bezanilla, along with Julio Vergara, initiated a special course in electronics at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA, Los Angeles, CA), that he and Vergara taught for a quarter of a century and is still offered today. Author(s): Gómez, José; Neco, Patricia; DiFranco, Marino; Vergara, Julio L | Abstract: The spatiotemporal characteristics of the Ca(2+) release process in mouse skeletal muscle were investigated in enzymatically dissociated fibers from flexor digitorum brevis (FDB) muscles, using a custom-made two-photon microscope with laser scanning imaging (TPLSM) and spot detection capabilities. Calcium Release, Development of optical methods for monitoring voltage in groups of neuroanatomically-defined neurons, Calcium transients induced by AMPA receptor activation in hypoglossal motoneurons. Functional studies have not been performed for this deletion, but a missense mutation within the deleted region was reported as pathogenic in mouse models, ... At this time, the diffusional spread of calcium ions is much less than the error set by a ®nite detection volume (see (DiGregorio et al., 1999b) for a full explanation). In skeletal muscle, extracellular ATP arises locally from released synaptic ves-icles and broadly from active muscle fibers. In short, the kinetic features of the transients allow us to determine whether calcium channels are located within the detection volume. JULIO VERGARA; Present address: Department of Physiology, UCLA, Los Angeles. Action potential-evoked Ca(2+)-dependent fluorescence transients were recorded, usi... We developed a three-dimensional cylindrical diffusion-reaction model of a single amphibian myofibril in which Ca(2+) release occurred only at the Z-line. Hypothermia Devices was co-founded by Dr. Julio L. Vergara, ... Vergara is a professor of physiology at the UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine who … Affiliations. M. Natasha Rajah McGill + Kimberly S. Chiew University of Denver + John A E Anderson BiosciencePhD@mednet.ucla.edu The aim was to determine whether the opening of vesicles in the pre-synaptic axon was correlated to the distribution of the neurotransmitter receptors in the post-synaptic spine predicted by the... One of the limitations when establishing an electrophysiology setup, particularly in low resource settings, is the high cost of microscopes. RESEARCH Open Access Attenuated Ca2+ release in a mouse model of limb girdle muscular dystrophy 2A Marino DiFranco2,3*, Irina Kramerova1,3, Julio L. Vergara2,3 and Melissa Jan Spencer1,3* Abstract Background: Mutations in CAPN3 cause limb girdle muscular dystrop hy type 2A (LGMD2A), a … To investigate this issue, we simultaneously recorded fluorescence signals and chloride currents (ICl) in enzymatically dissociated FDB muscle fibers, stained with the potentiometric indicator d... A growing interest in cell biology is to express transgenically modified forms of essential proteins (e.g. The fluorescent signal had a very slow rise compared with the postsynaptic response, and presumably the calcium current. Farnesylated EGFP or ECFP (EGFP-F and ECFP-F) were used as immobile FRET donors, and either non-fluorescent (dipic... Cooperativity is one of the most important properties of molecular interactions in biological systems. Fibers were enzymatically isolated from FDB muscles of the mouse and studied under current- or voltage-clamp conditions using a two-microelectrode amplifier. In this paper the properties of action potentials (APs) and Ca(2+) transients elicited by single an... Plasmids encoding for two variants of the α1sDHPR, tagged at the N-terminal with EGFP, were transfected into adult FDB muscles by in vivo electroporation. The inspiratory phase of the respiratory cycle in vitro results from preBötC neurons firing synchronous bursts of action potentials (APs) on top of 10-20 mV, 0.3-0.8 s inspiratory drive potentials. See the faculty member's individual web page for additional information. Keywords. Local stimulation experiments and ultrastructural evidence suggest that, at a microscopic level, these Ca2+ transients are generated by the release o... Action potential stimulation of skeletal muscle fibers activates the release of Ca2+ from the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR), thus leading to a fast and transient change in myoplasmic calcium concentration ([Ca2+]i). Transients obtained using the low affinity Ca2+ indicator Oregon Green 488 BAPTA-5... We describe a high temporal resolution confocal spot microfluorimetry setup which makes possible the detection of fluorescence transients elicited by Ca2+ indicators in response to large (50-200 microM), short duration (< 100 ns), free [Ca2+] transients generated by laser flash photolysis of DM-nitrophen (DM-n; caged Ca2+). Furthermore, we are studying the properties and limitations of the TTS propagation in fibers stimulated to elicit repetitive firing and testing the effects that alterations in individual conductances (sodium and chloride in particular) have on these properties. Until very recently these calcium transients have been only recorded by means of space averaging photodetectors, such as photomultiplier... ... An important turning point in this issue has been, indeed, the demonstration that the application of an electric field is able to significantly improve the expression of transgene in skeletal muscle cells in vivo [8]. SCA2 PCs have elevated calcium across the physiological firing range By using single pulses and pulse trains of varying frequency (5-100 Hz), records obtained for both electrical and mechanical fiber response demonstrate that... A confocal spot detection optical setup was used to record fluorescence signals in response to calcium pulses, elicited by flash photolysis of DM-nitrophen, with the calcium indicators CaOrange-5N and Fluo-3. The dimensions of presynaptic calcium entry sites estimated from measured calcium domains in cultured neuromuscular junctions. Dr. Julio L. Vergara. Overexpression of SSPN ameliorates Duchenne muscular dystrophy in murine models. Fibers were kept in Tyrode at a resting (or holding) poten... We used thin sectioning and freeze-fracture electron microscopy to study the synapses in the rat cerebral cortex at 2nm resolution and in three-dimensions. Is the inspiratory drive in individual neurons simply t... Two hybrid voltage-sensing systems based on fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) were used to record membrane potential changes in the transverse tubular system (TTS) and surface membranes of adult mice skeletal muscle fibers. We studied in this work the exchanger of amphibian skeletal muscle, using both isolated inside-out transverse tubule vesicles and single muscle fibers. In intact fibers, IK(V) displays the canonical hallmarks of K(V) channels: voltage-de... PIP2 is a precursor of important second messengers, and by itself is a direct modulator of the activity of ion channels and transporters. Dr. Crosbie-Watson has created a course at UCLA using a new teaching format that is focused entirely on mechanisms and therapies for Duchenne muscular dystrophy. The membrane resistance (Rm) of mammalian skeletal muscle fibers at rest has been typically assumed to be dominated by the chloride conductance (gCl). We determined the properties of Ca(2+) release from NP-EGTA and DMn by using Oregon green BAPTA-5N to measure changes in [Ca(2+)] after ultraviolet flash photo... • Action potential (AP)-induced fluorescence transients were measured, using Ca2+ indicators and a spot-detection method, at single nerve terminals of a cultured Xenopus neuromuscular junction preparation with simultaneous measurement of neurotransmitter release. In particular, tissue nonlinearity results from the gradual straightening or recruitment of the wavy collagen and elastin fibers. Andrew Voss, Julio Vergara. Her father, Julio Enrique Vergara Robayo, provides cattle to the meat industry. The spatiotemporal characteristics of the Ca(2+) release process in mouse skeletal muscle were investigated in enzymatically dissociated fibers from flexor digitorum brevis (FDB) muscles, using a custom-made two-photon microscope with laser scanning imaging (TPLSM) and spot detection capabilities. Subject: Revised Filing Fee Policy - Effective Fall 2018 . This post was written by Dr. Ariel Escobar in preparation for the Julio Vergara’s Lecture that Dr. Escobar will present at the annual SOBLA meeting in 2021. Background UCLA GPB Box 951722, 300 Geffen Hall Los Angeles, CA 90095-1722. UCLA GPB Box 951722, 300 Geffen Hall Los Angeles, CA 90095-1722. The spatiotemporal properties of the Ca²⁺-release process in skeletal muscle fibers from normal and mdx fibers were determined using the confocal-spot detection technique. Sofía Vergara Actress | Hot Pursuit Sofía Margarita Vergara Vergara was born and raised in Barranquilla, Colombia. Methods Julio Vergara was born in Santiago, Chile. The mdx mouse, a model of the human disease Duchenne muscular dystrophy, has skeletal muscle fibres which display incompletely understood impaired contractile function. The double mutant utr-/-/mdx mouse has been postulated to be a better model of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy than mdx mouse because it displays a progression of pathological features comparable to that in humans. Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2018 11:02 AM . The goal of this study is to develop a structurally based constitutive model to characterize the structure-function relationship of the vocal folds. Ca, Modulation of Sarcoplasmic Reticulum ... Julio Vergara, Chair, Graduate Council and Professor, Physiology . Department of Physiology, David Geffen School of Medicine, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90095 Correspondence to Julio L. Vergara: jvergara@mednet.ucla.edu Received: March 19 … We previously demonstrated that FDB fibers from mdx mice show limitations in action potential (AP) elicited Ca2+ release. Sigman Symposium; Eisenberg Lectureship Series; Awards. ... Julio L. Vergara.
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