Another intelligent guess points to the fact that throwing the Poodle into the mix helped develop an intelligent, low-shedding pup as well as an easily trainable one. Teaching your puppy to be given his food, and have it taken away to avoid him becoming food proud. To achieve firm muscles, the Shih-Poo will benefit from high-protein and moderately low-calorie diet. It’s usually a good idea to combine the above exercise with crate training. However, the devotion to their adopters is unconditional. As is the apparent norm with mixed breeds, there is a premium on owning a Shih Tzu poodle mix puppy. What he lacks in height, he makes up for in heart! Life expectancy for the Shih-Poo is quite long; there are pet parents who have reported that their Shih-Poos lived for all of 15 years. 3 girls, one black with some white on … Beagador): Fun, playful with a mind of its own, Grooming / Clipping Every four to six weeks, Tear Stain Cleaning Wipe the area with a tear stain wipe daily. The average cost of buying the Shih tzu Poodle mix is around $600, but if you are purchasing from a top breeder, the cost can be as high as $1,800 to $6,300. Similarly cross-bred dogs to the Shih-Poo include: Now that you know that this breed is the one for you, it’s time to go on the hunt for your Shih-Tzu and Poodle mixed puppy! Poodle History. Being a cross-breed dog, the Shih Tzu Poodle mix can easily inherit one of the health problems of either parent. The focus was still on the purebreds for the better part of the 20th century without much attention on the crossbreed; but things changed very rapidly. They are very family-oriented, affectionate, and devoted to those that love them and care for them. My husband & I went to meet her in her temporary home two hours away. However, the height shouldn’t go below 8 inches, and the weight came to be realized as 7 pounds. Your email address will not be published. Shihpoos are fun-loving and energetic and have such a zest for life. Maltese shih-tzu puppies. Their thick coat, while it doesn’t shed excessively, does require frequent grooming, and trimming to ensure that it doesn’t affect your four-legged friend’s health. Professional grooming is advised for every four to six weeks, but if you’re handy with a pair of clippers, or prepared to learn; you could save yourself a great deal of money by giving Fido his haircuts at home! Charming and alert, they are very trusting and happy and cheerful natures. Additionally, the dog’s ears need regular inspection and should be cleaned when dirty, or at least once a week. Many celebrities choose to share their hearts and homes with this silken haired dog breed, with one of the best known “celebrity” Shih Tzu’s being the duo Bing, and Bong who are owned by none other than the singing superstar that is Mariah Carey. From the get go, if your dog’s bed is in a crate with the door latched open – he’ll associate the crate with happy naps! Grooming - Both breeds have high grooming requirements, but the Poodle is slightly easier to groom between the two. They are all maltese shih tzu x toy poodle. A mix of Shih Tzu and Mini Poodle, Benny will have everyone in the family running around, chasing a ball alongside of him. The intelligence of the Poodle, combined with the relaxed attitude of the Shih-Tzu can result in a dog that is harder to train. So, why was the shitzu mix with poodle created? It is not possible to tell who the creator of the first Shi-Poo was, or when it came into existence and where. Furthermore, the nails need to be clipped every three to four weeks. They are also cute and have alert-looking expressions. Shih Tzu x Poodle (Shihpoo) male puppy ready to go. Find Shih Tzu Puppies and Breeders in your area and helpful Shih Tzu information. Below is further insight on the history and characteristics of the poodle and the Shih Tzu: The Poodle is intelligent, quite trainable, and sports a frou-frou hairdo. A ShihPoo’s size is determined mostly by whether its Poodle parent was a standard, miniature, or toy. The Shih-Poo is a mixed breed dog — a cross between the Shih Tzu and Toy Poodle dog breeds. Home for shih tzu & poodles. The Shih Tzu Poodle mix affectionally referred to as the Shih-Poo is a mixed breed dog. I have a picture of Holly on a leash while meeting her for the first time. I currently have one German Shepherd & four cats. Keeping them at an ideal weight is a very good way of extending their life. Although it is not always easy to guess the traits of a crossbred dog, the Shih Poo is likely to have characteristics that match both it’s parents and with be playful, eager to please and love to be doted on. Additionally, the Poodle is also highly valued for its low-shedding traits. Pet parents should try and include veggies and fruits for the essential antioxidants as well as other beneficial substances. The Shi-Poo is an incredibly affectionate and friendly little dog. However, all these go to describe the Standard Poodle, but the Toy and Miniature Poodles are more valued in hunting for truffles. And it is quite loyal and affectionate, but can be a big challenge to train. Furthermore, commanding the Poodle is quite easy, and it displays remarkable stamina comparable to the endurance of the sturdy breed called Nordic sled dogs. 5. . See more ideas about shih tzu poodle mix, shih tzu poodle, poodle mix. Shih Tzus can be persistent, but what they lack in experience, they make up for tenfold in personality. How Much Grooming Does This Shih Tzu Poodle mix Need? Having the Poodle as one of its parents makes the Shih-Poo to be highly intelligent, but this does not mean that the breed can be easily trained. The Shih Tzu Poodle mix lifespan is around 10 to 15 years. They are all maltese shih tzu x toy poodle. Report Ad. When Holly came out, I was overwhelmed by her beauty. I got my second dog as a 16th birthday present, and her loyalty for me was just as strong as my first. However, this is all speculation and may be disproved with time. He’s a real people pleaser and adapts himself to the environment. This dog is absolutely cute, engendering admiration with its alert expression, and a sturdy body. You can start by teaching your dog to go to bed when he’s tired, this is to make him associate his bed with being, calm, sleepy, and cozy! Like the Shih Tzu, the Poodle was a favorite subject of artists, and can be seen in paintings dating back to at least the 15th century. Some experts believe that the dog originated in Germany, while others consider France to be its country of origin. It is up to you to decide on the ideal frequency for feeding; some divide it into a couple of meals, while others prefer three meals a day. She was two years old. Training can be fun for pooch and owner, why not set yourself a new training challenge each weekend? I do hope that when looking for a new dog, you first consider the temperament, and health of the breed! As well as grooming, with the Shih-Poo being a smaller breed, he is more susceptible to oral disease, ear infections, and tear stains – all of which are manageable with a grooming routine. Shih-poo: Cross of a Shih Tzu and a Poodle; bred as a companion dog with the possibility of it inheriting a hypoallergenic coat; height ranges from 9 to 14 inches (23 to 36 cm) and weight ranges from 9 to 16 pounds (4.1 to 7.3 kg). Generally speaking, a puppy with a good pedigree will cost you in the region of $1,200. This long-haired breed can take after either parent, with straight-haired, and curly-haired both found. The name Shih Tzu comes from the Chinese word for Lion as the breed was originally bred to look like a smaller version of the majestic big cat. It’s also free to list your available puppies and litters on our site. The Shih-Poo is a small dog, hypoallergenic and allergy-friendly. However, this only becomes evident when the dog observes its family to be doing the same. Shih-poo is a combination of dog from the Shih Tzu breed and a Toy Poodle type. See More We will examine some common questions about the different Lhasa Apso Shih Tzu Poodle mixes below. Continue reading for further information and breed facts. Related ads with more general searches: 30+ days ago. He’s equally as happy outside, playing fetch, or going for a walk. And while they have never functioned as guard dogs, the dog’s vigilance has been effective in alerting the family to the presence of a strange face. For those of you that understand the sheer joy of owning a dog that seemed to know when something was wrong and try to cheer you up – that’s pretty much what you’re likely to get with your new Shih-Poo puppy. Of course, what else could you expect from the child of the Poodle and the Shih Tzu? 1 like. By this age, your puppy will have already learned what it is to learn! Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. … Even though the Shih Poo is made up of Poodle and Shih Tzu blood, it does not mean that he will have one parent of each breed. Rescues are thankful for their person because they are normally taken from bad situations. When the in-laws are looking after him for the weekend, with little exercise other than nipping to the local shop he’s quite content. A Shih Tzu Poodle mix is a mixed breed, so it’s not recognized by the AKC. We met her caretaker two weeks later to get Holly. Why do people have to change the “natural” order of things. The Shih Tzu comes in a range of colours that include various shades of gold, white, brown, and black. Health Factors - Poodle vs Shih Tzu Health Issues The Poodle is a healthy breed, but there are certain health issues that you should check with your vet regularly. [The Ultimate Guide]. An ideal companion dog, they are popular with older owners thanks to their chilled out nature, tendency to be incredibly quiet, and lack of exercise needs. 5. . The dog’s activity level is quite moderate, and thus, it might not be suitable for lazy people. The size of the Shih-Poo notwithstanding, is moderately active, meaning that its energy requirement calls for the appropriate amounts of calories. Children - Both the Poodle and Shih Tzu are great with children. The most important lesson your puppy can learn, well it certainly feels that way after a few weeks of cleaning up potty pads! We also know that this breed originates from the US. Report Ad. As a cross between a Shih Tzu and a Toy or Miniature Poodle, Shih Tzu Poodle Mix dogs (also known as a Shihpoo) are some of the cutest little creatures. Here are some ideas on what to include in your training schedule and when! Not only will he be a joy to be around, but it can help to avoid potentially dangerous situations such as running out onto the road, or fighting at the dog park! With SO MANY animals in shelters, I have a hard time spending a large amount of money on a dog that will have a home because the majority of consumers want pure breed dogs. Teacup Shih-Poo comes even smaller than these. This is especially important if you have little kids, teaching your pooch to gently take treats, or not jump up just requires a firm, yet gentle approach. The same can be said for a Shih-Poo born with the Shih Tzu’s straight hair. When compared to other breeds, the Shih-Poo is a small dog; however, its ultimate size is largely dependent on the pup’s Poodle parent, which may be Standard, Toy, Miniature, or any size. The reason behind this is that dog parents must exert control over their fur baby’s demeanor, as you wouldn’t want them to be the ones in control. Just for the sole reason that the dog is a crossbreed, does not justify your holding back on high-quality canine food. Check Price. It’s never too young to start introducing your pup to new environments and situations. However, you cannot disregard training in general, as it is one of the essential requirements for dogs in general – it does not matter whether they are lap dogs, working dogs, crossbreeds, and purebreds. Ted is an adorable puppy with a very rich apricot non shedding coat ted is extremelty playful and very well socialised with other puppies his. Of course, it is now known that all dogs are hypoallergenic to some extent, and can be regarded as allergy triggers. Starting to teach him that it’s more enjoyable to walk on a loose lead should start from his first walk! Shoodle - shih tzu x toy poodle - tiny ted 9 weeks . Brushing and combing should be done on a daily basis to keep the mats and tangles at bay. Potential pet parents who can’t seem to make a choice between the Shih Tzu and the Poodle can as well settle for the Shih-Poo. Overall, the Shih-Poo dog breed is the last word in adorable. Another thing to remember upon adopting a new puppy is that the power to protect your furbaby from one of the most widespread canine health issues – obesity is in your hands. Due to the mixture of genes this hybrid can take individual characteristics from both parents – sometimes more characteristics from the … From what is obvious, it all started during the early part of 2000 when the rich and the famous often came photographed alongside a designer dog, and all of a sudden, it became like a fever – many started seeking breeds like the Maltipoo, Shih-Poo, and Labradoodle, amongst others. All Shih Tzu found here are from AKC-Registered parents. Ranking 20th in popularity as of now, this long-haired, affectionate dog can be a bit cheeky when it comes to training, but if training is started young – he will be highly obedient. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Shih Tzu Poodle Mix Price. The Shih-Poo is not a purebred dog. It is, no doubt, a veritable retriever sort of pup that came equipped with webbed feet which aids them in swimming fast in addition to a coat with remarkable water-repellent properties. For instance, if your Shih-Poo happens to be a 15-lb unneutered male that is moderately active, its daily requirement for caloric-intake can be estimated between 470 to 480. Any Shih-Poo sporting a Shih Tzu’s coat will benefit from healthy fats such as omega-3s. Queensland. The Shih Tzu Poodle mix lifespan is around 10 to 15 years. Or, if you decide to pack him up for a family hiking trip through the woods, he’ll be just as happy! Though the life expectancy ranges between 15 to 18 years, the breed is susceptible to clinical conditions such as cataracts, patellar luxation, and hip dysplasia, as well as entropion. The Shih-Poo is an excellent family dog, perfectly sized to fit in an apartment or small home. Your email address will not be published. I was raised to be a dog person. A Shih Poo is crossbreed of dog and the result of breeding a purebred Shih Tzu and a purebred Poodle. In order to know when he has to pay attention to you, your first step is teaching him to recognise, and follow you when you’re calling his name. A Shih Poo is a designer crossbreed developed from the ‘Shih Tzu’ and the ‘Miniature or Toy Poodle’.Get complete information about temperament, training, feeding, behavior, puppies, and pictures of your favorite dog breed. The Shih Tzu, also referred to as the Chrysanthemum Dog is a highly popular companion breed that sits within the Toy group in the American Kennel Club. Be very careful when getting one as these are a common breed to come from Puppy Mills. I grew up with several Shepherds so they have always been one of my favorite breeds. With many proclaiming that a mixed breed cannot develop the medical issues that affect a singular parent, and instead – can only contract those that affect both breeds. As the seventh most popular dog breed in the USA, clearly this combination works well! And buying a puppy isn’t the only option, even when looking for a designer dog breed. There are a whopping eight colors commonly found, including: The Shih-Poo is the ideal family dog, with a calm, and quiet nature he is the perfect Netflix and chill kinda pooch. One reason why potential dog parents prefer crossbreeds is because of the general belief that designer dogs come with lesser health issues compared to pure breeds – but this is a huge misconception. Your trusty Shih Tzu cross Poodle doesn’t need quite as much activity as his curly-haired family members, but he does need more than his silken-haired ones! The Shih-Poo, as with any other dog breed, will thrive in an environment of positive reinforcement! Remember, that’s just the cost to buy. Owner Experience - Both the Poodle and Shih Tzu are excellent choices for new or inexperienced owners. A dog that can stop barking on command is perhaps the best dog of all time! What’s more,it also revels in the knowledge that it is loved back. For more help on dog grooming, you may wish to read our guides on the best dog nail grinders, dog dryers, dog clippers, dog paw washers and dog grooming clippers. She is so pretty—she is a golden color with small amounts of white on her body. I have a shih- poo given as a gift. It is a brilliant idea to read more about their Shih Tzu and Poodle parents and get a good understanding of them. Many people are yet to appreciate the fact that the breed is a dependable and super-efficient hunter. Just to make your life a little easier, we’ve jotted down a quick cheat sheet so that you know how often you need to take care of these tasks. I AM NOT A BIG PROPONET OF PAYING FOR ANIMALS. He should already come to you when you say his name, now you can add basic commands such as sit, down, and stay. Don’t be disheartened by the setbacks, just keep pushing forwards and pretty soon you will have an incredibly obedient young dog. Pet parents who find it convenient to feed their dog three times daily should be targeting 160 calories for each meal. Each dog is different, but on average, you’ll need to exercise your Shih-Poo for forty-five minutes to an hour and a half daily once he’s full grown. Barking - Both the Poodle and Shih Tzu are average barkers. One consideration when looking into bringing your very own Shi-Poo home, is, their big fluffy coats! Other colours include black mask gold, black and white, solid black, solid liver, liver and white, brindle, white, red and white, and grey and white. In the past, I have purchased two ShihTzus & a Daushound. A few common health condition are far known to affect the Shih-Poo, and that includes: The Shih-Poo isn’t the first designer dog breed to pop up, and he certainly won’t be the last. Shih tzu/tiny poodle,born 7th November, mum is Shih tzu dad is poodle.There are 4 boys and 4 girls. The breed enjoys attention and exhibits this certain eagerness to entertain as well as please – a character trait they inherited from the Poodle. As for color, it can either display the Poodle’s solid color, or can exhibit different colors like the Shih Tzu. I was told that she had been neglected. He’s not the biggest pooch, as mentioned above it ranges in height from 8-18 inches (20-45 cm), and weighing anywhere from 8-18 lbs (3-8 kg). She was 3yo when I got her. Shih Tzu Poodle Mix, Temperament, Care, Health Issues and More . Most of the best qualities of Shih-poo are being inherited from their parents. She wanted us to be alone with her. However, you have to leverage your preventive abilities in ensuring a healthier canine life. But, it’s not guaranteed. It is a cross between the Shih Tzu and the Poodle.The best way to determine the temperament of a mixed breed is to look up all breeds in the cross and know you can get any combination of any of the characteristics found in either breed. Unfortunately, this gives them the disposition of being yappy – a character that is less than ideal for an apartment setting. We stood out in the parking lot of Wendy’s and filled out some paperwork. The same can be said for a Shih-Poo born with the Shih Tzu’s straight hair. This doesn’t mean walking only, as you should try to mix up his exercise to stimulate him mentally. Important to note that there is a constant reddish-brown discoloration evident at the breed’s lower inner eye corner, where the hairs are easily stained by the dog’s tears. This curly-haired breed comes in three sizes: Hailing from Germany (and not France as often thought), the Poodle may look incredibly regal, but he’s no ornament and requires a great deal of exercise every day to keep him from becoming bored. This dog is known to display happiness in the company of humans; its friendliness even extends to strangers. The Shih-Poo breed is irrefutably the cuddliest and most adorable designer dog around, sporting the beautiful froufrou hairstyle of the Poodle alongside the silky-smooth and straight coat of the stubborn Shih Tzu. Besides, the breed is known to display that “big dog” mentality, which grows from bad to worse, if not checked on time. She is absolutely the best dog I have ever owned and it is a pleasure to share life with her. Their sturdy bodies make them easily identifiable. When we got her home, we soon realized that the “neglect” had been “abuse”. Our guess is that whoever championed the crossbreeding project saw the need to address some issues evident in the Shih Tzu. The Lhasa Apso Shih Tzu Poodle Mix is a mixed breed dog resulting from breeding the Lhasa Apso, Shih Tzu and the Poodle. The cost of owning and caring for the shih tzu poodle mix is about $1,200 a year– this includes food, check ups, emergencies, and grooming. Watch this video and learn everything about the Poodle Shih Tzu mix. With its high intelligence level, the pup finds it easy to master exceptionally complex tasks, which is the primary reason they are widely used in circus performances, apart from their clownish looks and showmanship inside the rings. The resulting Shih-Poo is likely to be even shorter with one of its parents as a Toy Poodle. Recommendations are to start early as the Shih-Poo puppies would be more amenable. Not only does he rank as the second most intelligent dog breed, but he comes pretty high up on the list of goofiest dog breeds too! Grooming for the breed is quite tricky if your Shih-Poo comes with the curly or wavy coat of the Poodle, combing, and brushing can be rather difficult; however, constant grooming is compulsory to prevent your pooch’s curls from tangling.
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