Here you can also find information about why you shouldn’t feed wildlife or try to assist an injured animal in your home. Each state has their own regulations for what pets can be brought in and which animals can be transported in and out. Several species are abundant throughout the state, and many can be found near suburban areas, as well as deep in the forest. However, a word of caution. Centers for Disease Control: Colorado Wool Growers Association: Colorado Sheep & Wool Authority. Pronghorn are the fastest land animals in North America, and they wander the prairies and sagebrush shrublands. The official definition of a domestic animal in Colorado is any animals which through long association with humans have been bred to a degree which has resulted in genetic changes affecting the color, temperament and conformation, or other attributes of the species to an extent that makes them unique and distinguishable from wild individuals of their species. Colorado: Kangaroos and Wallabies This is another frowny-face state if you are an exotic enthusiast. Hikers that get gored by these horns in remote places can face serious consequences, and in some cases, even death. Resources Barking Dogs Wildlife Concerns? United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Colorado Department of Agriculture Animal Health Division. Where Can I See Wild Animals in Colorado's National Parks? This state limits potentially hazardous animals. For a list of prohibited pets and wildlife in Colorado, as well as more information on why wild animals should stay wild, see the CPW’s Exotic Pets and Prohibited Wildlife brochure and visit their “Don’t Domesticate” webpage. Piranhas are another species that have been brought to Colorado and let loose, causing problems for native fish species. I AM NOT A LAWYER, AND THIS DOES NOT CONSTITUTE LEGAL ADVICE. But with a … Once livestock are moved into an approved tagging site, they’ll be officially identified to become Colorado residents. While you may feel very comfortable taking care of traditional pets, know that exotic animals are (literally) a different breed. 303-866-6725 You’ll need a Commercial Wildlife Park License to possess any native wildlife or exotic animals not on the unregulated wildlife list. Chapter 11 of the Colorado Code Regulations outlines the rules and requirements for exotic animals. Colorado hosts a wide array of species, including 750 species of vertebrate animals and tens of thousands of invertebrates, states LandScope. ), any disease-related mass deaths of livestock, or an event in which the state veterinarian determines that depopulation of animals is required, must be managed in a The term "Pet Animals" includes dogs, cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, mice, ferrets, birds, fish, reptiles, amphibians and invertebrates or any other species of wild or domestic or hybrid animal, except livestock. Currently, there are 33 animals that are considered domestic. Monkeys and other primates, exotic pigs, certain kinds of frogs, exotic bovids such as wildebeest, and ruminants like oryx, for example, are illegal to possess in Colorado. _____ 1.00 Definitions and Abbreviations A. behavioral-control device: any apparatus used … Sloths Transporting exotic animals always requires special considerations. These toads can grow to the impressive size of just over 7 inches long. Pet animals are allowed when there is a house on a property. In many cases, exotic animals that are allowed in one state or county cannot be moved to a new location. 6. Allowed uses may vary due to zoning and parcel size. Connecticut Exotic Pet Laws. Here is a list of 14 animals that are surprisingly legal to own in the US. This list of mammals of Colorado lists every wild mammal species seen in the U.S. state of Colorado, based on the list published by the Colorado Division of Wildlife. In fact, "human food" can stop a wild animal’s digestive system, causing it to get sick and die. But you'd have to remove their scent glands, the skunk's best line of defense against predators. Most animals that fall into the livestock category will need an entry permit. What do they look like? Species in this list are grouped by order and then by family within each order. Fortunately, our moving bovines didn’t have to go through an identification process when we moved into Colorado. You can find the entire list in section 1103 Section A of the Code of Colorado Regulations. See this information from CPW on why you should never turn a pet or lab animal loose. Your vet can use the Online Permitting System(OPS),or they can be obtained through the Colorado State Veterinarian’s Office. The 12 most dangerous animals found in Colorado Spencer McKee; May 17, 2017 May 17, 2017 ... they mind their own business. In Colorado, you can obtain a death certificate if you are related to the deceased person or if you can prove that you have a legal interest in the death certificate. They usually have olive green skin (but it can be brownish as well) with a white underbelly. Back to Animals. Professional grounds for ownership – commercial, exhibition, conservation, scientific – exist in Wisconsin, Illinois, Ohio, New Mexico and South Dakota, as well as in most of the states that outlaw private ownership. Wildlife can carry disease, and they can become frightened, destructive, and even harmful to humans. You can also own a possum, a sugar glider, and a hedgehog if you like. Code of Colorado Regulations 1 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Animal Industry Division RULES AND REGULATIONS PERTAINING TO THE ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT OF THE PET ANIMAL CARE AND FACILITIES ACT 8 CCR 1201-11 [Editor’s Notes follow the text of the rules at the end of this CCR Document.] Where to See Elk in Rocky Mountain National Park. To get a permit, you’ll need the assistance of a veterinarian. This list includes lions, tigers, ocelots, wolves, primates, and poisonous reptiles. If you need more information or an answer to a specific question about livestock, wildlife or domestic animals, the resources below are a great starting point. That being said, if they feel threatened they might charge. Wildlife are a “public resource” so cannot be owned by individuals, according to Colorado Parks & Wildlife (CPW), and it’s for the animals’ own good. Wildlife Breeder's License required to own exotic animals. Original Source:, USDOT: 1748594TxDMV NO: 006362543CMOTOR CARRIER: 640166 TxDMVCO PUC MOVER PERMIT NO: HHG-00479TxDMV Toll Free: 1.888.368.4689, Chapter 11 of the Colorado Code Regulations, If you’re a pet owner who’s moving to Denver – or anywhere else in Colorado for that matter – there are a few rules you need to know before loading everything up. You can also call the crew at Square Cow Movers for information on transporting pets. Exceptions can be granted by a property owner. If you're looking for a something a little "out of ordinary" for a pet, you've come to the right place! Ownership and importation of exotic (non-native) animals is also prohibited in some cases and restricted in others. Banned animals range from the more obvious—lions, tigers, bears, wolves—to the obscure, such as mongooses (prohibited in Alabama) and the raccoon dog (banned in both South Dakota and Kentucky).