You can also try our cinnamon and honey with conditioner for hair lightening, especially for dark hair and even blonde hair. had dark brown eyes but now it has totally changed my eye colour. I can see lighter stress lines in both eyes and light brown hues in the iris. Yes it can be dangerous if u use just honey but it will be safer to mix honey with warm water. Btw how long does it take for them to change back? after your eye colour lightens, how long does it last? I want to try it but the fact that people might lose their eyesight because of the use of honey scared the crap out of me. who among you are using ‘sue bee raw honey? No, it doesn’t. I’ll try it for a couple of days just to see if my eyes would show any irritation of some sort. so they have gone up a shade with using honey and lemon, was using chamomille but i found that with that ingredient the mixture would go bad too soon. Introducing bacteria found in natural honey can easily cause eye infections and probably irritation. Get more insights on how to use milk for skin whitening, honey flour and lemon among other skin whitening home remedies. This actually works my eye color was black and now it is light brown??? Is there a way to lighten eye color naturally? Honey is often used to lighten the color of people’s eyes. I am so scared to try this , even though I have dark brown eyes but I want it lighter…… I am worried that something bad might happen to my eyes.???????????????????????????? Most honey in stores will usuallly say whether or not it is pure. Dark brown eyes are the type of eye color that most people try to lighten more often than not. So if You’ll be careful and cautious with the use of drops – ( hygiene ), nothing will go wrong! Conducted a study using 20% honey solution eye drops on human patients with dry eye syndrome. Warm bottled clean water or distilled works better than cold water, Mix honey and distilled water in the ratio of 1:5 (1 drop of honey for 5 drops of water), Place the mixture in a clean dropper bottle, Use a clean dropper to carefully place 2-3 drops in each eye, Store the remaining contents in a cool dark place. smh, I’m caucasian & have nearly black eyes somtimes dark brown. How much longer will it take to turn hazel-green? I have something my left eye like a section that is golden, possibly heterochromia, idk. It actually works! Does the it hurt when u put it in ur eyes??? if my eyes get burned. (Please note: Although your eye color choice may be similar, time frames are different for all users, some experience results faster than others) And this love is shared by most people around the world. I’m on day 4 of putting honey in my eyes and I have to say it definitely is working. Unfortunately it is only available in the US at the moment so if Amazon redirects you to your own local site you won’t find it and you’ll need to go to follow [easyazon_link identifier=”B074W2554S” locale=”US” tag=”skincareorg18-20″ localize=”n”]this link to[/easyazon_link] to read the reviews and questions there. "ANCIENT EGYPTIANS AND INDIANS USED HONEY AS A REMEDY FOR CURE OF EYE DISEASES. Once I feel that water and honey both are in warm room temperature I feel them in eye drop bottle and use as eye drop . Honey has been a popular and essential part of Ayurveda since ages. Right now I’m using raw orange blossom honey about 1:5 (honey to water). I’d recommend checking out the [easyazon_link identifier=”B074W2554S” locale=”US” tag=”skincareorg18-20″]customers reviews and questions answered[/easyazon_link] (there are a lot!) Does this work and how long will I have to wait for results? I just started today and I’m using clover honey(is it the right honey to use). Nineteen patients were treated with 20% honey solution eye … While it may not sound as pleasant having to swirl oil in your mouth, it way better that teeth whitening bleaches which come with a number of side effects. Salmon Patches: What are Salmon Patches and How Should You Treat Them? It is also important to note that honey does not change your eye color permanently. What if I wear contacts too? What I’m trying to say is be yourself, don’t try and bleach you eyes because everybody reacts differently. I decided to take a picture of my eyes today and I’m a little bit disappointed to see that after one month of MSN nothing has changed . Honey is not only used for lightening the eye but also to reduce the effect of Keratoconjunctivitis and as an after eye surgery to accelerate the healing process . Second, a honey-water mixture is not harmful to your eyes depending on the concentration (safe solution 1:5 honey to water ratio or 20% honey). It is commonly used as a household ingredient for lightening skin and dark spots. I wasn’t dissatisfied with ma eye color but the repetition of my friends sayin “ur mom’s eyes are prettier than yours” made me start thinking about changing them to hazel green & if impossible at least change em 2 pure scared HELP. Well see results in a few weeks. Certain cultures have also used honey to treat health conditions of the eye. Are you looking for how to change your eye color naturally with honey? Seems interesting. "Honey can't lighten your eyes sorry"(normally said by people who have no clue about this process, either scientifically or via experience, hey i used to be one of them too). It’s true, detoxing can actually change the color of your eyes. But rather i have other theories from Aged people , that with regular uses of honey can decrease the number of your specs . It really works my friend is from brasil he got black hair and dark Brown eyes he puts honey with water in his eyes for about 6 months (irregular) and now he has light brown eyes with a green rim. After about 6-12 months of using these eye drops, you should notice a drastic difference in your eye color. I have one light green eye and one light blue eye. I just want to change my dark brown eye because I when through a bad horrible break up with my ex boyfriend Sean he played me so I want to change my looks for a way to show I am over him in a Capricorn way ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? I’m happy with my eye colour but I can assure you that it doesn’t hurt your eyes in any way… even in ancient Egypt and India doctors used honey and water to treat glaucoma and other eye diseases… So yeah you guys can go ahead and give it a try.. According to a research done by All About Vision, brown eye color is among the least attractive eyes, pointing to the reason why some people try to lighten them. Does anyone putting honey drops in their eyes (and anything else) have assurance from a doctor that it won’t have ill effects on their eyesight? Eye color change with honey is a controversial subject that is entirely based of what people have done. Over time my eyes lightened a shade, I didnt realize it until my sister said my eyes looked lighter. My mother has hazel green wonderful eyes and my paternal granny had green eyes and my maternal grandfather had li blue eyes. I’ve been doing it for 2.5 years and am only a shade lighter. CNN: Laser procedure can turn brown eyes blueeval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'skincareorg_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_8',121,'0','0'])); All About Vision: Eye Color: How it Develops; Why Does it Change? Although some people may dilute honey with water to make it less acidic, without the right level of accuracy in measuring the pH can still cause your eyes to sting or become irritated when you put dilute honey water drops in them. Please i need someone to expatiate on that issue.. The water can then be used as eye drops, to apply on both the eyes at least 2-3 times daily. I just might try this next week when I pop over to the store and buy some honey and distilled water. There are 16 different colors and shades to choose from. The honey u should use is the pure honey that come out from bees directly not the honey u buy from store because they add chemicals to it and after using the method make sure u follow instructions good and u ll notice that your eyes will turn to hasal at least that how i did it and pretty sure it will work. Then add 2 teaspoons of the chamomile tea and 1 teaspoon of honey. Scared to do this but I’m dying for brighter eye color, does this work. Your water should be distilled and slightly warm. Is it possible to lighten your eye color at home? I’ve been through alot of eye colours, but there wasn’t much to it. Hi i as wel been using natural honey from my country grenada to lighten my brown eyes,dah thing is rite after the honey is beening harvest from the honey comb its been bottle rite away,so does dat mean its safe to use. A small dab of toothpaste has many benefits that just clean teeth. Turmeric Teeth Whitening- How to Whiten your Teeth Naturally with Turmeric. 13. That means that the acidic nature of honey can cause burning in the eyes if you put raw honey in your eyes to try to change eye color naturally. Here is more on how to change eye color with honey. The claims that using honey drops in each eye to lighten them is dangerous since it contains bacteria. You only have two eyes. Honey. Mix 1 drop of raw honey in 5 drops of warm water and stir well. I am a black guy with brown eyes. Hi guys Ryan here I have been using subliminal for at least two months it did lighten my eyes then I got lots of head problems like dandruf . Hello All , i have read alll your comments so far , i am not sure if it changes the color. How to Change Your Eye Color with Honey, Does Honey Change Eye Color Permanently, Lighten Eyes with Honey and Water. Jonah, if i had eyes like you, id die!!! How to Use Turmeric to Lighten Skin, Birth Control Pills for Acne Prone Skin, Brands, Before and After, Nodular Acne: Causes, Treatment Options, Prevention, Pictures, Comedonal Acne, Treatments to get rid of Comedones, Salicylic Acid, Pictures. Eye Color: How it Develops; Why Does it Change? Also your eyes will be very sensitive to the sun because they don’t hAve as much melanin. Thirty six patients (72 eyes) of mean age 44.7 years old were examined; Investigations were carried out before and after the treatment. This is due to the bacteria that may be present in the honey. I have dark brown ( that look black), but idk if I want to change them… Should I? but I am afraid to use it. ???????? I wants dark blue eyes.. how much quantiyof honey and water I jave to use? I am posting now, because so many people have stopped me to ask me … How to Lighten your Eyes with Makeup. It is almost impossible to change the original pigment in the iris that determines your eye color because it is genetically determined. I have honey it says 100 percent pure. Greetings to everyone by : Cherry Cola.? According to Dr. Hamid Sajjadi, an experienced ophthalmologist says that if honey is correctly mixed with water in the correct ratio of 1:5, it is not harmful. I’m scared to use this remedy, coz I’m gonna donate my eyes before I die until that I need to beautify me , exactly what kind of honey BRAND should i use to have great results… ANYONE, please answer this. Can you honey change your eye color with honey? ?, but I’m scared???? To make your eyes lighter with eyeshadow, choose shades that go best with your natural eye color. I am on day 6 and I have to say, I am actually seeing wonderful progress which is important. In the boiling water – ( of 1,5 dcl ) I put 2 to 3 tablespoons of flower honey and I let the water boil. I use this remedy frequently now. repeat until you get your desired amount. I did everything right but the effect was so painful! So, does honey change your eye color permanently? Whether honey as the method to change eye color without surgery is effective or not has not been scientifically determined. Does milk lighten skin? Looking more to heal the years of damage from free radicals than eye color change. I noticed quite the first results after one week of use. I use an organic raw honey that is freshly harvested in local beefarm diluted in pure water and rice water with some lemon/lime drops and some drops of ginger juice. 2. It also has given my eyes the sensation you feel when a sore is healing as well. Can you change your eye color with honey? Extra light amber, what do i do?????? Positive reviews recommend that honey to lighten eye color should be used on a frequent basis. Extra light amber, what do i do????? Please someone said something about “Change in the Specs of the Eye, due to this honey use”….. Does Honey Change Your Eye Color Permanently? How long will it take, Iam doing it for last 2 days . When I was young a had blue eyes (like a lot of children) but mine where almost neon blue. To naturally lighten hair, mix honey and water then let mixture sit for not more than an hour. Well it does look pretty nice on one eye. My natural eye color is dark green-brown – (dark hazelnut actually ) and the edges of the iris turned into a dark gray, and the rest of the iris lighten up for a little – ( for one or two shades ). You can add other ingredients such as olive oil, peroxide, cinnamon, lemon or ACV. I can’t find pure honey where i live,but by searching i fund out Chamomile tea can lighten eyes too, i just wanted ask if it does work instead of honey? One of the simplest procedures when you are determining how to get lighter eyes is by the use of honey. Following is detailed guide including before and after pictures According to sources such as WikiHow on how to lighten eye color naturally, it is highly discouraged to use honey to change eye color. I haven’t done it in awhile so can see my eyes are getting darker. !good luck with yours :)!!! Even if it fails to change your eye colour it’ll definitely improve your eye sights. Does Milk Lighten Skin Color The skin color entirely depends on several factors, main of which is the pigment melanin that is produced in the skin cells called melanocytes. [easyazon_link identifier=”B015P0U3JM” locale=”US” tag=”skincareorg18-20″]This one is UMF 20+[/easyazon_link] which is the highest level of antibacterial activity. Pure honey and water are best recommended since putting anything unpurified in eyes can cause you lots of problems. I want to do this ??? What a different I see my eye colors from dark brown to now hazel green.. feel so good I can’t explained. I’m scared but really want 2 try are u sure it’s safe tht it works ? It is also used to treat eye infections, as an antibacterial agent. very light brow colour now. 1.6 Fast Ways to Lighten Your Eye Color Naturally. Itchy scalp and then rash skin irritation so I stoped. I was dealing with the eye-lightening for about 5 months ago and I have to tell You, that this thing with honey really works! Honey will only help to lighten your eye color a few shades lighter after using pure honey water several times. Today is an exciting day. No matter whether you have brown or blue eyes, you’ve probably been wondering how you’d look with green eyes, for example. My eye lightening journey, with solid proof of how it works, Coconut Oil Teeth Whitening- How to Whiten Teeth with Coconut Oil. WikiHow: How to Change Your Eye Color Naturally, Bodybuilding Forums: My eye lightening journey, with solid proof of how it works, How to Bleach Upper Lip Hair Naturally at Home, Fast, Royal Jelly for Skin Care, Benefits, Products, Side Effects and Reviews, Coconut oil teeth whitening is growing popular as one of the natural methods used to whiten yellow teeth. How to Bleach Leg Hair, How to Lighten Leg Hair at Home, Naturally, Infected Lip Piercing: Causes, Signs, Treatment, Vicco Turmeric Skin Cream Benefits for Dry Skin, Face, Acne Hyperpigmentation, Does Turmeric Lighten Skin? If you heat yours and you feel it is too warm for your eyes, allow it some time to cool off. I’m kind of made all the time at school for it, how do I change it, does anybody know? Honey Hair Lightening- How to,Lemon,Cinnamon, Before and After Pictures Trying to lighten or bleach your hair at home with honey? In a contradicting tone, some forum comments on websites such as (see sources at the end) claim that raw honey has been used as an antibacterial for a long time and is safe for putting in the eyes. It is important to note that warnings on the use of honey to brighten eye color are quite resounding and should not be ignored. Grab a container and teaspoon. But how does honey change eye color? Change My Eye is Here To Help You Get The Exact Colored Eyes You Want. Is it safe? ?ive brought it from the store coz i saw the word RAW in the label..but it failed some test of being pure..sadly,i make eye drops out of using it for about 2 weeks.the result surprise me. Can i use sunflower honey type? Before using this natural method make sure that you ready everything about this natural treatment to ensure that you are doing it correctly and will not intentionally cause damage to your eyes. I have been using honey eye color changer for about a month now.In two weeks light brown rings were appearing around my pupil.Apparently these rings or strips are increasing in size.If u don’t believe me email me, wait will it hurt me thou cuz if it dont im down. Will that effect doing this process? I didnt believe it would work and simetimes I think im just imagining it and maybe i am?! Please also email us at with your own photos to increase the photo bank. Don’t change for anyone.. you’re beautiful. In order to help fund the running of this website is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. Here is more on how to change your eye color with honey.
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