There's lots of other moons, too - how many do you know? Another month, another full moon — but August 3's Full Sturgeon Moon is about to bring us some intense energy. On the morning of the full Moon on Monday, as morning twilight begins (at 5:06 AM for the Washington, DC area), the brightest of the visible planets, Venus, will appear about 25 degrees above the horizon in the east. Using this definition, summer was approximately the quarter of the year with the longest daily periods of daylight, with summer traditionally ending August 1st (the middle of our summer). On Tuesday at 4:55 PM EDT (2020-Jul-28 20:55 UTC), Near Earth Object (2020 OR4), between 20 and 45 meters (66 to 148 feet) across, will pass the Earth at 1.2 lunar distances traveling at 22.91 kilometers per second (51,250 miles per hour). For the Washington, DC area, Venus will rise about 4 degrees below the Moon in the east-northeast at 2:50 AM EDT, and the pair will appear about 30 degrees above the horizon in the east as morning twilight begins around 5:19 AM. The Full Sturgeon Moon arrives on Monday, Aug. 3, at 11:59 a.m. EDT (1559 GMT). They fall in love and neglect their duties, so the Goddess of Heaven puts a wide river in the sky, represented by the Milky Way, to keep them apart. Aug 1, 2020 On August 3rd, the Full Sturgeon Moon in Aquarius is happening. On Sunday morning, August 9, 2020, at 9:51 AM EDT, the Moon will be at apogee, its farthest from the Earth for this orbit. Let’s break down the energies, both astrologically and in terms of an animal totem. The next full Moon will be midday on Monday, August 3, 2020, appearing "opposite" the Sun (in Earth-based longitude) at 11:59 AM EDT. As summer continues, the daily periods of sunlight will continue to shorten. It is a diffuse object, so it is much easier to see when the sky is really dark, and this means the light of the waxing Moon will interfere with visibility. We all have challenges, resistances, and adversity in our lives. The rising of the Sturgeon Full Moon is best seen in the southeastern sky on Monday, August 3, 2020, and it will be stunning with its low hanging orange hues. NASA Official: If you happen to find yourself in a place with clear, dark skies, away from city lights, especially if there is no Moon in the sky and it is near or after midnight but before the sky starts to show any sign of dawn, keep a look out for meteors. Saturday is Lammas Day, a Christian holiday celebrated in some English-speaking countries that may have derived from earlier pagan celebrations. The best conditions for viewing near the peak would be if the weather is clear with no clouds or high hazes, you can find a place far from any light sources or urban light pollution, and you find a clear view of a wide expanse of the sky while still having something to block direct moonlight from affecting your night vision. With clear skies and a small telescope you should be able to see Jupiter's four bright moons, Ganymede, Callisto, Europa, and Io, shifting positions noticeably in the course of an evening. Hi, this is one of the words I … After August 5, Mercury will no longer rise before morning twilight begins. As usual, the wearing of suitably celebratory celestial attire is encouraged in honor of the full Moon. The Perseid meteor shower is caused by dust from the comet 109P/Swift-Tuttle entering our atmosphere at 59 kilometers per second (132,000 miles per hour). Antares will set before the Moon in the southwest Thursday morning at about 1:34 AM. Social Media Lead: Make a commitment to do so next time a challenging situation comes up. The sturgeon is among the most ancient fish, dating back to pre-dinosaurs roaming the planet; hence, their prehistoric bodies embody strength and a keen ability to survive. Dr. Lori Glaze Almost as bright as Mars, Mercury will appear only about 1 degree above the horizon in the east-northeast. The best conditions would be if the weather is clear with no clouds or high hazes, you can find a place that has a clear view of a wide expanse of the sky especially towards the south, and it is a place that is far from any light sources or urban light pollution. For the Washington, DC area, as evening twilight ends at 8:49 PM EDT, the Moon will appear in the south-southwest about 26 degrees above the horizon, and Antares will set first in the southwest at 11:48 PM. According to this almanac, as the full Moon in August and the second full Moon of Summer, the Algonquin tribes in what is now the northeastern USA called this the Sturgeon Moon after the large fish that were more easily caught this time of year in the Great Lakes and other major bodies of water. The Perseid meteor shower is expected to peak on Wednesday, August 12, 2020 (when we can't see them from the Americas). Blood moon: Also known as a total lunar eclipse. Full Moon in Leo 2021 | Step into the wind and shine your light by Bodhi Samuel, 2020’s Final Full Moon in Cancer : Adios 2020! This site is maintained by the Planetary Science Communications team at. Calculations of sunrise and sunset in Ashburn – Virginia – USA for February 2021. Credit: National Park Service Photo/Gary Cascio.| › Full image and caption. This occurs in early September. The other bright stars of the "Summer Triangle" are Deneb, which will appear about 50 degrees above the horizon in the east-northeast, and Altair, which will appear about 43 degrees above the horizon in the east-southeast. By the evening of September 1, 2020 (the evening just before the full Moon after next), as evening twilight ends (at 8:37 PM EDT for the Washington, DC area), the bright planet Jupiter and the fainter planet Saturn will appear in the south-southeast, with Jupiter to the right about 27 degrees above the horizon and Saturn on the left about 26 degrees above the horizon. As for other celestial events between now and the full Moon after next: Because it will be dimming as it moves away from the Earth, I'm mentioning Comet C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE) up front. The seventh night of the seventh month is known as the double seventh festival, Qixi in China, Chilseok in Korea, Thất Tịch in Vietnam, and is sometimes called the Chinese Valentine's Day. On Wednesday, the planet Venus will appear at its greatest separation from the Sun as seen from the Earth in the morning sky, called its greatest western elongation. The spacecraft was put into hibernation in February 2011. Energetically, the water from the vessel of Aquarius can be seen as washing away the past, providing room for fresh new beginnings. The Southern Delta-Aquariids are expected to peak on Wednesday, July 30, and remain active until August 23. This full Moon is in the middle of the sixth month of the Chinese calendar and Av in the Hebrew calendar. In North America, we also call the August full moon the Sturgeon Moon, Green Corn Moon or Grain Moon… The Next Full Moon is the Sturgeon Moon, the Green Corn Moon, the Raksha Bandhan Moon, Nikini Poya, and the end of the Esala Perahera festival. Its name comes from the tradition of catching large fish in the Great Lakes, which was easiest around this time of year. For the Washington, DC area, as evening twilight ends at 8:54 PM EDT, the Moon will appear in the west-southwest at about 15 degrees above the horizon. For the Washington, DC area, Pollux will rise in the northeast at 3:29 AM EDT and the pair will appear about 20 degrees above the horizon in the east-northeast as morning twilight begins at 5:20 AM. The next full Moon will be midday on Monday, August 3, 2020, appearing "opposite" the Sun (in Earth-based longitude) at 11:59 AM EDT. Site Manager: An orange glow radiates from the center of NGC 1792, the heart of this stellar furnace. On Saturday evening, the bright star appearing to the lower left of the waxing crescent Moon will be Spica. On Friday morning at 6:58 AM EDT, the Moon will be at perigee, its closest to the Earth for this orbit. In the Islamic calendar the months traditionally start with the first sighting of the waxing crescent Moon after the New Moon, although many Muslim communities now follow the Umm al-Qura Calendar of Saudi Arabia, which uses astronomical calculations to start months in a more predictable way. On Saturday night into Sunday morning, the bright planet Jupiter will appear above the waxing gibbous Moon with Saturn appearing to the left to form a triangle. The Moon will reach its highest in the sky for the night at 10:49 PM and Jupiter will set first in the west-southwest Sunday morning at 2:34 AM. The day of or the day after the New Moon typically marks the start of the new month for most lunisolar calendars. For the Washington, DC area, the Moon will rise in the east Saturday night at 11:04 PM EDT, with Mars appearing less than 3 degrees to the left of the Moon. By the day of the full Moon after next (Wednesday, September 2, 2020) morning twilight will begin at 5:39 AM, sunrise will be at 6:38 AM, solar noon will be at 1:07 PM when the Sun will reach its maximum altitude of 58.7 degrees, sunset will be at 7:36 PM, and evening twilight will end at 8:35 PM. Since its brightness might change depending upon how much gas and dust it gives off, it is hard to predict how many more evenings it might be visible by telescope. On August 3, 2020, there will be a beautiful Sturgeon Moon up in the celestial heavens. The very features that make the Perseverance landing site fascinating to scientists also make it a relatively dangerous place to touch down. Think of ways that you can navigate them with more grace. The rising of the Sturgeon Full Moon is best seen in the southeastern sky on Monday, August 3, 2020, and it will be stunning with its low hanging orange hues. Moody has lived in seven cities, including Sacramento, CA and Sturgeon Bay, WI. Under good viewing conditions this comet was a naked eye comet earlier in July. The Town Planner Calendar. Shown here is our icon in stand-alone format. We are deeply imprinted with generations and generations embodying the collective energy of the moon of the spirit of the sturgeon. The comet C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE), if it is still visible with amateur telescopes, will appear almost due west at about 35 degrees above the horizon (but since it is a diffuse object, you may want to look later in the night when the sky has had a chance to really darken). This full Moon is near the middle of Dhu al-Hijjah, the twelfth and final month of the Islamic year, a sacred month that is the month of the Hajj. The Next Full Moon is the Sturgeon Moon, the Green Corn Moon, the Raksha Bandhan Moon, Nikini Poya, and the end of the Esala Perahera festival. The 10-day celebration of Onam in Kerala, India, will begin on Saturday, August 22, and end on the day of the next full Moon on September 2, 2020. Meteor rates should increase as we get closer towards the peak on Wednesday morning, but the waning half-moon will rise in the east-northeast (at 12:24 AM EDT for the Washington DC area), and moonlight will make it harder to see the fainter meteors.
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