How many people use two-hands when firing handguns? BATFE To Issue “Guidance” On Pistol Braces December 17, 2020 by John Richardson 3 Comments Firearms attorney Joshua Prince posted an alert last night regarding a move by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives to institute a rulemaking with regard to pistol braces. Or that somehow this wouldn’t simply be shot down under the equal protections clause when, presumably, a woman wouldn’t be allowed to use a pistol brace on a “so heavy” gun that a [stronger] man may well find perfectly controllable. BTW..I used to hump a M-60 back in the 70’s. For example: 1) the shooters hand gripping the frame of the pistol 2) the brace attached to ... 6/16/2020 … I don’t like it. I agree. Under Obama, the Department of State banned Defense Distributed from supplying files to print firearms using 3D printers, claiming it was a violation of ITAR. . By David Sherfinski - The Washington Times - Wednesday, December 30, 2020 Gun rights activists are claiming victory after the Trump administration withdrew … When did our inalienable rights become the Bill of Needs? The less it can have any reasonable expectation of keeping up with these shifts in ATF’s interpretations and their objectively subjective rules. It’s all to crazy. In fact it is precisely because large format, heavy pistols such as AR-15 pistols are difficult to control with a single hand that ATF gave its stamp of approval to SB Tactical, inventors of the pistol brace, back in the day. which have exploded in popularity in the past decade, … Yes, yes it is. The mere fact that they are making arbitrary and capricious ‘decisions’ – based solely on their opinions is ample proof of their ultimate goals. Additionally, it is also common that braces may be used even more effectively by providing a third point of contact between the shooter and the firearm. Not sure the Hatch act applied, as it was a group of senior leaders not the public, BUT it was certainly in bad taste and obviously she wasn’t shy about… Read more ». JDC – you do remember that one of the (few) things that FDR got right was not allowing fedzilla employees to unionize. Take a look at the pistol brace extraordinaire SB Tactical. Most of us realize what the original intent of ‘braces’ was and use them accordingly. Doesn’t matter how short it is, how I hold it or whatever else you can come up with. We’ll update this article with a link to the specific page at as soon as it’s available. Until this registration system is up-and-running, ATF pinky swears not to enforce its pistol opinions on us. June 18, 2020; Lack of Reliable Magazines Limit Hornady’s 6mm ARC Cartridge Offerings June 9, 2020 You can’t aim. I mean, seriously? Why not? Who NEEDS a bumpstock? ATF’s claim is that it’s simply detailing in a clear, objective fashion the metrics by which it does, will, and has judged pistol braces. Just after the marketing angle on page 5, Special Agent mentions something on February 2019 regarding an SBA3 brace that was determined to be a shouldering device. It’s not an anti tank weapon or anti aircraft weapon its not a flame thrower and I don’t know why anyone would want one except for maybe setting back fires. This move from ATF is even dumber than when they banned bump stocks., objective factors for classifying weapons with stabilizing braces, BREAKING: Texas AG Accuses Cheaper Than Dirt of Price Gouging, 6th & 7th Day of Christmas By Bloomberg and Beto-Backed Lawmakers, Ohio No Duty to Retreat Legislation Heads to the Governor, 10 Ruger Mini-14 and Mini Thirty Accessories That Are Actually Worth the Money, Michelle Obamas Mother Dies, Leaves Inheritance to My Son Michael, The Browning BAR (No, The Other One): The Hunting Rifle and Its History, Gun Review: Savage Axis II XP in .223 Remington. U.S.A. - ( Documents leaked to several media outlets Wednesday show the Justice Department is moving to publish in the Federal Registry on Friday, December 18th, 2020 … Currently, the rules are very subjective, which means it depends on the reviewer that gets assigned the review to determine if a brace is legal. I like to imagine an SF-style deck of ‘playing cards’ depicting all of the ‘Enemies of America’. Remember the 200+ year old Whiskey Rebellion? Or at least define. Both are seen by them as a way to side-step certain NFA regulations. Unfortunately, in full-on Princess Bride fashion, I do not think “objective” means what BATFE thinks it means. Errr, answer. Using tax payer funds to collude with domestic terrorists (Harris/Biden “campaign”) to remove American’s rights sounds treasonous. It is a firearm designed to be shot with one hand. What do ya think when Trumps lawyers win and Biden loses…. No one is being fooled by calling them braces. ... adding a pistol brace … Some of these factors relate to the design of the pistol brace itself: Not to put too fine a point on it here, but if ATF thinks these are “objective” metrics . First, let’s not miss this gem from the document: The planned “Objective Factors” document isn’t a brace ban and it isn’t a law. WASHINGTON, DC –-( While the court battles over control of the Whitehouse continues, the leadership of the ATF has already started working with the Biden transition to restrict American’s gun rights further. Many Democrats claim that these guns are “ghost guns” only possessed by criminals. ATF pistol brace ban 2020? I’m hearing too many rumors over pistol brace criminalization to ignore this distinct and real possibility. I couldn’t hit the backstop, let alone the target. If short barreled rifles are so very dangerous, and ATF considers some percentage of these brace-equipped pistols to be short barreled rifles, why haven’t we seen a related increase in crime or in criminal acts committed with brace-equipped guns? With the leak of a new letter showing that ATF is opening up a public comment period ahead of finalizing their “Objective Factors for Classifying Weapons with Stabilizing Braces” document, there is renewed fear of an impending pistol brace ban. What you used to do for a paycheck is irrelevant. AR pistols carry short barrels and a special brace. Kyle Rittenhouse Acted in Lawful Self Defense in Kenosha September 1, 2020; Omaha Outdoors Announces GOA Round-Up Option July 12, 2020; Remembering Frank DeSomma June 23, 2020; A Pistol Brace Ban Will Happen Someday. I am only surprised it took this long. John is a NRA instructor and a constitutional activist. President Trump should take away the right of federal civilians to unionize. Not just there, but with our representatives. ATF former Department Assistant Director of Enforcement Programs and Services Curtis Gilbert specifically named the SBA4 in a meeting and accused SB Tactical of making a stock disguised as a pistol brace. ATF is now “informing” the public of other factors that it considers (and, allegedly, has historically considered; they just didn’t feel like telling anyone) when determining the validity of a braced pistol, such as choice of optic: Effectively, all of these factors are intended to determine the pistol manufacturer’s and the end user’s intent. Nine out of ten firearms used in a crime are stolen. Removing short-barreled rifles from the NFA of 1934 and having the government end their obsession with attempting to differentiate a handgun from a rifle would resolve the whole thing. The brace, used as intended, then makes it a handgun? These folks march in legion with Jim Crow as usurpers and need to be dealt with as such. We just are not “allowed” to own “new” automatic firearms. Just when you thought 2020 couldn’t get any weirder, the ATF decided that they can get more shenanigans under the wire as the 2020 clock ticks down. Update: The ATF announced that it has “withdrawn its guidance” concerning pistol braces, which means pistol brace guidelines will remain as they are, for the time being. For example: So this is, like, a rule that’s based on each individual person’s arm and wrist strength? It shouldn’t be much of a surprise. Possible ATF Rulemaking: Pistol Braces Require NFA Registration Or Destruction. Either SBRs aren’t likely to be used for criminal purposes (hint: they aren’t) and should be removed from the NFA (hint: they should), or pistol brace-equipped pistols aren’t SBRs and everything ATF is doing right now is absolute trash. Although the former Vice President has claimed victory, Trump has pointed to widespread voter fraud. I mean, isn’t increased control of large, heavy pistols the entire purpose of pistol stabilizing braces in the first place? So, the ATF released a statement that said shouldering a pistol brace would make your pistol an SBR, which is illegal: "Consequently, the attachment of the SB-15 brace to an AR-type pistol alone; would not change the classification of the pistol to an SBR. Ryben – possibly true – but who is pulling barky’s strings? I have had 8 SBR or SBS guns and paid my taxes. ATF heads have wanted to go after pistol braces for years. Feebs, predictable as a sunrise. Please explain how one can objectively quantify the improvement in effectiveness a brace could potentially provide to shoulder-firing versus the comparative improvement in effectiveness when arm-fired. (Read Leaked Docs) Posted on December 16, 2020 by Thomas K. Share this Shit: According to Ammo Land. Who gets to decide that? I would be interested to know if anyone (other than the NRA) tried to counsel him before or after the infamous 2/28/18 “bi-partisan meeting on gun violence.” If he hadn’t boasted that he was going to be more effective than Obama at implementing more gun control (and if he hadn’t gone on to fulfill his promise to “take care of bump stocks” himself), I think he would have been re-elected. However, ATF is absolutely attempting to crack down on what it will consider a pistol, and what it will not. For example, if FATD classified a firearm with an arm brace as a “pistol,” that classification would be subject to FATD's review if the manufacturer sold the product with the instruction that the weapon is actually designed and intended to be fired from the shoulder. I saw this coming when my students started buying these. John has written about firearms, interviewed people of all walks of life, and on the Constitution. Ban the NFA. Under Pressure, ATF Rescinds Pistol Brace Notice. 2014: ATF rules against shouldering braces. Defund the entire federal police state regulatory apparatus. In 1934, Franklin Roosevelt was president, Bonnie and Clyde were killed during a police ambush in Bienville Parish, La., and “The Three Stooges” released their first comedy short. But we don’t want to walk on egg shells, we can’t be expected to have a law degree just to understand rulings, and we don’t have the time or resources to attend continuing education classes just to stay on top of ATF’s incessant shifts of opinion. Do you know the ATF definition of handgun? They’d have to be capable of feeling shame. All of my ranting aside, the idea of objective, standardized, reliably-unchanging factors for how ATF determines firearms classification is a good thing. Or, … Would you agree that same firearm without a brace also makes it a handgun? Source:, © 2018 Concealed PAtriot All Rights Reserved. and it is starting even before the electoral college can convene… AmmoLand News has reported on ATF Associate Deputy Director Marvin Richardson’s dislike of braces, including ones made by SB Tactical. ”. They care not for the Constitution nor do they care who sits in the White House. In fact, I would call these factors not objective, but objectively subjective. Both of these were clearly targets for the Braces ARE stocks. The guy next door let me try out his before they were banned. Runs a little deeper than just paying a tax doesn’t it? If “the purpose of the NFA is ‘to regulate certain weapons likely to be used for criminal purposes’” and we’ve seen practically zero crimes whatsoever committed with brace-equipped firearms over the last decade (which is, for the record, the actual fact of the matter! As the left make their lists we make ours. That isn’t happening. The public comment period on the proposed “Objective Factors for Classifying Weapons with Stabilizing Braces” document begins very soon. Posted December 17, 2020 in Breaking News, Companies, Daily News, News, Pistol Stabilizing Brace, Pistols by Pete with No Comments Tags: atf, nfa, Pistol Braces We are still “allowed” to own automatic firearms. If it’s not auto, I should be able to have it and enjoy it any way I want that is legal. Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. Somehow the stock type of a rifle automatically makes it into a ruthless human killing machine? — Rob (@2Aupdates) October 14, 2020 At issue is the legal design of the AR pistols, made by most major AR makers. I have fired rifles one-handed, does that mean it was intended to be fired that way? So that the firearm industry and the public understand exactly what is and is not kosher when it comes to a pistol brace. The ATF is looking to crack down on a loophole that allows owners of AR-15s, AK-47s, and other automatic and semi-automatic rifles to modify their rifles into pistols by use of what's known in the industry as a "pistol brace." BTW..I used to hump a M-60 back in the 70’s. . Should you choose to comply with the latest in ATF’s waffling and indecision and absurd “standards” related to pistol braces, the agency is all too happy to help (in the “we’re from the government, and we’re here to help you” sense): So, should your pistol not meet the “objective factors” detailed in this proposed document, fear not, you can register it as an SBR in an expedited process with the normal, $200 registration tax waived entirely. The ATF and the Biden campaign did not return AmmoLand’s request for comment. Like at Nuremberg after the war those who were tyrants received a short drop — to hell. You Can’t Stop It. People with AR pistols need to get used to having a $5 AOW that they ge to register without the $200 making tax. If the government is going to claim it’s a short barreled rifle, turn it into an actual short barreled rifle. It was a horrible decision to order the BATFE to redefine the meaning of words. Biden-Harris will move to outlaw them. Yep. Seriously? I’m glad to hear this. There’s literally one known case), then I move to remove SBRs from the purview of the NFA. Rudy Giuliani showed that Will Smith’s long-dead grandfather and deceased boxer Joe Frazier voted in the election. ATF is announcing the withdrawal of a notice and request for comments entitled “Objective Factors for Classifying Weapons with ‘Stabilizing Braces’,” that was published on December 18, 2020. We have had revenuers since the nation was formed. You up for that Don? Nefarious deep state actors, usurpers all conspire against your liberty every hour of every day. The Department of Justice told the ATF’s industry side not to move on pistol braces until the agency could be worked out regulations. Not that they are doing it, but that they have been exposed. You can’t aim. Pistol Arm Brace Ban Coming from DOJ Tomorrow? The ATF has long wanted to ban the sale of 80% lower receivers and kits but lacked the political power to do so. Just wait till Biden reclassifies semi-auto rifles like machine guns. While you and I might believe an objective “so heavy that it is impractical” weight is 80 ounces and up, ATF somehow believes that these vague rules of thumb are “Objective Factors.” I find it very hard to believe this sort of subjective vaguery could possibly hold up in court. The AFGE was established by executive order…time to end it. The order indicated that the Honeybadger, in large part due to the SB Tactical pistol brace, was an SBR – not an AR pistol. Gdubb, We are all sick of being burned by arbitrary, vacillating bureaucratic opinion letters. Which they not only know, but explicitly state in this very document: To be clear once again, pistol braces are NOT being banned (start with the first complete sentence below): We’ve dealt with restrictions on what an acceptable brace format is in the past, such as the apparent 13.5-inch “length of pull” limit. We will be lucky to own a blunderbuss in the future. Firearm law is serious, and we law-abiding gun owners want to and intend to stay on the up-and-up. I have no problem with them or “bump-stocks” either but my ancestors were Druids and I can see into the future. If it’s not auto, I should be able to have it and enjoy it any way I want that is legal. NOPE “Everyone knows” is not at all accurate. Perhaps it’s more like the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco Firearms Explosives Confusion Entrapment and Subjugation (or BATFECES)? Therefore, it fell under the NFA, and all owners would need to register with the ATF. Happy Veterans Day, thank you for your support. “Objectively,” only not so much. SB Tactical and other companies have been working with the federal government to clarify the rules surrounding braces. These receivers let gun owners mill out their own unserialized firearms but Americans have every right to build their own guns from scratch and have done so for 100’s of years. pistol, and 2) the brace attached to the shooters forearm. The ATF has just posted a notice that they have withdrawn their guidance and request for public comment on “Objective Factors for Classifying Weapons with ‘Stabilizing Braces‘” in the Federal Register. A large percentage of Americans have had enough of being told what they “need” by government employees. The BATFE under Biden will make the Gestapo look like girl scouts, okay, retarded girl scouts, but you get my drift. Basically, what type and configuration of firearm the rogue bureaucracy gives its blessing for adornment with a pistol stabilizing brace, and what type it claims is just a short barreled rifle in pistol clothing. Let’s address the biggest issues and what you need to do to protect yourself in light of the the possible pistol brace ban. The use of firearms made from 80% lower receivers by criminals is exceedingly rare. The proposed ban applies to certain pistol braces, which had been previously blessed by BATFE as lawful accessories. . They should read ‘Unintended Consequences’ . The industry has been demanding this for a very long time. The legal path to the AR pistol brace is a long one. “People with AR pistols need to get used to having a $5 AOW that they ge to register . He had been given a draft copy of their proposal. link to the specific page at as soon as it’s available. That isn’t happening. Laughable stupidity again coming from the libtards on the left. Instead, the rogue ATF’s law enforcement side sent letters to multiple companies stating that their pistol brace firearms were short-barreled rifles (SBRs). You know, for our benefit. And yet the Special Agent in 2020 ignores this established point in history. When they make them illegal, then you are okay with it? He can’t seem to resist being a populist, even if it means turning his back on the most die-hard subset of his base. It’s hilarious how the ATF can conclude that a piece of plastic added to a pistol can become a SBR, but of course we know now that it’s actually not a technical conclusion but a political one from an unelected entity who constantly undermines our rights. She discussed ATF withdrawing guidance on a proposal to ban 3-4 million AR-15 pistol braces, which would have been the largest gun confiscation effort in US history had it proceeded; the status of the DESCEND Act and how it’ll bolster red snapper numbers in the Gulf; and your reviews. Through an executive order, he created Schedule F. The order allows the President to move government workers into the new category to more easily fire them.
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